King of Hatred - RWBY

بواسطة BeastSix

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A child, abandoned by everything.....? Except an old God's blessing.... or curse? المزيد

BIO + Info
Ch. 1 [Bloody Vanta]
Ch.2 [Homey Vanta]
Ch.3 [Hunting Vanta]
Ch.4 [Hunting Vanta 2]
Ch.5 [Adventurous Vanta 1]
Ch.6 [Adventurous Vanta 2]
Birthday Special
Ch.7 [Adventurous Vanta 3]
Ch.8 [Adventurous Vanta 4]
Ch.9 [Adventurous Vanta 5]
Ch.10 [Bandit's Gaze 1 ]
Ch.11 [Bandit's Gaze 2]
Ch.13 [Sands of Menagerie]
Ch.14 [Truths, and feathers]
Side story 2
Ch.15 [ Feathers of Spring ]
Ch.16 [ Spring and Summer ]
Ch.17 [ Spring and Summer 2 ]
Ch. 18 [ Spring and Summer 3 ]
Ch. 19 [ Trial of Choice ]
Ch.20 [ Trial of Choice 2 ]
Ch.21 [ no idea for title? ]
Ch.22 [ Trial of Knowledge ]
Ch.23 [Trial of Knowledge 2]
Ch.24 [ Alive ]
Ch.25 [ Exams ]
Ch.26 [Exams 2]
Ch.27 [ Beacon ]
Ch.28 [ Beacon... ]
Ch.29 [ Nightmare ]
Ch.30 [ Nightmare, Dream ]
Ch.31 [ Nightmare, Dream 2 ]
Ch.32 [ Hellish Nightmare ]
Ch.33 [ Hellish Nightmare 2 ]
Ch.34 [ Just a Day ]
BIO 2 [Spoilers]
Ch.35 [ Tri colourfull and Dark Violet ]
Ch.36 [ Tri colourfull and Dark Violet 2 ]
Ch.37 [ Old Truth ]
Ch.38 [ Gluttony of Darkness ]
Ch.39 [ Sliver of Hope ]
Ch.40 [ Creation ]
Ch.41 [ Creation Zwei(2) ]
Ch.42 [ Creation Drei(3) ]
Ch.43 [Creation Vier(4)]
Ch.44 [ True Answers ]
Ch.45 [ Heavy Wounds, Healing Scars]
Ch.46 [ Alive ]
Ch.48 [Tests]
Ch.49 [Just your unaverage day]
Ch.50 [ Lost Memory ]
Ch.51 [ Tears and Quest! ]
Ch.52 [ Hey... ]
Ch.53(A/B) [ Point of Time-Singularity ]
Ch.54(B) [ True Negativity ]
Ch.54(A) [ Scores ]
Ch.55(B) [Prep]
Ch.55(A) [School]
Ch.56(A) [Prologue to a massacre]
Ch.57(A) [Training session]
Ch.58(A) [Once Again]

Ch.12 [ Family ]

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بواسطة BeastSix

*Akira's Pov* few days later.

Cap: Get ready! We are about to reach Menagerie!

As we are slowly sailing into Menagerie, Kuo Kuana.
I'm giving last polishing and checking touches to state of Omen.

I sit, and wait... as we slowly are stopping in the harbor of Kuo Kuana.
I can see some guards here, along with White Fang.

I pick up my things, and jump off.
Before anyone approaches me for being "non-Faunus" I take off my cloak and hide Omen with it.

A fox soon walks up to me, Ezekiel.
Ezekiel: I apologise for stopping you, but lately we had some problems and need to check everyone. Can I ask who are you?

Me: Akira. Adopted child of Kali and Ghira.

He looks up at me, on his list, on me.

Ezekiel: So, you made it back?
Me: Yeah, any news?
Ezekiel: Sienna got her Semblance.

Wut the fuck...?
I mean... yeah, she's older than me.

Ezekiel: You are free.

I nod, and go towards my home.

As few minutes later, Ghira joins me.

Ghira: You didn't talk much during the trip.
Me: Didn't want to.

Ghira: So... can you tell me what happened?

Me: Later, I don't want to say things thrice.

He nods, as we both slowly walk towards our house.

(Few minutes later...)

We both enter the house, as I can smell Kali's food... it smells soo gooood...

Ghira: We are home!

We walk in, as I leave my cloak by entrance. And keep Omen on my side.
As Ghira places his hand on my shoulder.
Ghira: Leave it here, no one will steal it.

Me: Fine. Ichor.

He turns around, and walks towards kitchen.
As I cover handle and sheath of Omen with some solidified blood.

I soon join them at Kitchen.

Me: I'm ba-K!

Blake suddenly jumps and hugs me!
Blake: Akira!

I pet her ears lightly as she starts purring.

Me: Hey, Blake, Mom.

Kali: I didn't expect you to come back so early, sweetheart.
Blake: Did you read my books?

She's too cuutee!
Me: Sorry. I didn't have time.
Blake: Ooohhh.... why?
Me: I'll explain everything.
Kali: The smell of blood on you too?

She gives me a worried look.
Me: That too, it's nothing to worry. Mom.
I give both of them a smile, as Blake gets off me. And sits by the table... chairs are gone..?

Kali: We wanted to try something new, and adapted our house a bit to Mistral culture. I hope it doesn't-
Me: No, it's perfect.

I give her a smile, and sit between her and Blake.

Me: Explanation first? Or my adventure?

Ghira/Blake: Adventure./Adventure!
Kali: Explanation.

They all look at each other, as Kali gives in.
Kali: Adventure...

I give her a small smile.

Me: So... let's start when I left Menagerie and arrived at Windpath.

Blake looks at me with curiosity in her eyes, as Ghira pours everyone tea.

Me: That place wasn't exactly.... Good. I had to move fast, as some criminals were lurking in alleys.
Blake: You beat them? Right?
She says with happy expression.

Me: I was looking for some transport to Mistral, but as night was slowly approaching. I went for a hotel, during the night... some dude's broke into my room, I had to hide.

Ghira looks at me, as I show him some blood under my finger float. Making sure only he sees it.

Me: I fled, and took my things. As I was travelling by foot to Mistral, since I fled. I met a caravan with Schnee Dust. Which was transported to Mistral.

Kali: They didn't do anything wrong to you?

I give her a small smile.
Me: They didn't. They offered me a ride, I accepted. But, as we had a break. Bandits ambushed us, I was knocked out and kidnapped by the bandits.

Ghira: That katana. Who does it belong to? Is it yours?
Kali: Katana? Didn't he have a sword?

Me: A moment.

Thankfully, I kept Blood Manipulation on.
I brought Omen into the room.

Me: I'll tell how I got, Omen. In a moment, kay?

They all nod, as Blake is placing 90% of her curiosity on Omen.

Me: I was kidnapped by them, that's when I found out that my actual Semblance was Blood Manipulation.

I feel bad lying to Kali and Blake... but Ghira nods, as he knows truth.
I get a small cube out of my pocket, as it liquefies into blood.

Me: I... was forced to kill kids my age... to survive.

Blake: Kill?
Me: Do a very bad thing... I did it... to live... things after things, I was placed under direct watch of the Tribe Chief and Vice-Chief. Due to how dangerous my Semblance was, but...

Ghira: But? I guess they weren't scared?

I shake my head.

Me: They trained me, they treated me like family... took me on hunts to kill Grimm and hunt animals.

Kali places her hand on my head.
Kali: You lived. That's all that matters to us.

Me: I lived there.... for four years... until someone came, and destroyed everything...

Few tears start falling from my eyes, as Kali lightly rubs my head.

Me: Omen... belonged to Raven, Tribe Chief.... she died due to stealth attacking coated with some sort of... Aura disabling poison....

Ghira: Raven....? That sounds familiar...

Me: Branwen Tribe...

Ghira looks at me dumbfounded, as both Blake and Kali don't know what it is about....

Ghira: Akira... Branwen Tribe was destroyed?
Me: Burned... killed... everything. As Raven was dying, she asked me to deliver a note to her brother.

Ghira thinks for a moment.
Ghira: That drunk who was behind you?

Me: Yeah.

Blake: Was... Miss Raven, good to you?

Me: Yeah... she was like a harsh mother. Out of everyone, she smiled towards me the most. Even if-
Kali: She was harsh. She treated you as her own.

I nod, as we suddenly smell something burning..?

Kali: STEW!

She runs into Kitchen, as we all wait.

Ghira: Things in Mistral are going to get hectic. And dangerous.

Blake: Why dad?

He sighs and pats her head.

Ghira: Bandits, who kidnapped Akira. And treated him like their own. Were biggest and strongest bandits there.
Blake: That means?

Ghira releases a sigh, and looks at me.

Me: That other smaller bandit tribes will start moving. Attacking cities, towns, other tribes.

Blake: That's dangerous...?
Me/Ghita: Very.

She nods, and extends her hands towards me...

Me: Go ahead, hug me all you want.

She moves a bit to me, and starts hugging me.

Ghira: I can easily bet, that Sienna will want to fight you later.

We all start laughing, as soon Kali comes in with food.

Kali: What got you so happy and joyful?

She smiles to us... she's really an angel-like mom.

Me: Sienna 100% gonna want to fight me.
Kali: You did have some rivalry.

Ghira: Sure they did, be it small bets during hunts, pranks or other things.
Kali: Okay, let's eat.

We all sit in our places, and slowly eat.

(About an hour later.)

I'm full!
Blake: I can't eat moooreee!~~~
Ghira: Sa -burp- me.... sorry...
Kali: I'll clean it in a moment...

All of us were defeated by Kali's stew.
Me: I'll place them in a sink. Ichor.

I let the blood liquify and move everything to the kitchen with blood...

Me: You didn't change anything in the kitchen?
Kali: Nope.

I slowly place the things down, and take the blood back. As they all condense back into a single compressed cube....

Me: Done... Ghira...
Ghira: Yeah?

Me: Nothing.... I'll check it myself....

He laughs and mutters something.

Don't care old man....
I wonder if Sienna still has that Beowolf's mask.....

Me: I'll go exercise a bit.

I stand up, as they look at me.
Kali: How do you even have strength?
Me: I always woke up at 6 or 7, and done exercises because Vernal didn't want me to be lazy.

I take Omen with me.
Me: Is the camp still in same spot?
Ghira: No, it's on East this time, we had lots of Grimm from desert as of lately.
Me: Thanks, I'll be back later. Don't wait with dinner.

As I leave the house, I turn towards east.
And... walk.
The streets are bustling, some are walking around me, trying not to start anything.
Pfft! No wonder, Omen looks like a scary weapon.

As I leave Kuo Kuana, I spot the camp.
Seems like there are few... and Sienna.

I approach, and stand next to Myka.
We both observe Sienna beating shit out of a new guy, Red hair, Bull horns.

Me: Who's Sienna fighting?
Myka: That? That's a new blood. He wanted to train with someone, so Sienna chose to do it.

He turns to me, and looks at me surprised.

Myka: Wait... Akira? You grew a bit.
Me: Not much, I'm still shorter than Sienna.

He looks at Sienna, then at me.

Myka: Yep. But, your sick or is mutation finally hitting you?
Me: Second, I feel fine.... wait... Finally.

Or its my throat, burning a bit from eating Kali's hot food.

Me: Welp, I'll see ya later.

I get down, and watch Sienna and new blood from closer distance.
I observe him a bit, as our eyes met.
He's got blue eyes.

He backs off from Sienna.

Boy: Who's that?

Sienna turns around.
Sienna: Akira! Great to fucking see you.
Me: You too bitch.

We both burst in small laugh.
I walk towards the bull, and extend my hand.

Me: Akira.
Adam: Adam. Adam Taurus.

He shakes my hand.

Sienna: When did you get back, Wolfie?
Me: Today morning, Tigress.

She puts her weapon back, as Adam nods and goes to the side.

Me: Let me guess, wanna fight?
Sienna: Hell Yeah! Adam, if you could.

We both move and both stand opposite of eachother.

She takes her Whip out, as I take Omen out.
Me: Where's that mask? From the Alpha Beowolf.
Sienna: At my house, it's a trophy. But I do wear it from time, to time.

Adam: Both sides ready?

Sienna: New blade? What's it called?
Me: Omen.

We both nod towards Adam.

Adam: Start!

We both flare our Aura's. I keep mine on lower level, as she instantly goes for a whip attack.

I throw Omen in the air, and rush towards Sienna. She looks at me surprised.
Me: Ichor.

I take control of the blood I left on Omen before, and lock her whip with Omen.

Sienna: What the-
She abandons her whip fast, and punches me in the face....
Me: Peek-a boo!

She looks at me strangely, as I grab her hand and slam her into the ground as Omen digs into ground next to her head, with multiple blood needles above us.

Sienna: I lost.

I keep looking at her, as I grab my blood and put it all back into small accessories.

Me: Grab my hand.

I get off her, and extend my hand.
As she smirks and grabs it.

Sienna: Damn, where did you learn that?
Me: Secret. So, what's your Semblance?

She dusts herself off, as I help dusting off her back.

Sienna: Grudge. It gives me a major boost, whenever someone's Aura around gets somewhat damaged. But yours... didn't even flinch. It felt... like a mountain?

So, she can feel how much I have... roughly?
Fine! I'll appease you Sienna.

Me: Try this time.

I let my Aura fully flow outside, as it starts covering everything around....
Both of us are in it, swimming-like.

Me: There's more-
Sienna: Mountains... two...

I take my Aura back, as she lightly punches my arm.

Sienna: You won, Jerk.
Me: I'll be going. Heard you had Grimm problem from the desert.

She shoo's me away, as Adam watches us.

Me: What are you looking at?
Adam: You?
Me: I don't swing that way.

I back off from him, as he looks at me strangely.
Sienna: He's thicker than Goliath.
Sienna responds from behind.
Me: Got it.

I leave the camp, slowly walk around the desert.... its not so bad. The sun at tribe used to be worse, maybe because I always had full thick black clothing?
Which gets hot real fucking fast?

And I'm only in my pants and shirt, boots too.
The sand might be a bit bad to move, but I'm fine.

The end, see ya later!

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