The Planet of Humans and dolp...

By user77164957

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A young boy named Max, who lives on the west coast of the United States, once met a reclusive old researcher... More

Prologue Ocean Planet
Chapter 1 Seaside laboratory
Chapter 2 Basketball Universe
Chapter 3 The man in the high tower
Chapter 4 Children's Corner
Chapter 5 Inner Spanky Judge
Chapter 7 The woman who is drowning in water
Chapter 8 Trust and entrust
Chapter 9 To the ocean
Chapter 10 Chase the beetle!
Chapter 11 Star luster
Chapter 12 Time to say goodbye

Chapter 6 What there on the mountain

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By user77164957

Perhaps their wish was answered by the heavens, the gloomy skies of the previous day were replaced by cloudless skies on Saturday morning, the day of departure.The last person to appear at the meeting place was Daniel.No one blamed him because it was a couple of minutes late.That's good work for him.They gathered their bicycle to one place and step onto the mountain road.Daniel took out a store's plastic bag and covered the saddle with it.He feels that he does not want to be attacked again by bird droppings.Daniel usually has a distinctive walking.His walking is more awkward than usual, of a backpack that is over-inflated compared to the other three."Why is it such large baggage? Are you trying to move ?!"When Daniel revealed that contains a sleeping bag and an LED lantern in case of distress.All three pointed out at the same time, "Never happen!"Daniel had no choice but to obey the unanimous opinion of the three, which the opinion is "Leave your extra luggage in the basket of your bike."Daniel is concerned that there is no plastic bag to cover the basket and that also it will be stolen."It won't be stolen in a place like this, and in the first place, a thief can take your bike with luggage.""Besides, bird poop comes right off."Three persuaded Daniel by their words.Then Daniel started to worry about the theft of his bicycle."We can't keep up with you." Three ignored his worries.However, the four had decided to equip themselves with clothes and shoes for hiking in the mountains.In that regard, Daniel also passed.The two M Alliance members welcomed David's less scolding.That David had a reddish under his nose.Even when three asked, he just have an evasive reply, "Yeah, well."After a while, he confessed that he had tried to shave his beard and failed."You don't need a shave yet, right?""Yeah, well, I just wanted to give it a shot."David shyly scratched under his nose.That red grazing doesn't look so terrible if he can safely touched.The sky is high, the temperature is moderate, and the breeze is comfortable.The conditions are perfect for mountain climbing, and the four member's footsteps are light.The signing ceremony for the M and D alliances was completed yesterday.All that remains is to perform the ritual.The four were elated, thinking of a trip to the mountain and ritual.This will be the culmination of their elementary school life."Wanza had a new store. I got it bought there!"David proudly showed off his new backpack, which has a blue color and a shining logo of famous manufacturers."Everyone has a water bottle, right?"The four of us had agreed not to forget to bring this as well."What's contains?""I, Gatorade""Seven-Up""I'm water... mineral water""Have you frozen only half?""of course!"Someone who had frozen everything lied, "only half properly" to escape the rebuke.But that is revealed at the first short break.The route was completely known by David."I've been with my big brother before. Leave it to me."Hearing that, Max thought, "It's nice to have an older brother after all.The contents of the luggage of all four, other than water bottles, were mostly snacks.Max went shopping with Marlo the day before.Why is it so much fun to go around the candy section and plan about all kinds of things?Along the way, they spent time talking about rumors about their classmates and giving quizzes to each other.They sang popular parody songs, also arranged in a slightly more off-color humor.The flow of scenery was fresh, which was different from the town where they usually play.Sometimes they pointed to a bird crossing the sky and argued, "That's a jay," "No, it's a quail."Also, when they found an unfamiliar insect, one said excitedly, "Isn't it a new species?""If it's a new species, we're celebrities.""Can be the first discoverer guy.""Get big money?""We will be interviewed and our name appeared in the news, that's all.""Money does not come in""What a bummer..."Around the age when there are many things they want.brand new game machines, mountain bikes, cell phones, and whatever they want."But you get naming rights. the first guy to find it can name it.""I think I saw that thing in a illustrated encyclopedia...""Oh, that's not a new species. I don't know the name, but I feel like I've seen it somewhere else. It was ordinary insects everywhere.""I'm more disappointed, I give up money, but I want naming rights, sounds good about Daniel bug, right?""Isn't it Daniel Snail, right?""Haha, it's perfect for you as slow. LL!""You're a friend of Gary's, aren't you?""It's Gary's gay friend!"The three of them laugh, and Daniel is pouting.My brother started driving to school, and sometimes he would skip school to go hang out. but my parents never found out. Why?""Why?""So think about it. It's a riddle.""They have blind eyes?""Your brother is good at lying?""Close!, the answer is he got a lie-sence.""If we have a car and a lie-sence, we can go anywhere, with deceiving parents.""No, in the case of my big brother, he was always scolded for it...""David, have you given up on forming a band yet?""Yeah, it's a hassle, and, it's not cool to be desperate.""Speaking of hassle, this week's essay homework, isn't it?""It's to write memories of elementary school. actually, it's a hassle.""What should I write?""We are about ships, aren't we?""If you write something like that, the teacher will get angry. said, 'You did something dangerous again!'""That's true. It's bad to write it."Styrofoam ship disassembled on the water.Aftermath the incident, a terrible atmosphere was flowing between them.But after a while, it became a laughable story."Let's make it again!""No way, enough."It's true, time heals the pain.Especially, wounds heal quickly in childhood.On the way, there was an auto campsite along the road.Perhaps it was before the season, there was only a signboard, and they couldn't find any camp guests or staff.On the front side of the small pond beside it, there was a dense cluster of Euryale Ferox.Four ducks were swimming in the space on the other side where the water surface could be seen."I feel like I've been here before with someone, so I had caught some bugs with him..., Is it, uncle Carl...?"But it could have been a misremembering.It may have been a different place, even if we caught insects.″It must have happened when I was much younger,″ Max gave up trying to remember.A short distance past the auto campground, Marlo spotted a beehive in a tree."Really, it's over there.""How did you find it, it's behind all those branches?"David picked up the stone and pretended to throw it at the nest."Stop it, it's dangerous!""What, are you scared? Maybe it's a new kind of bee."The stone didn't even scratch the nest, David also turned and ran away as soon as the stone left his hand, and Three followed suit.As we approached our destination, the slope gradually became steeper.From time to time, I took a short break to look at the scenery and talk about stupid things."We are in half-point till Indian Platform.""I'm hungry.""Yeah, let's eat"They took out the snacks that each bought and opened them."After all, the cheddar cheese taste is the best.""I prefer sour cream flavor""It might be interesting taste to eat them both at once."They exchanged a few of each other's and tried various combinations."This combination is a hit" and "This is not good", they searched for which matching was the best.The two members of M Alliance matched on the combination of taco and sour cream flavors.The opinions of the other two had disagreed."Well, we all have different tastes, that we like."No winner, all four agreed.The combination recipes created by each will be shown to classmates at the beginning of the week.Daniel has turned defiant, and he was shaking the bottle all the time while walking.So, after a while, he had be able to drink a few amounts.However, it was too cold for his stomach."I'm feeling a little bloated.""You ate too much""Yes, if big you also get fat, you're done.""like Milan?""Yeah, he's gotten really fat lately.""Well, until a while ago, he was rather thin.""He likes chicken too much. The last time I passed by his table, it was full of a dish.""He's always like that.""Soon, he'll get chicken comb"Waiting for Daniel's belly to be in good, the four started walking again."Will you join any club activities, at junior high school?""I am wondering, My sister is in the brass band, but my Mom is annoyed to pick her up...""Can't you just take the bus home? Is it okay to ride alone when we're in middle school"At the junior high school where Daniel's older sister and Marlo's older brother attend, If they miss school, they will have to return home by bus individually or be picked up by their parents."There aren't many buses in our direction of us.""I see""And when my Mom's frustration meter goes up, it will be hard to do a lot of things.""What if you join the same brass band club as your sister?, Then your mother won't have to do as much work as before.""Daniel doesn't feel like a brass band.""Yeah, I don't like it either. I don't like a brass band.""Then what do you want to do?""Hmm, I don't really have anything in particular..."Later, Daniel confessed only to Max that he was secretly interested in the chorus club.With a reminder, "Don't tell the two of them, They'll laugh at me.As the altitude increased and the scenery overlooking became wider, the feeling of exhilaration to climb the mountain increased, and all four people had a laid-back feeling.As the journey progressed, the road became narrower."It's forbidden to playfully push each other from here because it's dangerous to fall by the side of the road."Max listened to the words, remembering that he had fallen off the edge of the road on his bicycle.When Max lined up next to David, he asked him how his brother was doing these days."Oh, my brother is working at an ironworks, and he's managed to keep going.""Then he's at home for the time being."Max meant, that he intended to say that "at home" is "will be by your side"."I like my brother, but it's not cool, like being deserted by his girl or failing to join the Marine..."David always talked about his brother and said he liked him.Max had no choice but to listen silently to these unexpected words spilling out of David's mouth."Dad also complains, saying 'you won't have the guts.' I don't want to see my brother's disappointment..."David keep to mumbled, oblivious to Max, who had stopped saying anything next to him."I wonder to be the Marines are the only way out of town..."The words seemed to reach Marlo's ears behind him, and he joined the story."How about going to college?""Don't be silly. If any of us could go to college, it would be only Max, right?""No such thing, "Depending on how we do it, we could be.""It's never good to go to college, Ho's sister is also struggling to pay back her scholarship, she said 'With the cashier job, I'll be an old lady by the time be done returning them.'.""See, if you're going to be a cashier with debt, it's better to be one with no debt.""That makes me think about...""Max, you're good at studying, why don't you become a lawyer or something?"All three should know that Max's grades have fallen recently."You couldn't be in the honor class, but it became a middle school, there was another selection test. you have a chance to be on a winner side.""Max will be no longer in the honor class, but in any case, we might not be in the same classroom in middle school.""Sometimes we have the same classroom in elective lessons, and we can have lunch together in the cafeteria."Even when they became a junior high school student, Max and his friend's environment did not change significantly.Still, little by little, the shift from children to adults, whether they like it or not.And it was somewhat more anxiety than expectations, for Max.Once they get a car license, get a degree, and become proficient with a computer, would they be able to do everything out of the inconvenience of childhood?Or will they will have repayment hard for the scholarships or work hard as working poor?Or will they get shot by a bullet in a conflict area and suffer from PTSD for the rest of their lives?"Would you buy the new Halo game that's coming out soon?""I can't do it for the time, let me do it if I buy it.""Yeah, that's fine.""Play around every day, how lucky you are to eat the bread of idleness."As Max listened beside Marlo and David as they talked about game strategies, he remembered his mother's words as he left the house this morning."You do all the fun stuff, I do all the messy stuff, that's right?"Nowadays, my mother is always frustrated before going to work, or even otherwise."Before, you cheated on the change for repairs. When did you become such a child?"It was always the case that faultfinding escalated.As Max continued to stay there, her faultfinding keep on, he quietly headed toward the front door.Fortunately, she didn't call to halt, Max gently opened the door, slid himself out, and closed it quietly so as not to make a sound.That is not the way children do things, but in a situation like this, he had no choice but to do so."Winner side," Marlo said earlier.You can be on the Winner side... but what is a success?If I become an elite, will I be able to make money and enjoy my life?"You must be on a Winner side, you have to get a job that makes money."Mom always says so.A marine researcher, which Max filled in the entry field is the third hope.When the mother took up the answer sheet, she screamed that this job was completely useless.In the first and second fields, Max hurriedly wrote in rough letters.Therefore, my mother may have been caught which job Max really wanted to get.The reason why Max cut corners on the honor class test, that is he didn't want to be separated from friends.But the reason it's stronger than that he didn't want to live up to his mother's expectations."You have to study more."The more she told him that, his grades dropped.No matter what he was playing with friends, he couldn't really enjoy it.A sense of guilt grew up to replace that enjoyment.At some point, Max was unable to say the words "I'm going to play.He had to paraphrase "going to play" as "promised."″When I play, my Mom gets cranky..."A transparent rope was entwined around my neck, and I felt it biting into my throat little by little."What's wrong, you look downcast.""Oh yeah? Noting, I was thinking a bit.""I see. Let's have some fun."Now, I shouldn't let them see my gloomy face."Yeah, it's just a little longer to reach the Indian Platform, right?""Oh, it's about 15 minutes left. we can reach soon." - - + - - + - - + - - + - - + - - + - - + - - + - - + - - + - - + - - Although it was about to arrive, there was a place with a wide-open view, so they stopped there for a while and looked at the scenery at the foot of the mountain.There is no need to rush when you have come this far."That is our school""My house is..., I can't see""I should have brought my Dad's binoculars secretly."Overlooking their town, the four of them thought about the many experiences, they had while being born and raised here.Things happened just after they started walking again.A rustling sound could be heard coming from the bushes behind them.They've heard those sounds before.All those sounds were made when the birds sensed the four humans and flew away.But the sound they just heard was clearly different from those.The sound is made by something clearly bigger than a bird.The four looked back and froze for a moment."birds again, I'm sure...""That's right, we don't have to freaked out..."Both David and Marlo are pushing themselves, but they are forced to make faces.As the four pretended that nothing had happened and were about to start walking away, the sound loomed even louder and even closer."That 'something' felt like it was about to jump out of the bushes at any moment."Unable to endure the tension, Daniel shouted."It's a bear! Run!"Whether Daniel's words ended or not, everyone started running, yelling "Wow!"At this time, if anyone remembered that there were no bears in this areaIf even one person dares to stay and see it through.They wouldn't have had that kind of trouble.There was a curve in the road ahead of them, no one noticed the edge of the curve.The two in front were about to jump out onto the slope.Even so, had the next two not bumped into, they would have managed to hold on and not fall.If the next two do not collide...At the next moment, four were entangled and rolled down the slope."I had in a terrible..." Marlo rubbed his neck and moaned.Max had his hand on the ground and fell.these palms have to be turned and checked. Max felt pain, but nothing was stuck and he wasn't injured.Only a few small stones were biting in, which seemed to be the cause of the pain.The four fell at most about 2m, and while being caught in a shrub, so it seems that they did not get seriously injured."Are you guys hurt...?""Yeah, it's okay. I just bumped here and there.""David your shirt is ripped right there.""Really? Oh, my God...""It's okay, just a little bit.""How about other guys?"We checked each other's appearance, but all four had no big rips in their clothes, no sprains, and also no scratches."What the hell! What was going on?"When they were relieved, David strengthened his words."Anyway, Let's go up to the road."Fortunately, the fall was on level ground and it was easy to crawl back to the road.They shuddered to think what would have happened if they had fallen down a steep slope."What a hell disaster!""Isn't that animal still there...?"All four had forgotten the invisible Lord because of the shock and pain of the fall.They started toward the rear direction of the road, and they listened carefully, but never feel any sign of the owner of the sound."... Is there something absolutely?""Oh, it's a big one. It's not a bird...""But there are no bears in this county.""Maybe it was a deer...?""Deer?, No bear? Who the hell yelled 'bear'?"Three members stared at Daniel's face, and Daniel made an unbearable expression at the arrow of glances that pierced through his face from them."Well, that's okay. Trouble is part of an adventure."Marlo said so and soothed David."Yeah, no one was injured.""A little bit hurts some places."It's a common childhood problem and a common pain that usually occurs even when playing.When they pulled ourselves together and start to walk, David shouted."Hey, wait! Where is my backpack ?!"David opened his arms and looked for a backpack that should be somewhere on his body.Max also went behind David's back, but there was nothing there either, which was the original position of the backpack."That must be the place where we fell."After saying this, Marlo went down again to the drop-off point and searched around.Marlo did so first on behalf of David himself.because he felt sorry for David who lost his backpack.It was also because I wanted to nip in the bud of conflict that would occur after this as soon as possible.However, the backpack was nowhere to be found."What kind of matter is it?"They went back along the road to that point.But they could not find my backpack there or on the way there."Got it! That's over there!"There was something different from the green of the plant, which caught on a tree branch under the slope near the point of rustling noise.It was a long-distance and hidden behind the branches and leaves, but it was certainly the blue color of David's backpack."..., it's a lot lower...""Why is that place...?""I think you threw it when we started running.""Hey !, what were you doing !, it's your fault!"David rushed to Daniel, who was sorry for everyone and kept looking down."Go and get it! It's your fault!"For M-alliance members, it was something they were tired of seeing, as David was usually angry and blaming Daniel.But this time, it was an order of magnitude different from the previous.Neither Max nor Marlo were willing to blame Daniel for his mistake, with his pale face down."Why are you always like that? You're always screwing up and being so careless! How much trouble are you causing us?!"David paused to strike but didn't.The slope was too steep to go down and get it. It was obvious to everyone."We can't do it, David. Even an adult can't do it, and it's impossible with a rope.""Yeah, even if we could go there, It wouldn't be able to climb up here""You know, maybe next time we can come back with an adult, bring a rope, and we will manage somehow out. we never are possible now."The words of the two members of the M Alliance did not seem to reach David's ears."I just got it! I'll never forgive you! I'll tell your Mom and make her pay for it!"Daniel was sobbing all the time, twitching his throat."What's inside the backpack?""Only snacks and a water bottle. And a towel..."Two searched for a soothing word, but they couldn't find it.No amount of words would have stopped David's anger now.David himself was angry and half in tears.Two haven't seen his tears since we were in the third grade when he quarreled with a senior student and lost."Cut our connection! also no alliances! I'll go back home!"They could only watch in silence as David turned and walked away.The four have always been playing together for these two years since they were in the same class in the third grade.We had a feeling that the four of us could stay together forever after middle school but also had a feeling that we would be separated.That is why we wanted to solidify our alliance before graduation.It must have been the same feeling for all members.Max can't believe it's ruined like this..."I don't like this...""Well, I don't like it either, but we can't handle David anymore, we have only the option to go home..."Two had no choice but to follow David and set out on the road to the descent.Max and Marlo sometimes looked back to see if Daniel, who was still crying, was following properly.The sinking of the Styrofoam ship became a laughing matter after a few days.Until now, no matter what happened, it has always been the case.No matter how much they quarreled, the four quickly returned to their friends.Did the rules between the boys expire by yesterday?Although they had fallen from a height of two meters without a scratch, all four of them had scars all over their hearts.Near noon, the sun was shining from above.Then the land and sea winds blowing from the base of the mountain toward the summit gradually weakened.David remained silent but agreed to the break proposal.The two M Alliance members sit on the ground, apart from David, who is emitting an unapproachable atmosphere.Further away, Daniel sat alone.Daniel had already stopped crying, but it was also difficult to talk to him.Marlo dared to talk about games and anime, perhaps because he didn't like being immersed in a dark atmosphere, but Max didn't feel like getting along with talking.All four of us spent an awkward amount of time just sipping from our water bottles and shaking the ice inside.Max stood up with his determination and sat down next to David."I recently heard this story from an adult I know..."There is a parasite called an "Inner Judge" in our head.It is happy about other people's mistakes and makes them feel that they are better than others.When someone says, "You don't know anything."Inner Judge whispers in his ear, "You're great because you know it, and this guy who doesn't know anything is bad."Max tried to explain those things in his own words.David's reply was short."There is no such 'parasite in my head."David has kept his displeasure, and after saying this, he turned away and expressed his rejection to Max.Seeing David's reaction, Max felt depressed, thinking that he could not explain it as well as Doc.Returning next to Marlo, he muttered, "I think it's bad that we started running without confirming it, it's not just Daniel's responsibility.""You act like an adult. Did you eat something strange?"Marlo replied with a quizzical. - - + - - + - - + - - + - - + - - + - - + - - + - - + - - + - - + - - After the break, they headed the way back home.David calmed down a bit and walked alongside the two M Alliance members, saying a few words to them from time to time, though it was minimal.Still, David didn't get to show interest in the fun topic, and a somber atmosphere ensued."By the way, Max, have you met Ned since then?""Well, not exactly met, he glared at me from a distance when I was moving to the classroom...""Be careful. when you're on the move, it's better to be with me or some other person.""Yeah, I'll do that"Even though it was a time like this, Max was glad for Marlo's consideration."It would be easier if the summoned one like Pokemon fights instead...""Haha, You can say that again!"Come to think of it, when I go up to middle school, I could be in the same class as that Ned.At such a late time, Max shuddered as he realized this now.As we were talking about this, two noticed that David, who should have been right behind them, had lost his presence.Turning around, he was talking to Daniel in the distance behind them.Two worried that David and Daniel would fight.However, it didn't look like that, so Max and Marlo decided to keep an eye on it."What are they talking about?"I asked Marlo in a whisper."Come on, I don't know..."Marlo also whispered, and the bewildered pair could only look at each other.Two thought it would be awkward to look back and stare at it.So they walked on, paying attention to the two members behind them, but keeping my eyes ahead.After a while, David's voice came from behind, "Wait a minute."Both Max and Marlo were finally able to turn around at those words.Not only David but also Daniel was there.Both D Alliance members had awkward, yet brilliant faces.Seeing this, both Max and Marlo understood, the spirit of gloom had gone away.David said with a shy look."After all... I'm thinking of going to the Indian Platform."Daniel, who was standing right behind, wanted to add David's words but was just fidgeting as if he don't know what should say.M Alliance two didn't ask, "Did you make up?" And didn't have to.There can be no objection to heading for the Indian Platform.Max and Marlo looked at each other and nodded with a smile. - - + - - + - - + - - + - - + - - + - - + - - + - - + - - + - - + - - Along the way, the atmosphere changed from a while ago to friendly and relaxed.Perhaps it was because of this lighter feeling, but it seemed as if we arrived at the Indian Platform soon.It was the first time for all three of us, except David, to see the Indian Platform, the rock ledge that the children of this town longed for."Look, these are the remains of the fire that the Indians had burned the fire in a ritual.""Isn't this different? The traces are too clear.""Yeah, I think this is the mark of someone's recent bonfire here at the camp.""If you say like that so, I think It had not the remain the last time I was here with my brother..."Max wondered if the Indians had performed the ritual, or if someone had just made the ritual story.Still, it was arguably the best view spot ever.We could see not only the town where Max and his friends lived but also beyond.It made us feel that they are the members living in this town at the foot of the mountain and that the unseen world is spreading beyond that.Max wondered if the old Native Americans also felt the size of the world here."All right, guys, get your dicks out!"David commanded that.Four members stood side by side near the top of the ledge, then they started to pee.So it means, this is a ritual.If you pee together here, you can stay friends with that person even when you grow up.Perhaps someone just started to say such superstition.But that didn't matter.The four of us had made it this far together.The original plan was to go to the edge of the ledge and draw a magnificent parabola into the air.However, they took safety measures and changed to a non-hazardous position and a non-hazardous direction.It was enough for all four to fall."I'm not getting any.""That's why I told you that don't pee at the last break," Marlo said."Really, why do you always do that..."M Alliance members had stood ready for David to become agitated again.But David smiled and gave Daniel's butt a light slap.A little liquid drips from the tip of Daniel."Hmm, well, It will be okay!"That slightly dripping was funny, Three of them started laughing."Hey, we're laughing with our dicks out!""Don't splash to me!""b.., belly twisted!"Daniel himself began to laugh, It's as if there wasn't any terribleness until tens of minutes ago.The four twisted their bodies and kept guffawing forever. - - + - - + - - + - - + - - + - - + - - + - - + - - + - - + - - + - - They are sure the reason they felt lighter on the way home wasn't just because it was downhill.A more peaceful atmosphere wrapped around the four people than when they came."But we were lucky because if it was the place where the backpack fell, it would have been a big injury.""If we fell, I am sure we had a broken bone.""Oh, that's exactly right. It was a very steep slope."Max thought, "Oh no, did I remind him about the backpack?"But David, who was originally a straightforward character, it seems that he didn't to be hung up on about backpack."I'm about to get some strong rubber from my brother's workplace. We failed to rid the stray dogs, but let's will be the bears' buster this time!""Good, it's the squad reorganization.""So there are no bears in this area.""Then how about shooting a squid then?""Sounds good. we can get to eat squid!""Are you sure? You eat squid?""It's delicious. I ate it at a sushi restaurant without knowing it was squid, but it was good.""Really? Well, I'll give it a try sometime."Their idle talks were also lively.Today is the day we laughed the hardest we've ever laughed.Since the four members first met and started playing together three years ago."Look, it's a rainbow over there."Marlo was the first to spot the rainbow over the sky."It's true. It's a big rainbow.""It's strange, even not after it rains."I think the rainbow came out because we peed." Daniel said."Don't be stupid, that rainbow is a higher place.""Right, and it was 20 minutes ago that we peed.""Oh, well... that's true."But Max thought that is the true cause.Even after we grow up, we can be friends forever, we can be alliance forever.The god of the Indian Platform heard the vow, so I think he showed me a rainbow as proof.Max looked up at the rainbow in the sky and thought so. - - + - - + - - + - - + - - + - - + - - + - - + - - + - - + - - + - - After parting with everyone and returning home, Max continued to feel satisfied.His mother today works the late shift and doesn't get home until after 10 p.m., so he ate dinner alone and took a shower.I crawled into bed and reflected on the day's events."I'm really glad David and Daniel got along well.""I wonder if he was willing to make up with Daniel because I told him about Inner Judge.""If that's the case, It was good I heard about Inner Judge from Doc..."Max realized I hadn't completed my homework essay.However, if I finish it by the end of tomorrow, I will be in time for the submission on Monday, so I decided to get some sleep tonight."Is it the best memory of my elementary school days? I guess today is my best memory... what else? ″″I'm going to be in middle school soon, and it's going to be harder to study, and I kind of hate it...″Max drifted desultory thinking While falling asleep.When Max graduated from nursery school, he remembered that the teacher had a talk session saying, "Let's talk about the best memories you have ever had.""What did I say at that time? Yes, I was talking about the science museum."When Max was only four or five years old, he took a train to the Science Museum in a big city.he still remembers me looking up at the fossil skeleton of Allosaurus displayed in front of the museum's entrance with his gaping open.″It's strange, I can picture my own face with my mouth open. Was there a mirror over there? ″"The teacher said, 'Max, you like dinosaurs.'"He tried to remember the teacher's face, but it was a childhood memory and I couldn't bring it back.But instead, he recalled his father taking him to the museum."Yes, I got on the train with my Dad."When one memory is revived, linked other memories emerged from the depths."Then I asked my Dad. 'What is your best memory?' "″It must be a boat thing,″ thought young Max.It was a small motorboat with a capacity of only five people, but his father bought it with a new one.Mooring fees in small fishing villages were never expensive.However, to get a carrier from his friend, and to save money, his father lifted the boat out of the water with a winch each time and loaded it on the carrier.The garage at home only had room for one car.So, although the boat was set out in the rain in front of the garage, the neighbors could see it, and Max was conversely proud of it.The morning of the day the boat was delivered, the father's excitement was considerable.He was usually a quiet person, which made it all the more impressive to Max.″I bet it was a boat thing.″But the answer was completely different from Max's expectation."happiest moment, I've ever had was when Max was born. I dreamed of playing with my kids."Hearing that, Max thought, ″That's not about the boat, is it?Then next, Max thought, ″It means I'm more important than the boat for him? ″ and smiled shyly.Little did Max realize it at the time, but it was magical words that promised happiness for a lifetime.It was supposed to. Until It started hearing that voice."No, If You Have Those Memories, The Woman Will Get Cranky.""But I don't want to forget this memory. My father told me he was happiest when I was born..."Max, who could only offer a small rebuttal, was driven by the voice."If You Talk About Your Father In Front Of The Woman, It's Going To Be A Big Deal. Think Carefully. You're A Child? If She Hates You, Your Future Will Be Collapsed.""But··"Resistance was powerless.Succumbing to the voice, Max erased again one precious memory from his heart.

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