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After wandering around the Isle for the remaining part of the day Harvey was getting tired so he finally decided to go back home. He was disappointed that he hadn't had the time to say goodbye to his friends, who were supposed to be back in Auradon right about now, but the feeling of anxiety and dread mized with fury outweighted that. Part of him was afraid of the pirates now, scared that they would do something to him for who he was, what he was now that they figured it out. He was getting overwhelmed with all these emotions, mostly because he usually didn't have any reason to even feel most of those. When he got to the alleyway that would lead him to the hang out spot, his home ever since his mom was stuck in Auradon, someone bumped into him. He was about to tell the person in front of him off but the words died on his tongue upon recognizing the familiar eyes. His face fell and his usual scowl plastered on his face once again. "What do you want, Uma? I'm really not in the mood to argue with you right now." Harvey huffed out with a roll of his eyes. "Actually, I'm not here to fight for once. I just wanted to, y'know.. Apologize.. for causing you to fall and almost drown to death.." Uma averted her gaze. "Wow! Did I hear that right? If I didn't know any better I would think the great Uma, daughter of Ursula, just apologized! Hah!" Harvey stated incredously. Uma bumped her shoulder with Harvey's and told him to shut up before they started walking. "I.. I miss the old times." Uma spoke up after a minute of silence between the two. Harvey stopped walking, Uma stopping too when she noticed. "I- I didn't mean the old times as in the old you, well I do, but not-" Uma cut herself off. "Fuck, I'm bad at this." She threw her head back. "Do you actually mean that? That you miss the old times?" Harvey looked at her, hoping he wasn't making the biggest mistake of his life right that moment. Uma looked up to answer with a nod. Harvey thought for a second, hesitating, before stepping towards Uma and pulling her into a hug. Uma hugged back almost immediatly with a small chuckle. When they pulled away they started walking again, this time the both of them had smiles on their faces. "I remember when we used to play together, you, me and Harry. Always pulling pranks on the others to annoy them and playing around near the bridge." Harvey recalled. "Do you think he'll figure it out?" Harvey reffered to Harry, wondering if the pirate would figure out they were friends a long time ago. "I don't know. He might, but would that be such a bad thing?" Uma glanced at Harvey. "Uh, yeah! God what will they think of me now? They saw it, Uma. They saw my scars. I'm sure they connected the dots already, they must be disgusted with me now. Gil was actually really nice to me and Harry.. Well, you know him." Harvey sighed in defeat. "You shouldn't worry about that. Even if they did figure it out, I'm sure they won't mind. And if they do, I'll make sure to handle it." Uma winked at him in reassurance. Harvey studied his surroundings once more and saw that they were nearing the docks. "I would like to rebuild our friendship, if you're okay with that too. I mean, I know today was pretty hectic and we kidnapped you and I almost killed you, not to mention Mal and I's rivalry.. But I really did miss you, Vee. You were like an older brother to me when we were kids, and I'd like to work my way back to that." Uma stopped at the bridge that led to her ship. "I'd like that too, Little shrimp." Harvey grinned. "Oh god, no. Not that nickname!" Uma whined. Harvey laughed at that. "Hey, if you'd like, there's room for one more crew member? And even if you don't want that, which I would understand completely, you'll still be welcome here whenever." Uma offered. "I'll think about it." Harvey nodded. When Harvey was about to turn around and say goodbye he heard another voice call for him. "Harvey! Hey, wait up!" It was Gil. Harvey's smile dropped and his eyes dulled as he stopped moving altogether. "What do you want?" His voice was rough. "I wanted to talk to you. It'll only take a second, I promise." Gil sounded almost desperate. "Fine, make it quick." Harvey turned to face Gil. Gil waited for Uma to walk away before he bagain speaking. "I know I'm probally one of the last people you want to see right now but I need you to know nevertheless. You most likely know Harry and I saw the scars-" Gil started. "Look, if you're gonna curse me out for being who I am just make it quick. No point in telling a whole story about it." Harvey cut the pirate off. "Just let me finish okay? I know what those scars are, and you're reaction to us seeing them confirmed my thoughts, but I want you to know it doesn't make a difference to me. To me you're just Harvey. And i really don't care about it, I promise. Harry has no clue though, but I won't tell him. That's for you to decide when to do, if at all. But he won't care either, I assure you." Gil ranted. "Why? Why are you so nice to me? You only met me just yesterday, yet you're still acting as if we've known each other for years and as if we're friends.." Harvey's voice was quiet. "Because- Well, I guess you just piqued my interest, you seemed cool and I couldn't help but think that if it would've been different circumstances I would've wanted to be your friend." Gil spluttered. Harvey let out a sigh. If he was going to be rebuilding his bond with Uma, hanging around Gil and Harry would be inevitable, so he might as well be on good terms with them too. "These are different circumstances. Do you still want to?" Harvey asked reffring to Gil's earlier words. "Yeah, of course." Gil smiled. "Okay." Harvey shrugged and started walking off. "Wait, Har-" Gil tried to stop him. "Don't worry LeGume, I'll be back tomorrow." Harvey called over his shoulder.

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