⪦↞⊣Electric boy⊢↠⪧

By 0kk3_weebvibes09

2.4K 54 3

+ A Descendants 2 story In which a boy most people don't know excists meets two boys who will change his life... More

⇠«New friends»⇢
⇠«Hide and seek»⇢


201 4 0
By 0kk3_weebvibes09

Harry jumbed down so he would be on the same level as Harvey and Ben, who were now tied to the mast of the ship. He first walked over to Ben and slightly tickled him with his hook, mocking the King. "Coochy, coochy, coo~ How's it feel to be the King now, eh?" He walked around the mast to Harvey's side and tilted the boy's chin up with his hook so Harvey would look him in the eyes. Harry was about to say something but Uma walked up to them which caused Harry to take a step back. "Give it a rest, Harry. Give it a rest. We don't want damaged goods." Uma scolded him. "You said i could hook him." Harry pouted. "I said, at noon!" Uma barked back. Harry pulled out his pocket-watch and held it in front of Harvey's face, swinging it from left to right. "20 more minutes." Harry said in a sing-song voice. Harvey looked at the watch and his face scrunched up in confusion."That says 11.30, dumbass" He stated, looking Harry dead in his eyes. "Ah.." Harry sighed in embarrassment. 'Dumb pirate.' Harvey thought to himself, a little amused, he had to admit. "You better hope your little sister comes through, Harvey." "Tch, ofcourse she would come for me and Ben." Harvey scoffed with a roll of his eyes. "Leave them alone Harry" Uma rolled her eyes. "Actually, no, take Harvey with you, wherever you're going. You might find out something interesting if you try hard enough. Isn't that right, Vee?" Uma mocked Harvey. "Fuck you, Uma!" He realized what she was doing. Harry walked up to him once again and cut the rope loose, dragging Harvey over to Gil and together the three of them went below deck again, just like a few hours ago. "Hey harvey, you hungry?" Gil asked with a sweet voice, offering Harvey one of the yolks he was holding, "Eh..No." Harvey eyed Gil as if the pirate would poison him. "Why are you being so nice to me?" He asked with a gruff voice, trying not to sound too harsh. "Oh, uhm.. Well, I just- I don't know.. I- I was just.." Gil was searching his brain for an answer but came up with none. If Harry and Harvey didn't know any better they would've swore they saw a blush forming on Gil's face. But lucky for Gil, they did know better and shrugged it off. 

Harry looked at his pocket watch again and this time he took the time to read it properly. He realized it was almost time, only 10 more minutes, so he started walking up the stairs dragging Gil along, right before Gil was out of sight he broke himself free from Harry's grip, who in turn looked at him questioningly. Gil turned around to see Harvey already looking back at him.
"Hey Harvey..? You're pretty cool, for a child of Maleficent's." Gil smiled at the boy. "You think so?" Harvey couldn't help the way his heart melted upon seeing Gil's adorable expression. After a second of staring they both averted their gazes to hide their bright red cheeks and Gil resumed climbing the stairs with Harry next to him him. "What the hell was that?" Harry quietly mumbled to himself.

When there was only five minutes left before the trade Gil was ordered to get Harvey from below deck. So the pirate quickly ran down and popped up on deck a second later with Harvey in his grasp. He quickly tied the taller boy up, making sure Harvey was stood next to Ben. After that Gil quickly went to his spot in the ropes to look out for any sign of Mal and her little gang. It didn't take long for him to spot them and when he did he shouted down to alert to others. Then he eventually climbed down too, to stand with the crew.

"Welcome!" Harry shouted out.
Uma walked to stand in front of him, "Finally!"
"Let's get this party started. I swear I'm cold hearted."
Harry pushed Ben and Harvey towards the plank hanging above the water and Harvey started panicking, 'Shit, shit, shit. This can't be happening. Why did I, the one that can't swim, have to be kidnapped? Oh God, if I hit that water I'm so dead.' He ranted in his mind.
"there's no negotiation. I'm not here for debatin'. You need some motivation? Just look at Harvey's face, then ask yourself how long you think I'll remain patient. I'll thrown them both overboard and let them swim with killer sharks. You either hand over the wand, or they'll be ripped apart." Uma sang.
That was Mal's last straw.
"Now let's all just be smart. Altough, for you that must be hard. You'll get your want, no one has to come to any harm. Don't try to intimidate. Your bark is much worse then you're bite. Who's the baddest of them all? I guess we're finding out tonight!"
Uma's crew started singing all-together, "Let's go, bring it on, better give us what we want. It's the wand for the crown, if you don't it's going down."
Now it was Mal and her gang's turn, "Let's go make your move. Peace or war it's up to you. Give him up and do it now, if you don't it's going down."
"We want, the want, or else the King is gone. You're time is running out, you should really watch your mouth."
"Let's go, pound for pound, we're prepared to stand our ground. Put your swords up, put 'em up, it's going down."

"Yo-oh, ho-oh, oh-oh.
Make the trade!
Yo-oh, ho-oh, oh-oh.
Or walk the plank!
Yo-oh, ho-oh, oh-oh.
Make the trade!
Yo-oh, ho-oh, oh-oh.
Or walk the plank!"
"Okay, look, this is not a conversation. This is a do-or-die situation. If you don't give me back the king and my brother, I'll have no hesitation! I'll serve you right here. And i don't need a reservation. That way your whole 'Pirate crew' can have a demonstration. Release them now, and we can go our seperate ways. Unless you wanna deal with me, and the VK's."
By now Harry had walked over and stood at Uma's side, prepared to step in if needed.
"So that's your big speech huh? An empty ultimatum?" Uma sang.
Harry joined in now, "All it takes is one swing, and I'll humiliate them! Matter of fact, make one wrong move, and I'll debilitate 'em. And if they even start to slip, I'll eliminate 'em! All it takes is one wrong look, and I'll-" but Uma cut him off,
"Harry, we get it. Chill."
"Let's go, bring it on, better give us what we want. It's the wand for the crown, if you don't it's going down."
"Let's go make your move. Peace or war it's up to you. Give him up and do it now, if you don't it's going down."
"We want, the want, or else the King is gone. Your time is running out, you should really watch your mouth."
"Let's go, pound for pound, we're prepared to stand our ground. Put your swords up, put 'em up, it's going down." each of the gangs sang in turn again until Ben caught their attention.
"Hey! We don't have to choose. We don't have to light the fuse."
"Mal, whatever you do, it's gonna be a lose-lose. There's gotta be a better way.."
Harvey joined in.
"Uma, I promise, I'll give you your chance, you'll have your say" Ben finished, but Uma was having none of it and snapped back, "Silly king, you, give me? You're gonna give me a chance? Well not a chance!"
"Yo-oh, ho-oh, oh-oh.
Make the trade!
Yo-oh, ho-oh, oh-oh.
Or walk the plank!
Yo-oh, ho-oh, oh-oh.
Make the trade!

Yo-oh, ho-oh, oh-oh.
Or walk the plank!"

Mal stepped forward with the wand in her hands, but Uma was slightly skeptical. "Hold up. Mm. Too easy. Why don't you give it a test drive? We wanna see it work." she said. "You always were quite the drama queen." Mal taunted. "Oh, and nothing too big or else Ben is fish bait and Harvey's excistence won't be hidden from the rest of the world anymore." Uma threatened. At the same time Harry grabbed Ben by the back of his jacket and pushed him forwards, leaning him above the water. Mal turned to Dude and casted a fake spell to make him talk, which he already could, but Uma didn't have to know that. When Mal told the dog to talk Dude decided to say something funny that caused all the pirates to laugh out loud. Uma turned to Mal. "Give me the wand!" She demanded. "Give me Ben and Harvey!" Mal shouted back. Uma paused and looked at Mal for a second before calling out to Harry and Gil. "Harry, Gil! The king and our little friend." She ordered as she glared at Mal. Harry and Gil quickly did as they were told and when they were next to Uma she pushed the two boys to their knees. Gil put a hand on Harvey's shoudler, causing the boy to look up to him. Gil gave him a small smile with an emotion in his eyes that Harvey couldn't quite describe, so instead of thinking too much about it he gave the pirate a small smile back. Harry looked over to the boy on the ground too, but after a second just looked at Uma again, waiting for her command. "Oh, cut him loose, Harry." Harry sighed. "I never get to have any fun." He whined causing Harvey and Gil to stiffle a few giggles. Uma and Mal made the trade cautiously and the pirate crew started cheering loudly while Ben and Harvey quickly stumbled to their friends' sides. "Ben, Harvey. Go!" One of them shouted at them, trying to make the two get out of here as fast as possible. Ben complied but Harvey hesistated. He looked over his shoulder in hopes of catching a glimpse of the two pirates he had secretly grown fond of. He quickly met their gazes and gave them a hurried grin and salute before continuing and catching up with Ben. Behind him he heard Uma casting a spell and then the sound of wood snapping, meaning Uma had most likely figured out it was a trick. When they reached Mal she took a defensive step forwards, placing the boys behind her with a small shove. But Harvey accdentally tripped over a pair of ropes and fell to the ground with a groan. He quickly heaved himself up again by gripping Ben's arm for support though, this was no time for distractions.  "You do not get to win every time!" Uma looked furious when she began screaming, and though he would never admit it out loud, Harvey actually pitied the girl upon hearing her despair. Jay pushed over a barrel with swords so everyone could grab one and he threw one to Harvey who easily catched it. Carlos fired his colorful smoke-bombs but they didn't keep the pirates at bay for long. Harvey's first opponent went down easily, as did the second. But then he saw Harry and Jay fighting to his right and on the left were Ben and Gil. It seemed like Ben could use some help while Jay was handling himself just finel, so he went over to Ben and Gil. On his way over he heared a splash and looked down to see Harry in the water. He barked out a laugh in amusement, getting distracted. That was his first mistake. Because while he got distracted he hadn't noticed Uma running over. When he turned around he was able to lift his sword just in time to block Uma's attack, clashing their swords together. But because of the impact Harvey tripped backwards, and seeing as he was already stood on the edge of one of the small bridges he had no time to grab a hold of the railings. Uma reached forward to grab Harvey's arm and stop him from falling in, knowing the boy couldn't swim, but she only grazed Harvey's flannel. "Harvey!" She screeched out with wide eyes, everything seemed to go in slow-motion. Mal heard Uma's alarmed scream so she looked back to see what was going on and catched a glimpse of Harvey falling into the water with a splash. "Shit! Vee!" she started running over, ignoring the battle around her for the time being. Gil, who was nearby, also saw what happened and looked around in worry. He heard Harvey struggling in the water and spotted Harvey near one the shore, already soaked. He shouted at the pirate to catch his attention. "Harry! He can't swim!" Gil alarmed his friend.

Meanwhile Harvey was trashing around, slowly being dragged under the surface by the weight of his clothes and his inability to swim. He tried desperatly to keep his head above the water but it was already getting hard to breathe. After a second he inhaled the sea-water and when he tried coughing it out only  more water rush down his throat. He sank further down, quicker than before and soon he was fully under water. He felt his body go limp now. When he was just about to give up completely he saw a blurry figure approaching him but he couldn't make out what it was. His mind was hazy and his vision blurry. The last thing he felt was something grabbing his arm and then his eyes fell closed.

"Give me your knife." Mal ordered from Uma, who didn't dare put up a fight in that moment since she knew this was all her fault. "I'm sorry, Vee." Mal whispered to her brother with guilt filling her stomach. Tears were staining her cheeks as she took of the boy's flannel and with shaking hands she brought the knife to his tanktop. She started cutting through it, revealing Harvey's bare torso. There were two large visible scars on his chest, they seemed pretty recent too. Gil audibly gasped before shutting his eyes and turning around, making sure to grab Harry's arm in the process to turn the other around too. Harry hadn't noticed the scars though, he wasn'r really focusing on Harvey's chest anyways, so he was pretty confused by the whole situation. "What the hell is up with you?" He snapped at Gil. "Not now." Gil looked at him. Mal was leaning down to listen to Harvey's heartbeat and to see if he was breathing again, and it seemed luck was on her side because within seconds Harvey opened his eyes and spluttered water out. Gil and Harry automatically turned around and kneeled beside the boy to help him. They made sure Harvey was sitting upright so he could cough the remaining water out of his lungs. When Harvey regained his breath he took the time to look around. He locked eyes with Mal, who for some reason looked at him with guilt. He frowned when he felt goosebumps spreading across his body because of the cold water on his skin. And then he realized. He realized why Mal looked at him like a kicked puppy. He only had half of his clothes on anymore. His tanktop and flannel lay discarded at Mal's feet. Suddenly he became very self-concious and crossed his arms over his bare chest. He frowned at Mal and Uma, dread filling his stomach. Mal jerked her head towards Gil and Harry, Harvey following her movements with his eyes. When he became fully aware of his surroundings his eyes widened almost comically. Harry was looking at him weirdly while Gil was also looking at him but with another look in his eyes. Harvey automatically assumed the pirate duo put two and two together and were disgusted with him because they kept staring at him so he averted his gaze with a gulp. He felt tears rising in his eyes as he scrambled to Mal to put his flannel back on so as to cover his torso. Then he stood up and glared at Mal. "I know- I know, okay? But I didn't think you'd have- I thought you would still be wearing a.. I really didn't know, Vee.. I thought you would die and I had to do something, I couldn't just stand by and watch! If I had known.." She ranted as she took a hold of Harvey's arms. Harvey looked her in the eyes and the only thing Mal could find in them was fear. "Go." Harvey muttered to Mal. "What?" Mal's eyes widened. "Go! Get back to your little boyfriend and good friends, your new family." Harvey spat, fury on his face. "I promise I'll come back for you. I promise, okay?" Mal pleaded. "Just go, Mal, it doesn't matter anymore.." Harvey turned his back on her. He rushed away, taking off into a run as soon as he was back on normal land instead of the docks.

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