my sickness

By mooboomoowekwek

13.9K 577 124

Noor Arisa Ardina was not an ordinary girl, she was talented yet carefree and bright; but at the age of 10 A... More

Chapter 1 - red
chapter 2 - school?
chapter 3 - damned
chapter 4 - sekolah gengg
chapter 5 - eh eh?
chapter 6 - thank you
chapter 7 - congkak
chapter 8 - sayang memang sayang
chapter 9 - truth
chapter 10 - sorry?
chapter 11- ramah
chapter 12 - cuti cuti malaysia
chapter 14 - hate
chapter 15 - KELANI

chapter 13 - tiada cincin dijari? rampas...

637 34 14
By mooboomoowekwek

it was the next day and they all decided to go to the cinema to watch a movie

they were in the line trying to choose what movie they were gonna watch before they reached the counter when...

" OMG ARISA?? " shrieked a voice

they all turned around seeing... Fatin

"oh fatin...hi!" she said in a very fake happy voice

" Kahar you're here too?? what a coincidence hahahahah " She laughed

Arisa knew that she tracked her down as the psycho she was

she posted a picture on her story of her and the others at the mall a while ago

should've known this bitch would came

Kahar had his hands on Arisa's shoulder and Arisa could feel Fatin's eyes on her

" are yall gonna watch a movie ?" she asked

" ye la takkan kitorang datang nak masak masak.. bijak sikit boleh tak? " Fahmi said as he was starting to get annoyed of the girl's presence

Arisa chuckled at her brother's response

" Oh yeah silly me, aku join sekali la! aku takda apa jugak nak buat so yeah... count me in! i'll pay for it dont worry " she said winking at Kahar

" kitorang tak perlu la duit bapak kau " Hakeem said giving her the most disgusting look ever

Fatin just stayed silent but had the audacity to still join us watch a movie without getting invited AND followed us around or i mean...follow KAHAR around

Arisa's POV

the movie was in 10 more minutes but we knew the ad is like about 5 minutes so we just walked around the mall getting some snacks with Fatin following us around

all of us ignored her presence to be honest but i did talk to her every so often which got me an eye roll from Kahar

" Ami aku dengan Arisa pegi kedai tu jap eh " Kahar suddenly said pointing to a gift or maybe toy store?

he took my hand and we went into the store

"matching jugak eh kita harini ? " he said pointing out that he was wearing a white tee with a black jacket (jacket kudrat 😮‍💨)

while i was wearing his black sweatshirt with my white jeans

" your the one yang poser sengaja matchy matchy " i said side eyeing him

" says the one that's using my shirt " he scoffed leaving me behind as he went deep into the store

" tunggu la woi " i said as i tried searching for him

i went around the aisle searching for the boy not seeing him anywhere

" allahuakbar mana Kahar ni " i said still struggling to find the tall boy

" CHAK! " someone exclaimed out of the corner of my eyes

"OI " i shouted

and because of that we got kicked out of the store

suddenly, Kahar's phone rang

" oi Ami call cau cau cau " he said taking my hand in his and running towards the cinema

we made it in time just as it was about to start

we were searching for the others when i saw that Fatin was sitting in MY SEAT which was next to Kahar

" there you guys are! ive been searching for u Kahar , i saved a seat for u " she said innocently

" cool " Kahar said as he SAT down next to her leaving me at the end of the seat feeling like a third wheel


Third person POV

during the movie, Fatin tried hard to make Kahar like her and flirts with him every so often

" eh you minum je la air i " Fatin said when Kahar wanted Hakeem's drink

Fahmi was enjoying the movie very much and Arisa? well she wasn't

not because of the movie but because of the 'environment' in the theatre

Arisa stood up and walked out of the theatre taking her bag not saying a word

Hakeem realising Arisa's absence immediately walked out of the theatre too, following her

" Arisa! oi! " Hakeem whisper shouted as they were walking past the theatre rooms to the exit

" eh keem? uh kau- kau pegi mana ? " Arisa asked acting clueless

" tak sekarang ni kau yang pegi mana ? " Hakeem said confronting the girl

" aku uh aku uhhhh " Arisa tried to come up with a lie but in this current state her mind was blocked

" lepak starbuck jom " Hakeem said

" ...... ok " the girl responded as she was still processibg everything that had happened in the past 5 mins

they mad their way to the starbucks which was at the ground floor

they took a seat at the end of the cafe and Hakeem went to order their drink

when Hakeem came back, he had a tray of 2 donuts and 2 drinks

" satu untuk kau satu untuk aku " he said

he took his seat infront of the younger girl

sipping on his coffee he confronted her

" kau jeles ke Kahar dengan Fatin? " he asked

she felt a pang in her heart and the mention of the girl's name

" Jealous? lambat lagi " she said

Arisa sipped on her iced coffee trying to cool her heart

" kau dengan Kahar tu apa senanya ? " Hakeem said as he was confused on his bestfriends relationship

heck, almost the whole school was confused!

" kitorang uh..." Arisa didn't know what to say

were they couples? were they friends? well they are certainly friends.. but is it more than that? Arisa was clueless on her relationship with the boy

she doesn't know wether she likes him platonically or romantically

she was furious

why was love so hard

does she just like him for his attention? does she even like like him? does she love him?

Arisa had these questions in her head

" assalamualaikum " Hakeem said making Arisa exit her trance

" oh uh yes  waalaikumussalam " she said

" kau sayang dia ? " Hakeem asked

" aku- aku tak tau la keem " Arisa said finally being honest to hakeem

" maksud kau ? "

" aku tak tau aku sayang dia ke tak, aku- aku takdapat tengok dia dengan orang lain, aku nak dia dengan aku je, aku- aku tak faham perasaan aku keem,..." the girl told the boy

" perit masalah kau ni.." was all he said before taking a bite of his donut

" kau taknak bagi aku kata kata semangat ke apa ke ? " she said rolling her eyes at him

" Arisa Ardina, aku yakin one day kau akan faham perasaan kau.. mungkin bukan sekarang, tapi kelak... maybe Allah tengah jauhkan kau dari zina? fikiran positif je la ye ? " Hakeem being Hakeem said

" maybe memang jodoh dia dengan si Fatin tu..." Arisa said zoning out

" EY KAU GILA KA APA ? kalau diorang jodoh eee taknak aku berkawan dengan si Kahar tu " Keem said making a disgusted face

" iyo iyo je la "

they chilled at the starbucks while waiting for Fahmi and Kahar


" kau memang banyak eh penyakit " Hakeem said as the two were chatting when suddenly two person came into his vision

" mhm " coughed Kahar as they saw the two together

Arisa didn't dare to look Kahar in the eye

she saw Fatin was behind Kahar adoring him

" asal korang cau ? " Kahar asked

" baru sedar ke ? " Arisa said her eyes still stuck on Hakeem who felt out of place

" Fahmi dah tunggu dalam kereta " Kahar immediately said as he was tired of everything especially Fatin

" Jom keem " Arisa said as she stood up and pulling the other boy by his sleeve

seeing the two made Kahar's blood boil but then he remembered that Hakeem was his bestfriend

" jom Kahar..." Fatin said licking her lips as she was linkung her hands with him

" Ey minah kau boleh tak jangan sentuh aku ! jijik.." Kahar said as he left Fatin and ran to catch up with the other two

Fatin's POV

you wait Kahar

you'll be mine someday


WADDUPPP!!! ive miss writing so much bro ! ive been very very busy lately 😮‍💨😮‍💨 So Fatin is a hoe, Hakeem is husband material, Kahar is fighting for his life, Fahmi is the middle man and Arisa has attachment issues ???😥 Arisa is so me 😜


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