The 13 Transfers- Empires x H...

By Hanging-Off-A-Cliff

2.7K 43 67

Hey, Shadow here and I love reading Empires fanfic, and HermitCraft fanfic and I'm going to try and write my... More

Bdubs and Gem
Info: part 2
Boat Gang Reunion!
Not a Chapter!
Art Class
Planning Gone Wrong
Hunger Games, sorry no chapter
Who Has My Arm?
Uncle Fwhip
Casting Part 2
The Halloween Party is Here!
Halloween Night Sleepover!
Thank you!!
Flower Husbands Date
TCG and more Boat Gang
Shelby's Day
Bad Boys Day
Katherine's dinner (pt 2 to Shelby's Day)
Jizzie Date
Idk what this is

Extra details, not a chapter

58 0 2
By Hanging-Off-A-Cliff

I still don't own HermitCraft or Empires.

This chapter is just a few extra things I would've liked to add to previous chapters but decided not to. Such as, birthday gifts for Fwhip, Sausage, and Gem (chapter #13), songs that were sung (chapter #7), or other dares/truths (also chapter #13). And here they are! By the way, this chapter will be edited a lot.

Extra dares/truths (I have a random name generator and truth or dare generator this time):

Stress was dared by Ex to make him 6 batches of a dozen of her special cookies.

Stress dared Jimmy to pretend to be a toy for a minute (Joel caught it on camera, don't worry😉).

Jimmy asked Xornoth to tell the truth about whether or not he draws a lot. The answer was yes.

Jimmy asked Keralis about his biggest accomplishment. His biggest accomplishment was 'Finding you guys'. That earned many 'Awww's from several Hermits and a 'You must have a pretty sad life if that's your biggest accomplishment.' from Ex, so Keralis playfully punched him in the shoulder.

Keralis asked Joel about what he valued most in a friendship. He thought for a full minute before answering "Probably honesty. Lying about yourself isn't the greatest."

Joel dared Lizzie to show the last picture she had taken on her phone. It was a picture of a random cat sign to not '-forget the phone number if I see the cat.' (Tbh, I've done that before)

Lizzie dared Iskall to spin around 15 times then walk from one end of the room to another. They did so, then miserably failed at walking in a straight line.

Iskall asked Gem to tell the truth about something that she wants to do but hasn't done yet and why she hasn't. Fwhip buried his face in his hands and Sausage looked at the ceiling. This is what Gem said: 'I want to put streaks in my hairs, but those two- no, three! - have convinced me not to several times.' Gem pointed at Katherine, Fwhip, and Sausage while saying this. Bdubs launched into a lengthy protest on why she shouldn't do it.

Gem dared Joey to dance whatever he can dance he can do best. Joey ended up doing a really awkward version of the loser dance that everybody (except Joey) laughed.

Joey got his revenge by asking Iskall what their favorite colors are white and grey, yet they hate diorite with every fiber of their being. Iskall just sort of sat there and questioned their life decisions for a good minute and a half before answering a meek 'I don't know, they're just really pretty colors.' Joey looked confused for a second 'But not in rock form?' Iskall looked mock-offended and answered with 'Not everything I do makes sense!'

Iskall dared Fwhip to do his best impression of Joey. After some thought, Fwhip started acting like a monkey. Once again, everyone laughed, except Joey. Xornoth was enjoying it.

Fwhip asked Cub if he had a crush on anyone at the moment. Cub shook his head.

Cub dared Sausage so sing any song of his choice. Sausage started singing the ABC's.

Sausage dared Grian to speak in a different language. Grian immediately answered with 'T⍑╎ᓭ ╎ᓭ ᓭℸ ̣ ᔑリ↸ᔑ∷↸ ⊣ᔑꖎᔑᓵℸ ̣ ╎ᓵ, i ꖌリ𝙹∴ ℸ ̣ ⍑╎ᓭ ʖᒷℸ ̣ ℸ ̣ ᒷ∷ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᔑリ eリ⊣ꖎ╎ᓭ⍑.' (This is standard Galactic, I know this better than English.) Grian just laughed at their surprised faces, except Jimmy and Pearl's. They looked excited. 'T⍑╎ᓭ ╎ᓭ ᓭℸ ̣ ᔑリ↸ᔑ∷↸ ⊣ᔑꖎᔑᓵℸ ̣ ╎ᓵ, i ꖌリ𝙹∴ ℸ ̣ ⍑╎ᓭ ʖᒷℸ ̣ ℸ ̣ ᒷ∷ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᔑリ eリ⊣ꖎ╎ᓭ⍑. (You know standard Galactic? So do I!)' Grian grinned and made plans to meet up later with them.

Grian asked Bdubs if he has a crush. Bdubs mumbles a yes, but when he inquires more, Bdubs says 'You already asked me a question. I don't have to answer any more!'

At that point, they were the only people playing, so they decided to start the gifts.

The gifts (Everyone got one present for Fwhip, Sausage, and Gem.) (I am using that same name generator to pick what order they give gifts):

Iskall gave each of them a box of chocolates, which Sausage and Gem were very thankful for.

Xornoth gave each of them a bracelet (Gem got a necklace) with a charm on it that describes something about them. Fwhip got a wrench (because he likes to tinker with things), Sausage's charm was a little sword (because he's a good sword fighter), and Gem's charm is a crystal shape outline. (Who knew Xornoth could be so sweet!)

Cub gave them each a journal. (I'm very quickly running out of ideas. I'm going to leave out a few people and you can feel free to come up with whatever you think you want them to give them.)

Lizzie gave them each of them something different. Fwhip got a new pair of welding goggles, Sausage got a grey sweatshirt that had 'Proud Doggy Owner' printed on it above a picture of Bubbles, and Gem got an amethyst she can put by her window for luck.

Bdubs gave each of them a scarf in their favorite colors. Fwhip got an orange scarf, Sausage's was crimson red, and Gem's scarf was purple.

Katherine gave each an acronym for their name on a piece of paper (laminated):

Fwhip: Funny, Whip-smart, Honest, Imaginative, and Protective.

Sausage: Speedy, Ambitious, Undefeatable, Sweet, Amazing, Great, and Energetic.

Gem: Generous, Easy-going, and Magical (Oh my gosh, that took so long to write! 😂)

Impulse gave them a charm (he knew about Xornoth's gift, so they coordinated). Fwhip got a little flame siluette, Sausage got a miniature red sheep, and Gem got a staff charm.

Pearl gave them each a wooden sign to hang outside their door. Fwhip's says: 'Grimmlands- beware of explosions!', Sausage's has: 'Mythland- where blood sheep live!' Written on it, and Gem's has: 'Crystal Cliffs- wizards and witches welcome!' Across it.

Okay, I know I did not include everybody. I ran out of ideas so quickly. If anybody has any ideas, feel free to share them! :)

Stepping back a bit, this is from chapter 7. These are all the songs that were sung, not in order. Enjoy! P.S- I don't own any of these songs.

Joey somehow managed to talk Xornoth into singing 'Other Side' by Hugh Jackman, and they had a lot of fun.

Bdubs sang 'You're Welcome' by Moana.

Doc sang 'Centuries' by Fall Out Boy.

Katherine sang 'Roar' by Katy Perry

Sausage sang 'No Roots' by Alice Merton.

Stress sang 'How Far I'll Go' by Moana (Second song by Moana, I haven't seen the movie in so long, I don't know why I brought up these songs. They're good, though.)

Joel sang '7 years' by Lukas Graham.

Scar sang 'Shivers' by Shawn Mendes. (Not the most fitting song, sorry)

Etho sang 'Anti-hero' by Taylor Swift.

Grian sang a song of his own design called 'Mumbo AFK'. Mumbo was in the background backing away from the mic.

Lizzie sang 'Cover Me In Sunshine' by P!nk.

Fwhip sang a song of his own design called 'I eat rocks'. (Ik it isn't a song that's ever been sung ever, but I wanted him to sing this 'song'.)

Pearl sang 'Set It All Free' by Scarlett Johansson.

Jimmy sang 'Not A Toy' by Gideon.

Keralis sang 'Blackbird' by The Beetles. (Again, not the most fitting song...)

Shelby, Scott, and Mumbo stood in the background, humming along and enjoying the presence of people (Scott did actually enjoy the presence of people, in a way.) and the music (No matter how bad some were at singing.)

(Feel free to laugh at any of the choices I made for the Hermits/Emperors/Empresses. 👍🏻)

Well, those are the extra details. I'm sorry this took so long to publish, I kept running out of ideas and then getting ideas, and then running out of ideas again. I also completely blanked on Keralis's song for 2 days.

Also, as I'm writing this, I'm editing all the previous chapters so that Iskall can have the right pronouns. I'm going to be editing this a lot (hopefully not the much *nervous laughter*) so I don't feel bothered with some small things.

This book will see slower updates, but I hope I won't take as long as I took with this! Happy reading guys, gals, and non-binary pals!


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