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11.9K 611 859

Dear Mr.Right

Going on my first date today, I've literally never been more nervous in my life. Not even for that stupid presentation, this is crazy. I just hope I don't do anything embarrassing. What if I trip and fall and then he doesn't like me anymore and stops talking to me......
brb gonna kms.

After calling Hayden and letting him know I was outside, I took my usual stance of leaning against my car while I waited for him.

He was actually taking a little long so I figured he was probably still getting dressed—and overthinking whatever he had chosen to put on.

Truthfully speaking though, it did not matter what he put on, To me, he looked good in everything. He was genuinely the most attractive person I'd ever seen.

It's so crazy how he was both handsome and pretty, and even crazier how he barely realized it.

I can't even lie, I was nervous too. Sure by this point we both knew we had feelings for each other, but a date was next level—and this was the first time I had a crush on someone.

Yesterday I was really scared that I was gonna mess up, and because I knew I wasn't doing anything 'bad' I got kinda mad and talked to him in a way I didn't like.

It's not really even something I can explain—but it was really hard for me to try and wrap my head around why he was acting how he was.

I was asking him what was wrong, but he would tell me it was nothing even when it was clearly something. It was like he wanted me to read his mind, and obviously, no matter how hard I tried to do that, I couldn't.

I just really don't wanna mess this up, he was perfect for me. If I could build a girlfriend, boyfriend, or anything in between,  from the ground up—it would be Hayden.

This had to work.

Finally, breaking me from my thoughts was the boy who I'd been stressing over.

After locking up his house he walked over to me, dressed nicely in cargo pants, a graphic tee, and some chucks. He had a really good sense of style, he reminded me of them people off Tiktok, imma have to get him to dress me up one day so I can upload it on mine.

As usual, we met for a hug as he approached me, every-time we hugged he had a habit of inhaling. I'm not sure if he knew that I noticed, but it's fine because I liked it. Maybe I was good at calming him down.

"You spoiling me by looking this good." I flirted, squeezing him a bit tighter in my arms.

"stop.." he mumbled, another habit he formed when he was clearly blushing.

Once he backed up and we could get another look at each other he spoke, "You're talking about how I look—look at you." He pouted.

"Fresh hair cut, hair curled out naturally, and wearing a tank-top." He spoke.

"My shirt is in the car, I took it off because I got hot." I chuckled.

He stayed silent but traced his eyes over my arms and chest, clearly in thought about nothing that was holy.

I'm gonna be brutally honest too, I haven't had sex in months, and I haven't even masturbated since then—to say I was sexually frustrated was an understatement. So the way he was looking at me right now was making it even harder for me to keep my blood rushing down to my crotch.

"let's go," I spoke up, stepping aside and opening up the passenger door for him.

He nodded and spoke, "thank you," just as he stepped inside.

Once he was in and buckled up I shut the door behind him and made my way to the driver's side, where I too buckled up.

The first thing I had set up might seem a little childish, but it was something small—plus everyone did it around here at least once in their lives.

"you ever pick strawberries?" I asked as I began driving, again taking in his appearance as I eyed him from head to toe.

"no, why," he paused, "is that where we're going?" He smirked.

"It's the first spot." I nodded with a chuckle, "I'm sorry if it's weird—I kinda just wanted to give you a taste of everything today."

"No it's cute, I'm gonna vlog it, this is perfect!" He exclaimed, pulling out his phone.

"vlog?" I questioned.

"Mhm, I like to vlog all the new, fun things I do." He answered.

"you upload them?" I asked.

"No, I don't have a real camera—I just use my phone, I'm the only one that sees them but it's still fun to look back at." He told me.

"Wanna go buy one really quick?" I asked genuinely, again I wanted him to enjoy today for everything it was, down to every detail.

"No we don't have to, those things are expensive—I don't got the funds for that." He joked.

"I'm gonna pay for it," I told him.

"Yamir you really don't have to." He laughed.

"are you sure, I think it'll be cool?" I smirked, "lemme get it for you."

He broke out into a red hued smile then nodded. "Okay but only if you're sure."

"yeah no doubt," I nodded, "There's an electronic place downtown, it won't take too long."

So that's where we went, our little drive to the strawberry patch took a detour while we picked up the camera.

When we got there I really didn't know what exactly we were looking for, but thankfully Hayden did.

This was all so confusing to me, those things looked like robots.

"you really didn't have to do this, thanks again booby," Hayden spoke as I paid for the device.

"cut it out." I told him simply, watching as the cashier handed me the boxed equipment.

While we walked back to my car I carried the box, but then handed it over to Hayden while I again began to drive.

He had a little while to set it up since the drive to the strawberry patch was like an hour away.

But when he did, man I swear his eyes lit up, "yes!" He squealed.

"what, you got it?" I questioned with a smile.

"yep!" He replied, holding it up to his face.

He had it flipped so that he was recording himself, but could also see how he looked.

The camera seemed to be really high-end, and for the amount I paid for it—it better had been.

"Hi Haymakers, welcome back to another video—"

"Haymakers?" I questioned, laughing as I continued to drive.

"It's what I call my supporters." He deadpanned.

I could've sworn he just said that he never actually uploaded his vlogs, but I'd let him have his moment for now.

"Problem?" He continued.

"Nah you got it, it's cute." I waved off.

"—so today my boystie and I are going on our first date." He continued, talking to the camera.

Hopefully, by the end of the day I wouldn't be hearing that boystie word anymore, it was time to be promoted to boyfriend.

"Here's my boystie," he then spoke, pointing the camera over to me, "Isn't he cute."

"cute, that's all?" I teased, looking over at him when I came to a red light.

"gotta keep it PG." he joked, causing me to chuckle.

"I wanna hear the non-PG version though," I replied, licking at my bottom lip.

At first, he looked taken back by my words, then he just dropped his head with a smile,  "—okay I'll talk back with you guys when we get the strawberry patch."

After that, he closed the camera and sat it between his lap.

"—so go ahead." I continued, "non-PG."

"—unless you're scared," I added, teasing.

"Why would I be scared to call you fine..." he questioned.

"Or sexy..." he continued.

After both words, a burst of adrenaline went through me, and again, blood began rushing to my crotch.

"look who's scared now?" He shot back, smirking.

"who?" I raised an eyebrow, "never been scared, I tell you how good you look every day."

"well I wanna hear it again." He continued.

"you make my mouth water," I said simply, watching as his jaw dropped from my words.

I chuckled at his reaction and continued to drive— even throwing on some music while he sat stuck with his thoughts.

As long as we have been "talking," I never really showed too much of my sexual side because I felt like if I did that too early, then that would be all our relationship was about.

But now I feel like we'd been going steady for long enough that I could be a little bit more honest about shit like that.

My sex drive was crazy and for him, I could keep it under control. But I swear, the moment he gives me the green light I'm changing his life.

"You need Jesus." He joked.

"Possibly," I agreed, "but he knows my heart." I cheesed.

He laughed at my words and then went back to fiddling with his camera for the rest of the ride.

Finally, when we arrived at our destination I exited my car and opened the door up for Hayden, watching as he happily wrapped his camera around his neck.

"c'mon," I mumbled, grabbing his hand gently and walking up to the front area of the patch, where the workers usually stood.

"Good morning!" one greeted brightly as we approached.

"morn'," I replied, "I had a time frame scheduled yesterday, should be under the last name Marino." I nodded.

"Alrighty give me one sec," she paused, scanning her paper, "yep, I see it right here!"

I then watched as she picked up two baskets, "we just need one, thank you." I told her politely.

She then nodded and placed one down before handing me the other.

"You two will have an hour and a half to pick from the bushes, please don't tug, step, or cut anything from the root—I hope you enjoy." She smiled.

"Thank you." Both Hayden and I replied.

After that we began walking ahead, I mean just the landscape out here was beautiful.

"here," I motioned, handing Hayden the bucket.

He took it with a smile and began to walk slightly ahead, looking for a group of fruit that looked the best to pick.

When he found one he stopped and crouched, "These are gonna be sooo good." He cheesed, carefully picking them and putting them in the basket.

"—can you record me?" He asked.

"yeah, whatever you want," I nodded, watching as he took the camera from around his neck.

"How do I do it love?" I then asked.

"Just press this button and hold it." He smiled.

"bet." I replied, doing as he said, which caused a red light to turn on.

"—okay go ahead." I told him.

"haymakers, I'm in my farmer era—look at me." He joked, again crouching to pick up the fruit, causing me to laugh.

"Yamir say hi." He instructed.

"sup," I muttered, causing him to roll his eyes.

"turn the camera around so they can see your face dumb-dumb." He spoke, laughing.

"Oh, my fault." I mumbled, following his instructions and turning the camera around.

"sup," I repeated, then turned the camera back to him.

"—okay guys, we're gonna keep doing this for a while, and then I'm gonna update you at the next location!" He smiled, "bye bye!"

"—say bye booby." He continued to instruct.

"bye." I spoke, just before closing the camera.

After that, I handed it back to him and he handed me the bucket before he applied the device back around his neck.

For a couple of minutes, we both enjoyed picking up some strawberries, and making conversation while we did so.

"how do you like it so far?" I questioned.

"It's amazing." He replied with a smile, "how did you even think of this?"

"Just a lot of late-night thoughts." I laughed, "I didn't want to ask for help, or use Google, I wanted it all to come from me." I said truthfully.

"Since I've known you—you've never really liked crowds or too much attention, so I knew it had to be something small and intimate," I added.

"wow.." he mumbled breathlessly.

"I'm planning date two, I can't let you keep upstaging me." He shook his head.

"I already earned a second date?" I cheesed.

Of course, he playfully gave me a flat look and then replied, "yes, date two, three, and so on."

I chuckled at his response and placed another couple of strawberries into the bucket.

"you're gonna come to my game Monday right?" I then asked, watching as he compared two fruit in his hand.

"you guys have a game on Monday, that's so weird—what the hell." He replied.

"yeah I know, it's a playoff game for nationals, all our families are gonna be there, and I want you there too." He spoke.

"sure, I just gotta let my dad know so he can drop me off and pick me up." He then nodded.

"hey, my mom can pick you up, and I'll drop you off." I told him, "If you're comfortable that is."

"oh um..." he mumbled nervously.

"—you don't have to." I nodded.

"no, I mean I want to ride with you...it's just, I'm kinda nervous about your mom, y'know." He spoke back, shyly.

"No I get it one hundred percent, I was just offering. As long as you're there I'm cool with whatever." I told him sincerely.

"I'm really your good luck charm huh?" He smirked, walking down the path.

"yeah, my good luck charm, my cheerleader, my favorite supporter—all of that," I told him with a smile, gliding my tongue over my bottom lip.

He blushed at my words like he always did while he continued to walk.

It was actually really amusing for me to see how flustered he got when I praised him like that.

Pretty-boy didn't even have to tell me his kinks, they were obvious.

For the remainder of our time, we picked up a good amount of strawberries. In the end, they washed them for us and gave them back for us to keep.

I'd already of course planned all of this so I placed the fruits in the cooler I had in my trunk.

While I did that Hayden went ahead and took his usual spot in the passenger seat, and moments later I joined him in the driver's one.

Again he was talking to his camera when I got back, and at this point, I was wondering why he didn't just start a legitimate channel.

"—it was so much fun," he continued, pausing when I got in the car, "where to next booby?" He cheesed, again pointing the camera in my direction.

"lunchtime," I stated simply, "we're going on a picnic," I told him.

He looked at me with wide eyes the spoke, "that's so cute!"

Again I smiled, this was the most openly happy and excited he'd been with me so far. Sure I've seen him happy, but usually he'd still have a smart remark for me.

None of that today though, he's been very open about how happy I was making him—and it felt so good.

"really, I'm glad you're excited, I was nervous that would be too outdoorsy right after coming from a strawberry patch," I admitted.

"No it's cute, I'm gonna take so many pictures." He smiled, recording himself.

I laughed at his antics and then began to drive.

The area I'd chosen was only like 10 minutes away. The scenery around here was so good that I really didn't think it was worth traveling far.

When we arrived, I watched Hayden's expression, and much to my delight he looked enthralled by the beauty of everything.

We're 2-0, I'm killing it so far.

"Just go ahead and lay down the blanket in a good spot, I'm gonna carry everything over," I told him after we exited the car.

"you sure you don't need help?" He questioned, watching as I walked around to the trunk.

"I got it, you don't gotta lift a finger," I repeated, shaking my head.

He smiled and nodded then grabbed the blanket.

I watched as he walked ahead to choose a spot, then I grabbed the cooler.

After making sure I had everything I closed my trunk and walked over to the spot Hayden chose.

He was sitting crisscross with his camera in front of him, enjoying both the view and the cool air.

After placing the cooler down I took a seat next to him and released a content breath.

"what are we eating?" He questioned.

"I got my mom to make us some subs, then I just threw in some snacks—plus the strawberries we just picked," I told him.

He nodded with a smile and then pulled everything out, neatly placing it in front of us.

"you don't have to unwrap it for me, love." I laughed, watching as he unwrapped my sub.

"no back talk." He said simply, placing the sandwich in front of me.

"yes sir." I nodded, smirking.

"—you recording this?" I then asked.

"Mhm, I can end it if you want, but now that I have a camera I really want to document this. It's my first date, and it's going so well, I'm just really happy right now.." he ranted, smiling as he unwrapped his own sub this time.

"you can keep recording, I don't care." I told him honestly, "it's your day."

"It's our day, your first date too isn't it?" He asked.

"Yeah—but the only thing I wanted to do today was make you happy, and so far you are," I told him, just before taking a bite of my food.

"are you just being cute for the camera?" He teased, looking at the device that was propped up ahead of us.

"I'd say all this off-camera too." I laughed.

He laughed along with me, then we enjoyed the natural silence for a moment while we ate.

Hayden had even begun to lowly play some music from his phone to accompany the chill vibes. I swear my boy loved Sza, I've barely heard him listen to anyone else.


"Can we play a game?" He asked as he picked up a strawberry.

"yeah, what do you have in mind?" I asked.

"Let's playyyy.... Twenty-One questions." He cheesed.

"okay." I nodded, "you go first."

"Hmmm," He muttered In thought, "do you want any pets, and if so, what type?" He asked.

" I do, I want a husky dog, I actually do plan on getting one when I move out and get my own place."

"—no way." He spoke in shock.

"what, are you okay?" I questioned in genuine concern.

"I want a husky too, an all-white one, and then I want one to be heterochromatic." He ranted.

"damn," I chuckled, " I guess we do have more in common than we thought."

"you have any names thought out?" He then questioned.

"not really, maybe I'll name one of them Levi after an anime character, and depending on how many I get I might just keep the anime thing going."

"—what about you?' I asked

"I want a cute little name like Furry, or Mr. Snuggles, but the anime ones are cute too." He shrugged, causing me to chuckle.

"Speaking of 'cute' names, how's my son doing?" I joked, referring to the stuffed panda I'd gotten for Hayden at that carnival last week.

He scoffed at my joke then spoke, "Pandiggles is great, we cuddle every night, along with tiggles." He nodded proudly.

Man, I'm jealous of a stuffed animal..this has got to be a new low.

"—Yamir these are so sweet!" He said randomly, holding up a strawberry.

"really, Lemme get one," I mumbled.

"here," he motioned, holding the small fruit to my lips.

My eyes darted from his face to the fruit, and just so I was sure about what he was doing, I hesitated before leaning in and taking a bite.

He was right, it was sweet, but that was the last thing on my mind. There weren't enough words, or adequate enough words to really describe how much I loved when he took care of me.

"Isn't it good?" He questioned as he watched me chew.

"Yeah, you did a good job picking." I nodded.

"Wait—what do you mean by that, you saying I would've been a good slave?" He asked, causing my eyes to go wide.

"what no—"

"I'm kidding, just kidding." He laughed, calming my nerves.

"—my mom used to garden and grow all our fruits and veggies, I did it with her sometimes so I just have a hunch of what would probably taste the best." He reveled.

"oh, that's really dope," I replied, now I felt even better about choosing to go strawberry picking.

"—she sounds like she was really healthy." I added.

"Absolutely," he confirmed, "when she was alive the whole household ate a lot cleaner, and even though the food was healthy it was still good to eat." He smiled.

"you know how to cook like her too?"I questioned, semi-joking.

"Definitely not as good as her, but I'm pretty good. I'm absolutely better than my dad, not that that's exactly saying much." He snickered.

"You should cook for me one day?" I smirked, slouching down on my side and propping myself up with my shoulder.

he looked over at me and shook his head, then looked at the camera, "this boy is so determined to turn me into a house husband."

I laughed for a bit then replied, "maybe, I just want you all to myself."

"you're basically the only person I talk to." He stated.

"—when all your besties aren't interrupting us that is." He added with sass.

"Yeah I'm gonna get better with being straight up with them okay, just be patient with me, it's kinda hard." I told him truthfully.

Again, I don't even think it's something I could describe. I wasn't scared of them or their reactions per se, I just didn't wanna make things awkward.

But despite that, I really didn't like how they continuously intrude on me and Hayden at lunch—and I knew he hated it.

I'll handle it, I'll figure it out.

"—and you're my only bestie". I told him.

"You sure? Ericka sure loves to call you her best friend." He joked.

"I'm not worried about that girl, and you shouldn't be either," I told him, grabbing a water bottle.

"—but your jealousy is sexy." I teased, smirking.

He mocked me dramatically which only caused me to chuckle.

The third thing I had planned was the one I was most nervous about—it was really out there and I'm not even sure I knew if he liked to do it.

But on the off chance he did enjoy it, it was unique, and I'm sure he wouldn't expect it.

In the mean time though we still enjoyed our game of twenty-one questions.

"Dream place to live?" I asked.

"somewhere cold, I really want a nice cottage in a snowy type of town—something cozy like that." He smiled.

"—we have places like that here in VA y'know, during the winter," I told him.

"Really?" He questioned.

"Yeah my parents have a cottage up north, we haven't been in a while though." I told him.

"—oh my god, Yamir if you don't mind me asking, how does your family have so much money? Like you're literally rich, it's crazy." He ranted.

"my dad was born into it," I told him, "from there he kinda just made it his own."

There was a pretty big detail I was leaving out, but I don't know if I should even tell him that. It's not exactly something I was proud of, and I didn't wanna scare him away.

For now I'd just leave it out, but someday I'd tell him I guess.

He nodded in understanding, then carried on with his meal. For the remainder of our lunch, we ate in comfortable silence.

When I stood up abruptly, he looked up at me in confusion which of course caused me to speak.

"Time for part three," I told him before walking back over to the trunk of my car.

This time I pulled out two canvases, and a couple of small articles of paint.

When I returned to him and our picnic set up, he eyed everything in my hands, then smiled widely.

"painting?" He asked.

"Only if you want to," I told him, placing everything down, "I know it's not the—"

"It's perfect Yamir, I actually like to paint." He cheesed.

"Okay I was right, good," I spoke, releasing a nervous breath.

"Wait you knew?" He then asked, looking over at me.

"not foreal, but when I spent the night over at your place I noticed the paintings on the wall. Plus none of them had watermarks so I assumed you made them. And even if you didn't make them, you still clearly liked paintings."

His mouth fell slightly as he looked on at me silently, then he just dropped his head while his cheeks turned red.

I'm not even sure what I did to make him blush this time, but I liked it nevertheless.

"—c'mon now, you gotta teach me." I told him.

"it's not that hard, just watch me." He smiled.

And so I did, and after a couple of minutes, I pretty much got the hang of it, which seemed to surprise Hayden.

I did have a tendency to learn things pretty quickly, and I found myself being good at a decent amount of things, guess it was a blessing.

We both decided that we'd paint to ourselves, and then reveal the artwork to each other when we finished.

"You ready?" He asked.

"—you've got paint on your nose bubba'." He then added, laughing as he reached over to wipe off the coloring with his thumb.

"oh damn, thanks," I mumbled lowly, feeling myself blush this time—which was out of the ordinary.

"—yeah I'm ready." I followed up.

"Ok," he nodded, "3, 2, 1!"

After he counted down, we flipped over our canvases to show each other.

He had painted a picture of my Mustang, and I had painted a picture of a panda—which was supposed to be the stuffed panda I got for him.

"Wow," I muttered as I looked at his painting, it was genuinely really good.

"aww, this is so cute!" He exclaimed, cooing over mine.

For a couple of minutes we continued to eye each other's work, then exchanged the two for the other to keep.

By this time the sun began to set, and an orange wave of light engulfed us, which I guess was perfect for the last stop of our date.

After we got everything cleaned up and packed back into the car, I began to drive to our last destination.

Every now and then I'd look over at Hayden just to read his expression, but the whole time he'd just been smiling.

It made me so happy that I'd made him that happy today. It would suck to have a bad first date. If he was gonna remember anything about today it was gonna be because of how amazing it made him feel.

Finally, when I arrived at the destination, the location itself was kind of self-explanatory.

A drive-in theatre

Hayden had actually dozed off halfway through the ride, but I let him seeing as though it was pretty long.

"love.." I spoke up, which didn't wake him.

"Hayden...." I repeated, again to no avail.

After chuckling, I decided to gently shake his arm, which did the trick.

After looking around in confusion, he looked over at me and visibly calmed, then smiled.

"Oh wow." He mumbled, rubbing his eyes as he looked on ahead.

"Yeah, this is our last stop, I'm sorry for tiring you out," I told him.

"No, I'm not even tired—I don't wanna leave." He waved off.

"—I was just resting my eyes." He lied, causing me to laugh.

I then rolled down all my windows as we waited for the movie to begin.

"resting your eyes, right." I teased.

He ignored my joke and began to speak about something totally different.

"Thank you for today Yamir, I'm sorry about all the pettiness yesterday, but now I get how much time and effort you put into this." He told me.

"no don't apologize, I told you that was my fault for not figuring out a better way to handle that. I really didn't give you any other choice but to come to your own conclusions." I replied.

"It wasn't your fault." He shook his head.

"If you're upset and I could've prevented it, then it is my fault—nothing you say can change that," I told him, reaching over to grab his hand.

He looked down at it for a moment then spoke lowly, "Yamir?"

"yeah?" I questioned.

"Is it okay if I kiss you?" He asked.

I was taken back for a second, but composed myself quickly, "you can do whatever you want, love."

He blushed harshly again as he spoke, "it's my first kiss though, if I'm bad—don't laugh."

"I got you, just follow me alright," I told him lowly before leaning in.

The entire time I was leaning forward his eyes were glued to my lips.

Finally, when our lips connected, I reached up to softly touch his chin while I guided him through the kiss.

At first his inexperience was showing because he didn't even move, but when I placed my hand on the side of his face he began to get into it more.

Our first "kiss" lasted for what felt like minutes, and by the time it broke, all we could do was gasp for air.

This was by far the reddest I'd seen him, but the expression he wore was anything but embarrassed.

In fact, after only a couple of seconds of a breather, he was the one to lean forward and re-connect our lips.

The way he was positioned, he was basically sprawled out over the gear stick, so I just pulled him over so that he was straddling my lap now—still never breaking the kiss.

Eventually, he broke it to catch his breath again, and I took that as a moment to show him a little bit more than a kiss—but just a little bit.

I kissed his chin, his neck, and especially his collarbone—all while telling him how pretty he was.

"w-woah." He mumbled, throwing his head back slightly when my tongue trailed over the flesh of his neck.

"shh, just relax," I mumbled, knowing that even though I had tinted windows, we weren't exactly alone out here.

"sorry." He apologized, resting his head in the crook of my neck.

I chuckled to myself and then rested my hands on his hips, his innocence was cute—even though he did his best to hide it sometimes.

"you're a good kisser," I told him, placing another one on his cheek.

"stop," he whined lowly.

"good kisser," I continued.

"—perfect body," I added, kissing his neck this time.

He exhaled sharply at that, which confirmed that his spot was right here.

"—pretty face," I mumbled, moving my hands from his hips and trailing them up his body.

His body was so hot now—even through his clothes I could feel the heat.

"And I want it to be all mine." I finished, feeling as he lifted himself up from my neck to look down at me.

"all yours.." he repeated.

"I wanna be your boyfriend," I told him, reaching over to gently lean my chair back more, so now I was basically laying down as he straddled me.

His silence was scary, but I knew that was only due to his nerves because he spoke again, "I wanna be your boyfriend too."

"okay," I spoke lowly, "so then from now on, I'm yours and you're mine." I finished.

His smile formed slowly and he once again reached down to place a kiss on my lips before speaking, "From now on, we're together." He nodded

After that, he reached down to place his hands on my chest, which gave him some leverage to lean over me and allow our faces to be close.

"...my pretty boy." I mumbled, wrapping my arms around him to lay him down against my chest, where he cuddled soon after.

I don't think I've ever been more erect in my life. So much so that it was actually a little painful.

Unfortunately, though, I doubt it would be good to try anything in this car around all these people.

He was a virgin, he needed room, he needed to be comfortable, and I needed him to be ready.

Whenever he decided that he was...I'd be there.

"booby.." he called out lowly.

"yes?" I replied, rubbing his back comfortably.

"was I really a good kisser or were you lying?" He asked.

"—you're a perfect kisser," I told him, knowing he liked to hear it.

"your lips are softer than I could ever imagine, and you taste amazing," I added.

"you liked it?" He asked again.

"you did a good job Hayden, I loved it." I assured him.

"...a good job." I heard him whisper giddily to himself, and still, his warmth was prominent.

The movie began shortly after that, it was just some screening of an old love movie, but I don't think either of us really cared. All we were focused on was each other.

This was so weird for me because most of my 'relationship' dynamics have been me being in it for one thing, and eventually having to end it because the other party got too invested.

But with Hayden, it was so different. He was all I thought about, the only person I wanted to be around, and the only person I wanted to focus on.

I was completely enthralled with this boy, and I'm sure it was because he was my dream partner.

Yeah, autism played an early factor, but completely disregarding that—he was just perfect for me.

It didn't even have anything to do with my disorder anymore.

He was just Right.

♥ ᴅᴇᴀʀ ᴍʀ.ʀɪɢʜᴛ ♥

hope you enjoyed,
also I promise, the wait will be worth it for that scene.

sorry for any errors, this is a very long chapter .

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