The Fallen Kings - The Journe...

By RebeccaStar1987

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This is a Monster School story. After Herobrine, Wither, Enderman, and Ivan are back with the others and th... More

Part 1 Our new start
Part 2 The cold shivers
Part 3 The watch
Part 4 Recover
Part 5 Cuddles
Part 6 Pecks
Part 7 The hug
Part 8 Warm sleep
Part 9 My Little Skelly
Part 10 The talk
Part 11 It hurts
Part 12 The Training part 1
Part 13 The training part 2
Part 14 Our new houses
Part 15 Feels so good (Smut)
Part 16 The battle
Part 18 His past
Part 19 Overprotective
Part 20 Star's promise
Part 21 Comfort
Part 22 Holding you close
Part 23 Comfort Kisses
Part 24 What's going on
Part 25 Screams (Smut)
Part 26 I can't stand them
Part 27 Fighting
Part 28 The kidnapping
Part 29 The Drowned War
Part 30 Blushing
Part 31 Hard Kissing
Part 32 My nightmare past
Part 33 Sex in the Nether (Smut)
Part 34 My worries
Part 35 My Destiny
Part 36 The Evil Plan
Part 37 My Master Hacker
Part 38 Cold Cuddles
Part 39 My Skelly
Part 40 Kisses
Part 41 My hard Decision
Part 42 Don't Worry
Part 43 My Promise
Part 44 My Heartbeat
Part 45 My bad nightmare past
Part 46 Getting Closer
Part 47 The Argument
Part 48 The Demons/Argument Aftermath
Part 49 Alone Time
Part 50 He's my little Skelly
Part 51 It's coming closer
Part 52 The threat
Part 53 Enderman's Story
Part 54 My path
Part 55 They're here
Part 56 Always there
Part 57 My hardest decision
Part 58 Heartbroken
Part 59 My Wither
Part 60 My thoughs
Part 61 I'm gonna lose him
Part 62 Staying Together
Part 63 I love him so much
Part 64 My sweet little Skelly
Part 65 Comfort and Cuddles

Part 17 You'll be in my heart

177 1 3
By RebeccaStar1987

Wither's POV

Skeleton gently hugs me close as he stares at me I smile at him as we hug each other it's been a day after the first battle I had with Herobrine, Pigman, Enderman, Star, and Bella luckily, there's no demons near us.

Star will let's us know if they're close to us but, I don't want Skeleton to be scared anymore I know I promise him that I'll stay with him but, I had to battle the demons while protecting him but, some of my friends will protect him for me.

I don't want Skeleton to get hurt right in front of me I'll be so upset if that happen but, I'm trying my best to not let it happen Herobrine even said that he'll protect him if I'm not around which I know I can trust him.

I hold on to Skeleton as we hug each other I know he really misses me from yesterday when I went to fight the demons I gently rub his back up and down Skeleton closes his eyes when his back is warming up.

I chuckle when he smiles "I love you Wither..." Skeleton said softly when he's opening his eyes and lifting his head to look at me I smile back "I love you too Skelly..." I said softly we both smile at each other.

We both stare at each other with a smile I gently place my right hand under Skeleton's chin we gently lean in and we started kissing on the lips until Miss Rexi called us "Wither, Skeleton we're going to the cabin with the others..." she said.

We gently pull away the kiss as we both smile "We'll kiss later okay..." I said softly "Okay..." Skeleton said softly we both hold each others hand as we left the room we're both in once we left the room all of us went to the cabin.

I don't know why we're in but, than I found out that some of us are gonna talk about the demons weaknesses and some of us are staying in here and we all have different bedroom luckily, me and Skeleton are sleeping in the same bedroom.

I watch as Skeleton lay himself down on the bed as we stare at each other "Skelly..." I said softly while looking at him "Wither..." Skeleton said softly also looking at me "I'm going to talk to teach and Ivan for a while but, I'm coming back..." I said softly.

"Okay you won't be gone for a long time aren't you..?" Skeleton ask softly I smile at him "Skelly, I'm not going anywhere I'm just talking to teach and Ivan than I'll be back..." I said very softly to him making Skeleton blush.

"I love you Wither..." Skeleton said softly while still blushing with a smile I smile back "I love you too Skelly..." I said softly we both smile before I gently lean in and gently place my left hand under his chin before gently leaning him and we started kissing each other.

I love the feeling of his lips against my as we kiss I gently use my body to warm him up Skeleton is blushing when he feels my body heat we kiss for a while before gently pulling away we both smile at each other.

"I'll be back...." I said softly with a smile "Okay, Wither...." Skeleton said softly also with a smile I gently standup as I look down at him he's so beautiful when I look down we both smile before I left the room and closing the door.

Skeleton's POV

After, Wither left the room to talk to Herobrine and Ivan he closed the door when he walk out I smile to myself I'm lucky to have the best hacker as a boyfriend Wither is the best mob I've every had.

Wither is so kind, sweet, hot, best kisser, and a hacker I smile more when I think about him I love all the things about him his warm body, his warm soft beautiful lips, his comfort, the way he touch me, and the way he smiles at me.

I know Wither is gonna be gone for a while so I got out my phone to check what time it is I notice the time it's 8:30 pm I put my phone away and decided to go to sleep I close my eyes as I fallen a sleep waiting for Wither to come back upstairs.

I open my eyes into darkness around the bedroom my eyes widened it was dark outside when I look at the closes window I sit up on the bed as I look around the room the lights are turn off and it's very cold inside the room.

"Maybe, I should look for Wither...." I said softly I stand up and walk towards the door and opening it the hallway is very dark luckily, Wither have a flashlight I smile to myself Wither is so smart that's another thing I love about him.

I got the flashlight and turn it on and walk to the hallway I open the door more to walk out with the flashlight in my hands I walk out to the hallway looking for Wither the hallway is very dark I started to get scared.

The hallway is very cold I really wanted Wither's warm body to warm me up but, than I fell down the stairs I yelled out in pain when I hit the ground hard that made my head bleed I started tears coming down my eyes.

I wipe my tears away from my eyes as I stand up from the ground I still have the flashlight in my hands as I started walking again but, they I notice something on the floor my eyes widened and notice Creeper and Star on the ground bleeding.

"CREEPER!!, STAR!!, ARE YOU GUYS OKAY!!?" I ask panicking I check to see if they still have a pulse but, I didn't feel anything I was shocked they're both dead I stand up from the very cold ground and started walking again.

I'm started to have tears again but, I hold it in I need to find Wither fast as I counited to walk around but, than I notice Pigman dead on the ground he has his sword still on his hands and it has blood on it.

I don't know what's going on did something happened when I'm asleep I was only asleep for a few hours but, I counited to walk down with the flashlight still on my hands but, than I also notice Enderman's body.

I notice all over his body is blood did Enderman fight with someone alone that he got himself killed during the fight I don't know what happened but, I swear that I saw Enderman alive before Wither and I went upstairs.

I counited to walk the hallway started to get very cold than before I started shivering in the cold I stop walking because of the cold I really need Wither now I can't stand this cold "Wither...." I said calling out his name but, he didn't reply.

I started walking again still looking for Wither with the cold around my body as I walk with the flashlight in my hands I notice Ghast's body and Zombie's body covered in blood as I walk pass them I didn't hear them breathing so I think they're gone.

As, I walk I saw more of my friend's bodies like Miss Rexi, Ivan, Bella, Slime, Florence Kingsley, and Reekid my eyes close when I walk pass them and also notice the blood on their bodies and blood on the wall and the floor.

My heart started pounding a lot more than before as I walk with the flashlight still in my hands as the cold wind went pass me I turn my head to the left my eyes widened I notice Herobrine covered in blood he's not breathing at all he's also gone.

I started to panic I need to find Wither, I hope he's okay as I counited to walk I notice blood on the walls, blood on the floor and everywhere just a little bit but, than I look straight my eyes widened I drop the flashlight on the ground as tears are coming down my eyes.

I saw Wither's body on the ground covered in his own blood "WITHER!!!!!" I shouted I ran towards him I crouch down next to him I gently turn his body so his back is laying on the ground I notice the stab worm on his chest.

I started sobbing on his shoulder I can't believe he's gone I think the demons found us and kill everyone expect for me I lift up my head and stare at Wither his eyes are close he's not breathing "I'm so sorry Wither...." I said sobbing as tears are still going down my eyes.

I gently lay myself down next to him and gently hug him even tho he's gone I close my eyes as I fallen asleep next to him I sobbed on his chest as my tears are going down my chest hurts when I'm crying hard.

As a few minutes goes by I open my eyes as tears stains are on my cheeks as I look at Wither, I gently kiss him on the cheek before standing up "I love you Wither, I'll never forget you...." I said softly before I left leaving Wither's body on the ground.

As, I walk I notice the blood on my body but, I don't care this is Wither's blood that I have on my body as I walk but, than I heard laughter behind me I turn around and notice the demons behind me.

I screamed before I ran the demons have blood on them they're the ones who killed my Wither and my friends I ran as fast as I can before I fell down hard my head is still bleeding and now my legs are bleeding.

I was about to stand up until the demons show up one of the demons came up to me "Time for you too die...." the demon said tears came down my eyes the demon got his sword and stab me in my chest I screamed in pain before the demon pulled his sword out of my chest.

My blood came out my chest my vision began to fade before the demon stab me again in my chest again more blood came out of my chest I fell on the ground blood still coming out the last thing I saw before is the demons red eyes glowing until I screamed.

My eyes open as tears are coming down my eyes I sobbed that was the worst nightmare I ever had in my life before I cover my eyes with my hands as tears are still coming down my eyes I really want Wither.

Wither's POV

I heard Skeleton's screams from upstairs Herobrine and Ivan also heard the screams "Wither he needs you...." Ivan said I nodded "Yea, I gotta go now see you guys later...." I said before leaving them they both nodded.

I made it upstairs and open my bedroom door and closing it I saw Skeleton crying I crouch down next to him "Skelly are you okay...?" I ask softly Skeleton uncover his eyes he stares at me with tears.

I never see him like this before "Wither....I have a nightmare...." Skeleton said softly as he's sobbing my eyes softened "Oh, Skelly...." I said softly as I watch him sob I started thinking of what to do.

" you want to talk about it...?" I ask softly Skeleton looks at me and nodded he sit next to me I gently wrap my right arm around his back as we stare at each other I saw the tears coming down his eyes "What happened...?" I ask softly.

"I open my eyes into the darkness inside of our bedroom and even outside is dark the light are not on until I open our bedroom door and the hallway is very dark and in our bedroom is very cold I notice that you're not in the bedroom so I found a flashlight and walk out of our bedroom and walk into the hallway with the flashlight in my hands as I walk I fell down the stairs and my head started bleeding but, than I saw Creeper and Star on the ground bleeding and they don't have a pules but, than I also saw Pigman and Enderman's bodies they're also dead too so is Miss Rexi, Ivan, Bella, Slime, Zombie, Florence Kingsley, and Reekid they also don't have a pules as well the hallway is very cold so I tried calling your name but, you didn't respond and I started having tears but, I hold it in and I notice a little blood is on the wall and the floor but, than I look straight and I notice your body I crouch down and started crying I gently lay myself down next to you even tho you're dead as my tears are still going as I open my eyes I gently kiss you on the cheek before I walk away from your body I notice I have your blood on my body but, than I heard laughter behind me until I turn around and I saw the demons I screamed before I ran away from them I ran as fast as I can away from them until I notice the blood on them and I notice that they're the ones who killed you and the others but, than I fell on the ground with my head still bleeding and now my legs are bleeding but, than the demons came back and one of the demons stab me in my chest until my vision is fading away until I close my eyes the last thing I saw is the demons red eyes glowing until I screamed in's very scary Wither, I don't wanna have that nightmare again...." Skeleton said sobbing more.

My eyes widened after hearing Skeleton's nightmare I hug him tightly as I gently lay him on the bed Skeleton is still sobbing before I gently pull away "Oh my Skelly, I'll never let the demons hurt you....I just wish you don't have that nightmare...." I said softly.

Skeleton nodded as he's still crying I felt so bad that nightmare that he tell me is really scary when all of us are dead expect for Skeleton until he's dead too I think of something to tell my Skelly that I'll be with him until I think of something.

I look down at him with a very soft smile "Come stop your crying It will be all right Just take my hand Hold it tight I will protect you from all around you I will be here Don't you cry...." I sing to him softly Skeleton open his eyes as he stop sobbing he stare at me but, he listen to my soft voice.

"For one so small, you seem so strong My arms will hold you, keep you safe and warm This bond between us can't be broken I will be here Don't you cry...." I sing to him softly Skeleton is still having tears coming but, he's still listening to my soft voice.

"'Cause you'll be in my heart Yes, you'll be in my heart From this day on Now and forever more You'll be in my heart No matter what they say You'll be here in my heart, always...." I sing very softly to him as Skeleton is still having tears but, still listening to my soft voice.

"Why can't they understand the way we feel They just don't trust what they can't explain I know we're different but, deep in side us We're not that different at all...." I sing softly Skeleton never hear me sing before as he listen to my soft voice.

'And you'll be in my heart Yes, you'll be in my heart From this day on Now and forever more..." I sing very softly to him still Skeleton still having tears is still listening to my soft voice as I sing to him but, Skeleton smile at me I smile back.

'Don't listen to them 'Cause what do they know We need each other, to have, to hold They'll see in time I know When destiny calls you You must be strong I may not be with you But you've got to hold on They'll see in time I know...." I sing very softly to Skeleton as he's still listening to my very soft voice.

"We'll show them together 'Cause you'll be in my heart Believe me, you'll be in my heart I'll be there from this day on Now and forever more...." I sing very softly Skeleton eyes widened when I sing to him he smile he never heard me sing before.

"Oh, you'll be in my heart No matter what they say I'll be with you You'll be here in my heart, always...." I sing very softly to Skeleton he smile at me as his tears are still coming down his eyes I smile at him.

"Always, I'll be with you, I'll be there for you always, Always and always..." I sing softly to him Skeleton is still having tears coming down his eyes but, we both smile as we stare at each other.

"Just look over your shoulder, Just look over your shoulder, Just look over your shoulder I'll be there Always...." I finish singing to Skeleton he's still having tears but, he smile at me I smile back I gently lift his body up so he can sit next to me.

We stare at each other as Skeleton is still having tears I gently place my left hand under his chin we gently lean in and our lips met as we started kissing each other I can feel the tears coming down from Skeleton's eyes.

My boyfriend can feel my warm lips against his Skeleton started blushing as he gently place his hands on my hips our lips smacked as we kiss I sigh when we kiss my right hand is on Skeleton's back as we kiss.

We gently pull away the kiss as we stare at each other "Do you want to counited...." I ask softly with a smile "Yes, Wither...." Skeleton said softly also with a smile with small tears we both smile at each other before we lean in again and started kissing again.

We gently open our mouths for a bit before our tongues met and we wrap a our tongues together Skeleton started blushing when our tongues met before he moan softly I also moan softly as well before we pull our tongues away.

We're still kissing each other I can still feel Skeleton's tears coming down his eyes as we gently kiss each other I remembered all the times we kiss each other we kiss everyday we love the feel when our lips met.

We kiss for a while before we gently pull away we smile at each other I gently wipe the tears away from Skeleton's eyes "You feel better...?" I ask softly "Yea, I'm better thanks for comforting me Wither...." Skeleton said softly.

I smile at him "Your welcome Skelly, I'm always there for you...." I said softly Skeleton blushes I chuckled when he blushes we both lay down next to each other with a smile we gently wrap our arms around our bodies as we cuddle each other.

"Try to get some sleep Skelly, I'll make sure you don't have that nightmare again...." I said softly before kissing his forehead for a while before gently pulling away "I'll try Wither but, you'll be with me right...?" Skeleton ask softly.

I smile at him "Of course I'll be with you I'll be in your heart you don't need to be scared of nightmare anymore I'm always with you...." I said softly Skeleton blushes before closing his eyes.

Before I close my eyes I gently place my left hand under his chin and I gently lean in and started kissing him Skeleton can feel my lips pressing gently against his he blushes and kisses me back.

I close my eyes as I gently kiss him on the lips I kiss him the hole night until the sun went up Skeleton and I gently pull away the kiss as we stare at each other "How did you sleep...?" I ask softly with a smile.

"I sleep a lot better when you're kissing me...." Skeleton said softly I chuckled "I know how much you love my kissing Skelly...." I said softly Skeleton blush when I said that we both smile at each other before we stand up.

We walk down the stairs and we saw the others and we walk back to the castle and to our houses me and Skeleton walk to our house and went to our bedroom and we sit on the bed we stare at each other with a smile.

I gently place my right hand under his chin we gently lean in and we started kissing each other Skeleton gently place his hands on my hips as we kiss I don't want Skeleton to have that nightmare I know that really scared him we gently kiss each other for the rest of the day I'll protect Skelly from whatever is hurting him.

Don't worry Skelly, Wither will always protect you from getting hurt I promise.

This is the song that Wither sing to Skeleton when he had his nightmare Wither is such a good boyfriend to Skelly.

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