The Humanity's Strongest & Th...

By MichaelaBurney

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Graduating from Cadets and at the top of her class, twenty-three-year-old Tessa Lind is ready to join the Sco... More

A Memory of the Storm-Colored Eyes and the Knife
Just T
Altering Plans
One Year Later
One Month Later
It Can't Be
"Safe With Me"
Complicated... Feelings?
Racing Thoughts
Protect and Lie
Just Like Old Times
A Promise
Stay With Me
I Love You
The Expedition
Our Last Chance...
Choices Are Made
No Regrets
The First Of Many
Dé·jà Vu
An Unusual Request
The Torch of Hope
One Year Later... Again
Grace and Strength
Everything Changes
The Humanity's Strongest & The Graceful Soldiers
To Be Selfless or Selfish?
A Decision is Made
"When will it be enough?"
Wave of Emotions
The 104th Cadets
"Long Time No See."
"The New You."
A Shared Secret
Tension 2.0
Working Together
"Never Underestimate Me."
Punishment? Pleasure? Maybe Both?
Back to Reality
The 49th Expedition
Ilse's Notebook
The Approval
The 104th Cadets' Graduation
The Reluctant Heroes
A Race Against Time
How to Play The Game of Cat and Mouse
The Trial
Return Home
Feeling like a Stranger in a Familiar Place
Experimental Talk
The Waiting Game
Talks about the Future
The First Experiment
"After All These Years..."
Keeping A Promise
A Late-Night Workout

"Be Ready for Anything."

74 0 0
By MichaelaBurney

A/N: I do apologize that this chapter is quite long, but it's because, after this, the story will be following the storyline of AOT, with some of my writing involved. I will add more of my details along the way so please don't worry.

After the Ceremony

When the ceremony ended, the Cadets changed out of their uniforms before going to the mess hall to celebrate the well-deserved meal. Some were still cheering, which echoed in the archways as they left the courtyard. Tessa and Hange continued smiling because it reminded them of when they graduated. It still felt like yesterday to them, from graduating at the top of their class to now being significant leaders in the Scouts. With the courtyard vacant, Hange watches Tessa walk down the staircase to the center, which makes Hange raise a brow, "Cat, you okay?" She asks. While looking over her shoulder, Tessa nods, "Yeah, I just need a minute to reminisce." She confesses, and Hange smiles, "Take all the time you need, Cat. Do you want me to wait for you?" She asks, and Tessa shakes her head, "No, don't worry about me. I'll see you back at base." She reassures her, to which Hange nods before waving goodbye.

After Hange left, Tessa looked at the midnight sky and sighed because she couldn't believe this was her life seven years ago. She was only twenty-three, a doctor, and then a top model Cadet. Though Tessa was ready to transition from being in the Cadets to joining the Scouts, everything did change that night, but not how Tessa had planned. In meeting the Commander of the Military Police at the time, then learning her Instructor had forged her signature, to leaving that night to the Interior. At first, it angered and scared her because she thought it would be for the rest of her life. However, looking back on it now, she wouldn't change it because it got her to where she is now. Kip wouldn't be at her side, possibly never seeing and being with Levi, meeting many great friends and comrades, and becoming a pillar of hope for the people as Humanity's Graceful. Tessa wouldn't change it now because it was supposed to happen for a reason, like everything else.

Tessa takes one last look at the night sky and feels Kip nudge her leg, which breaks her focus, "Hey, Kip," She whispers while petting his head, "You ready to head back?" She asks, and Kip barks, "Okay, boy, let's go. Levi's probably waiting for us." She smiles as they leave the courtyard. While walking through the quiet city, Tessa hums a familiar tune, and Kip stays at her side, wagging his tail as he listens to her. However, her humming ends when she hears mugs clinking together and murmuring from inside the building beside her. Tessa hears Connie and Sasha cheering, to which Tessa smiles as she leans against it, out of sight. Suddenly the hall goes silent, and Tessa's ears and Kip's perk up, wondering what happened just now. She turns her head at the window to listen to one of the Cadets talk about how they can't beat them until another familiar voice catches her attention.

"Yeah, so what?" It was Eren, and he was defending the Scouts. Tessa smiles at how determined and the faith Eren has in the branch. She sees Kip wagging his tail as they both listen in, to which Tessa brings a finger up to her lips because they need to be discreet. Tessa turns her head to listen in again, "Things have changed. It may not be a hell of a lot, but enough. Titans are not the mystery they were five years ago. The Scouts have made progress because they are not giving up. Every battle we faced has given us the tiniest inroad of hope. And that's what being a Scout is! Being the hope for the people in the darkness that surrounds us!" Eren boasts, and Tessa's eyes widen that Eren still holds onto what she had said to him when they first met. She listens to the rest of Eren's speech and sighs because he's not the same kid he was five years ago, though he is still the same knucklehead from last year. Suddenly the sound of a slamming door silences her thoughts as she sees Eren, Mikasa, and Armin sitting on the steps. Tessa watches the three friends sit there as she watches from the shadows.

"That was quite the speech you gave us there, Eren," Armin admits, "Even mentioning Tessa's words too." He adds, and Eren chuckles, "Yeah, well, most of that speech was yours because you used to say it back in the day." Eren confesses. Tessa smiles as more memories replay in her head of what Armin used to say when the trio was still kids. At first, Tessa thought she was talking to a younger Erwin because Armin reminded her of him. Tessa watches Armin look away, wondering if something is bothering him, until she sees the determination in his blue eyes, "Yeah? Well, I'm joining the Scout Regiment too!" He declares, which is what Tessa has been waiting to hear from him. She knew they had plans to join, but Eren was the only one to say it. Tessa remembers how timid Armin was last year and wondered if he would be ready for this, but she thinks tonight has changed his mind. The only one left to say they're joining the Scouts is Mikasa.

As Tessa slowly steps from the shadows, she hears Eren argue with Armin, "Oh, come on, you are just being stupid now, Armin," He argues, "You're not a fighter because your life is about books." He defends, but Armin shakes his head, "And I'm through with letting people fight for me when it's my turn to do it. Besides, like Tessa and you said: Being a Scout is the hope for the people, and I've busted my ass to get to this point." Armin admits while looking at his feet, which silences Eren because he knows Armin is right. Before Tessa steps into the light, she hears Mikasa's voice, "Well, I guess it's the Scouts for me too." She confesses, which causes Tessa, Eren, and Armin to look at her, "Oh, come on! You beat Tessa's score in being at the top of the class. You would be wasting your shot!" Eren snaps, but Mikasa doesn't flinch, "Understand this, Eren. Where you go, I go because before your mom died, I promised her that you wouldn't die either," She admits, then looks at him, "I'm going to be by your side, so you have to deal with it because I'm not afraid to raise some hell if you get hurt." She says, and Tessa smiles because this trio has remembered every word she has told them.

Tessa smiles while finally stepping out of the shadows as the trio looks at the midnight sky. Tessa crosses her arms as she leans against the lamppost, as they are still unaware she is there, "Well, it's about damn time for you three to say you're joining the Scouts," She says, and the trio gasps when they turn around, "Sorry to interrupt the stargazing. I just wanted to see my favorite trio." She teases as they quickly jump from their spots to hug her, "Tessa!" Armin shouts as he tackles her first, Eren following, then Mikasa. Tessa groans while trying to balance, "Damn, even after a year, you three have gotten stronger, which is good since we need more strength in the Scouts." She jokes while letting them go, and Eren laughs, "Well, you and Captain Levi have been carrying the Regiment long enough. It's time for us to take over." He teases, and Tessa scoffs before thumping his head, "Remember that I told you to bust your ass to get where Levi and I are now, knucklehead," She grins as she watches Eren rub the sore spot, "Besides, you'll have to fight us to get those spots." She adds, and Eren raises his fists, "I'm ready for anything." He reassures her, and Tessa rolls her eyes, "Still the loudmouth knucklehead I remember meeting." She admits, which makes Mikasa and Armin laugh.

While the four continue laughing, Kip leans against Mikasa's leg, waiting for pets, "Hey, Kip." Mikasa whispers as she begins petting Kip's head. Armin clears his throat, "Uhm, Tessa?" He whispers, and Tessa looks at him, "Where is Captain Levi? He isn't going to step out of the shadows and scare us because of what Eren said, right?" He asks, and Tessa covers her mouth as a giggle escapes her but shakes her head, "No, he's back at base doing paperwork before tomorrow," She explains, and Eren raises a brow, "Tomorrow? What's going on tomorrow?" He asks, and Tessa sighs while placing her hands on her hips, "The Scouts have another expedition, so we are leaving in the morning," She explains and meets the trio's concerned gaze, "Guys, I'll be fine. I'm a Captain and Humanity's Graceful." She reassures them, and the trio nods, "We know, Tessa, it just reminds us like last time we saw you off." Mikasa admits as Tessa pats her arm, "Trust me, I know," She agrees and sighs, "I'm proud of you three." She smiles while pulling them into another hug. The trio embraced Tessa like it was the last time they would see her, which she didn't mind because she needed it more than anything.

Tessa holds onto them a little longer before letting them go, "Now, you three listen to me: Don't let anyone try to change your mind on your decision because it's your choice where you go in this life. Understand?" She asks, and they nod with a smile, "We promise, Tessa." Eren reassures her, and Kip barks before jumping around Eren's legs. Tessa shakes her head, "That's what I like to hear," She smiles before looking up at the clock to see that it is almost ten, to which Tessa sighs, "Now, Kip and I have to head back and get some sleep before tomorrow." She says, then whistles for Kip to join her side. The trio hugs Tessa again and pats Kip's head before they leave. As Tessa and Kip walk down the stairs, Armin and Eren head back inside, yet Mikasa remains there, watching Tessa. She wanted to talk to Tessa about their shared tattoo to see if Tessa found anything, but she wanted to wait until it was the two of them. Suddenly Eren's voice pulls Mikasa from her thoughts, "Mikasa, are you coming back inside?" Eren asks, and Mikasa nods, "Yeah, just give me a second." She says before running off to chase after Tessa.

As Tessa steps off the last step, Mikasa shouts for her, "Tessa, wait!" She says while running down the stairs, and Tessa turns around, "Mikasa, is everything okay?" She asks, and Mikasa nods, "Yes, but I wanted to ask you if you found anything yet?" Mikasa asks while pointing to her wrist. Tessa shakes her head and bites her lip, "No, I'm sorry, I haven't." She admits, and Mikasa's face falls, "Oh." That is all Mikasa says. Tessa runs a hand through her ebony curls and sighs, "Trust me when I say that I've been reading every book possible to rereading my mom's journal whenever I have time, but nothing has come up." She admits even though she wishes that she did have something. Both girls are frustrated because they want to know why they have it, yet can't find anything for the answers. Tessa clears her throat, "Since you're joining the Scouts, we might find the answer faster," She suggests, and Mikasa nods, "Alright, go enjoy tonight because the real work begins soon, so be ready for anything." Tessa suggests. Mikasa smiles before hugging her, "I will, T. Thank you." She whispers, and Tessa smiles, "You're welcome, Mika. Take care." She replies, then lets Mikasa go. The girls waved goodbye as they went their separate ways. While walking back to base, Tessa sighs, wondering if Levi is still awake so they can talk about Kenny's letter. She wanted to talk about it before tomorrow. However, little did she know, Levi found it in the paperwork she had left him.

Levi's POV:

After Tessa left with Hange, Landon, and Kip, I went back inside the barracks to the room Tessa and I were staying in to do the paperwork before tomorrow. Due to the increase of Titans, we now have expeditions every month. So the amount of planning and training leaves us little room to rest and sign dozens of papers. It didn't help when Tessa or I had to do Hange's work too for her to do those damn experiments of hers. Within the past year, we've caught so many Titans with no casualties but no progress on what we know about them. It felt like a win/lose situation, though Hange was sure to find answers soon. I just hope it doesn't take much longer. After walking into the room, I see three neatly stacked piles on the desk. One of the three is apart from the other two, which means Tessa had finished that stack. So the other two were mine and possibly Hange's. Great. I sigh as I take off my jacket to place it on the hook, then go to the desk to begin the endless hours. Before I sit down, I see a note on my stack and smile because Tessa always worries for me.

'Don't overdo the work tonight. You need your rest too. There is a box of honey chamomile on the dresser if you need it to help. I'll take care of Zoe's pile when I get back. I won't be gone long, I promise.

-Love, T'

I shake my head as I put the note to the side, realizing that having a cup of tea wouldn't be a bad idea to tackle these papers. While holding onto the first file, I walk over to the sink and prepare the kettle. I continue flipping through the pages and signing what needs to be marked as I wait for the pot to whistle. After finishing the first one, I create a new stack beside Tessa's, then sigh because I know I'm in for it tonight, "Tonight is going to be another long and sleepless night." I mutter as I grab the cup and pour the black tea. I take in the herbal scent while tasting its richness as I return to the desk. When I sit down, I grab another file and repeat the process for the rest of the evening.

While I continue working, I can hear cheering outside, which means the graduation ceremony is over. The sounds reminded me of when I was in the Underground, walking through the streets alone, listening to people fighting or shouting drunken phrases as if they had been drinking since dawn. I put down the pen and lean back in the chair, rubbing my eyes from the words weaving together and reliving old memories. I look out the window to see the newly graduated Cadets roaming the streets with their families as the celebration continues. At least there can be a momentous occasion before the real work begins tomorrow. I sigh as I return my attention to the paperwork on the desk. However, when I grab another file, a piece of paper flies out and lands in front of me, facing down. I tilt my head, wondering why it happened as I pick it up, and my eyes widen when I realize it's a letter addressed to Tessa and it's from Kenny.

As I read the letter, I see red because my anger fills me to the brim of my soul. Kenny had taken care of Tessa's license renewal, but how? Tessa and I know he wouldn't have done it without someone getting hurt or threatened. It worries me because Tessa's license could be in jeopardy, and she doesn't need that right now. I pinch the bridge of my nose, wondering what Kenny had done, completely forgetting how he instructed Tessa and me to watch each other's backs. Yet, my anger rises because how does Kenny know the busy schedule Tessa and I are on when we haven't seen him in the past twenty-two years? My foot taps against the wooden floor as I hold this letter because this is not what Tessa or I need. Now, I wonder if Tessa knew about this and if she would tell me about it. If she did, and this was her way of doing it, then it's a low blow, but Tessa isn't like that. Knowing I won't have the answer until later, I finally let go of the paper. I tried to go back to work, but my eyes would always find the letter, "Fucking hell." I mutter as I rub my eyes again.

While I sit back in the chair, I hear keys jingling and pawed feet on the other side of the door and look up to see Kip and Tessa walking inside, "Hey, handsome. Did you miss me?" Tessa asks as she closes and locks the door. I give her a short nod before sitting in the chair to return to work. I'm so focused on the file in my hand that I don't realize Tessa is behind me until her arms wrap around my shoulders, "How much do you have left, my love?" She asks, and I sigh, "Almost finished with it." I respond sharply, which causes Tessa to quickly pull away from me, "Well, don't let me keep you then." She remarks while walking away. I can hear the hurt in her voice as she speaks to me, but I understand why she is like this. I drop the pen as I watch her walk over to the bedroom door, "I saw the letter from Kenny, Tessa," I say, which makes her stop, but she doesn't turn around, "If that is your way of telling me about it, then that's low." I add, and this time, Tessa turns around, "Excuse me?" She asks, wondering if she heard me right, and I look at her, "You heard me, Tessa." I say, and Tessa scoffs, "First of all, how the hell did you find it?" She asks before walking to the desk, "Because I hid it in my papers so I could show it to you." She adds before going through the papers.

I don't say anything as Tessa goes through every file in the pile she has made, but she can't find it and meets my gaze, "You do know that the two piles on the left of this desk were yours and Hange's, right?" She asks, but doesn't give me a moment to respond, "This one is the one I had done before leaving for the graduation." She defends, and I scoff, "I know that, brat. I found the letter in one of the files you left for me in my stack," I corrected her while holding up the one I was working on, "It fell out and landed in front of me. So, I picked it up to see what it was, and that's when I noticed the penmanship." I explain, and Tessa shakes her head, "You weren't supposed to find it like that, Levi. I thought I-" She goes to say, but I stop her, "So, I wasn't supposed to find it all? Like you didn't think to tell me about it?!" I shout as I get up from the desk, and Tessa growls, "No, you jackass. I thought I placed it under this, but my mind was going a million miles a minute because I didn't know how to process it!" She snaps while grabbing the letter from the desk. I scoff as I shake my head, "Don't even try hiding it now, Tessa. I already saw it." I reminded her, and Tessa growled again, "I'm not hiding it from you, you idiot, because there's no point in explaining how I got it because you think I made it out for you to find it on purpose." She responds while walking back to the door and grabbing her cloak, which catches my attention, "Where the hell do you think you are going?" I ask, and Tessa scoffs, "Away from you until you're the reasonable and amazing man I fell in love with and not this insufferable jackass." She answers while opening the door.

I don't say anything as I watch Tessa pause her movements, wondering if she is changing her mind. Yet, before I can stop her, I see her turn around with tears in her eyes, "What hurts me the most is that you would think I would do this on purpose when I know how your relationship with Kenny affected you after he left." She admits before slamming the door. After Tessa leaves, I hold in the scream that was clawing to get out as my hands find their way to my nape, and I sit on the couch behind me. I should've stopped losing my temper with Tessa and let her explain it, yet my frustration about Kenny blinded me. Yet, I know it wasn't a reasonable excuse because Tessa was right. I was an insufferable jackass when I should've been the sensible man she loves. My hands rub the back of my neck because I need to apologize to Tessa and be the man she wants, not the one that she can't stand to be around.

As my head hangs, I feel a cold nose touch my arm and see Kip resting his head on my lap, "Hey, buddy," I whisper as I pet his head, "I have messed up, didn't I?" I ask, and Kip barks, which causes me to frown, "That was a rhetorical question, Kip, but thanks." I confess before lying on the couch and running my hands through my raven hair. However, I feel Kip bite my sleeve, which causes me to see him tugging on it for me to get up, "Kip, you're going to rip it, stop," I order, but he's persistent in getting me off the sofa, and I sigh, "Alright. Alright. I'm getting up." I agree before Kip nudges my legs to the door. Kip begins whining at the door as I put my cloak on, though I'm still wondering what he's trying to do. When I open the door, I look at Kip, but he's already running to the staircase that leads to the roof, "Kip, get back here." I order as I quickly chase after the hound. Why is he running toward the top unless he's leading me to where Tessa is at? Sure enough, when I reach outside, I find Tessa lying on the ledge with Kip beside her.

Before I can make myself known, I see Tessa's knife flying toward me, but I catch it between my fingertips, and I smirk at her way of finding me, "Are you done being an insufferable jackass?" She asks, and I sigh, "Yes," I answer while slowly walking over to her, "Tess, can you come off the ledge, please?" I ask in a gentle tone, but Tessa scoffs, "I'm sure I'll be fine since cats always land on their feet." She remarks, still not meeting my gaze. I take another step, "I know, but I don't want to see the woman I love get hurt." I defend, but Tessa shakes her head, "Oh, now you realize who I am, right?" She asks, still looking away from me, unaware that I'm close to her side. I don't say anything as I hook my arms under Tessa's neck and legs and pull her away from the ledge, which causes her to look at me finally, "I realized it since the day I met you, Tessa," I answer, "Just like I realized that I wasn't the man you fell in love with either." I admit as I bring her closer to my chest.

I watch Tessa bite her lip as tears fill her eyes, "When you blamed me for hiding from you on purpose or the way you found it hurt me, Levi. It made me feel like you didn't know me at all." Tessa confesses. I sigh as I brush a strand of her hair back, "I know, honey, and I'm so sorry for what I said and how I reacted. You didn't deserve that. When I read it, I was angry because I worried about what Kenny could've done for your license to get reinstated." I apologize while resting my hand on her cheek, and Tessa shakes her head, "That's no excuse for how you acted, Levi. I couldn't believe you thought I would do that to you." She says while trying to leave my arms, but I don't let her go. I can't, not this time. I hold her closer as my hand cups her cheek, "And I know that, Tessa. Trust me. I feel like the biggest idiot because I thought that about you when you have the kindest heart," I say as I lift her chin, "One which is capable of loving an insufferable and stubborn jackass like me." I whisper, and Tessa nods, "Yet, you are a gentle and reasonable man too, Levi." She clarifies while resting her delicate hand on my face.

I take a deep breath before meeting her beautiful eyes, "Though I don't deserve it, may I kiss you?" I ask, and Tessa smiles, "You better do it before I-" I don't let her say anything more as my lips crash into hers, "That was my closing in my apology." I whisper as I pull away, and Tessa rolls her eyes, "You're such a dork, but I love you." She grins, and I tilt my head, "Say that again, please." I whisper, and Tessa raises a brow, "What? That you're a dork?" She giggles, and I frown, "No, brat, the other thing." I hint, and Tessa smiles as she brings me closer, "I love you, Levi." She says, and I smile, "I love you, Angel. Always," I whisper before kissing her forehead, only to feel the cool skin against my lips, which causes me to jolt back, "I need to get you back inside, Tess. You're freezing." I say as I walk to the door, then whistle for Kip to follow. Luckily, after we walked back in, we learned that everyone was sleeping, so we could return to our room unbothered.

When I open the door, I take Tessa into the bedroom and set her on the bed. I begin taking off her jacket and cloak, "Levi," Tessa softly says, but I don't respond as I take off her boots next, "Levi," She speaks a little louder, yet I don't answer until I hear Tessa say something different, and it makes me stop, "Love, look at me." She says, and I look at her, "What's wrong?" I ask, wondering if I hurt her by how fast I was trying to get her warm. Tessa shakes her head as she takes my hand, "Nothing's wrong, my love. It's just I can get myself undressed." She giggles, but I sigh as I kneel, "I know. I just don't want you to get sick." I explain, and Tessa smiles before kissing my nose, "Thank you, but you can still prevent that if you join me on this bed and cuddle with me." She teases while getting off the bed to change. I shake my head, "And as I have told you before, beautiful, I don't cuddle." I clarify as I watch her hips sway. Tessa snickers while closing the dresser drawer, "Yes, you do, Levi. Just admit now." She teases before changing out of her uniform.

After changing out of my pants, I roll my eyes as I unbutton my shirt, preparing to defend my statement, but when I turn around, I see Tessa fixing the straps of the midnight blue nightgown, and the words leave my tongue. The sheer fabric didn't stand much to hide as the midnight glow from the moon cascaded on it perfectly. It has to be new because I have never seen Tessa in this color. I walk over to her and move her hair to kiss her shoulder, "You still know how to take my breath away." I whisper, and Tessa giggles before turning in my embrace, "I'm glad you like it, but I think we need to get some sleep, don't you?" She asks, and I sigh because Tessa is right. However, I don't want to let Tessa out of my arms and carry her to the bed, "I don't cuddle, Angel, but I do enjoy holding you." I corrected her, finally remembering what I wanted to say before Tessa rendered me speechless. Tessa smiles as she runs a hand through my hair, "Whatever you say, my love." She whispers as I lie her against my chest to keep her warm.

While rubbing my hands up and down Tessa's arms, I rest my head against hers, "I think it's time to talk about Kenny's letter, Tess." I whisper, and Tessa nods, "Yeah, I agree." She responds, then sighs, which I notice it's a little shaky, "Take your time, honey. I'm right here." I reassure her, then kiss her temple. Tessa hums as she takes my hand, "When I got to the hospital today, I was ready to take the application, but one of the nurses stopped me. They said a family friend had taken care of it," She explains before squeezing my hand, "At first, I thought it was Alexander and Tegan trying to goad me, but my mind changed when I saw the letter. Like you, I recognized Kenny's signature, which made me realize that Kenny was still looking after me, but I don't know how or why." She admits, and I sigh, "I just want to know how he knows what we're doing when we haven't seen him in twenty-two years. I was worried that your license would be in jeopardy due to his involvement. Hell, I still am, Tess." I admit before resting my cheek on her head.

Tessa brings her hand to cup my face, "I know, my love, but all we can do is wait and be ready for anything that comes our way." She reassures me, and I smile as I kiss the inside of her palm, "Always the poetic one," I whisper, "And you know that if those bastards do show up, I'll protect you, like I always have and always will, Tess." I reassure her, which makes her look at me with a smile, "I know, Levi. It's what I love most about you." She confesses, and I kiss the tip of her nose, "You got me?" I ask, and Tessa smiles as her hand snakes around my neck and pulls me closer, "Always.." She starts, our lips barely touching, "And forever." I finish before crashing my mouth into hers again. Tessa is right about this because I'm ready for anything if it means keeping her safe. Whether it is Kenny writing these letters or if it's Alexander and Tegan playing her, I'm prepared to put an end to it. As I watch the love of my life sleeping beside me, I look outside, mentally preparing myself for another expedition where we won't have a peaceful night like this for who knows how long. Another sleepless night, yet I get to keep my beautiful girl safe and asleep in my arms.

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