The Juniors - The Villains of...

By indroves

9.5K 300 226

The Juniors are a group of villains who look surprisingly like a family. One day, the aftermath of a mission... More

ONE / "It All Started When..."
TWO / "We Should Settle Then..."
THREE / "Friends... Friendly?"
FOUR / "Student of the Semester"
FIVE / "KUWTSuperVillains"
SIX / "Rulebook"
SEVEN / "Window Shopping"
EIGHT / "Thicc as Thieves"
NINE / "Fingers in Action"
TEN / "Perspectives, Take Two"
ELEVEN / "Dr. Coloss- Er, Colossacon!"
TWELVE / "Puck, Stick... Pucker Up"
THIRTEEN / "Kind of Like a Cavity"
FOURTEEN / "Missing Piece"
FIFTEEN / "13, 1, 4, 4, 5, 14, 19"
SIXTEEN / "Totally Not Pointless"
SEVENTEEN / "...Is Bliss "
EIGHTEEN / "Family Reunion"
NINETEEN / "Crossed Wrists"
TWENTY / "New iPhone Update Be Like"
T. ONE / "Solving for X"
T. TWO / "um um um"
T. THREE / "Saturday"
T. FOUR / "Wake Me Up When Saturday Ends"
T. FIVE / "The Villains Of Valley View"
T. SIX / "revelations"
T. SEVEN / "What it's come to"
Guys ignore that

T. TWO / "x=5"

49 5 0
By indroves

this, everybody, is officially my worst chapter yet.
but it's okay, it gets better

I rewrote the ending because I literally changed the plot from here to the next chapter 💀
It's a damn mess and I am so sorry y'all. As of rn, the storyline for the next chapter is the actual one yk. If you read the original forget abt it!!!


I DITCHED Amy and Hartley without even thinking about it. I had to confront the boy.

Gordon Suzuki didn't seem like a threat. And there was absolutely nothing I did that should've led to anyone finding out I was Cyber. Not even my own girlfriend knows.

There was one name boiling in my brain: Jaxon. It was all his fault, and there was no way around it. Gordon must have found out that Jaxon was Justice. And this of course led to him obviously realizing that our entire "family" are villains.

Sure I was pissed off at him, but Gordon Suzuki had a death wish, and I was about to genie my way into his life.

I glanced at my phone, reading 5:15. His club should be gone by now. Even the sunshine club had cleared out more than a half hour ago.

That's when I caught him, straightening his jacket, walking out the bathroom.

My fingers twitched, feeling the familiar edges of my cyber chips. I felt my face harden. "Gordon!" I demanded, yelling his name.

He turned to me, mouth wide open.  His gaze shifted from my hands up to my eyes.

I was suddenly aware that I was still manifesting my chips. Shaking my head, I let my powers die down. Instead I reached into my back pocket and pulled out the note.

I held it up, approaching him quickly. "What the hell is this?" He tried backing up, but I was faster. Now we were standing only inches apart.

"H-hey just— just calm down," he said. I watched as he gulped, apprehension evident on his face.

What did he expect to happen? As one of the best villains in the country, I should obviously be able to hold my own. I don't see why he would ignore that. "What the hell did you expect from this, Gordon? Hm? A death wish?"

"No, I thought you were cooler than this! I thought you were cool!"

My body processes stilled. Taking a few seconds to think about this, I was still lost for words. Leading me to embarrassingly asking, "What?"

"Look, Cyber--"

My eyes widened. I threw my hand over his mouth and placed a finger over my own lips. "Watch it," I warned. I can't help but look around even though nobody else is here.

He put his hands up in surrender, causing me to take a single step back. "Look, Josie. I'm just really observant. And I thought I shouldn't keep it from you that I know who you are."

"And how do you know who I am?"

"Because I knew you before."

A frown quickly settled on my face. "You're gonna need to explain yourself--"

So Gordon sighed. I watched as he pulled down his eyelids, causing me to grimace, before my face hardened. Suddenly, the white in his eyes turned black. A layer of red scopes geared up in his once brown eyes.

I almost gag at the look of it before realizing how familiar it is. "What the— Marines?" I asked, as he was someone I knew the League. I mean, his dad actually: Marines Man. I've never seen the teenager's face in the League before but I guess that's kind of the point. Then again, almost everyone knows everyone if they're willing. Of course, in some groups it's harder, like for me being in the Juniors and certain villain families.

Marines never showed his eyes because the scopes implanted in them improved his sight I guess. And the eyes are the window to the soul or whatever. Not only that, but just like his father, he was incredibly good at staying under the radar. I guess I know why I didn't remember him being in my class before.

"Nice to see you again, Cyber. Onyx sent me."

"F- for me? Did I do something?" Okay, I obviously have. I've used my powers out in the open. I've fallen for a normo.  I've feigned ignorance of Onyx's messages after Jaxon told me about them. But other than all that, I should still be one of Onyx's favorites! Not that I care, but he's my boss and all, and a raise is a raise.

"No. Onyx didn't tell me about the mission you're all working on now. But he did want me to tell you to keep working your angle."

What angle? I felt the frown on my face, so I immediately hid it behind a smile. "Glad I'm making him happy." I have no fucking clue what he's talking about.

"However, Jaxon..."

"Oh, I fucking knew it." I couldn't help but turn around. I felt like punching something, but that would hurt, two negatives don't make a positive unless you're multiplying them, but in any other case--

"Yeah. I'm also here to keep an eye on him."

I frowned again. "Wait, I don't get it. You're in my class. Not Jaxon."

"Cyber, I have four classes with him. The work is way too easy, by the way."

I chuckled, "Yeah, then explain his C+."

Marines chuckled, dropping his head. I like him much better now that he's not some annoying normo teenage boy. "In the meantime, Onyx wants him to stop using his powers."

"Yeah, that's really for Lawmaker to handle..."

"Well, she hasn't, with all due respect."

Marines is such an interesting villain. He was born into a super villain family, but he outgrew them years ago.

I guess now he goes around infiltrating high schools whatever. To be the leader of a club and have class with me but for me to never realize it... well that's scarily impressive.

"Look I wanted to warn you. Sorry about the scare... I know you weren't expecting all of this."

I nod once, but his eyes are still freaking me out. "If you promise to put those away, I will let this all be water under the bridge."

Gordon or Marines or whatever it is now, his eyes go back to normal with a small smile.

"So, see you in algebra tomorrow?"

I return the smile with a small nod.

He lets out a chuckle, and when he finally turns to walk away, I let my eyes go as wide as they've been trying to.

A huge puff of air leaves my lips as I start running out the school, looking over my shoulder a few times to make sure he really was walking away.

This... this is not good for so many reasons. The only thing I can think of is home as I regret not bringing my bike to school.

Alright let's just hope no one actually rmbs the original 💀
For anyone confused, everything forward from Josie confronting Gordon was changed. It's much better now and I'm so glad I didn't give in to my laziness and not rewrite the whole thing.
Thank you all!

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