Expect the Unexpected [Janet...

By ponygirl01

125K 5K 1.1K

Janet had never thought she'd fall for a girl like Nicki, but a bad relationship with her boyfriend Mark migh... More

Breaking point
Janet Meet Nicki
Finally, Freedom
A New Day, A New Life
Barbie, meet Stawberry
Stronger Feelings
Dominate Me
The Past Returns
Let me Teach You
Back off
Where is she?!
Wild Goose Chase
The Day After
Party and Trouble
An Old Friend
Surprises to tell
Pay back Baby
Prankster to Servant
Making Up
Making Up part 2
Bad News
Good News and a Neighbor
Jealousy, Jealousy, That's How She Feels
What is going on?
Who is it?
The Threat Continue
The Reason Why
Clues and Misleads
Three Long Weeks
Don't Go....Please
Losing Her
Phoenix, Then Where?
New York, New York
They Know Now
3 Months.
Nicki's Determination
Roman Returns
Roman's Revenge
Code Blue
Bundles of Joy
New Ideas
Two new Editions
Cover idea/ Contest!
Contest/ Cover Idea
First Day of Trouble
What? Why?
The Meeting: Part 1
Meeting: Part 2
Making it Right

You again?

3.2K 106 15
By ponygirl01

Nicki, Janet, Sherika, Ciara, and Beyoncé were all hanging out at Nicki's house for their favorite thing to do on their time off, gossip. That week, Nicki was still dominant, and Janet did everything she asked of her. Janet sat on Nicki's lap while they all laughed.

"Honestly, I don't know why he tries so hard, I mean, she's not going to fall for him...he's too ugly,"

"Ugly doesn't make the person Ciara...how do think I fell in love with you?" Beyoncé smiled. Ciara gasped, and turned away from her, playfully pouting.

"I'm kidding. You're gorgeous baby," she kissed her cheek as Ciara blushed.

"Yeah, yeah, Whatever," she rolled her eyes.

"So...what about that Maya chick you guys old us about?"

"What about her?" Nicki said, stroking her fingers through Janet's hair.

"Did you torture her, and throw her off the face of the earth, bring her back, then murder her again?"

"No...I fired her and made  sure she stayed away from us, but I would have loved to, right Strawberry?" Janet nodded.

"Yes My King,"

"My King?" All of them asked, looking at the two like they were crazy.

"Yep...Strawberry, can you bring me a cup of coffee please?"

"Yes My King," She kissed her lip, then stood, heading to the kitchen.

"Y'all do the dominant/submissive thing?" Ciara asked

"You didn't notice?" Sherika said, sipping her cup of tea.

"Well we switch every month now, so this month, She's submissive,"

"And you call her Strawberry?"

"Mhmm," Janet returned, placing her mug on the coaster.

"Thank you,"

"Of course My King," she sat on Nicki's lap, and cuddled against her chest.

"Y'all do that all the time?"

"Only at home...and sometimes at work...but mainly here, behind closed doors," She sipped her cup, spilling some on her chin. She went to grab a napkin, but Janet stopped her.

"I got it," she licked her chin and lips, kissing her in the process.

"Thank you Strawberry," she tickled her chin.

"Can't y'all do that without us here?" Sherika said shaking her head with a laugh.

"You're in my house...so we can do this. Right?" Sherika nodded with a laugh.

"Do you need anything else my King?"

"That'll be all babe," she nodded, sitting next to her on the couch.

"Anyways...did you hear about Helen?'

"No," they all said.

"Well she was caught having sex with Shannon's husband last week,"

"What? How am I just now hearing about this?" Said Nicki

"Ain't nobody say nothing until Pamela told me," Ciara said. Ciara and Beyoncé both worked at the same building as Nicki, but  on the 4th floor, the IT department.

"Well damn...does Shannon know  yet?" Janet said.

"Nope...I ain't saying nothing either,"

"Why not?"

"Because I think if he's man enough to lay there and get then he's man enough to tell her he slept with another woman," Ciara said.

"That's true...I wouldn't want anyone telling me either, I'd rather hear it from them...not that Nicki would do that. I heard from one of Mark's friend's wife, and I just waited for him to say it,"

"Well I'd rather find out...then beat his ass afterwards," said Beyoncé

"Same," said Sherika, high fiving her.

"Well anyways...something else happened at work...basically-" Beyoncé was interrupted the knock of a door, and they all wondered who it was.

"Strawberry, can you get that please?"

"Certainly," she stood, and walked up to the door, looking through the peephole...no one was there. She opened the door, looking around to find the person, but nothing was there except for a wrapped box. She picked up the box, bringing it inside, and set it down on the floor.

"Who was baby?"

"I don't know, they just left a box on the front step," She looked at Nicki then the box.

"Well open it," Beyoncé demanded. Janet looked at Nicki, and she reluctantly nodded. Janet slid her fingers nervously over the paper and tore it open. She then flipped open the first flap. The second, and third, she looked at the tissue paper, and went to peek in, then screamed.

"OH MY GOD!!" She slid away, cupping her hands over her mouth and nose. All of them came to look, and they all had disgusted looks on their faces.

"What kind of fucked up joke is this?!" Ciara said. Nicki looked on at the Dead squirrel, finding a sheet of paper under it. She grabbed it, and unfolded it 4 times, then read it aloud.

"Look bitch. I don't have time for this!! The bitch is mine and I will have her!! She's mine damn it!! MINE!" she read it, and looked at Janet, who was still shaking. They stayed there in silence, when a strange beeping began.

"What's that sound?" Janet asked. They listened, and Nicki looked back down at the box, looking at a blinking red light, She panicked, and grabbed Janet pulling her to the ground.

"EVERYONE GET DOWN!!" She screamed, and everyone Jumped. Loud popping and crackling. Janet screamed, covering her head with her hands as Nicki lied on top of her to protect her, shielding her face as well. Sherika hid behind the recliner, while Ciara and Beyoncé ran out to the hallway and got down. The popping stopped, and then there was silence. Nicki looked up, and at the box, and saw it smoldering, about to catch on fire. She quickly got up, and grabbed her fire extinguisher, and covered the box before the fire got too big. Janet looked up, her eyes, tear stained. Nicki dropped the extinguisher on the floor, and took deep breathes, walking over to Janet, and hugging her close. Janet sobbed a little. The rest of the girls walked in, still shaking from the scare.

"This is some fucked up shit," Sherika said, running her hand through her hair.

"Who is this?"

"I don't know...but I am going to find out," Nicki said as she looked at Janet shake...She kissed her head, and held her close.

"I'll call the police," Beyoncé said. She grabbed her phone and dialed the number. Janet and Nicki sat down.

"You alright baby? We're you hurt?" Nicki asked.

"I-I should be asking you that. I'm fine...you protected me,"

"Like I said Strawberry, I'd do anything for you," She kissed her cheek, and hugged her. They all sat close to each other, waiting for the police to arrive.


"She got the message,"

"Good...I can't wait," said Maya's client...she was  at home, on the phone with them.

"Phase two will begin shortly,"

"Good," She hung up with the client, and looked at her four helpers. Two girls, and two men.

"Alright...Phase two begins next week, don't screw it up. Is that clear?"


"Rihanna? Don't get caught up,"

"No worries...I won't"


"Well ladies, it seems like you have someone who is enemies with you...we'll run this in and test it out, see if we can find anything,"

"Alright...thank you officers," he nodded and walked away. All of them stayed silent and looked at each other

"Well...what now?"

"I think you all better stay here in case," Janet said, Nicki nodding in agreement.

"No. We don't want to intrude on you guys,"

"You wouldn't be intruding...I just don't want anything happening to you guys," Nicki said.

"We'll be fine..." Beyoncé said, holding tightly to Ciara's hand. Janet and Nicki nodded reluctantly as they all left. They sat there in silence as they listened to the engines of their friends' cars start and then fade away. Still they stayed silent. Janet stayed lose to Nicki as she rubbed her back.



"Do you think it's Mark who's doing this?"

"I don't know...maybe, maybe not... I'm not sure," she answered, picking her feet up on the couch.

"I don't know what might happen... but if anything does, just know I love you,"

"Don't say that...nothing will happen,"

"I am not to sure of that Jan...but to be on the safe side, we'll get a security system," Janet nodded. They decided to go to bed early that night, sleeping close together, afraid they'd never touch each other again.


The next morning, Janet woke up, finding Nicki not next to her. Nicki was standing at the nightstand, on the phone with someone.

"Yes...you'll be right over? Great thank you so much," she hung up, and lied back on the bed, resting her hands behind her head. Janet turned over, and wrapped her right arm around Nicki's waist. She looked up at her.


"The Security system Tech will be here by noon,"

"Ok," Janet said, snuggled close to her.

"Strawberry, can you make breakfast?"

"Yes My King. What do you desire?" she smiled.

"Right now? You," she pinched her cheek as she blushed.

"Not that. For Breakfast My King?"

"Pancakes, eggs, and bacon with milk,"

"As you wish My love," she smiled, kissing her cheek as always, and left the bed, ready to prepare their food. Nicki then got up, and washed her face. She walked down the stairs to see her plate already set down and a glass of Milk set in front of it. Nicki sat in the chair, and Janet knelt down, resting her head in Nicki's lap.

"What's the matter Strawberry?"

"I want to feed you my King," she pouted, looking up at her with her big brown eyes.


"Oh Please? Please?" she begged.

"Alright...I couldn't say n to you," Nicki said. Janet cut up her pancakes, and fed them piece by piece to Nicki, also with her eggs and bacon. She wiped her lips, and gave her the glass of milk.

"Thank you Strawberry,"

"Anything for you," Janet smiled. They went to the living room, Nicki turning on the T.V. Janet sat on the floor in between her legs, leaning back against her.

"Strawberry...we have time before that guy comes...I want to have a little fun,"

"What ever you desire my King," Janet said. Nicki stroked her hair, and planted kisses on her neck and collar bone. Janet threw her head back and moaned. Nicki slid her hand down to Janet's right breast rubbing and squeezing it. Janet moaned and tried to touch herself, but Nicki wouldn't let her.

"Not yet Strawberry...wait," Janet whined, and Nicki pulled her hair back.

"No fussing...remember...I'm in control," she kissed her lips, rubbing her spot as she tried so hard to stop the thought of touching herself. Nicki kissed her neck, biting her some, leaving hickies, and marks.

"Ohh My King, please...your smell is so intoxicating. Please let me," Nicki slapped her hand away as she tried again.

"Stop being disobedient Strawberry,"

"I-I'm sorry My King...but you smell and feel so good," She moaned. Nicki slid off the couch, sitting in front of her. She rubbed her, and kissed her. Janet moaned out and gasped.

"P-please let me,"

"No...bad Strawberry...stop being bad or you'll get punished,"


"No," she continued rubbing Janet's sweet spot as she moaned, begging her to allow her to touch her own body. Nicki kissed her, straddling her some and kissing her. Janet couldn't take it anymore, she had too, she thought Nicki wasn't looking, she rubbed herself, moaning even louder. Nicki gripped her neck, and shook her head.

"Bad Strawberry," Nicki got up and went to the upstairs closet, grabbing hand restraints. They were black leather that went over Janet's hands, that buckled, and had padlocks on them. Nicki placed them over Janet's hands, which they could allow her to use them at all.

"Now behave," she held up the pink collar with gag attached and Janet pouted.

"Or this will be next," Janet nodded, and Nicki continued. Janet stretched her hands in the restraints, hoping she could slip her hand free. Nick began to take of her pajama pants, Kissing Janet's waist. She removed her underwear, and began feasting. Janet screamed and moaned, tears light coming down her cheeks as Nicki  squeezed her butt hard, her hands were gripped in a tight fist. She wanted to touch her with her fingers, but with the covers over her hands, she could only feel leather. She kept her hands at her side, but rubbed her hands all over Nicki trying desperately trying to get loose. Nicki kissed her Spot, and went up, nibbling and sucking on her stomach. She had unbuttoned Janet's night shirt, revealing her full body. She kissed up to her breast, and sucked on them, nibbling and licking them.

"My Little Bad girl, I love you," Nicki said, kissing her.

"I know...forgive me My King...you're irresistible," Janet blushed, kissing her lips. A knock came upon the door, and Nicki was shocked...

"That went on since 10? Oh well, go get changed,"

"My king?" She held up her still restrained hands, and tilted her hand.

"Right...I lost the key,"


"Kidding baby," She brought out the key from behind her back and laughed. Janet sighed with relief, and rolled her eyes. Nicki unlocked the restraints, taking them off the for her, and Janet went up to get changed.

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