Admit it||Wenclair

By GayWriter6002

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Ever since the night of horror, Enid and Wednesday have grown closer. They've grown closer in a way Wednesday... More

Chapter 1: That night
Chapter 2: The Addams Family
Chapter 3: Love or Hate You?
Chapter 4: Put Your Records On
Chapter 5: Jealousy
Chapter 6: Best Friends?
Chapter 7: What Are We?
Chapter 8: Caught
Chapter 9: Wolf Out
Chapter 10: Date or Fate?
Chapter 11: Addams Code
Chapter 12: An Eye For An Eye
Chapter 13: Wolf Ache
Chapter 14: Sinclair Vs Addams
Chapter 15: The Quiet Raven
Chapter 16: Raven or Rav'N?
Chapter 17: Death Beyond the Grave
Chapter 18: Snap Back to reality (oh there goes gravity)
Chapter 19: You'll always be a dumb blonde.
Chapter 20: Thanks to you
Chapter 21: For You? Anything.

Chapter 22: Reading to the stars (Final Chapter)

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By GayWriter6002

Massive time jump pooks 😘

Enid's POV:


Okay so maybe I was being a tinyyy but mean but I just want everything to go perfectly. Wens is always so well put together so I just don't wanna show up looking like the clumsy mess I am. Her ENTIRE family is here and it's just so so SO stressful!

"LOOK HUN YOURE ALREADY OUT OF THE CLOSET SO JUST COME OUT ALREADY!" Yoko joked as she yelled up the stairs once more.

Yes. I locked myself in the closet. I'm freaking out okay?! Why doesn't anyone warn you how stressful it is to get married to the love of your life? Like seriously why does it have to be so stress inducing!

"Ens? You in there?" A familiar voice said.


"Bri is that you?"

"Yeah, yeah it's me. Can you open the door? I don't wanna have to bust it down cause you know I will."

They would in fact do that. Actually they have done it before. When I was real little I did this same exact thing my 5th grade graduation and Briar and I were left home alone while everyone went to go get last minute button up shirts. They literally busted my closet door down just to get to me so they could give me a hug.

I unlock the door and come out in my massive wedding dress. Not going to lie it's quite bulky why in the world did I pick this!? UGH.

"Well look at you being beautiful as ever." They said opening their arms for a hug.

Of course I embraced them with the biggest hug I could give. They hugged me back just as tightly. When we were kids Bri was always there to bring me comfort. If I scrapped my knee they were the one to put the bandaid on it and kiss it to make it all better. In a way they were more of a parent to me than our actual parents.

"What's going on Ens? I know you love that Addams girl more than anything in this world so I'm almost certain it isn't that you're getting cold feet."

"Its not cold feet. More like anxiety. All of her family is here and I mean ALL of her family. I'm scared to get up in-front of everyone. What if I fuck up my vows?"

They give me a bright smile. I've been told by the few people that still talk about Bri in the pack, that I have their smile. I'm definitely proud if that is true.

"You will do perfect. I know you will. And if you mess up that just makes you seem as transparent and authentically you as you already are. Just be yourself little sis. That's what Wednesday fell in love with. She fell in love with you and no amount of staring eyes will change how she views you. I promise."

Briar was right. I'm here for Wednesday. Not any of her family members and not for any of mine for that matter even though there isn't that many of mine here. I'm surprised the ones that showed up did. Seeing they outcasted me big time within the pack when they all found out about Wednesday and I.

Even though I got treated like shit by the pack, I didn't care cause Wednesday was there for me through it all. God I love her.

I link arms with briar and begin to walk down the stairs to meet my Wens at the alter. Everything will be aye okay Enid. Just breathe.

The music begins to play and Wednesday walks out into the corridor with her mother and father on either side of her. She's in the most elegant black dress I've ever seen. She's so breathtaking. I'd let her steal my breathe away time and time again. So many times that I'd die.

It was now my turn to walk the isle. Briar and I walked side by side to the alter. I almost tripped half way there but Briar made sure to keep me from falling flat on my face. THANK GOODNESS FOR BRI.

"Today we are all gathered here today to wed Enid Sinclair and Wednesday Addams. These two lovely women have chosen to be each others forever person. Ms. Addams if you would like to read off your vows now."

She cleared her throat before gently taking my hands, "Enid. You and everyone here know I'm not the best when it comes to my emotions. When I met you, my patience was tested, my thoughts were scrambled, and my heart was beating faster than ever. The way your eyes lit up at the most ridiculous moments lit a fire in my cold barley beating heart. When you would brush your shoulder up against mine my body shuttered in the most pleasing way. The way you would look at me with your stupid puppy eyes made my stomach fill with spiders."

A brief moment of silence filled the air as I began to shed a tear of joy.

"Enid. You understand me like no other. You're always patient with me and respect me as a person. My emotions may rarely reach the surface, but everytime they do, you are involved. You bring out the best in me. Everything makes so much more sense with you by my side. We may be complete opposites, but we work in ways no one would expect. You're my everything Cara Mia."

Full on BAWLING my eyes out at her words. How am I supposed to top that??

"Ms. Sinclair if you would now read your vows."

"Well now that I'm officially bawling my eyes out with tears of joy, I can't promise my execution of these will be as good." I joke.

"Wens, our first time meeting each other will always play on repeat in my head. I knew as soon as I saw you that you would very quickly become a main character in my life's story. There was something about the way you presented yourself that just made me want to never leave your side. Clearly you still do. I knew I could have easily chosen the easy route of not trying time and time again yo befriend you but I chose you. I chose you again and again. At the start and end of everyday, no matter the season, no matter the year. I chose you to struggle and succeed with. To fight and make up with. To love and grow old with. I chose you knowing there are still so many more adventures we must explore. Knowing that there would be obstacles in each of those adventures."

I paused, "I chose you to be by my side. If this were any other timeline I'd still choose you, because you Wednesday Addams are the moon the my sun. You're my reason for shining so bright."

A single tiny tear fell down her cheek. I smiled knowing she was that happy to let a tear roll out of her eye.

Pugsleys son came walking around with our rings. Wednesday placed my ring on my finger and I did the same. Both of us had smiles on our faces. Of course mine was wayyy more noticeable.

"I know pronounce you wife and wife. You may kiss the bride!"

When I tell you I had never reached to kiss Wens faster- All of her beautiful words made me want to kiss her right as she was saying them but obviously I had to wait.

Once we finished the kiss we turned around to the crowd. I interlocked my fingers in Wednesdays hand, lifting our arms in the air.

"I give you Mrs. And Mrs. Sinclair Addams!"
Wednesdays POV:

"Aunty Wednesday! Dad said we gotta leave soon. He wanted to see if you wanted to say goodbye?" A tiny voice called out to me.

I was sitting at a grave laying under my families treehouse. The grave belonged to my Enid.

"I'll be there in fifteen minutes Dove." I respond to the small girl.

Pugsley managed to keep the family line going with his two kids. Dove and Marco. Enid would have loved Dove. Unfortunately she passed before she could meet her.

When my family did the spell to allow Enid to get in my head, something in it slowly started to poison her brain, causing her to fall ill and...die. It will forever be my greatest regret. She shouldn't have been the one to go. That should have been me. Enid didn't deserve this.

Five years now and I still can't stop thinking about you Cara Mia. Everyday, ever minute, every second, I think of you.

My heart feels empty without you here to fill it. The fire that once burned bright has now been stomped out. A pile of ash is all that remains.

The memories we share play in my mind like a never ending sad story. All the good and all the bad all in one flash. Just as you were here, you were gone.

Most nights I see your lifeless body laying on my bed next to me. A smile still on your face. I screamed bloody murder as my hands pressed on your chest. Attempting anything to get you to wake up or to get myself to wake up from this nightmare.

Life without you doesn't feel right. The loneliness that fills my body had practically consumed me. Yoko and Divina still come by every week to check on me and visit your grave. The legacy you left on this planet has not gone unnoticed.

Yoko Divina and I decided to get your book published. The one about the two opposite lovers. I'm almost certain it was just the story of our love but you always denied my hypothesis. It got published and within three months it became a best seller.

You would have been so excited. I can just see you jumping up and down with glee. The smile that would be plastered on your face. Your hands on my shoulders shaking me ever so gently.

I miss you so much Enid.

If only I had gotten to tell you all the things I wanted to.

The many opportunities I had to tell you I love you were endless. Yet I never said it. I was too frightened to do so. I'm aware it sounds pathetic but I know you wouldn't see it that way.

I love you Enid. Always have and always will. Till the day I die and in the after life. You will always be the only one I love. My heart belongs to you for forever my love.

If dying is just an eternal slumber, I hope you dream of me as I do. Perhaps we can meet in my dreams until we are reunited my dear Enid.

Forever and always.

I love you.
No one's POV:

Tw: Suicide

It was April 24th 2043.

The sky was grey and rain came bustling down.

Wednesday Addams laid there dead in her bed. A bottle of poison laying on her beside table. It was paired with a letter.

To whomever is reading this,
I couldn't handle it anymore. The guilt. The longing. The loneliness. My body just couldn't handle it anymore. I missed Enid to the point I could barley function anymore. My quality of life wasn't even me living anymore. I was practically dead already.

I hope you can find it in yourselves to not feel as I did with my Enid. Just know that I am reunited with my one true love and that I'm happy. You should try and do the same. Or don't either way. Plus if you are an Addams I'll see you soon at the family reunion.

Yours truly, Wednesday Sinclair Addams.

The End.
It's finally over everyone. End of the Admit it era. Hope you enjoyed my story and I didn't give you too much mental damage. Also I WILL NOT BE PAYING FOR YOUR THERAPY AND I HAVE A GREAT LAWYER SO DONT SUE ME. Anyways. I plan to write another Wenclair fanfic. If you have any ideas you would like to see in this new story please do feel free to comment them. I'm not entirely sure when I will upload this new story as I do have to do a tad bit of planning as to where I want the plot to go. Thank you all for reading my story and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

This is Lex signing off of Admit It.

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