The Real Villainess

By onlypolaynn

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Freya Lavine Yeovil finds herself trapped in the role of the villainess in her best friend's novel, unwilling... More

Chapter 1 : The Start
Chapter 3 : Lady-in-Waiting
Chapter 4 : Handsome Men
Chapter 5 : Friendship
Chapter 6 : Thank you
Chapter 7 : Duke's Birthday Banquet
Chapter 8 : Jealous?
Chapter 9 : No Regrets
Chapter 10 : Next Move
Chapter 11 : Conditions
Chapter 12 : Breaking it Off
Chapter 13 : Mine
Chapter 14 : Library
Chapter 15 : Flashback
Chapter 16 : Rooftop
Chapter 17 : Guilt
Chapter 18 : Town's Square
Chapter 19 : Irritation
Chapter 20 : Risk
Chapter 21 : Clueless
Chapter 22 : Culprit
Chapter 23 : Confrontation
Chapter 24 : Embracing a Dear one
Chapter 25 : Marriage
Chapter 26 : Later
Chapter 27 : Conclusion
Chapter 28 : The New Goal
Chapter 29 : The Wedding
Chapter 30 : The Wedding II
Chapter 31 : Something Urgent
Chapter 32 : Rekindled
Chapter 33 : Shine
Chapter 34 : A Poison
Chapter 35 : Farewell
Chapter 36 : Mischievous
Chapter 37 : Warm Night
Chapter 38 : Down the Road
Chapter 39 : Rely on me
Chapter 40 : Trap
Chapter 41 : Patience
Chapter 42 : Us
Chapter 43 : Leave
Chapter 44 : Furious
Chapter 45 : Return
Chapter 46 : Father and Daughter
Chapter 47 : Dilemma
Chapter 48 : Question
Chapter 49 : Cry it Out
Chapter 50 : Dear Lady Parry
Chapter 51 : Real
Chapter 52 : Picnic

Chapter 2 : Unnecessary Help

3.9K 102 5
By onlypolaynn

THE LADY'S EYES SPARKLED seeing the meal that was cooked specially for the lady.

"Thank you sooo much!" The lady said after holding the fork ready to take a bite of each and every food infront of her.

Everyone especially the cooks were a little bit worried that the lady might dislike their cooking, looking at the lady taking a piece of beaf into her mouth they closed their eyes.

"This is. . . . . The best!! Great job everyone!" Freya said appreciating the cooks.

Everyone cheered on as to finally the lady enjoyed their cooking, it had never happened before.

"Please cook for me often now." She said looking like a child who ate food after a week or so.

"Yes we will milady!"


Freya sat down on a table in the balcony of her chamber drinking tea, she felt like somethings missing.

Then she finally got it, she was missing a Lady-in-waiting. She wondered why the lady does not have a Lady-in-waiting.

Then she remembered that in the Novel the old Freya refused to have a Lady-in-waiting as she found it annoying to have someone follow her around.

She's stupid, ladys-in-waiting have its benefits, But what do I expect. She stood up and went to find the Duke's Office to ask for a lady in waiting.

Now which way. The lady wandered around hoping to find where the Duke is, she walked passed by the training grounds where she saw her Brother bleeding, still pushing to fight the Head Knight.

She hid behind a bush spying. Does this always happen to him? It wasn't mentioned in the Novel about her brother Felix's experiences.

"HA HA! I expected a lot from the Duke's heir, until now you haven't even improved a single bit." The Chief of their Knights laughed as he insulted Felix.

Freya's hands formed into a fist as she was fuming with anger ang frustrations. She couldn't just hide behind this bush, seeing someone getting berrated.

Felix didn't reply to the chief instead he lunge at him full force. In that situation Freya thought of saving her brother but she held back as she hoped that her brother shall take his revenge on his own.

But just one kick from the chief her brother was on the ground looking helpless.

Should I help him? Not that I can do anything if a sword was on his throat. The chief pointed his sword at her Brother, She rushed to help his brother who's laying on the Ground helplessly.

"Who do you think you are?" She yelled to the Head chief looking at it with much hatred.

"Oh look, it's the little princess." The Chief whispered to Felix which Freya heard was offended by what the chief said, it made her grab the sword near her and pointed it at him.

"I would appreciate it if you stop pointing your sword at my Brother." Deep inside Freya was shaking, she knew that the Head Chief could easily pin her down if he wishes to.

The Head chief glared at her before dropping his sword to the side, Freya felt relieved.

"Listen Princess, this is part of your brother's training, will you please let us be." He said in a pleasing voice.

Everyone knows how the Duke himself values and loves Freya, they wouldn't dare make her mad.

The Duke is a very powerful man, as he is the Head Chief of the Empire's Knights.

Freya grew tense, seriously he thinks I don't know?

"Does the Head Chief thinks Im stupid?" Freya helped her brother get up, putting half of her brother's weight unto her so they could leave.

"Head Chief." She called. "Please watch your words because next time I'll make sure you won't be able to talk anymore." She said glaring at the Head Chief before they left.

Felix never said a word to Freya even after they received help from the servants around the Ducal.

"Get my brother a Doctor, now." She ordered to the a servant.

When her brother was on his bed groaning in pain she sat next to him, none of them said a single word out.

Really? He isn't going to say 'thanks for saving me' Freya is upset because her brother didn't acknowledged her.
He could've just made me leave earlier.

After the doctor treated his wounds they were left in the room, Felix looked at his sister who's frowning with her arms crossed.

Why did she saved me? Did I looked so helpless there? Felix questioned his sister's action earlier as he knew his sister would never do such a thing, or so he thought.

He was hesitant to even look at his own sister in the eyes. He never knew he would utter the words 'thank you' to his sister whom he hated his entire life.

"Freya" He called unto his sister.

"What?" She said looking like she's expecting something out of his brother's mouth.

"I-" He sighed. "Thank you, but your help was unnecessary."

Freya's left eye started twitching feeling annoyed and disappointed at his brother, I definitely hate him.

Freya stood up and whispered. "So ungrateful." Before leaving her Brother's chamber.

Felix hated his own sister for the reason that she is their Father's favorite, Felix does not want the favorite title for himself he just wants their Father, the Duke, to acknowledge him.


After Freya's suffering in walking she finally found the Duke's office, hoping to see the Duke.

She knocked and the Door opened immediately, a man opened the door. Freya is very excited to get to see how the other characters look.

The man had ginger hair with hazel eyes, he smiled brightly at the Lady.
At that moment Freya knew who he was, he's Theodore Shapiro, a loyal servant of the Duke.

"Sir, it's Lady Freya."

"Let her in." She heard to what seemed to be her Father's voice.

After she entered the office, he saw her father on a large desk wearing reading glasses. Just like Felix's appearance, the Duke also had Black hair and dark gray eyes instead of Dark Brown.

Freya couldn't help but appreciate her Father's still looking young despite the age of around 40 unlike other men. Giving me daddy vibes, probably because he is my Father now.

The Duke finally lifted his head and looked at Freya. "Is there something that you need?"

Freya came back to her senses as soon as the Duke spoke. "I wanted to ask for a Lady-in-waiting Father."

The Duke showed a confused and rather slightly shock face.

"Why is that you want a Lady-in-waiting now?" The Duke Questioned.

Can't he just give me one already?

"I. . . I'm very lonely Father."

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