The fallen city

By MidnightDream29

1.7K 46 14

(Started 3/27/2023) A certain Lego series took a million year prior to Monkie Kid, cause we see how advanced... More

The discovery and the release
Woken and Reunion
Holy frick A/N
Origins Haven (Not a chapter to the story, i just needed to post a chapter)
Origins Haven P2 (I swear the next chapter is underway, just wait a bit long)
The Theory
The Deep Underworld
Question (Yes art above is mine)
Discontinued (FOR NOW!)

Search and Found

193 6 1
By MidnightDream29

Time for the questions has ran out, answers at the end of the chapter, also someone is still a king in this story

Kai's POV

I woke up to the smell of pancakes, just like how it was before the final battle with The Overlord, i got out of bed, i pulled out my phone and saw multiple texts from MK,

MK: Yo Kai, where are you?

MK: Kai, you good?

MK: Hello, Kai?

MK: Kai, you gonna answer?

MK: Kai, don't do this to me man

Kai: Hey MK, sorry for the worry


Kai: Oh i dunno, taken by a dragon and brought to a monestary on top of a really hard mountain to climb

MK: Okay, that sounds like ur lying

Kai: I'm not, Blitz came a little after i left Pigsy's and brought me to the monestary i lived in on top of Impossible Mountain, there i got reunited with my team.

MK: Okay, just please come into work today, there's a ton of orders coming through

Kai: On my way MK

I put my phone away and went to the living room, i walked past the others saying,"Bye, gotta get to work." Nya said,"You have a job?" I said,"Indeed i do, so be right back, c'mon Blitz." I mounted Blitz in the courtyard and flew over to Pigsy's noodles. Blitz landed just outside the shop when MK was coming out, MK said,"You weren't lying." I dismounted Blitz and said,"My work clothes are still in the apartment, i'll pack my things up and have Blitz move them to the Monestary." MK nodded and i walked inside, i went up to MK's apartment and packed the things i got over the two weeks, i went into the bathroom and changed into my work uniform, putting my everyday clothes into the bag. I went downstairs as Pigsy shouted,"ORDER UP!" I grabbed the bags and went outside, i looked at Blitz and said,"Let's do this record speed." Blitz did a dragon smirk and i mounted him, he took off into the air and we flew around Megapolis, delievering noodles to customers, the final location was in a weird alley way. I had Blitz land then hide as done with previous customers, i walked down the alley way and i heard,"Issssss everything going according to plan?" Wait, PYTHOR!? I snuck over and Skales said,"Yesssss, it issssss." I'll pretend like i don't know them, i walked from my hiding place and said,"Pigsy's Noodles delievery for, Python Master." Should've figured that was Pythor, i then heard Acidicus say,"That's me." ACIDICUS!? I passed him the bag and he passed me some money, i started walking away but then i was surrounded, Pythor said,"We can't have any witnessssessss, now can we?" Oh please, i put the money in my pocket and got ready to fight, Acidicus, the Constrici Serpentine General said,"A fiessssssty one too." Pythor said,"Now hold it, why do you look sssssssso familiar?" I said,"I don't know what you're talking about, i've never seen you before." Just keep acting like i don't know them, Pythor said,"Doesssssssn't matter, you're already a dead man walking." Some serpentine came at me but i took them down easy, barely even using my training and didn't even use my element, Pythor seemed maddened, but i have to get going, if i continue fighting, there's a higher chance more serpentine may come and fighting would just delay my time, so it's time to get out of here. Wait, i have an idea, i look in a random direction, i gasped and said,"Is that the fire ninja?" They all quickly looked over with Pythor shouting,"WHAT!?" I used that as a time to run as they didn't quite have me surrounded, i then heard Pythor scream in frustration, i ran to Blitz and said,"Okay, back to the shop to the shop so i can clock out, then to the monestary." Blitz nodded and took off into the sky, flying over to the noodle shop. Blitz landed just outside the shop and i walked inside, Pigsy seemed to notice i was a little stressed, he said,"What's up Kai? Everything good?" I said,"Just found out some enemies i had to fight before are back, thankfully they didn't really recognize me, probably thought i was dead after a million years." Pigsy said,"WHAT!?" I clocked out and said,"Okay, i better go warn the others, before you ask, they're known as the Serpentine, the long necked white one is the main General known as Pythor, there's five tribes in total with the Acnacondrai being the rarest but strongest, Pythor leads them, then is the Hypnorai, they can hypnotise people, their general is Skales, then there's the Fangpyres, they can turn anything they bite into a serpentine, weither it be humans or vehicles, so don't get bit by one, their general is Fangtom, then there's the Constricai, they can tunnel through the ground like it's nothing, their general is Skalidor, finally there's the Venomari, if they spit their venom in your eyes, you get temporarily blinded and confused, their leader is Acidicus. Now i better head off and warn the others, yes i found my team, more like they found me." I hopped on Blitz's back and MK said,"May i join, i actually wanna meet them." Mei said,"Me too." I said,"Sure, though Blitz can fly pretty fast." Mei said,"I bet i can fly just as fast." Mei turned into her dragon form and MK turned into a hawk, Kai said,"Alright Blitz, let's go." Blitz took off into the air with MK and Mei close behind, i flew southwest for a bit before the Monestary came into view, Mei said,"That's a high mountain." I said,"It's called Impossible Mountain for a reason." The stables opened up, which were modernized from the original stables look. We flew in, MK turned back normal, as well as Mei, i dismounted Blitz and he went over to Wisp, Shard, Rocky, Plasma and Aquamarine, i said,"Alright, they should be in the living room, maybe the gaming room." MK said,"YOU HAVE A GAMING ROOM!" I said,"Yeah, c'mon." We left the stables, entering the basement and i saw Zane, i said,"Tryna find your lover Zane?" Zane said,"Yes, i am trying to find P.I.X.A.L, wait, who are they?" I said,"MK and Mei Dragon, the ones that helped me after i just woke up from being sealed for a million years." Zane nodded and i said,"Good luck Zane." We left the garage and MK said,"This may seem rude, but why did he look like he was made of metal?" I said,"He's a nindroid." We walked to the living room and saw Nya, Cole, Jay and Lloyd, i said,"Hey Nya, hey guys." The looked over, Nya came over and hugged me, i hugged back, me and her and gonna be clingy to eachother for a bit, Lloyd said,"Hey Kai, who are they?" I said,"MK and Mei, they helped me after i woke up from when we were sealed away." Lloyd said,"Alright, i'm Lloyd Garmadon." Cole said,"Cole Brookstone." Jay said,"Jay Walker." Nya said,"And i'm Nya Smith."

Kai said,"Well, we have a problem at hand." Jay said,"What's the problem?" Kai said,"The serpentine are back, they have a plan in mind, it concerns me more that The Overlord is keeping silent." Nya said,"So the serpentine came back, who's the new generals?" I said,"None, it's still Pythor, Skales, Fangtom, Acidicus and Skalidor, they are somehow immortal." Zane walked in and said,"That is worrying, i'm Zane Julien by the way." Kai looked over to Zane and said,"Any luck finding P.I.X.A.L?" Zane sadly shook his head, Mei said,"Who's P.I.X.A.L?" Kai said,"Zane's girlfriend." Cole said,"Well i hope we find her soon." Zane said,"I hope so too." Jay said,"Maybe we can go on patrol, look for P.I.X.A.L while keeping an eye out for the Serpentine." I said,"We can help, we just need to know what she looks like." Zane walked out, then came back over with a picture, he showed us the picture and not gonna lie, she looks pretty cool, Kai said,"Alright, lemme change out of my work uniform, no ninja gi's, if we're in civilian clothes, the Serpentine may not recognize us." Nya said,"Alright, c'mon guys, let's get changed." Kai said,"Yeah, gotta get out of my work uniform." All of them ran off and came back in different clothes







They came back into the living room and they all looked really cool, Lloyd said,"Alright, let's head on out." Kai said,"It would be better to use out vehicles instead of our dragons, less of a chance we'll be recognized." Cole said,"True." We went to the garage and multiple vehicles came from no where, all being formed by fire, earth, ice, lightning, water and a green element which i think is energy, Kai got on the motor cycle formed by fire, Nya got on the motor cycle formed by water, Cole got in the car formed by earth, Jay got in the jet formed by lightning, Zane got on the motorcycle formed by ice and Lloyd got in the car formed by energy, Jay said,"Wanna ride with one of us or are you gonna be patrolling around on your own?" Mei said,"We don't even know what they look like, so i guess we'll be with you guys." Kai said,"Alright, Cole, Jay and Lloyd are all able to hold a second rider in their vehicles." Mei said,"I'm riding with Lloyd, the green duo." MK said,"I can ride with Cole." Lloyd and Cole opened the tops to their vehicles and we got in, once the tops closed, the whole team drove off, taking off in different directions in Megapolis, i asked,"Hey Cole, how long were you and the others ninja's before being sealed?" Cole said,"We were ninja's for 15 (Each season is a year, yes this is an edit to the story) years before being sealed away." I said,"Woah, i haven't even had my powers for a year yet, Mei's had her powers since birth." Cole said,"You could say the same for me and the others, our powers just needed to develope over time. We went through a lot, fought an army of skeletons and snakes, defeated a giant snake known as the great devorer, got stuck in a video game, fought a djinn, went against multiple Oni's, fought merlopians and found out two members has a merlopian heritage (That is canon in Ninjago, check Kai's and Nya's wiki), tamed dragons, unlocked our full potential, Kai survived an erupting volcano using his true potential special move saving Lloyd in the process, fought literal ghosts. That's to even name a FEW of the stunts we pulled." I said,"Woah, that's actually pretty cool." Cole said,"I know, though being a ninja isn't all fun and games, morely when you're an elemental ninja, people will be after your powers, me, Kai, Jay and Zane all weild the strongest of the elements, the elements of creation, i'd rather not explain what all we can do, that can be for another time." I said,"Okay." After a while of driving around, nothing popped up, not a single snake, as i imagine as the serpentine would look like, we met up with the others, Lloyd said,"Anything?" Kai said,"Nope." Nya said,"Natta." Jay said,"Nothing." Zane said,"Negative." Cole said,"Nothing from me and MK as well." Mei said,"They could've went down to Ninjago." Kai said,"Ninjago's still standing?" I said,"Well, some buildings are crumbling, but mostly for that it's fine, we can show you how to reach it." Lloyd said,"Then show us the way." I got out of Cole's car and turned into a hawk, i flew into the air while the others followed. We reached the tunnel and we entered, Kai said,"Ninjago still looks stunning, even after a million years, though what happened to cause it to be abandoned?" Zane said,"What I am thinking is that after we were sealed away, the other villains we fought before went rampid knowing we would not be here." Nya said,"Probably." Lloyd said,"Alright, we'll go around just like in Megapolis, check every nook and cranny, if the serpentine are here, it'll be harder to hide here than Megapolis since we know this city like the back out our hand." Cole opened the top of his vehicle again, i flew in and turned back to normal in the back seat, he closed the top and everyone drove off in different directions. I said,"So Cole, where are we going to patrol?" Cole said,"The southeast part of ninjago, known for having some of the roughest terrain." I said,"What?" Cole said,"Though i'm not really worried since i was a rock climber before becoming a ninja." I said,"Cool, what about the others?" Cole said,"Well, the first two other ninja's i met was Jay and Zane, we tried together for 2 months before meeting Kai, Zane was at a meditation temple and Jay was testing his inventions, though when Sensei met with Kai and Nya, wasn't exactly the best interaction, the Skulkin attacked and took Nya, Wu convinced Kai to go with him because where they took Nya, he couldn't go untrained, Kai was a blacksmith like his dad, Nya didn't have a job but she had a tendancy to help Kai, Lloyd was brought in after he was betrayed by the serpentine, he was originally a villain but then turned good, Garmadon was also a villain before, but i can't blame him, corruption filled his heart after he was bitten by the smaller version of The Great Devorer." I said,"Woah, i was just delievering noodles when i met Red Son, PIF and DBK." Cole said,"Who?" I said,"Oh right, you haven't met them yet, They're known as the Demon Bull Family with Demon Bull King, Princess Iron Fan and Red Son." Cole said,"Alright, has Kai met them?" I said,"Yeah, he's a delievery boy like me, so when he got an order to the Demon Bull Residence, i had to go with him to show him the way and introduce them, for some reason Kai wasn't even fazed." Cole said,"Not surprised." I said,"Is it because of the battle with The Overlord?" Cole said,"Not just that battle, with how much we've all gone through as a team, it's hard for anything to surprise us." I said,"Alright."

Kai's POV
As i drove through the city, i spotted Borg Tower, something felt off about it, might as well check it out. I drove over to it and left my motorcycle outside the building, i unsheathed my katana and entered the building. I suddenly got hit by the feeling of being watched, i continued walking through the building, looking for any serpentine.

???'s POV
I looked at the one who had just entered my father's company building, he looks familiar though, unlike that black monkey (NOT BEING RACIST! This person just didn't recognize Macaque since they don't know him), he walked through the building, i then finally got who he is, i said,"Kai?" I got down from my hiding spot, he turned to face me and he looked surprised, he said,"P.I.X.A.L?"

Kai's POV
I stared at P.I.X.A.L, she came over, she looked completely fine, just missing a few parts, she said,"Where's Zane?" I said,"He's here, just in another part of the city." I sheathed my sword and P.I.X.A.L sighed in relief that Zane's okay, i said,"C'mon, i'm sure Zane's in the northwest." P.I.X.A.L nodded and we left the building, i got on my motorcycle and helped P.I.X.A.L get on behind me, then i drove off to the northwest, i called Zane on the communicator screen on my motorcycle and he answered, Zane said,"Found the serpentine?" I said,"No, but found someone else." P.I.X.A.Llet herself be seen and said,"Hello Zane." Zane said,"P.I.X.A.L!" He sounded really happy, i mean, i would be if i just saw my lover again after a million years of being apart. fter a bit longer we all regrouped still with nothing about the serpentine, like they just vanished. Once i stopped P.I.X.A.L got off my motorcycle and when Zane pulled up and stopped, he got off and both lovers ran to eachother.

BOOM! Next part is DONE, so @Tea_Chan124 as they said she disappeared, she disappeared from Impossible mountain and hid in Borg Tower, as for the other two questions. P.I.X.A.L was the one watching Macaque and as for the cave, i really don't know, just did it for suspense XD

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