Shadow Monarch in Another Wor...


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The Shadow Monarch has gone through an S-Rank portal and the destination is not what he expected. P.S. I do... More

Portal to Another World
Talk With Aslan
Adapting, Aslan's Departure, and The Arrival
Mr. Tumnus
The Pevensies Arrive & Meeting The Dark Protector
Edmund, The Witch, and The Attack
Prisoner and Meeting Father Christmas

Edmund Enters Narnia

334 7 0

Edmund had followed Lucy to the wardrobe as he thought she was inside playing make believe. But as he got inside and closed the door he couldn't hear or see Lucy. He started to walk towards what he thought was the back of the wardrobe but got turned around when he bumped into the coats as he was walking backwards he tripped over a tree root and fell down into the snow.

Edmund looked around in awe of what he had found in the wardrobe, but as he walked around he found out that he couldn't see Lucy so he started to walk around while calling for her.

Sung had watched both Lucy's second entrance and the entrance of Edmund. He would've done something were it not for Aslan's warning.

(Flashback 98 Years Ago)

"What do you mean Aslan?"

"For the prophecy to be fulfilled all four must enter Narnia and anything you do might affect how the prophecy may conclude. Your entrance into this world may have already caused some changes. So I advise the use of caution when it comes to interacting with any of the four until they have all entered Narnia."

"Very well Aslan, I am a visiter to this world and while I will eventually find out more about it, as it stands right now, I have little to no knowledge about this world so I will listen to what you have said."

(End of Flashback)

Sung decided he would only indirectly act towards this seemingly lost boy as otherwise there could be consequences. He simply tried to run around while under stealth and direct him towards his sister but the damn kid ignored it and assumed it was the wind.

[Man with how thick in the head this kid is, I fear for the future of Narnia]

Eventually Sung watched from just outside of the witch's range of senses and could see and hear the meeting between Edmund and the b**ch**cough** I mean witch.

As he listened he saw Edmund turn in Mr Tumnus for helping Lucy and although he didn't know that she was the white witch and thought she was Queen of Narnia Sung still couldn't believe that the kid just told a random stranger all this information just because she gave him hot cocoa and Turkish delight.

It was a little after Edmund started eating thst Sung could sense the enchantment taking affect on the boy.

[I see, so that's how she's gonna play it. Very well, two can play at that game]

Sung sent Beru into Ginnebrik's shadow and was happy to see that the witch couldn't see him, So he sent Beru into the witch's own shadow and she was none the wiser. Now he will know her every movement and secret.

[Hehe, this is gonna be fun]

He watched over Edmund as he and Lucy met up and went back towards a certain part of the woods. Sung had already tried to follow Lucy when she left Mr. Tumnus and all he saw is she disappeared into the frozen brush. The same situation repeated itself and he wondered if he'd even be able to go where they came from. Whatever happens in the future, he will cross that bridge when he comes to it.

A couple days passed by and he saw Mr. Tumnus being taken by Maurgrim the witch's lapdog. He quickly sent a shadow soldier into Tumnus as he wanted to be able to use shadow swap or find out what the witch would do to him. He had already discovered from his shadow with the witch, that she had been collecting all the soldiers of his that she froze in an attempt to replicate the magic that let them regenerate. The witch wanted to apply that magic to her own forces to then wage war against Aslan but she couldn't get a reaction from the statues as even though she froze them she could still feel it's connection to another being.

Sung decided to head back to the beaver's house and he had to admit that he did a great job with helping it to be better, stronger, and definitely more spacious. It now had two floors and his room was the biggest on the top floor and he had made a mini log cabin like area for the different rooms in the dam the kitchen and dining room were the second biggest rooms after his own and he made it that way as he knew that Mrs. Beaver loved to cook and Mr. Beaver loved to eat.

How he went about making the dam stronger is he left the outside to the beavers, but added a secondary outside layer of tightly bound and compact wood logs. This made the dam at least 5 times harder to break into. Sung walked in and Mrs. Beaver was off to the side in the kitchen.

"Beaver is that you?"

"No, it's me Sung"

"Oh, you're back, did you do what you needed to do?"

"Yes I did, now all that's left to do is wait."

Just then Beaver walked in with the grave news that Tumnus was taken by the witch's forces.

"That's just dreadful."

"I agree. Beaver, did he say anything to you about why he was taken?"

"No he just said to give this to Lucy Pevensie, and gave me her description."

Beaver held up Lucy's Handkerchief. He did, however, have some good news as well. He explained that Aslan was back and that things might turn around and be in their favor.

Sung was wondering why Aslan didn't greet him at all or request to meet with him. Sung figured it was most likely that he was wanted Sung to protect and escort the Pevensies to him at the stone table. He was more than willing to do this as if Edmund is anything to go by, they'd be screwed without him as Edmund will most likely betray the other three to go to the witch despite all the bad things he will hear about her.

[Ahh right on time. Looks like my shadow I posted near the area of the lampost has found something.]

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