๐…๐€๐“๐„ | BWWM โบยนโธ โœ“

็”ฑ erotic_scarlett

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A hand land on the back of my neck turning me around "don't turns your fucking back on me" he growls in my fa... ๆ›ดๅคš



11.3K 418 130
็”ฑ erotic_scarlett

Hello to the loveliest people of the world.

3k guys I'm so happy thank you so much for giving this book a chance I really hope I won't disappoint you guys 🤞🏾

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I'm woken up by Maria shaking me "hijita wake up now" I groan opening my eyes a bit before dozing off again "Juri por Dios if you don't get up now I will throw water on you" I whine getting up I need more sleep.

Why is Maria here so early anyway ? I look at the clock to see that it's actually 1pm , I can't believe I sleep that much without Lio coming to wake me up.

When I'm done with my morning routine I go downstairs to smell the amazing food Maria is cooking . I go behind her and kiss her "I'm so hungry" I groan
"Have some manners Oma" I pout and join Lio and Sandro sitting at the counter , Maria makes everyone act like her child , it's so funny seeing the big and bad Alessandro sitting and waiting like a little kid

He narrow his eyes at me but I just smile and sit down next to Aurelio who kisses me on the cheek.
"Where is Aunty Abby ?" I ask him but he shrug
"Micheal came to pick her up" the voice of Alessandro makes me look up at him and nod.

Maria serve us and sit with us to eat , I want to ask her if there's something between her and Alphonso but Alessandro is here so I have to bite my tongue.
"Hurry up Oma we have to get you ready" I frown , I thought she was here for a little visit but apparently not "get me ready for what ?" I look at Alessandro

"The gala is tonight" he says making my mouth open in understanding , I don't know I really thought that I wouldn't go .
I mean knowing that press would be there and people who where also at the wedding which means they have surely seen the footage, all of a sudden I feel my chest tightening, I get up abruptly and go to my room.

As soon as I close the door panic comes to me completely, I collapse in front of the door . All of a sudden I see heads judging me and camera flashes reminding me that I don't belong in the world of Alessandro. I can already hear the sneers and disdain remarks that would be thrown my way .

I hear the knock on my door I pull myself together and take a deep breath before opening the door and letting Alessandro in.
He comes and frown when he sees my face and his finger swipe the little tear in the corner on my eyes.
"You don't have to go you know" he murmurs putting both of his hands on my cheeks softly .

I nod putting my hands on his wrists "Sorry I didn't want to leave like that" he nods taking a step back , "I know it's not ideal for you so if you want we can postpone the day I'll show Aurelio to the world" him recognizing Lio is a big step , it implies that my son is the Guerrero's next heir to their legacy .

"No it's better to do it now , rip the bandage off directly" I say while we get out of the room and walk towards the living room where Maria and Lio are playing .
She looks up at us and smile fondly "Okay me and Lio have to go , Maria I leave her in your care"  Maria nod excitedly like a little girl who's about to dress her favorite doll "no te preocupes she's in good hand" Alessandro nods then picks up Aurelio before getting out of the room he kiss me on the forehead startling me .

He used to that.... Before all this , it was kind of our ritual I always wanted some type of kiss before he'll goes on his day but now what does it mean now ?
Maybe I am thinking too much into things maybe he did it out of instinct and there's no meaning to it.

"Stop thinking so much about a little kiss and let's get you ready" Maria says smacking my bum , I yelp and follow her sulking.
I thought we would go out but no she just guide me in one of the rooms Several dresses are on a banner, a mirror with a desk where there is plenty of extended makeup and a high chair , damn they really giving me the full experience huh ?

"Maria I don't think I need all this" I say motioning to the room "Oh really and what are you going to wear cause I know there's not a single thing in your closet" I look away "why is your closet not full Oma and don't tell me it's because the money is not yours"

Well it is not mine

"Who's name is on the card" she ask me but I look at her confused "well Ale-"
"Dios mio the card is yours ! Therefore the money is yours !"
What ? "Why would he do that ?" She watches me like I've grown two heads "you really are clueless" she sigh shaking her head

"anyway these people" she claps her hands and three person enter the room "are here to enhance your beauty"
"Maria youd o know that I couldve do all of this alone right" I whisper in her ears , I don't why Alessandro would accept to waste that much money on me .

"Look I understand that you want to fight this but I want you to understand that you are the next Guerrero's matriarch" I scoff  "you know I am right and if you really think Alessandro will ever let you go you're delusional"

yeah right , even though there's an obvious attraction between us , I don't think Alessandro would choose to be with me like that, if it weren't for the contract last time he would've never even took a glance my way

"And if not for Alessandro you're still Aurelio's mom and as the mother of a Guerrero you have to act like your on top of the world , let your son understand his status by the way you act" she finishes sternly and I nod .

"So the dress , by the way this is Udaya she's the best stylist out here and these are Amara and Iris they will be in charge of your hair and makeup" I nod to them all "thank you for taking care of me" all of them beams at me "our pleasure darling" Udaya says taking my hand and twirling me "you have a fantastic body I can't wait to see the dresses on you !"

I blush looking down , I still don't do well with compliments given I never received any when I was a child .

"So I was thinking maybe something soft colored , Oma actually loves white right ?" Maria says so excitedly that I don't want to tell her that it was because my parents thought Alessandro would like me more in those colors.

"Uhm actually if I am going to play the parts you want me to" I narrow my eyes teasingly at her before looking at Udaya "I was thinking something black something bold and sexy but without doing too much ... if that means anything" I chuckle nervously

"Revenge dress kind of vibe yeah I totally see it" Maria says clapping her hands like a child "You're going to be gorgeous and will left them speechless"
"You're coming too right" I ask her , she's talking about me but why shouldn't she also go after she's like a mother to Alessandro.

"Me ? Of course not don't be silly" I frown while taking of my clothes "why though ?" It's not like she works for them now , she's still in their circle and she's practically Alessandro's second mother so it makes sense for her to go .
"It's not my place" she says sadly

Maybe I should drop it but I am way too curious for my own good "Is it because there's something going on between you and Alphonso?" She freeze her eyes widening "d-don't say that Omarosa !" She stutter blushing making us laugh , I stand on the  little podium while Udaya brings the first gown.

"Oh please I saw the way he looked at you the other day" the way he eyes shined when it landed on Maria said everything, he doesn't even looks at his own wife the same way "I- you're imagining things"

"Well just so you know I ship whatever is happening between you two"
She narrow her eyes "hijita hush don't say things like that he's married" she brush me off but I notice her blush and I narrow my eyes

"she's a bitch Maria I hope he'll divorce her ass and marry you instead you'd make such a power couple" she roll her eyes and I look at the first dress on me , it fits right but it's not quite what I want "so not what you want right"

Udaya says I am about to ask her how she knows "I wouldn't be where I am today if I didn't know how to read my clients face" I smile nodding and she goes to take another one .

I turn to Maria who seem to be in deep thought "thinking about the handsome Alphonso ?" I tease and she shakes her head sadly "he would never divorce her and he's not a cheater n-not that I would accept anyway lets focus on you" I don't say anything else noticing that it makes her more sad than anything.

I try a few others gown after finding the one I really like "okay so it's not really fit on your waist since it's small I am going in my workplace to do the needed work and I'll be back in an hour"

"Please don't be late Udaya there's only 5 hours left now" Maria says worried , one thing about the Guerrero's is that they hate tardiness.

"Chill Maria we still have time" I say sitting on the chair , Amara and I decided to take my braids out and to do a bun on my hair , I decide to trust Iris for the makeup .

4 hours later I am finally ready and I am just waiting for the dress which amuse me but stresses Maria , Udaya is a black woman of course she's late.

Udaya came in running "I'm so sorry here it is !"
I put on the dress and it fits me perfectly, I can't wait to see Alessandro reaction , I know I shouldn't care but I look gorgeous and I want his reaction , blame me.

I walk down the stairs seeing Aurelio and Alessandro waiting for me in suits and it just melt my heart , their hair is styled in the same which brings out their similarities even more.

"Wooow mummy you're so pretty" my son compliments when I reach , normally I would've kneel in front of him but my waist is so snatched right now that I am not even sure how I will sit "you look so handsome too baby" he blushes and takes me in a hug I take that time to look at Alessandro and see that he's already looking at me.

"You're...." He swallow hardly making me smile "you're perfect Rose , beautiful" I blush taking a step closer to him and tightening his tie "you don't look too bad yourself" I whisper to him and maybe I'm mistaken but I think there's a faint blush on his cheeks, he clear his throat and lead us outside.

"Luis is not driving us ?" I ask turning to him to see that his eyes were on my ass , I narrow my eyes but he only smirk and readjust his pant , thank god Lio was already in the car "you're insufferable" he chuckle and kiss my cheek "it's your fault you know stop looking so good all the time and maybe my dick will behave" I am not even surprised by his crude words so I follow him and he opens the car door for me .

We arrive in front of the castle where the press is already installed, I see people taking pictures and I take breath "we'll get out when you're ready" Sandro says to me and I turn my head to him , why is so handsome I want to lean in and kiss him but instead I turn to my son who's in awe in front of the castle , thinking about it Lio never felt overwhelmed by all this wealth around him it makes me realize how much he's made for this world "let's go" I nod to him .

As soon as we get out of the car the flashes blinds us we walk towards the entree giving that Alessandro never poses for the press "Mr Guerrero isn't this the woman who cheated on you ?!"
The flashes of cameras intensifies directly towards us.

Alessandro freeze and turns around but I pull on his hand to gain his attention "you don't need to make a scene for me Sandro let's go inside" I say confidently even though on the inside I'm already crumbling but I still held my head high .

I take a flute of champagne and sip it , I look at Lio the wondering if he's still okay but his head is held high and coldly just like his dad I hear heels coming our way and looks up to see my best friend in a beautiful pink gown

"Bitch !" She takes me in a quick hug and release me again to watch me "you look so fuckable right Alessandro ?" She jokes but Alessandro nods watching me with a heated gaze .

"You talk about me but girl ! Your so fucking gorgeous" I make her twirl around while Alessandro comes closer to me and whisper in my ears "I am going to see some clients you'll be good on your own ?" I nod and he walks off with Lio squeezing his hand and Micheal on their trail.

Abby and I decide to go wait at the bar since we literally don't know a single person here "what can I serve two beautiful ladies?" The bartender says in a charming tone "one martini and one sex on the beach" Abby says giving him a flirtatious smile , this girl I swear every occasion is good to make a man fall for her.

The bartender hands us our drink and we turn around to look at the crowd in here , I recognize some faces but we were never acquaintances.
My eyes land on Alessandro who's talking to a woman , I squint my eyes and recognize Olivia, something inside boil at seeing them together this close she's laughing at something he said and putting her hands on his arm.

Why isn't he pushing her away ? Did something happened between them when I was away ? Why do I even care ? I turn around and swallow my drink "someone's jealous" my friend chants next to me "I'm not" I obviously lie , I have no right to be jealous
"Oh oh" Abby says and I turn around again to be in front of Olivia, I groan internally for what's coming

"I see your still the gold digging bitch you were Cate , you didn't manage to get what you wanted from Ale so you had to come back with a child"
I laugh from nerve I really hate this bitch
"I see your still the same bitch who's obsessed with someone who doesn't want you" I step discretely on her "don't you ever talk about my son again Olivia or you'll regret it"

She's obviously shocked to see that I talked back , in the past I let people walked over me because my parents told me that Alessandro wouldn't like a girl who talks back , I can't believe they told me to always held my head low .
But being a single mother in a new country will definitely toughen anyone up.

"Let's go somewhere else Abby this place is reeking of bad taste" I sass as I look her up and down, she's wearing a blue dress that suit her blonde hair it's not something I'd wear but I guess it's suits her personality.

"Oh my god Cat you killed that I'm so proud of you , me personally I would've slapped her but you're a classy bitch and I respect that" I roll my eyes even though I am smiling from ear to ear.

Someone clear his throat behind me and I turn around to see Micheal smiling at us "Alessandro is about to do his speech"
Then we go back to the main room and take our seats Alessandro makes his entrance on the podium and no more noise is heard in the room it's fascinating to see how this man can pull the attention of everyone on him by just standing there.

"Good evening to all thank you for having come again many to the charity gala that my dear mother organized" she gets up and wave at everyone who's applauding her "do not worry I will not take too much of your time after all you are here for the auctions that will take place in a short moment."

"Many people speculated that our empire would die after me, after all the legacy of the Guerrero has always been for the first born of the family and I guess I am not getting any younger now" the crowd laugh lightly "Some of our biggest partners are also worried to put their business into the hand of someone who's not a Guerrero"

"Well tonight I would like to allay the anxiety of some by introducing you Aurelio Milo Guerrero , my son" The gasp in the room is general and while I look at my cute little boy who's walking on the stage , Alessandro arranges the microphone to be at his level "Hello everyone it's a pleasure to meet you all" he says proudly just like his dad who's smiling fondly at him.

I couldn't be prouder

I hope you enjoyed it
I'm so proud of our little prince he's becoming a big boy

And the way Omarosa stood up for herself I was like 'that's my fucking girl !!'

Tell me what you think I love reading comments .

Question Of The Day :
If you could be any fictional character who would it be ?

Personally I think it would be Erza from Fairy Tail she's a badass I want to be strong like she is. Or maybe Blair from Gossip Girl 🤔

Have a fabulous day wherever you are love


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