The Little Human Experiment [...

By Chibigo_MA

1K 21 11

[So... I made this a year ago and my sis is disappointed that I haven't published or continued writing it. Lm... More

Feral Instincts
That Grey Wolf
The Lovely Flower
How They Met
Figuring Out

The Blood On Their Hands

102 2 4
By Chibigo_MA

Chapter 4 | The Blood On Their Hands

As it has been a while since she hung out with Louis, she has been cheery since Legoshi became part of her life. Despite not being allowed in the Drama Club for the performance, she walks over with a bag of egg sandwiches. She learned a lot about Legoshi throughout the past few weeks, maybe a month in.

They both love egg sandwiches and are interested in insects. They're egalitarian in their worlds, him treating everyone with the same amount of respect and her making sure that everyone in the facility can see themselves as equal. Both love to spend time alone. In addition, they harbor a great deal of self-loathing, even though they complement each other.

She knocked on the door to the practice room as she rocked on her feet. The door opened, and it was Sheila the Cheetah. "Hey, Misaki! Are you here for Legoshi again?" She asked with a smile as the people inside became loud. "Yeah, is he busy? It would have been easier if I just got in, but Louis is determined not to let me see your practices until the performance," Misaki shared.

"We're about to take our break anyway. The props are in the other room; you won't get spoiled anyway," Sheila opened the door wider. "You know, now that I think about it. You usually come here for Louis or to help us out. Have you gotten bored with our star?" She smirked. "Nah, he seems to want to make this performance perfect if he wants to wow me," Misaki shared.

Misaki remembered the first time she went to visit Legoshi. They had asked if she was there for Louis, and they were shocked that she was looking for the quiet wolf. They knew her due to Louis' duty by the facility to be Misaki's guide, or what Misaki would call, his babysitting duty. And the fact that she was their assistant director...

The facility also required her to have two after-school activities as her schedule would be more open than the usual student schedule. She opted for two clubs that had her friends: The Drama Club and the Gardening Club.

"Everybody! We have a guest! Let's take five!" She shouts as Misaki gets inside. "Hey, Misaki/Misaki-senpai!" The majority of the members greeted her. "Hello, everyone," she waved at everyone. As an assistant director, her eye for acting, choreo, and props is far better than a critic's. They appreciate the thought and feedback she gives.

Misaki turned around and got up the ladder. "Wait, Misaki! Let me get down instead," Legoshi looked worried, especially her wearing a skirt. "It's fine, I'm already up here," she turned her body to let her sit on the ledge of where she was at. She didn't worry since she was wearing black shorts. Legoshi brought a hand out for her, and she stood up.

Now that she knows where he usually stays, she would not have seen him as she's usually on this side when helping the others out. But why has he not introduced himself earlier since he has been part of the club for four years?

"I'll let you lovebirds be," Kai the Mongoose smirked as he climbed down the ladder. "Kai!" Legoshi looked at Kai in a panic. "You get that a lot too?" Misaki asked as she walked to one end. "I don't get why they say that," Legoshi shared, feeling embarrassed that she's getting them too. "You know, the whole guy and girl thing when you see them hanging out often," she shrugged.

"Does it bother you?" She asked as she pulled out his box of egg sandwiches. "I—Um," Legoshi didn't know what to say. Ever since he was vulnerable to her, he felt calmer when she was around or whenever she touched him. He knows it's a weird feeling, but he can't control his wagging tail and beating heart. "You'll get used to it," Misaki petted his head.

He loves it when she does that. If not his head...

Legoshi swished his tail at her, and she giggled. She grabbed his tail gently; it sent shivers down his spine. It may be a sensitive part of animals, but he loves her reaction when it comes to his tail. He bit his egg sandwich and spent his break with Misaki as the teasing wasn't heard or seen below them.


Performance day came. There was a feverish excitement coming from the front of the auditorium. To put up a drama and show the beautiful story of a Grim Reaper called "Adler," the same character her friend, Louis, will be playing as. It was one of the reasons why everyone wanted to see the performance. All because of Louis, the soon-to-be Beastar.

Misaki took her time when getting there as Louis, beforehand, had called her to say that he had saved seats for her and her friends, Mei and Haru. The residents of Room 607 were supposed to accompany them, but they were preoccupied with the opening performance and got tickets for the second day instead. How generous Louis was giving to her.

"Man, your boyfriend is sure the reason why this is so packed," Mei shared and nudged Haru a bit. "Oh, please. He's not my boyfriend," Haru crossed her arms. Despite her saying this, Misaki and Mei know that Haru feels something deeper than she perceives. It quite saddens Misaki as Mei has had a crush on Haru for over a year, what she knows anyway.

"Oh, wait, I think the majority are first years. Louis did mention that the students for the first show would be those who were interested to see them perform for the first time, and the remaining would be fans maybe," Misaki forgot to share. "We can take our time. They've saved us seats anyway," she shared as she felt a tap on her shoulder.

She looked over and up to find Mina the Giraffe. "You getting in? You took a while to get here," Mina placed her head down to Misaki's level to say that. "Yeah, we knew it would be filled with students in the first hour before showtime," Misaki shared. "We also bought flowers for the whole team," Mei pulled up the basket of flowers.

She and Haru were carrying together from each end of the basket handle. They made sure the tickets were with Misaki.

"That's great! Come on, let me accompany you to the front," Mina grabbed the basket and guided them to their seats. "Oh, sweet! Front row seats," Mei looked excited as they sat on their seats, Misaki in the middle, Mei on her right, and Haru on her left. "Right in the middle as well," Haru pointed out as she looked around.

The lights died down after ten minutes of waiting. "Grim Reaper! Why are they chasing me?!" Ellen shouts in a hurry. "Because you were supposed to have died three days ago," Adler shared like it was a fact as the two ran away with their hands together. Adler lets go and slashes an enemy.

"Water, wind, fire. The forces of nature all want you dead," he told her. "Then, these guys are a part of them?" Ellen asked. "Yes," Adler answered. "This is a fight against fate," he shielded her from the others wanting to kill her. "Just stay behind me. Killing you is my job. Until then, I won't let anyone lay a finger on you," Adler exclaimed, and everyone was wow-ed.

Of all the performances she had seen of him, this was the most breathtaking she had ever seen. A Grim Reaper, so different from other stories about them. A hero who still gets the job done. Louis made sure that the audience took their breath away as they looked in awe, but not in the eyes of Misaki.

She notices some sluggish movement, especially on his left leg. She wanted to scold him for not taking good care of himself. She'll have to wait until the performance ends. Despite her observance, his radiance would last through the final scene.

"Ellen, you came back," Adler sat on the ground as he gazed at her. "Thank goodness," Ellen took his open hand. "For I have no greater desire than to be with you! I am a Reaper. Our deaths are proof of our love for each other," he placed a hand behind Ellen's head, and she collapsed underneath him.

"Ellen... will you understand once you've departed?" He asked as he was consumed with silence.

The silence became loud. Loud with applause and cheer. Misaki clapped with a frown as her friends cheered with the crowd. Misaki could not handle the worry about her dear friend. All this was a surprise for her, for her to finally be wow-ed by his performance.

"Excuse me, guys." Misaki stood up and began to walk away after the curtains fell. "Misaki? There's still the curtain call," Haru looked in worry as she watched her friend get up to the stairs to the backstage. "She must have noticed something that we didn't," Mei pointed out, and Haru nodded. Sometimes, Haru envies that Misaki can be open about her relationships.

Misaki went backstage, and Sheila noticed her. "Misaki, this is not the right time," she tried to push the human back gently. "I know. I've noticed the sluggish movements during the performance," Misaki shared. "He may have hidden it well, but I could tell by his posture. He was smart that he had a mask on throughout that performance," she shared.

Misaki followed along with the backstage crew as the other crew helped out the actors with the curtain call. "Oh, Misaki, thank goodness you're here," Sanu the Pelican looked relieved as Riz carried Louis to the infirmary. "Good, you have someone to bring him to the infirmary," she pointed out as she watched Riz.

"I'll help you guys with this, don't worry. You can join Riz. I'll be sure the others are alright," she shared. "Thank you, Misaki. We're in debt to you," Sanu bowed at her and quickly ran out to catch up with Riz. Misaki looked over at the stage as they did their curtain call. She looked up at the stage to see a silhouette of a wolf. She stared for a bit, then back down to the stage.

She began to calculate what to do. The original plan she and her friends thought was to give the actor's team flowers and Haru to give the bouquet to Louis. She doesn't think it's an appropriate time to present a personal flower to her dearest friend. It took a while for them to get dressed back to their uniforms, and Misaki had to make sure they weren't freaking out.

She had to text the girls that it would be a while before she came back. She grabbed Louis' bag and bouquet before following the others to the infirmary. She was at a distance to watch over the others. Since that devouring incident with Tem, she wanted to be sure nothing else happened to this club.

She heard heavy footsteps following behind her. She already knew who it was; she was already getting used to having him behind her. It makes her feel special that Legoshi goes his way to make sure she is safe. Louis does a good job, as he's forced to have the same classes as her, but it doesn't feel the same as how Legoshi does it.

"You know, you don't have to be behind me all the time," she shared and looked behind her. "Oh, sorry," Legoshi apologized as his ears droop down. "I'd much love it if you were beside me though," she smiled and continued walking. It didn't take long for Legoshi to walk beside her. They walked silently to the infirmary, their minds filled with worry for their deer friend.

Legoshi's eyebrows scrunched as he watched Misaki lean on the wall outside the infirmary room. "Aren't you gonna come in?" He asked. "Louis doesn't want me to him in this kind of state. Although, I have to wait until everyone has gone out for tonight," Misaki shared, holding onto the bouquet meant for him.

Legoshi finally notices the bouquet and Louis' bag. Does he mean that much to her? Legoshi hid his sadness. "I'd feel much better if you stayed inside. It would be best if you weren't alone in the dark," he shared his worries. "Alright," Misaki got off the wall. The two got inside and saw the majority of the actors' team and crew in the room.

"How is he?" She asked as she placed Louis' bag and bouquet on the table beside his bed. "His left foot has a fracture, and he may not participate in tomorrow's performance," Sanu told the human. She leaned onto the drawer as they waited for him to wake up. No one talked. All they did was watch Louis' sleeping figure.

They waited for a few hours until Louis made noise. Everyone but Misaki looked at Louis in hope. After knowing Louis for three years, she learned he didn't want to be pitied. She finally looked up as they were talking about what they were going to do now that Louis was out of the picture. She got up from the drawer and grabbed the bouquet. "Here."

Louis looked over to Misaki to see her holding the bouquet to him. He had noticed her but she had her thinking look on. "You'll see who it's from," she pointed at the card in between the flowers. Legoshi watched as Louis grabbed the card and smiled upon reading it. Legoshi looked away with a sad look.

They seem to have something special going on. Legoshi thought. He didn't mean to interrupt them. It's not like anything was going on between them anyway. After Louis appointed Bill to be Adler, everyone walked back to the clubroom. "Legoshi," Misaki called out to the Sophomore. "Hmm? Yes?" Legoshi asked as they fell back from the group again.

"I wanted to give you this now that it's the appropriate time to give it to you." He looked in surprise as she raised a tulip, a monsella tulip. "This is for you. It's called a monsella tulip," she smiled. "I can't accept this," Legoshi flailed his hands around. "Oh, you don't like it?" Misaki looked hurt, and Legoshi panicked more.

"No, no! I like it, it's just that... what would Louis say?" He whispered as he got to her level. "What does Louis have to do with this?" She asked as she had a confused look. "Don't you have... um, something going on?" He asked and that made her realize what he meant.

"Um. No, we don't," she told him calmly. "That bouquet is from a girl he likes. Though, he'll never admit that he likes her," she shared and watched as his worried expression turned into embarrassment. "I-I, I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have assumed," Legoshi held his snout. "It's alright," Misaki petted his head to calm him down.

"Well, now that you know I'm not seeing anyone, do you still want this flower?" She asked, and he gladly took it. Despite being a man, it feels nice to be delivered a flower. The yellow bud clashes with red streaks; this may be his favorite flower. "Let's get going. We're falling behind the others," she pointed out with a smile.

The mental image of her favorite wolf with an awestruck look while wagging his tail will forever be her favorite.

Getting back to their current problem, they need to find another actor that could substitute for Bill's role. Someone who has a similar structure as his... Unfortunately, Misaki's favorite grey wolf had to act. "Legoshi, you think you can do it?" Bill asked as Legoshi looked uncertain as he held onto his stick. Misaki watched as Bill wrapped an arm around Legoshi.

"You've got nothing to worry about! Your role is just a mook with two small lines. I've done the same role, and let me tell you, it is easy," Bill shared as Legoshi didn't say a word. She could not get over how cute yet dorky Legoshi was as he tried to hide behind her after Bill and one of the actors looked at him.

However, she has to remember that it would be Legoshi's first-ever acting gig. He should learn how to say no, but it's for the best. "You two will be stage fighting, so you'll be ok," Misaki pointed out loudly as she read the script. Now that she has seen the performance, she can finally help out, especially backstage and tweaking the dances.

Bill and Legoshi went upstage as the others watched. "You should know how we're supposed to move since you always saw the action scene from your spotlight. Why don't we take it easy?" Bill readied his position. "I have slow reflexes," Legoshi shared as he looked unattended. Despite saying that, he was able to dodge Bill's attack. Misaki fixed her eyes at their "play fight."

They whispered to one another, and Bill let go. "You're a wolf, and I'm a tiger. There won't be any pretense in our fight scene. Tomorrow's performance is gonna be a blast! Let's do our best," Bill exclaimed with a huge smile. This would be a long night.

The next day, Misaki helped prepare backstage. Her phone dinged, and she quickly looked to see that Makoto had notified her that they were all seated. She kept her phone as Bill came into the room. "This is it. Did you sleep well?" Sanu asked. "Well, a little bit," Bill answered as Fudge the Red Panda announced the time left before the performance.

She walked over to the other side to see how they were doing. "Sheila, everything over here needing help?" Misaki asked as she noticed everyone in their costumes now. "Everything here is prepared. Although, this box over there is supposed to be for the others on the other side. I just checked," Sheila had her hands on the box.

"Because of yesterday, we weren't able to place the props back to their original places," Els shared. "Don't worry, we'll be just fine," Misaki grabbed the box. Although, the audience won't be happy that Adler isn't Louis. Misaki thought as she walked back to the other side. As she strolled back, she saw a glimpse of a gray tail sliding out of the doorway.

"Going to the bathroom together? Well, aren't they carefree," Dom the Peafowl glowered. "Nah, it looked like Legoshi was chasing him," Fudge shared. "Wait, what was that? Didn't it feel kind of scary?" Kibi the Anteater shared. "Legoshi is chasing who?" Misaki asked, and the two got frightened by her silent approach. "Misaki-senpai, stop startling us like that!" Kibi exclaimed.

"I just got here. The missing props that Dom was freaking out about were at the other side," she pointed out and showed the box. "Anyway, answer my question," she demanded. "Legoshi was chasing after Bill," Dom explained, and Misaki tilted her head. Bill? She wondered what he did to get Legoshi to chase him.

As she thought that, Legoshi was able to catch Bill in the restroom. "Why'd you follow me to the restroom? Obsessed with me? Why don't you take it slow and give me a love letter first? Misaki-senpai won't be happy about that either," Bill teased as he stood behind the window.

"What do you have?" Legoshi eerily glared at the tiger. Bill chuckled. "I guess nothing passes through a large-breed canine's nose. What, you want some too?" Bill asked as he pulled something from the coat pocket, and out came a small bottle with red liquid. The darkness of the liquid made Legoshi uncomfortable. "Wha-what is that?" Legoshi asked warily.

"Human blood," Bill smiled proudly. Legoshi looked unsettled and enraged by how proud Bill looked. "Oh, this is obvious, but this blood isn't from Misaki or any human. It's synthetic human blood," he shared. There was this old punk tiger who gave it to me. Told me to use it when I needed it," he shared while Legoshi slowly got furious.

Human blood.
As forbidden and addicting as it is, people have made synthetic human blood to imitate the addicting smell. Besides its downfalls in the "normal" society, it also helps humans with blood transfusion as it is a good substitute for their real blood.

"They weren't lying that human blood was VERY addicting, and this is the time to use it, right? WHOA!" Legoshi slammed Bill back as he glared at the tiger. The audacity of Bill to chuckle in this situation is unfathomable. "Hear me out, will you? You weren't like this in our rehearsal," Bill stated and began to glare.

"Legoshi, you've got it easy, living life in the shadows! But I can't be like you. This is justified doping! You wouldn't understand 'cause you never had to deal with pressure in your life!" Bill defended himself, and Legoshi got quiet, moving away as he shook. "Bill..." Legoshi looked away. He was right. He couldn't talk back to him as he hadn't utilized his strength before.

"I'm grateful to you," Legoshi muttered for Bill to hear. "What?" Bill looked surprised. "I'm not going to start a fight in the bathroom. I'm finally ready to go on stage," Legoshi turned to the door. "We'll meet on stage, Bill," he turned to look at him. "I'll make you pay."

Legoshi had something up his sleeve.


"Oh, there you are Legoshi," Misaki looked at him as he returned to the group. "You took quite a while with Bill. Is everything ok?" She asked and Legoshi's eyes widened. "H-How did you know that?" He asked as he noticed that she was holding his costume. "I noticed your tail before you chased Bill. I know this because Kibi filled me in," she placed his coat jacket over her shoulder.

"We only got ten minutes so might as well get shirtless. I still need to wrap bandages around you," she shared. "Oh, right. Sorry for being late," he lifted his shirt and Misaki stood still as she watched him remove his shirt. She now knew how far his cream-colored fur went. He was leaner than she thought and observed every fur curl from his chest.

What surprised her was how big his chest was.

She snapped back to his eyes as his shirt hid his chest again. Misaki gulped. "Excuse me," she muttered as she got close to him. Legoshi sucked his chest in as he felt Misaki's small hands glide across his chest. It was hard to concentrate despite how delicate she was wrapping the bandage. His tail was betraying him as she got over and under his shoulder.

"I'll do your face now," she shared and he crouched down so she could properly wrap it. After she was done, Legoshi found himself in her grasp again by his cheeks. "You'll do well, Legoshi. You got this," she smiled. Just seeing his smile is just getting him more motivated as his tail wags more violently. They were in their world until a hand grabbed onto Misaki's shoulder.

"The show is about to start," Louis shared with the two. "Oh, right," Misaki let go while Legoshi stood back straight. "I'll be going now. Thank you, Misaki," Legoshi waved at the two goodbye. "Wait, Legoshi, don't forget your coat," she held out the coat and Legoshi abruptly stopped, quickly running over to her.

"R-Right! Thank you again!" He ran to the other side of where they were. It was silent for a bit and Louis sighed. "Louis, come on," Misaki sneered at the deer. "Hmp, I'm just looking out for you. He is a carnivore after all," Louis stated. "What is that supposed to mean?" Misaki crossed her arms with a frown as she got to the curtain to watch Bill's performance.

"I'm just saying that he might hurt you in the future," he shared his thoughts. "So?" She asked as she wince at how dull and unimpressed the audience looked. "He can easily protect me. That's the very task you made him do," she pointed out. He may be injured but it doesn't mean he can use this behavior off the hook.

It doesn't make sense since he was the one who introduced the two to one another.

"There you are, foul spirit!" Bill shouts. Misaki looked back at the stage to see Legoshi walking so menacingly. It gave her chills and left her speechless seeing him more assertive than his shy, closed-off nature. It turned on a switch inside her. Oh my... I have a crush on him, don't I? She thought to herself but noticed that he looked furious.

"I will show you the way to the other world..." Bill staggered, it seemed that he was intimidated. Legoshi didn't say anything at all as he walked over to him. "Your regrets shall—" Misaki gasped as Legoshi was quick on his feet and punched Bill in the face. "Oh no, their private talk didn't go smoothly if Legoshi is this mad," Misaki said to herself and bit her thumb nervously.

Legoshi cradled Bill. "Bill, I told you I'd make you pay," Legoshi's aura was darker and he punched Bill again and the skull mask was torn right off his head. He kept punching Bill, it got the audience scared. Bill caught Legoshi's fist before it could hit him again. "That's enough, Legoshi," she heard Bill mutter as he slowly stood up, still holding Legoshi's fist.

Bill turned his back to the audience as he held Legoshi in his arms. "I can tell," Bill whispered for only Legoshi could hear. "You smelled human blood before, haven't you?" He asked. "You wouldn't have reacted so strongly from it otherwise, right? Did you perhaps injure Misaki-senpai?" He asked and that triggered Legoshi, making him stiff and frozen.

"Calm yourself, comrade! We will surely understand one another," Bill shouts in character. Legoshi feels... something warm coming across his back on both ends. "Accept this as a proof of our kinship. Matching stripes from one predator to another." Bill had deeply scratched Legoshi's back to the point of bleeding as blood spilled on the floor. The blood of a carnivore.

The sight frightened Misaki. She had never seen a person, who wasn't human, bleed out in person. More horrific, in public and on stage. She never knew her first sight would have been her wolf. Her wolf? She couldn't hear were white noise as she watched her wolf fall to the ground.

Bill had placed a foot on Legoshi's stomach but a blade intervenes the two carnivores. "You look like you're having fun," Louis announces as he "acts" on stage. Everyone was wowed upon seeing Louis. "This tragedy is over," he went to Legoshi's side and placed on the Adler mask.

"Sorry, but I'm putting you back as one of the mooks. That's a more fitting role for you," Louis told Bill. "Why...? Louis-senpai—" The blade tip met Bill's nose. "What's the problem, imposter? The real Grim Reaper is back," Louis stated and the audience cheered for their beloved deer. "Legoshi, leave everything to me. Don't let the audience see your back."

Legoshi took note and stayed put. "I shall now tell you, stray cat! Adler the Reaper knows everything about your evil deeds!" Louis shouted as he followed the carnivores to the bathroom before the show. "I dare you to take a drink of my blood! Only then will you become a true Grim Reaper!" Louis shouts. "Leave! We are done with fakes like you!"

Bill hesitantly but quickly ran away, running past Misaki as she stood still by the backstage curtain. "Can you stand, young man?" Louis held out a hand to Legoshi. "It's okay. You're alright now," Louis reassured as he helped Legoshi up to his feet. The crowd cheered and applauded the performance. It was good the audience thought that this was all an act.

"I should tell you this now," Louis said softly to Legoshi. "Misaki... is very worried about you," Louis shared. Legoshi's ears and tail stiffen up. He's afraid of what her reaction was throughout his anger, even though that fight was for her. As he made sure his back wasn't seen, he's eyes widened to see Misaki gripping the curtain.

What saddened him the most was that Misaki did not realize that she was crying.

It made him want to hug her as she was all alone, but should he do it with the blood on his hands?

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