The Past|JeffBarcode

By Bank_Teresa

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Something happened to Jeff in the past that forbids him to love again, but a young man comes along years late... More

Your Gaze Through The Window
The Lighter Of The Past
Between The Delirium
Measure Your Words
I Made My Decision
I Will Accept You
Amidst Kisses And Moans I...
The Boy From The Past
Hard Choice Part 1 🔞
Hard Choice Part 2🔞
No, Don't Look
The Tenth Message
Sunny Day... I Love You

I Swear If You....

967 54 11
By Bank_Teresa

Preview of the previous chapter

Barcode: Where's P'Talay?! I arranged with him, but I don't see him!... Why does this restaurant have no one p'?!.

Vincent: Because I booked it for the two of us.


Barcode is not liking what he is seeing, he is not comfortable, Vincent is showing that he is not just there to see him, Barcode wanting to leave, started walking backwards and talking in an attempt to escape from Vincent.

Barcode: Sorry P'Vincent, but I have things to do at home... I'm go to home..Thanks for booking the restaurant but unfortunately I can't stay... I...!

Barcode trying to turn Vincent grabs him by the wrist and pulls him grabs his waist with the other hand and squeezes Barcode in his body. Barcode got scared when being pulled and looking into the eyes of the man in front of him, Vincent has shown to be a different man that Barcode doesn't know, Barcode tries to push and break free of Vincent, talking the same time.

Barcode: P'! What are you doing?! Let go of me... Let go of me it hurts.... ahhh.

Vincent : Why are you in such a hurry N'Barcode?...( Vincent approaches his lips to Barcode's to kiss )... We have a lot of time together.

Barcode seeing Vincent approaching his lips, turns his head to the side.

Barcode: please P'! I don't want this.... ( Barcode looks back at him ) .... I just see P' as my big brother nothing more.

Vincent upon hearing the last words, stops wanting to kiss him, pushes him and lets Barcode fall to the ground.

Vincent: N'Barcode, you are such an idiot.

Barcode feels pain when he falls on his butt to the ground, he looks at Vincent and is terrified with the eyes that look at him with hatred and a completely different person than he knew, Vincent starts to approach Barcode, Barcode scared of Vincent crawls on the floor talking at the same time.

Barcode: P'Vincent what's going on?! Why do you look at me like that?!...

Vincent stops walking, irritated with someone.

Vincent: Ah! let's see what's going on...

Vincent quickly grabs Barcode's hair from behind and pulls Barcode's head closer to his face.

Barcode: Aaahhh! P'!...

Vincent stares at Barcode in the eyes and then in the lips again looking in the eyes, furious but showing a desire for Barcode, bringing his lips closer and closer to Barcode.

Vincent: You got close to a person you shouldn't have... You shouldn't have come back, N'Barcode... Why did you come back?! Everything was going great, you made the mistake of coming back, and now... I have to make you disappear.

Barcode widens his eyes terrified and very afraid of Vincent, he doesn't know what is going on, what and who Vincent is referring to, Barcode grabbing the wrist of the hand that is grabbing his hair with one hand.

Barcode : Who are you talking about?! Who did I approach? Why shouldn't I have come back?... Ahhh... Let go of me P'...

Vincent with the other hand with the index finger touches Barcode's face from top to bottom sliding the finger as if he were stroking, showing the slightly psychopathic look.

Vincent: You're just a boy who doesn't know anything... You fell in love with someone you shouldn't fall in love with... That man is forbidden for you... A man with a past you don't know about...( Vincent noticing from Barcode's face that he just realized who he's talking about)... That's right, I'm talking about the man you don't know who he really is... Jeff Satur.

Barcode is surprised but very afraid of the man who looks at him with the desire to kill him, scared Barcode looks sideways noticing a bottle of wine on top of a small table, wanting to run away quickly so as not to be killed by this man, with his other hand who didn't grab Vincent's wrist, grabs the wine bottle and hits Vincent on the head, Vincent falls sideways grabbing the side of the head where Barcode hit the bottle, Barcode seeing Vincent fall on his side, quickly gets up, turns and stops quickly when he sees two big men with muscular and strong bodies in front of him, Barcode quickly tries to turn around on the other side but sees Vincent getting up from the ground, Barcode turns and tries to take steps on his right side.

Vincent: Grabs him immediately.

The men grab Barcode, one behind immobilizing Barcode's arms from behind and the other placing and covering his nose with a wet cloth, asphyxiating Barcode for him to pass out, Barcode tries and does everything to escape these men but in the end the effort is in vain, Barcode begins to close his eyes, seeing only a similar blurred image of Vincent and hearing him speak.

Vincent: Don't worry, I'm not going to kill you now.

Barcode closes his eyes and passes out.

As soon as Barcode faints, the men place him on his lap, Vincent looking at the fainted Barcode in the arms of one of the men, showing an evil look and no feeling at all.

Vincent: Take him to the hideout, go get the other order.

Vincent turns his back on the men and sits down on the restaurant sofa again, showing a completely different look than he showed everyone, the calm and gentle Vincent something completely different from what he is showing now.

Jeff inside the break room, analyzing some documents, he suddenly drops the papers when he feels a twinge in his chest.

Jeff: Damn! What was that?!..

Jeff walks to the window, spends some time looking out the window, missing the young man he hasn't seen in a year, remembering why he didn't go after the young man he loves.


Jeff arrives at Barcode's house as soon as he receives the news from William that Barcode went to Korea, knocks on the door, and sees a beautiful young woman a little older than Barcode but very similar to him.

Jeff: Hello... Sorry, I'm Jeff satur... I came to see N'Barcode... is he home?!.. sorry I didn't ask your name, I'm careless... I . .

No one from Barcode's house knows him, that night of pleasure no one was at Barcode's house, and Barcode still hadn't introduced Jeff to his family even though they'd been dating for almost a year.

: Nice to meet you, I'm Creamy, N'Barcode's older sister...( Jeff smiles when he sees a young woman as beautiful as his brother )... No, he's not here... He traveled to Korea... He suddenly came to our parents say he wants to continue his studies in Korea... He traveled yesterday...

Jeff was completely speechless, Barcode really left, not accepting that this happened that Barcode really left him, Jeff quickly turns around wanting to go to Barcode in Korea, wanting to prevent being without the young man he loves.

Jeff: Thanks! I'm already going..

Creamy: please don't go after him.

Jeff stops, turns and looks into Creamy's worried face, not knowing anything and not knowing the reason for these words from Creamy, surprised at her, speaking gently to her.

Jeff: What did you say?! Why can't I go after him?! You know who I am?!.

Creamy knowing who he is, worried about her brother's health.

Creamy: I know who you are... My brother showed me a picture of you and told me that you two were dating... Actually I know who you are a long time ago... You were the young man who was crying sitting in the hospital corridor nine years ago, the man my brother couldn't stop talking about for over nine years...

Jeff is surprised but not really surprised by what Creamy just said and that she knows who he is.

Jeff: Me!..

Creamy prevents him from speaking.

Creamy: Can you please not go after him?!

Jeff confused by this request of hers.

Jeff: Why?! Why don't you want me to go after him?! I love him.. I can't let him go without me...

Creamy: I know you love him, but... I also know that you made him suffer a lot... My brother always ended up coming home sad... He locked himself in his bedroom and cried for you... All every day he would come here all mentally worn out for you... I was worried about him and forced him to tell me the truth... He told me that he found the man he fell in love with nine years ago... He told me that you you're still stuck in the past... he told me that you love another man and he's helping you forget about that same man... Everything I heard that day was nonsense...How could you ask this on my brother? How were you able to stay with someone you didn't love?! ... If you knew you wouldn't forget that man why did you insist on staying with my brother?!... Even if you love him now it doesn't change the fact that you used him.

Jeff hearing these questions was like knives in the heart, what he did was wrong and he knows it and is paying for it, for the doubts, for denying the love he felt for Barcode, for having blamed himself for not saying in Gameplay what he really felt for him, for having used Barcode to overcome what he did in the past, all of this he is feeling now.

Jeff: I know what I did was wrong... I won't say it was your brother who asked to be with me... Because I already wanted to be with him even before he asked me to be with me.... I know that I used him for my own benefit... I blamed myself for something in my past... But now I want to put my past behind me and live my present and my present in this moment... It's your brother.. I love him... And I'm going after him for our love... I'm sorry for everything I've done.

Jeff tries to go but stops when he hears what he never thought he would hear.

Creamy: He's sick...( Jeff turns to Creamy, incredulous )... My brother had heart failure since he was little... He kept going to the hospital.... Nine years ago he suffered a heart attack and was diagnosed with moderate heart failure... He had to have a new heart... We took a while to find a donor for my brother... There were constant visits to the hospital... Three years ago before he found you he had got this donor, but he had another attack and was diagnosed with terminal heart failure he had to have the transplant quickly, everything got better with the transplant... And we were very happy... But then my brother started to come house sad... Understand P'Jeff... Me and my parents are worried about him, what if he has a relapse? If he rejects this heart? What if we lose him? He can't have emotional distress, he can't... Do you understand me?.... Don't make him suffer anymore, please don't go after him if you are not sure what you really feel... Even if you have the sure you love him, please don't go after him... Let him take care of the wound you put little by little on him, he needs that... I beg you... Let him go and live your life.

Jeff stops remembering this moment when he sees two strange men entering his studio building.

Jeff: Who are they?! I don't know them!

Jeff turns and looks at the door, grabs the phone that is on the table, types a few things on the phone, walks to the door, opens the door, as soon as he opens it he sees the two men in front of him, with a calm look listening to them.

: Are you Jeff Satur?

Jeff suspicious.

Jeff: Yes it's me! What do you want?

: We came to get you, you need to come with us.

Jeff: Why should I go with you guys?!

: Just come with us and say nothing.

The man tries to grab Jeff but Jeff kicks him making the man fall over the other man behind him, Jeff runs away as soon as he pushes the man with the kick, runs without stopping to leave the building, the two men get up and go behind him, when leaving the building Jeff is faced with three more men at the exit of the building, one of the men approaches quickly to punch Jeff, Jeff quickly kicks, another one comes towards him Jeff gives another kick, the third man comes the other way Jeff grabs him by the hands and shoulder, lets go and punches the man in the face.

Jeff starts to fight with the three, the other two leave the building and also enter the fight, Jeff knocked them all out, but it wasn't enough, Jeff when trying to leave one of the men gets up with a stun gun and puts it in the waist of Jeff, Jeff grabs his hand in an attempt to break free even though he is electrocuted with the stun gun, but another man gets up behind Jeff with another stun gun and puts it on Jeff's back, Jeff being electrocuted from behind and sideways in the waist did not resist he fall to the ground and passed out.

Spending two hours Jeff is sitting in a chair inside a bedroom on the side of a bed, Jeff starts to slowly open his eyes weak because of the shocks he took, dizzy and seeing everything moving around him, Jeff looks forward and sees someone lying down in bed but he can't see this person well in bed, Jeff moves his head from side to side in an attempt to improve his vision, the vision starts to come.

When he starts to see well.

Jeff's eyes widen when he sees that the man on the bed is none other than Barcode, Jeff screams and tries to get up from his chair.

Jeff: Barcode!...( Jeff stops, can't get out of the chair looks over the side of his own body and realizes he's tied to the chair by the hands on the back of the chair, and by the legs on the chair, looks at Barcode, surprised to see him in Thailand instead of Korea ) ... but what! Barcode what.... Barcode my love... wake up... what's going on here, why are you here?!

Door open

Jeff looks at the door in front of him and Barcode who is in bed still passed out, Jeff squinted when he saw the man who recorded a MV with Barcode.

Jeff: Khun Vincent?! What is this all about?! Why Barcode is in this bed passed out?! Why am I here?! What do you think you're doing?!.

Vincent looks sideways at his men, shakes his head ordering them to leave the bedroom and leave him alone with Jeff and Barcode, as soon as the men left the bedroom Vincent looks at Jeff with an indifferent look, giving a smirk walking up to him.

Vincent: So many questions! I don't know which one I should answer... ( Vincent approaching Jeff touches Barcode's arms, sliding his hand over Barcode's arms ) ... Which one should I answer first?! P'jeff, that's what he calls you right?!

When Jeff sees Vincent touches this way on Barcode, he gets furious, screams furiously, tries to get out of the strong rope that holds him behind the chair, but it's impossible to get out.

Jeff: Don't touch him... I'm going to kill you.

Vincent seeing Jeff's furious eyes, begins to burst out laughing with evil, having fun seeing Jeff wanting to kill him.

Vincent: hahahahaha.... You want to kill me?!...( Vincent quickly goes to Jeff and grabs him so hard on his jaw, showing a hateful look and wanting to kill Jeff )... Do you want to kill me?! That's good, why don't you kill me the same way you killed my little brother?

Jeff not knowing what Vincent is talking about.

Jeff: What!... What are you talking about?! Which brother are you talking about?!

Vincent releases Jeff's jaw forcefully making his face go sideways, sits on the bed next to Barcode, giving him a slightly psycho look.

Vincent: Let me refresh your memory.... My name is Vincent Laolerkiat....( Jeff widens his eyes, Vincent quickly gets up from the bed and points his index finger at Jeff, furious but smiling when he sees the shape how Jeff was when he heard this last name ).... This, this... This is what I wanted to see... ( Vincent grabs Jeff's jaw again, hating Jeff so hard )... This is this look I wanted to see... Now you understand who I am?!..

Vincent angrily releases Jeff's face again, Jeff turns his face to the side, surprised to hear this name that is still very fresh in his mind, the fury he is feeling has diminished, Jeff lifts his face and looks at Vincent.

Jeff: You're Gameplay's big brother?! I heard he has a brother, but... What do you want from me?!

Vincent with his back to Jeff, turns to look at him, irritated but not showing it.

Vincent: What do I want?! Do you still ask that? Try to get an idea of ​​what I want from you...

Jeff knows what Vincent wants, but he can't die, much less now that the person most important to him is lying in bed passed out.

Jeff: I know you want me dead... I didn't kill Gameplay... I'm sorry for what happened to him...

Vincent angrily grabs Jeff's hair angrily interrupts Jeff's words quickly.

Vincent: Are you sorry?! You didn't kill him? Are you sure you didn't kill him?!... The day he died, I was on the other call... My brother had two phones, idiot, or did you even forget about this?... My brother was fighting with you on the phone... You let my brother go alone on the date you had with him... You killed him and that won't change your guilt.

Sound of someone waking up.

Vincent looks back and sees Barcode moving the body.

Barcode starts to open his eyes slowly, seeing everything blurred, he makes a slight sound of discomfort, he looks to the side and sees two people, one sitting and the other standing, Barcode is not seeing the two well, he looks forward at the ceiling of the bedroom.

Barcode: Ahh... Where.. where am I... I... Ahh...!.

Vincent gives a smile when he sees Barcode waking up, Vincent gets out of front of Jeff and goes to the other side of the bed, Jeff when seeing Vincent walking towards Barcode starts screaming desperately, Jeff knew that Vincent will do something in Barcode to make him suffer in the same proportion as he suffered for his brother.

Jeff: No! No---no, Vincent... Stop, don't do anything to him... please... he has nothing to do with us.

Barcode still weak, and dizzy from the drug they put in his nose to make him pass out, hearing Jeff's voice.

Barcode: P'... P'jeff! What.... I'm, I can't... Ahh..

Vincent sits beside Barcode, gently touches Barcode's face while Barcode turns his face to look at Vincent's blurry image, Jeff's eyes widen in fury when he sees him touch Barcode.

Jeff: don't you dare touch him.... Don't touch him, VINCENT...

Vincent: Really N'Barcode is too beautiful... ( Vincent starts touching Barcode's body parts, the hair, the eyes, the lips going down to the chest and going to the abdomen) ....His skin, the hair, the eyes... And these plump pink lips... This young man is too handsome... I understand why you forgot about my brother... There's no way not to resist this handsome face from N'Barcode ... Do not you think?

Vincent looks at Jeff smiling seeing his despair, Jeff seeing him touch Barcode's lips and bring his hand down in a pleasurable way, very angry with the veins showing in his forehead in his eyes and in his arms.

Jeff: I swear I'll kill you if you do anything to him... I'll become a murderer, just like you want....I swear.

Vincent stop touching him and looked at Jeff, he gets up from the bed and gives Jeff a disdainful look.

Vincent: Sorry, let me correct your words... You're already a murderer.... You all come in... ( Vincent orders the men who are behind the door to enter the bedroom, Vincent sits on the bed again, without looking on the men, touching Barcode's face while ordering his men )... Do what you all must do.

Thank you for reading until the end of the chapter, I hope you all enjoyed reading😊

Next chapter undated☺️

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