Pirates of the Caribbean: The...

By thelittleblackghost

206K 8.1K 1.9K

Book 1 Captain Jack Sparrow x Female Reader Based off the Disney movie series Pirates of the Caribbean (Y/n)... More

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: 10 Years Later...
Chapter 3: Captain Jack Sparrow
Chapter 4: Arrested
Chapter 5: The Attack
Chapter 6: Comandeering a Ship
Chapter 7: Tortuga
Chapter 8: Getting a Crew
Chapter 9: Rescue Mission
Chapter 10: The Interceptor vs. The Black Pearl
Chapter 11: Marooned
Chapter 12: Why's the Rum Gone?!
Chapter 13: An Accord
Chapter 15: The End

Chapter 14: A Broken Curse

10K 483 47
By thelittleblackghost


Back at the cave, Jack was poking around at all the items, and examining them. Will and (Y/n) were held back by two pirates, and Barbossa and a few other members of his crew stood around the cave.

"I must admit Jack, I thought I had you all figured out. But it turns out you're a hard man to predict." Barbossa confessed.

Jack was admiring a gold statue when he turned to Barbossa. "Me? I'm dishonest. And a dishonest man you can trust to be dishonest. Honestly." Jack threw the statue aside. "It's the honest ones you want to watch out for. Because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly stupid."

Jack then walked behind a pirate who was skipping stones and took his sword, kicking him into the water. He tossed the sword to Will, who caught it and elbow the pirate holding him.

(Y/n) turned and kicked the pirate holding her in the gut, sending him back, drawing her own sword, and began to fight another pirate who had charged at her.

Jack and Barbossa drew their swords and well and began fighting along the rocks that were in the water. Jack swung his sword and cut the feather on Barbossa's hat off.

"Ha-ha!" He laughed.

Barbossa snarled and charged forward. The two clashed their swords together and Barbossa glared at Jack.

"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here, there be monsters!"

Barbossa knocked Jack back and he fell. Barbossa swung at him, but Jack was able to dodge. However, before he could stand back up, Barbossa kicked Jack in the face knocking him to the ground.

Barbossa tossed his sword aside. "You can't beat me, Jack."

As a response, Jack stood up and stabbed Barbossa in the gut.

Barbossa just mockingly rolled his eyes and sighed, before taking the sword out of his stomach and stabbing into Jack's chest.


(Y/n), who had just managed to shove a crew member into the water, looked over at Jack to check on him, and saw what Barbossa did.

"No!" She cried, raising a hand to her mouth. Tears started to flood her eyes, and she was about to start sobbing.

That is, until Jack stumbled back into the moonlight, showing him in skeletal form.


Barbossa furrowed his brows in confusion, as he watched Jack examine his bony hand.

"That's interesting." Jack commented. He lifted his other hand and twirled the coin he had stolen between his fingers as he looked at Barbossa. "Couldn't resist mate."

Barbossa growled, and picked up his sword again as Jack removed his from his chest, and the two began fighting again.


Once (Y/n) had recovered from her shock, and wiped the tears from her eyes, she was back in the fight with Will.

The two stood back to back fighting two pirates, and they both stepped to the side, causing the pirates to stab each other.

They both glanced at each other in confusion, before pulling out each others sword and chasing after Will and (Y/n).


Jack managed to knock Barbossa against a rock that was under the moonlight, and he pointed his sword at him.

"So what now, Jack Sparrow? Are we to be two immortals locked in an epic battle until Judgement Day and the trumpets sound?" Barbossa asked sarcastically.

"Or you could surrender." Jack suggested.

Barbossa didn't accept, and charged at Jack again. He managed to land a punch on Jack's jaw, and began to chase after Jack as he ran away.


One of the crew threw a bomb at (Y/n) and Will, and the two jumped out of the way as it blew up. They landed on the ground, and saw another pirate coming at them.

"I'm gonna teach you two the meaning of pain!" He bellowed.

"You like pain?" A voice asked behind him.

He turned and saw Elizabeth holding a long gold staff. She swung back, and hit him across the face with it.

"Try wearing a corset."

Will and (Y/n) stood up and smiled at Elizabeth, before they heard grunts behind them. They all turned to see Jack and Barbossa fighting each other in skeletal form.

"Who's side is Jack on?" Elizabeth questioned.

"At the moment?" Will replied.

The three then turned and continued to fight the three remaining crew members. Elizabeth tossed Will the staff, and he ran forward, impaling the three pirates with it, so they were all stuck.

(Y/n) then lit a bomb, and shoved it into the middle one's ribcage. Then she, Will, and Elizabeth pushed the pirates out of the moonlight, so they couldn't get the bomb out.

"No fair." The middle pirate whimpered, as they blew up.

Now that the pirate crew was taken care of, Will turned and rushed up the pile of treasure towards the stone chest with the gold in it.


Hearing the explosion, Jack turned and saw Will rushing towards the chest. He held his coin in his hand, cut his hand with his sword, and threw the coin to Will.

Barbossa turned to Will and saw him catch the coin. He pulled out his pistol and pointed it at (Y/n) who was coming across the rocks. (Y/n)'s eyes widened when she saw Barbossa aiming at her, and flinched in fear when she heard the gunshot.

But fear quickly turned to confusion when she hadn't felt any pain. She looked down at herself and didn't see any blood.

Barbossa also looked confused, until he turned and saw Jack standing behind him pointing his smoking pistol at him with a glare on his face.

Barbossa smirked. "Ten years you carry that pistol, and now you waste your shot."

"He didn't waste it."

Barbossa turned to see Will holding his closed fist over the chest, with the bloody knife in his other hand. Will opened his fist and dropped the two coins into the chest, breaking the curse.

Barbossa dropped his pistol and pulled his coat open to see blood leaking from the gunshot wound.

"I feel...cold." He said, as he fell to the ground, an apple falling from his hand.

Captain Barbossa was dead.

Jack tucked away his pistol, and nearly fell over when a body collided into his. He tensed up in surprise, but relaxed when he saw it was (Y/n) who had hugged him.

"I thought you died, you idiot." She mumbled into his chest.

Jack chuckled and wrapped his arms around her. "I told you, it'll take a lot more than that to kill Captain Jack Sparrow."

(Y/n) rolled her eyes, as she pulled away, and Jack smirked down at her.

"Now, if you'll excuse me darling, I have a cave to loot."

Jack turned and eagerly scurried over to the likes of treasure and began looking through them.

(Y/n) smiled and shook her head in amusement, and her eyes drifted over to Will and Elizabeth. They were standing very close together, staring into each other's eyes.

Elizabeth shrugged. "We should return to the Dauntless."

Will nodded. "Your fiancé will be wanting to know you're safe."

Elizabeth frowned and tears began to well up in her eyes. She turned away from Will and walked away.

Jack sauntered up next to Will wearing a crown and a bunch of other jewelry. "If you were waiting for the opportune moment, that was it." He told Will. "Now if you'd be so kind, I'd be much obliged if you'd drop me and (Y/n) off at my ship. (Y/n)! Come along darling!" Jack called.

(Y/n) rolled her eyes once again, but started to follow Jack, whacking Will in the back of the head as she walked by.

"Ow! What was that for?!" Will whined, running the back of his head.

"You know what it was for you wimp!" She yelled back at him, as she walked out of the cave.


Will, (Y/n), Elizabeth and Jack sat in a long boat staring at the spot where the Black Pearl was. Except now it was gone. The crew had taken it as the payment Jack had promised them.

(Y/n) sat beside Jack and put a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry Jack."

Jack just stared blankly at the spot where the Pearl was. "They done what's right by them. Can't expect more than that, love." He responded.

(Y/n) slipped her hand off Jack's shoulder and placed it over his. He looked up at her, and she gave him a sad smile. Jack reciprocated it, and moved his hand to intertwine their fingers.

Jack knew what was awaiting him when they returned to Port Royal, but in that moment, he didn't care. He just wanted to savor this moment with (Y/n) and memorize the feel of her hand in his and how the moon reflected in her beautiful eyes.

Somehow, it made him feel like everything was going to be okay.


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