First Impressions // A Bridge...

By Audelia01

60.8K 1.4K 159

After spending years as one of the most notorious rakes of the ton, Anthony Bridgerton has decided it's time... More

Princess Amelia
Cast of the other OC's
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
*** Intermission ****
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
1st Epilogue
2nd Epilogue

Chapter 17

1.2K 32 2
By Audelia01

" It has come to This Author's attention that the wedding of  Princess Amelia Windsor and the King of Spain is to be a grand, and large affair to which only the best of families are to be invited. Duke's, Duchess's, Prince's and Princess's only.

In other words, This Author is not invited.

But have no fear, dear reader, This Author is at her most resourceful at times such as these and promises to uncover the details of the ceremony, both the interesting and the banal.The wedding of England's Royal Family is surely something which must be reported in This Author's humble column, don't you agree?



A concept Amelia has been painfully aware and familiar with since birth. With her engagement to Alexander, she knew what was asked of her.

She learned Russian at the same time she learned English. She learned the History of Russia just as well as the History of England. Her mother had fur's prepared for her every new year in case Alexander should wish for Amelia to travel to meet him at any given notice.

Amelia learned Alexander's favorite color (None, they were all too bland for his taste but he could live with green), his favorite food (botvin'ya, supposedly the soup that fed the poor people there), his favorite past times (Hunting, apparently he had a token of every kill he ever killed all across his castle), his favorite music (Bagrinowski's opera), and of course what women he liked.

He preferred quiet, solemn, with a pretty face, small figure. Someone who could barely utter a word. A woman who could not raise her voice, matter of fact he preferred it when she didn't have a voice. But, from the letters he send to Amelia (but which were read by her mother), it seemed that Alexander enjoyed good conversation on topics that were usually not taught to women.

So George hired tutors to teach Amelia about things that were not usually taught to women of her breeding and age. She learned anthropology, she learned mathematics, which then led her to learning about physics. She learned theories on biology. George even hired a tutor with whom she could practice speaking of said things.

What a disappointment it must have been to her brother when Alexander died.

All George ever asked of her was that she wear white dresses, smile when addressed, not speak out of turn, and do as told. He did not care what else she did. All he cared about was that she did not embarrass the Windsor family like her siblings did. Each one of them had a scandal before they were married (if they were married).

Amelia did try. She learned everything he wanted her to. She tried being what Alexander wanted her to be. It just never worked out.

Because of Charles mainly, but especially after Charles. And most of all now.

Amelia agreed to marry Ferdinand but she did not want it. Oh how she did not want it. She would do literally anything else to not marry that awful man.

But George was set on this, and perhaps she would allow him this one single win. Maybe she would allow him to have just one sibling that did as told without causing a scandal to jeopardize the entire family. Again.


It was a semi-peaceful morning when Amelia sat on the balcony overlooking the gardens at the Hampton Castle, drinking her morning tea when Brimsley, her mother's butler informed her that the Prince of Wales had arrived.

It was unusual seeing as her brother was always busy and rarely had any time for his siblings, let alone visit them at their respective homes. The only person he saw regularly was his equerry David. Not even his daughter, who preferred the comfort of her own castle, or the company of one of her Uncle's.

So when Amelia heard that he was here for a visit, every alarm bell that existed in her head began to ring. What could George possibly want from her now? Her mother was not currently present in the home, she was at a soiree hosted for the Mama's of the eligible Miss's in London. So clearly, the visit was for Amelia herself. Unless of course, George was not aware that their mother was not presently present.

"Did you tell him that Mother was away?", Amelia asked and Brimsley nodded. He still stayed put, clearly it meant that George was here for her.

God, what did she do now?

"Could do with some re-painting, eh?", George asked looking around the house that his mother and his sister have been staying in for the season as Amelia walked down the stairs.

"Yeah. When mother or I decide", Amelia replied nonchalantly. She walked closer to her brother in the drawing room.

He picked up a book on her desk that she had put down when she came in. He looked at the back and then at the front while Amelia waited for him to say something.

Finally she snapped. "What is it George? What is it that you want?", Amelia asked impatiently.

"Just came by to say hello", George replied, putting down the book. Amelia snorted, unladylike.

"Prince of Wales, George Windsor", Amelia began with a small, sarcastic smile. "Never goes anywhere for no reason".

George sighed, looking out the window and then he turned to her. She could see on his face that she was right.

"Fine", George said, admitting to it. He looked around the room at the servants by the walls and doors. "Leave us", he commanded and they did as told, leaving the siblings alone.

Amelia sat down, crossing her legs. She knew whatever George came here for would take a long while, so at least she could be comfortable.

"I should congratulate you", George said, sitting across from his sister. "Or should I congratulate myself? For the first time in your whole life, you did exactly as I told you".

"Congratulations George", Amelia said, meeting his eyes. "Is that what you want to hear?".

"It's nice", George replied, settling into the couch. "But that is not why I came here".

"I thought so", Amelia said. "So. Out with it".

George chuckled slightly. "You were always impatient".

Amelia sighed, rolling her eyes.

"Impatient, daring, abrasive, arrogant", George continued. "The qualities of a Windsor".

Amelia hated it when he did that. Listed her worst qualities and complimented them. While kind if one heard it, but she knew why he did it. To butter her up for worse news.

"What is it that you want Georgie?", Amelia asked impatiently.

George clicked his tongue. "You are finally engaged to the King. We should begin the wedding preparations as soon as possible", George said.

"You came all this way to talk about wedding preparations?", Amelia asked unimpressed.

"And to remind you of your duty", George said.

"Oh how can I forget?", Amelia asked sarcastically. "As I am ceaselessly reminded by you".

George clenched his jaw at his sister's remarks but he let it go.

"You must make Ferdinand happy. The alliance between Spain and England will need to be a strong one. We both know the last time an alliance between Spain and England happened and how it ended", George said carefully.

"Oh yes. Our dear ancestor Henry poisoned Catherine after disgracefully divorcing her", Amelia said. George ignored her once again.

"Ferdinand will not mistreat you", George continued, clearly he had planned his speech well beforehand.

"But he won't love me!", Amelia exclaimed.

"Him not loving you is none of my concern nor should it be yours", George reminded her.

"How can you say that?", Amelia asked, exclaiming again.

"He will wed you, bed you and put a child in you", George said. "And you must give him the son he desires so he can inherit the Spanish throne, and who knows, perhaps the English one as well".

"You would jump over your own daughter in line of succession in favor of my imaginary son?", Amelia asked.

"Of course not", George said immediately. "But who knows how things will turn out".

They both went quiet for a moment. Amelia grimaced and looked away, towards the windows, with her arms crossed tightly across her chest.

"You will birth him children, and raise them, and do whatever you need to keep Ferdinand content with his alliance. Surely you are capable of that", George continued.

"And if I refuse?", Amelia asked, turning to look at him.

George had the audacity to laugh. She knew it was a stupid question, seeing how she had already agreed to marry Ferdinand but she was not yet married to him.

"You wanted to find yourself a suitable, tolerable, dutiful, handsome enough to see every morning for breakfast, and witty husband, did you not?", George asked. Amelia remembered when she had used those exact words to describe what she wanted in a husband.

"Ferdinand is a finer husband than you could ever dare hope for", George concluded. And just because his words had not opened a wound already, he decided to rub some salt into it. "And it is past time you were engaged".

"I was engaged", Amelia whispered with such ferocity that she did not know she had. "Or don't you remember".

George was quiet for a moment.

"Only too well", he replied.

They both did not look away from each other.

"I won't do it", Amelia whispered, shaking her head.

"You will do as you're told", George said, reminding her who was in charge.

"I am the Princess of England, not some broodmare!", Amelia exclaimed, raising her voice.

"You are my sister!", George yelled back. "You will do as I command and you will marry Ferdinand of Spain".

"Brother, please don't make me do this-", Amelia began, reaching her hands towards George's, to grasp them, to somehow pull him and convince him. But he stood before she could reach him, staring down at her.

"Not another word", George said warningly. "My dear sister... you and our siblings have been disgracing the Windsor name for far too long".

He walked out of the room before she could say another thing. And then, all she could do was laugh and laugh at what her life has become.

Nothing seemed to be right.

Absolutely nothing was going right. He had proposed to Miss Edwina and she had accepted with happy tears, proclaiming it was the happiest day of her life.

The wedding preparations had begun immediately, as the wedding had to happen before the Royal Wedding of Princess Amelia and King Ferdinand, and somewhere quiet, as to not to overshadow it.

Of course it could happen after, but the celebrations for the Royal Wedding would last until the end of the season (they always did, and Anthony would not put it past the Queen to extend the season to continue the celebrations), so the ceremony would take place in the country, somewhere quiet. Just quick and easy and done.

But nothing was going right.

Even his suit, the one he ordered to be prepared especially for the wedding did not fit the way he wanted it to.

"No", he murmured, flexing his shoulders in the mirror. "See how the cuffs are an inch too short".

"Very well, Sir", the Tailor said, taking off Anthony's jacket.

Nothing was going right, and Anthony was frankly getting fed up with it.

"Hmm", his mother hummed with a smile. "There is plenty of time to adjust it to your liking".

She always liked to remind him and advise him. He knew she thought he was going too fast with this marriage to Miss Edwina. He didn't care.

"The wedding is not for another month", Violet reminded.

Anthony only sighed. It was all he could do.

"There is still much to do", Anthony reminded her in return and walked away from the mirror, past her.

He wanted for one thing to go right, and he could never be disappointed with tea. It was always made to his liking.

"Will Miss Edwina come to live with us?", Gregory asked innocently.

"Indeed", Violet replied. "After the wedding she shall be the Lady of the House and responsible for you all".

"May the Lord help her", Colin commented unhelpfully.

"Which reminds me", Anthony spoke up. "Our carriages must be polished to a shine and the horse's mains braided. We shall bring out the finest silver".

"Why?", Violet asked. "Is this wedding not to take place at Aubrey Hall?".

Anthony clenched his jaw for a moment. "No, the Queen has written a letter, offering to host the wedding at her Palace. Something about repaying us for the kindness of letting them stay at Aubrey Hall".

"That is awfully kind of her", Violet replied with a small smile.

"I fear Amelia had something to do with that", Benedict whispered to Eloise, who smiled knowingly in return. If any kindness was served to the Bridgertons from the Queen, it was most likely partly if not fully Amelia's doing.

"Still does not answer my question", Violet said, with raised eyebrows.

"The Queen may be hosting everything at the Palace but we must still be ready to entertain here", Anthony explained.

"And what of us, Brother?", Benedict asked, standing up and disposing his notebook on the table as he stretched. "Shall we also be polished and braided for the big day?".

The rest of the siblings all laughed at Benedict's words, as they always did.

"We will all be on display", Anthony reminded everyone. "Perhaps you may even scrub your hands for the occasion". He nodded towards dried paint on Benedict's hands.

"I've been occupied at the Academy", Benedict explained, taking a cup of tea.

Anthony once again clenched his jaw, now at the reminder of how Benedict got into the academy.

"And how is the Duke of Kent?", Anthony asked, trying to sound nonchalant. He hoped he could hear about the well-being of the Princess through Benedict. Perhaps his brother would let something slip.

"I have not seen him yet", Benedict replied, taking a sip of his tea. "But we have corresponded and he wishes to meet with me tomorrow night".

"How...", Anthony was struggling to find the right words. "How exciting it must be for you".

Benedict only smiled in return.

"Since the Queen is hosting, is the Princess going to attend the wedding too?", Hyacinth asked.

"Oh I do hope so, it would be a boon to have another intelligent lady in our presence", Eloise said eagerly.

"Another? You are overcounting", Benedict sarcastically replied. Eloise just made a face at him.

Violet settled into a chair and turned to Eloise. Her efforts to excite and include her daughter in different duties did not seem to bear any fruit but Violet would be damned if she stopped.

"Eloise, I am going to require your help today", Violet began gently. Eloise immediately put her book down and began thinking of excuses. "There is the dinner to plan with Lady Danbury to welcome the Sharma's into the family. And then the engagement ball in a few days-".

"I am sorry Mama", Eloise said, standing up and walking towards the table with the muffins and other delights. "But I am-um, attending a lecture this afternoon. Flower arranging".

Anthony watched his younger sister with knowing eyes. She was treading very dangerous ground.

"Penelope's Mama is forcing her to go", Eloise continued, looking at everyone. It was quite clear that she was lying to everyone, but none wanted to call her out on it. "And you wanted me to find more ladylike pursuits".

She turned away, knowing she was getting away with it, and began to put some food on her small plate.

"How long have you cared about flower arranging?", Benedict asked, faking his tone to be interested.

"I am an open-minded woman, I can care about many things", Eloise immediately replied, not making eye-contact.

It was a few days later when Amelia made her way down stairs to enjoy some breakfast with her mother and brother, Edward who had returned from Kent after a quick visit to his wife. Amelia had insisted he stay with Victoria as she was pregnant but Edward disagreed and returned after making sure his wife and unborn child were alright.

"Good morning Edward!", Amelia greeted as she made her way downstairs.

Edward's hand with the spoon stopped half-way to his mouth as he watched his little sister walk toward him. She did not sit down, instead she picked up an apple and bit into it.

Edward had heard of his elder brother's visit to the Hampton Castle and Amelia's subsequent lockdown in her own apartments, refusing to leave them. He was very surprised to see her down, dressed well, and with a smile on her face.

"What's that supposed to mean?", Edward asked, immediately confused. Amelia smiled wider.

"It is a greeting. Used in civilized culture by its civilized inhabitants", Amelia replied, taking another bite of her apple.

"You are smiling Amelia", Edward said, putting down the spoon on his plate.

"It's called happiness. I understand you wouldn't recognize it", Amelia replied with a shrug, and turned around to walk toward the drawing room.

"Oh wait. We are happy about this? This wedding between the Viscount and Miss Sharma? We are being mature about this?", Edward asked, standing to follow her. He picked up his plate to continue eating while following her.

Amelia continued to smile throughout the mention of the news she had read the day before. Lady Whistledown did not wait to announce the engagement.

"I am always mature. And yes we are happy. We will peacefully co-exist in this English high society until I move away to Spain", AMelia replied, sitting down on the couch and putting her feet up.

"Interesting", Edward replied, also sitting down, still eating his soup.

"Yes! We are adults, we are educated. I think we are capable of many things", Amelia replied, waving her arms around a little as she explained. Edward did not believe her words even for a moment.

"Right", Edward said, clearly not convinced by her behavior.

"I am just bright and shiny", Amelia replied, trying to convince her brother but she knew she was failing by the look in his eyes.

"Bright and shiny. You are a very strange person indeed Amelia", Edward murmured in between spoonfuls of soup.

"Just unique", Amelia shrugged back.

Edward smiled and continued to eat the soup while holding the bowl carefully as to not spill.

Amelia watched her brother for another long moment before finally mustering up the courage to ask the question that has been on her mind for some time. Especially ever since she heard of Anthony's engagement.

Why did she feel the way she did when she heard the news? Why did she feel let down, angry, and almost embarrassed. Didn't she ask him multiple times to stop courting her and court someone else? Didn't she wish for him to be happy with Miss Edwina?

There was one logical answer that she could come to, to explain her feelings and her irrational thoughts and her wishes. But she did not want to admit it.

"What do you think of Ferdinand?", Amelia finally asked. "From the limited time you've spend with him".

Edward took a moment to think.

"He is tall. He is handsome. Well groomed. His style is impeccable, and clearly his tailor knows what he is doing", Edward said thoughtfully.

"Oh I know all that. I have eyes", Amelia said impatiently. "What do you think of him?".

Edward sighed. "He can be gallant and courteous. His words are well versed, and he knows what to say when to say to get the exact outcome he wishes for. But there is something dark in him. He has little sense of what is right or wrong, and it seems to me that he has an uncontrollable temper sometimes".

"What makes you say that?", Amelia asked, a little taken aback.

"The night of the ball. After your engagement was announced and you danced with the Viscount. He broke two lemonade glasses and almost popped his eye socket in the three minutes of you dancing", Edward explained, finally meeting her eyes.

Amelia sighed and looked at her hand, at the finger on which the engagement ring was. It was beautiful, she could not deny. But at the same time, it was the ugliest thing she had ever seen.

"He is willful, I will give him that. But he is reckless and jealous", Edward continued.

"Well you are jealous too when you see Victoria dancing with another man", Amelia reminded him.

"Of course. When one has such a beautiful wife like Victoria. But I am never angry at her for dancing with another man. Nor am I truly angry at anyone. I cannot fault either party. But Ferdinand... he scares me Emily. I do wonder how safe you would be with him", Edward whispered the last sentence as quietly as he could for her to hear.

Amelia had wondered the same thing.

"You mustn't marry him. He's not like he seems, he's not. He'll hurt you", Edward whispered, clutching his sister's hand tightly

"I shouldn't think so. It's brave of you to warn me, but you need not fear", Amelia spoke with a forced smile. A smile that could fool even her dearest brother if it had to.

"Spoiled and vain and I don't doubt that he's as cruel as you say, but George will force him to allow a personal guard for me that serves only me before we get married", Amelia continued explaining. "I shall have the finest men in the world protecting me night and day".

Edward did not look convinced.

"So our little bull had best behave, hadn't he?", Amelia concluded and stood, still smiling.

But as soon as she had her back turned to her brother, her smile dropped and all she could do was bite her lip out of nervousness.

However, she could not dwell much longer on her impending engagement. She was attending the outside Soiree today. And she would be seeing the Viscount, doubtlessly.

Her mother, the Queen, had proposed that Amelia and Ferdinand go together to the Park Soiree in hopes of getting to know not only one another but also others. Charlotte wished for everyone to witness first-hand how happy the new Royal couple was.

If only it weren't all a ruse.

But Amelia did her best to enjoy things wherever she could. The Park Party was a wonderful event. Children were able to accompany their mothers and fathers to play with each other, betrothed persons were able to spend intimate (but not too intimate) time together, and everyone was happy.

"I shall get us some refreshments", Ferdinand whispered and left her side just for a moment.

As soon as he left, Amelia could feel eyes on her and she turned to see the Viscount Bridgerton approaching with Miss Edwina in tow, they had their arms interwoven together, as if mocking their new engagement in her face.

"My Lord, Miss Edwina", Amelia greeted with a wide smile. "I have not yet had the opportunity to congratulate you both".

"Thank you, your Grace. It is most kind", Miss Edwina replied. "And I wanted to personally congratulate you, on your engagement as well. His Grace seems like the most perfect match".

Amelia smiled, because of course she thought that. She didn't have a mean bone in her body.

"Is that not true, my Lord?", Miss Edwina asked, turning to her partner.

Anthony cleared his throat. "Of course", Anthony agreed, but it seemed to Amelia he did not in fact agree.

But before either could say any more, Anthony turned to Edwina with a soft smile. "I do believe my Mother was looking for you, she has a few questions regarding the engagement ball".

Edwina looked a little surprised. "Oh! Then we should go to her right away", she said, bowing to the Princess.

But Anthony did not move. "I will be right with you. I shall grab us both a few refreshments", Anthony offered. Edwina was not dumb, but nevertheless, she agreed and left with a smile on her face.

Amelia watched Anthony, her smile practically disappearing.

"It is fine weather we are having today, your Grace, is it not?", Anthony asked finally, breaking the silence.

"You wish to speak with me of the weather?", Amelia asked, taken aback by his attitude toward her. Was he going to ignore everything that had happened between them?

Then again, she could not fault him, she ignored it. The multiple kisses, the late night in the library... the stares across the room at each other, the feeling of being drawn to him so much that her own fingers move against her will toward his hand whenever he is walking by.

It would be unfair to wish for him to acknowledge these things when she was ignoring them, but she could not help feel a twinge of hope that he would.

"Is there another topic of conversation that would be more appropriate?", Anthony asked, unable to move his eyes from hers.

Amelia smiled at a couple that walked back, and clasped her hands together in front of her to appear at ease.

"There is nothing appropriate about you proceeding to go through with this engagement", Amelia seethed quietly, so only he would hear.

"On the contrary, I believe this is the most proper outcome for all", Anthony replied, taking a step toward her.

"Oh?", Amelia could not help but let it escape. "And what of everything that had passed between us at Aubrey Hall?".

Anthony breathed in, and out. He felt the smell of roses and did his best to ignore it.

"Nothing passed between us at Aubrey Hall", Anthony whispered, warningly. "I am a gentleman".

He stated it like less of a fact and more like he wished to convince himself.

"Is that so?", Amelia asked, unfazed. "Need I remind you so, my Lord, that if anyone other than your sister discovered us in the library that night, we would have created a scandal so large, two countries would be at War, and we would be most likely forced to marry".

"Nothing happened", Anthony insisted, his eyes barely blinked as he looked into hers. Then, he clenched his jaw and spoke, "Though would the two of us having to marry be the outcome you desire?".


"Of course not", Amelia replied as soon as she recovered from the question.

"Then let us both be... glad we have avoided such an unthinkable fate", Anthony said, finally looking away from her.

There could never be two hearts more open, no tastes so similar, no feelings so in unison, no countenances so beloved.

Now they are strangers. No. Worse than strangers, for they could never again become acquainted. It was perpetual estrangement.

Anthony walked away with a quick bow toward the refreshment table without another word.

Just then, Ferdinand approached, two glasses of lemonade in his hands.

"Would you accompany me for a turn around the lake, my love?", Ferdinand asked, leaning in closer next to her ear.

She forced her smile to widen to show her true happiness. "Of course, my love. I would like nothing more", Amelia replied.

She wrapped her arm around his as they strolled past the other couples, smiling and nodding at them on the way in greeting. Amelia pointedly ignored the Viscount as soon as she saw him, but she smiled at Lady Bridgerton (because she couldn't be held responsible for her son's wrongdoings) and at Miss Edwina.

"What a handsome couple they make", Miss Edwina said to the Viscount, turning to look at him.

Anthony had not been paying attention to Edwina, but he had been paying close attention to someone else indeed. But Edwina looking at him caused him to finally get out of his stupor.

"Pardon?", Anthony asked, hoping she would repeat whatever it is she said.

"I was just saying how beautiful the Princess looks with the King of Spain", Edwina repeated. "Like they are meant to be".

Anthony looked at the Royal Couple again. He did not agree. Not even a little.

"She barely knows him", Anthony argued, but he had not even noticed that he was speaking.

"Nor did I you, at first", Edwina replied. "But love moves swiftly, does it not?".

He could not agree more. Love did move swiftly, just not in the way she thought.

"Miss Edwina, you must tell me your favorite colors so I may include them in the ornamentation for the next ball", Violet said, grabbing Edwina's hands.

But Anthony was no longer paying attention.

Their voices, and frankly, their presence was mute as he watched the Princess and the King.

Ferdinand had offered his hand to Amelia to take once he had gotten into the boat. And Amelia settled across from him, making sure her dress was resting well beside her.

Her dress... oh how much he loved her dress. But it was once again a reminder.

She was wearing yellow and tones of red, and her entire dress was embedded with jewels of different variety. It fit her so well. He wondered what it would be like to take the entire dress off of her. Piece by piece.

What was her skin like underneath? How did it feel? How did it smell? Like roses presumably.

All he could hear was her laugh. Which was a surprising feat, considering Amelia was across the lawn in a boat, and she was not laughing hard. But it seems, his mind itself was supplying the laugh, since he had heard it so many times.

Oh how he wanted her to laugh for him.

"Is that not so, Anthony?", Violet, his mother, asked.

"Absolutely", Anthony agreed immediately.

He did not know anything they were talking about.

Meanwhile, the boat ride was most refreshing. It was a chance for Amelia to finally be able to stop smiling constantly, and her facial muscles were able to relax. She even dared to dip her hand in the water as Ferdinand continued to row the boat.

Amelia had many things she could talk about with him. She could talk about the weather, the food, the couples they saw on their walk toward the boat. But she did not speak up.

She wished to be in silence, outside, enjoying it as much as she could.

"The water is very refreshing, isn't it, mi amor?", Ferdinand asked, breaking her silence and her peace.

"Of course", Amelia agreed only after a moment. She folded her hands on her lap.

"It was one of the many things I was very glad for having in Spain, on hot days such as today, and even hotter days such as there", Ferdinand continued to speak.

Amelia had the underlying sense that Ferdinand enjoyed hearing himself talk.

"Oh really?", Amelia tried her best to be surprised. "I cannot wait to see it for myself".

"You will like it", Ferdinand said, leaving no room to argue. "And the servants will bring you water whenever you ask for it".

"How...", Amelia fumbled for words. "... reassuring".

They smiled at each other and Amelia made the mistake to look at her side. She noticed one disagreeable gentleman, whom she seemed to be seeing every moment of her life, staring back at her.

So Amelia forced herself to turn back and look at Ferdinand.

"Do you have any siblings, my love?", Amelia asked the first question that came to mind.

Ferdinand seemed surprised by her question, but welcomed it immediately. "I have many. I have my brother Carlos, who is my heir until we have children, then I have...".

He trailed off as Amelia settled back into her seat to ignore whatever it was that he was saying. She already knew his answer. She knew he had 4 living adult siblings, and quite literally countless non-living siblings who died as children.

Once they finally arrived back by the land, Amelia did indeed feel refreshed. And she felt as if she had enough strength to continue on through the day.

"Your Grace!", Miss Edwina exclaimed as she and Anthony came down the ramp toward them.

Amelia smiled at her. "Miss Edwina, how lovely to see you today", she said politely. "Again", she whispered to herself.

Ferdinand finished tying the knot of the boat to the harbor but the Viscount did not seem to be happy with it.

"That knot will never hold", Anthony insisted, kneeling down to deal with it himself.

"It is perfectly adequate", Ferdinand argued.

"Then I must question your nautical skills, your Grace", Anthony whispered so only Ferdinand would hear.

But Amelia overheard, and send a warning look toward Anthony.

"Allow me", Anthony said, and began to retie the knot. Ferdinand shrugged, pretending that he did not mind. Though Amelia knew that he was just pretending and Anthony's public outburst (if one would call it that, but Ferdinand certainly would) did make him angry.

Ferdinand got out of the boat swiftly and offered his hand to Amelia (as custom required). But even then, Anthony (who had retied the rope in record time) was there.

"Pardon me", Anthony murmured and offered his own hand to Amelia.

Miss Edwina (who was luckily otherwise occupied by a passing Lady who wished to give her congratulations) did not notice that her betrothed was acting the way he was.

Ferdinand, to save his pride (but in his attempt to act non chalant) decided he would allow Anthony to do this. (If only to seem like he was the one taking the higher road).

Amelia, faced with no other choice, had to take his offered hand. And as she finally stood on the harbor, on the hard wood, safely, she tried to take her hand out of his. But his hand was holding hers tighter than she expected.

And she knew those around them were looking, she did not want rumors to start about them. Especially not when his soon-to-be-wife would have to live with them and she would doubtlessly hear of them soon enough.

She ripped her hand out of his too roughly, and it send him stumbling back, right into Ferdinand, who was as unexpecting of it as Anthony himself, and they both landed (rather unflatteringly) into the water with a loud splash.

Everyone around turned to look at what the noise was and began to either whisper between their company furiously, or giggle behind their hands.

Amelia was the latter.

"Oh my!", Miss Edwina exclaimed. "Are you hurt?".

But even she could not hide the smile on her face.

"Not at all", Ferdinand said immediately, presumably trying to play off the entire embarrassing endeavor. "The water is welcoming. Is it not Bridgerton?".

Anthony did not deem that question with a reply. Instead, he threw his soaking wet jacket on the harbor wood, and pulled himself out of the water without a word.

"Refreshing indeed", Amelia whispered.

And when Edwina turned to look at her, Amelia forced herself to look away, as much as she resisted that, and instead she looked for her guards, waving them over.

Anthony was going to kill Amelia.

No, he was going to kill Ferdinand first, commit the highest treason, start a war between two countries, and then he was going to kill Amelia-

"My love?", Amelia asked, addressing Ferdinand of course, walking forward as far as the Harbor would allow. "Are you all right?".

"I think you've done enough", Anthony bit out, advancing upon her until they were barely a foot apart.

"Me?", she gasped.

"Look at me. Look at him!", he snapped, but his voice was still barely above a whisper, thrusting a pointed finger in Ferdinand's direction even while his full attention was focused on Amelia. "Just look at him!".

"But it was an accident!", Amelia argued back immediately. Their eyes refused to leave each other's.

"I'm really fine!", Ferdinand called out just as he too pulled himself out of the water. "Cold, but fine!".

"See?", Amelia returned, swallowing convulsively as she took in the disheveled sight of her fiance. "It was an accident".

He merely crossed his arms and arched a brow.

"You don't believe me", she breathed. "I can't believe you don't believe me".

Anthony said nothing.

It was inconceivable to him that Princess Amelia Windsor,for all her wit and intelligence, could not be jealous of Miss Edwina, and as such took out her jealousy on him.

And even if there was nothing she could have done to prevent this mishap, surely she must be taking a bit of pleasure in the fact that she was dry and comfortable while he looked like a drowned rat.

An attractive rat, to be sure, but certainly a drowned one.

"Sarcasm doesn't become you, Princess", he practically growled.

"Nothing becomes you, Lord Bridgerton", Amelia bit back.

Amelia stared at Anthony, fascinated by the vein leaping in his throat. She had never before seen a man so clearly pushed to his limit.

Feeling not a little apprehensive at the impending explosion, she took a prudent half step behind Miss Edwina.She didn't like to think herself a coward, but self-preservation was another matter entirely.

Before anyone said another word, the servants that Amelia had waved over arrived with towels for his grace and the Viscount.

"Shall we take a stroll around the Park?", Amelia proposed, turning to Miss Edwina with a smile. "We can use my carriage afterwards to drive home. I do hope your Mama would not mind terribly".

Miss Edwina smiled, already agreeable to the plan to spend the afternoon with the Princess instead of the Viscount.

"Of course not", Edwina agreed.

"Then it is decided", Amelia said, and turned to look at the two men. "You two shall return home. It would be so unfortunate if either of you caught a cold. Meanwhile, Miss Edwina and I shall continue enjoying the afternoon, and I promise you, Lord Bridgerton, I will return her to Lady Danbury's home in one piece".

Before anyone could say another word, Amelia pulled Edwina with her to walk away. Two of the four servants began to follow them a few feet apart through the small crowds of people.

Anthony stood and straightened his shoulders, aware that he probably looked as if he were girding himself for battle. Hell, that's how he felt.

Maybe, if he was lucky, he'd be able to avoid Amelia entirely. He couldn't imagine she'd go out of her way to engage him in conversation. She'd made it abundantly clear that she held him in just as much esteem as he did her.

Yes, that's exactly what he would do. Avoid her. How difficult could that be?

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