Model For Me |l.s.|

Od UnknownKevin

538 26 15

The modeling industry can be a cruel, competitive, and harsh life, especially for someone who hasn't managed... Více

Model For Me
chpt. 7
chpt. 8
chpt. 9


66 3 0
Od UnknownKevin

By the time I'm seated on the plain, my eyes are already falling shut. It's far too early in the morning for me to be awake, but mum wanted us to arrive during the day in order for us to be able to take in the entire area and our hotel room before shooting tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to this twelve-hour flight in the slightest bit, but I suppose the faster I get there, the faster I get to work out, shower, and sleep.

Once we've taken off - something I've never been particularly fond of - I let myself drift off.

Waking up, I see that it is fully bright outside, and I look at my watch to find that it's 2:00 pm, and I feel relieved remembering that I switched the time frame before we left. Since our flight left around 5:00, I'd estimate another three or so hours before we land. Mum is still asleep beside me, so I watch the ocean below us for a bit. Once we enter a cloud, I find myself reading my mum's self-health book. It's got tons of nutritional facts and such about all sorts of foods, and the importance of the right food for the body.

She's always been sort of a health freak, but I suppose that it only comes in handy when it comes to my job. I'm two chapters in when the flight attendant comes around with the kart, and I just opt for a glass of water, which I'm thankful for it to have ice in it, and I get the same for mum, assuming she'll wake up in the next hour.

I've never adored flying, just because it's lost its initial magic that I remember first experiencing the feeling of when I started flying around more. Now, I've seen the clouds and the oceans, and I'm no longer entertained, nor am I impressed.

Mum wakes up within the next thirty minutes, and she talks to me about some sort of exercise class she's tried out, as well as some random drama in the model world between two models from the Versaci show last Thursday.

Once we've landed, it takes more time than I'd originally hoped to get us to our hotel. From there, the check-in is dreadfully complicating, and we're left standing in the lobby for far too long. It's a nice place, is my initial reaction to it all, and I'm buzzing to see our room.

The room is actually great walking in, and I'm actually really excited to be here for an entirety of one whole week. It's a wonder, how and why Harry Styles has paid so much for us when I would've lived in a box in an alleyway to do this photoshoot. There are separate rooms for us to sleep in, with a nice kitchen that leads into the living room, and a few bathrooms. Once I've situated myself (which basically means I threw my suitcase on the floor beside my bed), I take a step onto the patio outside the living room. The salty air and light breeze instantly relax me, and I take a moment to appreciate this 'vacation' before mum steps out.

"Louis, get ready. There's a gym downstairs," she says. I internally groan, but nod and head back inside. "Work on legs and cardio tonight - the photoshoot is bright and early tomorrow."

"Alright, mum," I nod. Once I get to the gym, I find that it's a decent size. I stick to what she told me, with the treadmill and squats, and once an hour passes, I head back up. I feel so ready for bed by the time I've finished showering and brushing my teeth. I'm sure to wash my face, of course, and have a cup of tea to calm me down before I fall asleep in the surprisingly comfortable bed.

I'm woken up by my mum, before I check the time with tired eyes to find that it is 7:15. It takes me a good ten minutes to fully sit up, and by then mum is already telling me to be ready to leave in the next half hour. I take a quick and cold shower - more of a rinse, actually - to wake myself and to get my blood pumping. Once I've brushed my teeth and put my contacts in, I get dressed in basic sweatpants and a t-shirt. I throw on a jacket as well and grab my charged phone, before we're out the door.

It's a ten-minute drive to a more secluded area of the beach, where I can already see the setup from the road. We park and make our way down the boardwalk, showing out IDs to the guard to ensure we're allowed to be here.

"A bit chilly, don't you think?" Mum asks as we're walking over to where the little trailer is parked. I'm assuming it's where we change and get our hair and makeup sorted out.

"Sun isn't out," I say in reply. "But yeah, I'm quite cold."

A man approaches them, and he immediately shakes both of our hands before speaking.

"You're Louis, if I'm correct?" he asks me.

"Yes," I nod in reply. "Nice to meet you."

"Alright, Mrs. Tomlinson, if I could give you a rundown of the shoot?" he asks.

"Of course."

"Okay, then Louis, just head on inside. You should have a seat waiting for you," he smiles professionally, pointing in the direction of the trailer door. I give a polite smile and nod, before heading in. There are three women inside with various products and items in their hands. There's a red-headed girl in one chair that's sat in front of the mirror, and she glances up just as Louis looks at her reflection.

"You're the British boy, aren't you?" she asks in a posh accent.

"Yeah," I nod.

"Brilliant! We're the only ones, it seems," she shrugs.

"We'll have to stick together, then," I nod.

"Can I have a name?" a woman asks. She's got long black hair and seems to be middle-aged, and I'm assuming she's the hairdresser, judging by the hairspray and comb she's holding.

"Louis Tomlinson," I say, and she smiles kindly.

"Right then, darling. Take a seat, it should only take thirty minutes," she instructs. I comply, sitting on the black chair while she begins toying with my hair.

"Soft hair, you've got," she comments. Another woman comes around with incredible eye makeup, and that's what leads me to believe she's the makeup woman. A true sherlock homes, I am. She begins powdering up my face to get rid of the shine while the other woman sprays water in my hair to wet it.

Once my hair's been blow dried to have more volume, plus the added hairspray, it's sticking in all different directions, but it looks good, nonetheless. My makeup is the same as usual, pretty much. She's added some highlighter and the slightest bit of clear mascara and glittered eyeliner, as well as basic lip oil, just to make me look more naturally better.

"Out you go, then," she shoos me off quickly, and I hurry out.

"Good, you're finished just in time!" the man from earlier says. I notice his voice is a gruffier American one. "I forgot to introduce myself earlier; I'm James, the project manager."

"Nice to meet you again," I say.

"Alright, I'll just give you a basic rundown of the shoot," he says, and I nod, listening intently. "You'll be wearing the crewnecks in all colors, you'll model the water bottle, and the basic slogan t-shirts in all the colors. Sound good?"

"Yeah, that works," I nod.

"Perfect, head inside and put on the first outfit. The stylist will have it laid out," he instructs me. I do what he says, coming out five minutes later in leggings and a gray 'Treat People With Kindness' T-shirt on. I have to admit, he doesn't have the best merch in the world, but it gets the job done, I suppose. I also have never really worn leggings, so this is a first, but most everyone else is, besides the guy in the jean shorts and the girl in the athletic shorts.

"Alright everyone," James announces, and everyone's conversations stop. "Thank you all for coming out here to work with us! We'll make this go as smoothly as possible, so let's get started! Also, Harry can't be here today, unfortunately, but he'll be here tomorrow to get some shots with you all for the Instagram page!" Everyone cheers, and I join in at the news of meeting Harry. I've gotten to a point where I don't get particularly starstruck, ever since I met Bella Hadid briefly at a fashion event, so I'm not too shocked.

The shoot goes relatively well, and we take most of the shots with me around the same spot on the beach, but just in different shirt or jumper colors. We also take some pictures of me holding the water bottle, and some of me drinking from it. We also get a few of the more laid-back photographs for the Instagram page finished, and it is mainly just us all hanging out, hugging, talking, or doing a stereotypical Instagram pose.

I've noticed how kind everyone seems to be at this shoot, and it puts me in a good mood the entire day. They have a buffet table set up with all sorts of fruits, vegetables, and even donuts, although I wouldn't dare go near them, anyways, for the sake of my meal plan and my mother's sanity.

I've become rather quick friends with the red-headed girl, who I've found out is named Bree, as well as the rest of the models, and a few of the crew members. We all took our lunch break together, sitting on the beach off to the side of the shoot. Right now, it's time everyone heads back to the hotel. It's not too late in the evening, but just late enough to become golden hour as we drive, and I admire the coast in silence.

"Did you enjoy yourself today?" mum asks once we're both settled on the couch.

"Yeah, everyone was really nice," I respond.

"They were," she nods in agreement. "Just remember to mind your manners and all, especially when Harry comes tomorrow."

"Definitely," I nod. "I wouldn't dream of making a fool of myself in front of him."

"Alright, I'm going to have a call with your manager. You'd better head down to the gym, then," she says, and I nod. By the time I'm finished with another cardio day, though this time I also focus on abs, I don't waste any time showering and getting into bed. Despite my body's soreness and tiredness, I stay awake at least half an hour too late, just thinking of what Harry will be like in person.

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