Shadow Monarch in Another Wor...


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The Shadow Monarch has gone through an S-Rank portal and the destination is not what he expected. P.S. I do... More

Portal to Another World
Talk With Aslan
Adapting, Aslan's Departure, and The Arrival
Mr. Tumnus
Edmund Enters Narnia
The Pevensies Arrive & Meeting The Dark Protector
Edmund, The Witch, and The Attack

Prisoner and Meeting Father Christmas

394 10 4

(Dungeons in The Witch's Castle)

Edmund is curled up on the floor while his feet are chained. He grabbed the food they brought him and it's a very dry meat of some kind that made him gag as he took a bite but when he tried to wash it down with water her found that the water was frozen solid. He then heard some chains rattling and a small voice from the side.

"If....If you're not going to eat that....."

Ed looked over and saw a creature in chains. Ed slowly moved over to the creature as the creature slowly crawled over.

"I'd get up but... But my legs."

The creature ate the meat ravenously as if he hadn't eaten in days which was probably accurate.

Edmund saw the legs and saw that he was exactly as Lucy had described and he put two and two together

[Edmund] "Mr... Tumnus?"

[Mr. Tumnus] "What's left of him."

Sung who was watching from Tumnus' shadow, saw that for once Edmund wasn't a complete idiot.

Mr Tumnus looked at Edmund and felt he looked familiar.

[Mr. Tumnus] "You're Lucy Pevensies' brother?"

[Edmund] "I'm Edmund."

[Mr. Tumnus] "Yes, yes. You have the same nose. Is your sister alright? Is she safe?"

[Edmund] "I don't know."

There was a sound of a door unlocking which made Mr Tumnus quickly move back to where he was, same as Edmund. Edmund saw The Witch and Ginnebrik walk in.

[Jadis] "I just recieved word that my police tore that dam apart and not only are my police missing, but your little family was nowhere to be found."

The Witch grabbed Edmund by the collar, lifted him off the ground brought him an inch from her face.

[Jadis] "Where did they go?"

[Edmund] "I-i-i don't know!

[Jadis] "Then you are of no further use to me."

The Witch threw Edmund back on the ground and raised her staff to freeze him into stone.

[Edmund] "Wait!! The Beaver said something about Aslan! and we met The Dark Protector"

[Jadis] "Aslan? The Dark Protector? Where?"

[Edmund] "I-..... "

Tumus interjected from the side.

"He's a stranger here your majesty, he can't be expected to know anything! [Groans]"

Ginnebrik smacked Tumnus with the butt of his ax shouting him up.

[Jadis] "I said.... Where is Aslan and The Dark Protector?"

Edmund looked at Tumnus who had a pleading look as if he was saying "Don't tell her anything."

[Edmund] "I-i don't know. I left before they said anything. I wanted to see you!"

[Jadis] "Guard!!"

The prison guard, a cyclops, walked in.

[Guard] "Your majesty?"

[Jadis] "Release the Faun."

The guard grunted in acknowledgement and used a hammer to break Mr Tumnus' chains on his legs which caused Tumnus to yelp in pain.

The guard then brought Tumnus before the witch.

[Jadis] "Do you know why you're here faun?"

[Mr. Tumnus] "Because I believe in a free Narnia."

The Witch pointed her staff at Edmund as she spoke.

[Jadis] "You're here.... because he, turned you in... For sweeties."

Mr. Tumnus looked at Edmund in shock while Edmund looked down in shame. The Witch then spoke towards the guard again, then at Ginnebrik.

"Take him upstairs....And ready my sleigh. Edmund misses his family."

Edmund then hugged his legs to try to keep warm, while still feeling the shame of turning in Tumnus and the sadness of being away from his family.

The Beavers and the Pevensies stood on a ridge overlooking some mountains, a frozen river, forests, and a rising sun. Sung had been called again to meet with Aslan about his killing of The Witch's Police. But he said he would join them later.

[Beaver] "Now Aslan's camp is near the Stone Table, just across the frozen river."

[Peter] "River?!"

[Mrs. Beaver] "Oh don't worry, the river's been frozen solid for a hundred years."

Peter and the rest looked out in the distance.

[Peter] "It's so far."

[Mrs. Beaver] "It's the world dear, did you expect it to be small?"

Susan looked over at her siblings and said sardonically.


(The Witch's Castle)

Ginnebrik was leading Edmund out of the castle towards The Witch's sleigh and as he was being lead out, he looked over in shock as he saw Mr. Tumnus' statue and his guilt got even stronger.

Sung in Stealth at the side was squeezing his fists in anger, but Aslan had already warned him that he could only truly intervene after the final battle was arriving. Sung was close to figuring out how to free his shadows from the stone and once he does hr can free the others.

The Witch stood on her sleigh while watching Edmund.

"When you're ready, Son of Adam."

The Witch's sleigh then started heading out from her castle looking for the rest of Edmund's family.

(Frozen River)

The Beavers were leading the way across frozen river as the Pevensies walked behind them

[Beaver] "Come on humans, while we're still young."

[Peter] "If he tells us to hurry one more time, I'm going to turn him into a big fluffy hat.

The beavers then suddenly heard bells and a sleigh.

[Beaver] "Hurry up come on!"

[Lucy] "He is getting a little bossy."

[Mrs. Beaver] "Behind you! It's her!"

The pevensies started running for their lives trying to get across the frozen river to safety.

They eventually made it to a relatively safe spot in a small cave where they hid. They heard the sleigh stop and heard footsteps above them as well as saw a shadow in front of them cast by the sun behind them. The shadow and footsteps eventually moved away.

[Lucy] "Maybe.. She's gone."

[Peter] "I suppose I'll go look."

[Beaver] "No, you're worth nothing to Narnia dead."

[Mrs. Beaver] "Well, neither are you Beaver."

[Beaver] "Thanks sweetheart."

Just as Beavrr was going to head out, Sung popped his head into the cave and caused Lucy to scream.

"You don't have to worry, it's not the witch. And I hope you've all been good, cuz there's someone here to see ya."

They slowly walked out from the cave and saw a portly man with a red suit and long hair and a Beard in front of a sleigh pulled by Reindeer.

That's right, it was Santa Clause and of them all, Lucy was the most happy to see him.

"Merry Christmas Sir."

"It certainly is Lucy, since you have arrived."

[Peter] "We thought you were the witch."

[Santa] "Yes, I'm sorry about that, but in my defense, I have been driving one of these, longer than the Witch."

[Susan] "I thought there was no Christmas in Narnia?"

[Santa] "No, not for a long time. But the hope you have brought, your Majesties, is finally starting to weaken the Witch's power. Still, I daresay you could do with these."

He reached into the sleigh and grabbed a giant bag. Lucy ran foward in excitement.

[Lucy] "Presents!!"

Santa brought out a small red vial inside a leather pouch and brought it close to Lucy

[Santa] "The juice of the fire-flower. One drop, will cure any injury. And though I hope you never have to use it."

He brought out a small knife in a red leather pouch with a small lion's head on top.

[Lucy] "Thank you sir, but I think I could be brave enough."

[Santa] "I'm sure you could. But battles are ugly affairs."

He then reached into the bag and grabbed a white quiver with a Lion motif on the top.

[Santa] "Susan. Trust in this bow, and it will not easily miss."

[Susan] "What happened to "battles are ugly affairs? "

[Santa] [Chuckles] "Though you don't seem to have a problem making yourself heard, blow on this and wherever you are, help will come."

He handed her a white horn with a Lion's head at the end where the sound escapes, would look like a lion was roaring.

[Susan] "Thanks."

[Santa] "Peter, the time to use these may be near at hand.

He handed Peter a Longsword with a Lion's head as the pommel and a medium sized shield with a standing lion emblem on it.

Peter unsheathed the sword and looked at it in awe.

[Peter] "Thank you sir."

[Santa] "Lord Protector."

[Sung] "Me?"

Sung walked forward and he saw Santa pull a longsword out of his bag that was all black and had hints of smoke emanating from it and instead of a lion as the pommel it was the Helm of Igris, his first named soldier and it's eyes glowed blue.

[Santa] "This is the Sword of the Night. It has the ability to create an area of darkness where you can hinder enemy vision and as your authority as the Shadow Monarch, you can control the darkness to do whatever you want. As a special treat for you, it can also seperate into two short swords for your use as it is your most proficient weapon skill. "

[Sung] "Thank you very much, I have to say, I wasn't expecting a gift, but I am glad nonetheless."

[Santa] "These are tools, not toys. Bear them well and wisely. Now, I must be off. Winter is almost over, and things do pile up, when you've been gone a hundred years. Long Live Aslan! And Merry Christmas!"

Santa then got on the sleigh and left while the pevensies said their goodbyes. Lucy turned around to look at Susan and smirked.

[Lucy] "Told you he was real."

[Peter] "He said winter, was almost over. You know what that means! No more ice."

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