Day Is Gonna Come

By TheQuietHufflepuff

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Between the son of an archangel and an open portal to a different world, the Winchesters are in for more than... More

Aesthetic and Playlist
01. Lost and Found
02. The Rising Son
03. Patience
04. The Big Empty
05. Advanced Thanatology
06. Tombstone
07. War of the Worlds
09. The Bad Place
10. Good Intentions
11. Unfinished Business
12. Beat the Devil
13. Exodus
14. Let the Good Times Roll
15. Stranger in a Strange Land
16. Gods and Monsters
17. The Scar
18. Mint Condition
19. Nightmare Logic
20. Optimism
21. Unhuman Nature
22. Byzantium
23. The Spear
24. Nihilism
25. Damaged Goods
26. Prophet and Loss
27. Lebanon
28. Ouroboros
29. Peace of Mind
30. Don't Go Into the Woods
31. Game Night
32. Absence
33. Jack in the Box
34. Moriah
35. Back and to the Future
36. Raising Hell
37. The Rupture
38. Atomic Monsters
39. Proverbs 17:3
40. Golden Time
41. Last Call
42. Our Father, Who Aren't in Heaven
43. The Trap
44. The Heroes' Journey
45. The Gamblers
46. Galaxy Brain
47. Destiny's Child
48. Last Holiday

08. The Scorpion and the Frog

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By TheQuietHufflepuff

CAMBRIDGE, ENGLAND - 7.45pm on a Friday


As a woman entered the building, a chime sounded.

A woman said over the PA, "Your attention, please. The museum will close in 15 minutes. The museum will close in 15 minutes."

The woman continued walking through the building and headed downstairs into a 'Staff Only' section. She attempted to open a locked door to the Archive Room, but she had the wrong code. She tried again, before giving up and using brute force to break open the door. She looked into a drawer and found some old parchments. She smiled and put them into her bag.

"Excuse me?" a guard said. "Madam? You're not allowed down here."

The woman opened her mouth and demon smoke left her body, entering the body of the guard to possess him.


The demon guard waited and another man arrived.

"Well done," Barthamus said.

"How do you think Asmodeus will reward us?" the demon guard asked.

Barthamus killed the demon guard with an angel blade and took out his phone to make a call.

Dean answered the phone. "Yeah?"

"Dean Winchester?" Barthamus questioned.

"Who's this?"

"I have something you might be interested in."


Dean was cleaning a gun. Seylah was doing homework. Sam walked into room and noticed what Dean was doing.

"I think she's clean," Sam said.

Dean dropped the gun on the table. "Anything on Ketch?"

"No. Checked every hospital in a 50-mile radius. Nada."

He sighed. "Crazy son of a bitch probably pulled the bullet out with his teeth."


"What about Jack?" Seylah asked.

"I talked to Cas. He's got nothing. It's like–" He sighed. "We gotta find something in the lore or wait for Jack to make a mistake."

"Yeah, well, the "mistakes" are what I'm worried about," Dean said, glancing at his niece.

Dean's cellphone rang. The screen indicated 'unknown caller'. "Yeah?"

Barthamus, on the phone, said, "Dean Winchester?"

"Who's this?"

"I have something you might be interested in."

"No, we're happy with our cable provider. Thank you."

"What about your Nephilim? Word on the street is he's gone rogue."

"Yeah? What street is that?"

"Hell Street. Hell Avenue. Just Hell, really."

Sam and Seylah whispered, "Demon?" Dean nodded.

"What if I told you I had a way to find your boy? Meet me at Smile Diner at 12:45."

The phone line disconnected.


Sam, Seylah and Dean walked down a city street.

"You know, this could be a trap," Dean said. "I mean he could work for Asmodeus."

"Yeah, but what if he's telling the truth?" Sam stated.

"You know, after Crowley, I told myself, no more demons."

"Dean, we don't even know what this guy's deal is."

"Yeah, we do. He's a freakin' demon."

"Yeah, but you said it yourself, we need a miracle. And maybe this is it."

"You know what "miracles" are called from demons? I don't know, but I'm pretty sure it's not "miracles"."

"How about this?" Seylah said. "Let's hear the guy out."

"All right, and after that, we kill him."

Sam, Seylah and Dean entered Smile Diner.


"The famous Winchesters," Barthamus said.

"Some random demon," Dean shot back.

"Barthamus. Bart's fine. Please, sit. I ordered cherry pie."

"Well, Bart, don't know what you've heard about us, but..."

"Everything. I've been following your careers a long time. You're a real pain in the pitchfork. And the halo. Natural disrupters. We have that in common, you and I."

"Mm. Yeah, we're twinsies."

"All right. You said you have something for us?" Sam said.

Barthamus produced the parchment that was stolen from the Cambridge Museum. "That is a genuine Nephilim tracking spell."

"Hmm," Sam and Seylah hummed.

"Yeah, and I just won the Powerball," Dean said sarcastically.

"You don't believe me," Barthamus realized.

"Ya think?"

"Wait a second. Even if this is real..." Sam trailed.

"It's real," Barthamus confirmed.

"Why would you give it to us?"

"I'm a crossroads demon, Sam. After Crowley's promotion to King of Hell, the crossroads demon. Helping people's what I do, my raison d'être."

"Right. Okay, look, we've been around long enough to know nothing's ever free. So, what's the catch?"

"You got me. I do need something in return. Call it a favor."

"Yeah, but you already gave us the spell," Dean pointed out.

"Half the spell. That's half the spell. The other half is elsewhere. But I'll happily hand it over once we're done."

"Well, see, here's the thing. When a demon tells us to jump, we don't ask how high. We just ice their ass."

"How very "Dean" of you." He chuckled. "Sam, Kennedy, do me a favor. You're the smart ones. Look into that. I'll be in touch."

Barthamus got up and left the diner. Dean proceeded to eat the pie while Sam and Seylah studied the parchment.


Sam and Seylah were studying the parchment. Dean entered the room and asked, "What's the verdict?"

Sam sighed. "The spell... Sey and I think it checks out. We put together a rough translation. Um, it's Canaanite. Dates back to the time of King Solomon, who apparently commissioned it to keep tabs on the Queen of Sheba, who, according to the lore, was half-angel."

"She was a Nephilim? So, what you're saying is that King Solomon created a spell so that she could stalk his girlfriend."

"Yeah. And it looks like it works. Or it would work..."

"If we had the other half, which, without it, we got nothing."

Seylah nodded. "Pretty much."


Sam let out another sigh. "Look, whatever game Bart is playing, I-I-I don't wanna play it, but..."

"Sam, Sey, you know that these things don't usually go our way."

"It doesn't matter. Jack is out there, in the world, and he's alone and he's scared and he's dangerous. And if this is our chance to find him..." he sighed again, "we have to take it."

"Can I stay? I have tons of homework to do. I promise I won't wreck things."

Sam nodded. "We'll be back soon. No TV until-"

"Homework is done. I know."


Barthamus and two other people were waiting, impatiently. Sam and Dean entered the building and approached the group.

"Relax. They'll be here," Barthamus said, seeing Sam and Dean arriving. "Sam. Dean. Welcome. No lovely lady?"

"No. Who are your friends?" Dean asked.

"I'm sorry. I should've told you. These are my associates. This young lady is Smash. And this is Grab."

"Hiya," Grab greeted.

"Smash and Grab?" Sam said. "Really?"

"Not our real names," Smash told them.

"No kidding," Dean replied.

Barthamus said, "Smash can crack any safe built by man. And Grab's a demon, expert in bypassing supernatural security."

"Wait. Safecracking? What is this, a heist? Hold up. Is this a heist?"

"His name is Luther Shrike. Lives off-grid. Paranoid, agoraphobic. You might call him a hoarder. Has a rabid appetite for collecting rare supernatural objects, including something of mine."

"All right, so what are we talkin'? Your favorite My Little Pony?"

"No. What I want is in a mahogany trunk, in a safe, locked in a vault room, hidden somewhere on Shrike's farm. I want you to find my property and bring it back to me."

"What's in the safe?"

"Why don't you rob him yourself?" Sam suggested.

"If I could, I would," Barthamus answered. "Farm's warded inside and out. Grab can locate the vault room, but the only thing that can actually open it is the blood of a man who's been to Hell and back. Tell me, Dean, do you know any men like that?"

Dean, in Hell, screamed, "Somebody help me! Sam!"

Dean rolled up his sleeve and held out his arm to Barthamus. "Well, here. Why don't you just take it? Then you can give us the rest of the spell."

"I'm afraid it needs to be straight from the tap," Barthamus said. "And I don't just need your blood. I need you. You see, when it comes to Shrike, there's what I know and what I don't know. Now Grab can locate the vault, Smash can crack the safe. But there will be curveballs. And you boys, well, you tend to hit those right out of the park."

"Okay, tell me. How does Shrike get into his vault?" Sam inquired.

"He uses his own blood."

"So he's been to Hell," Dean commented. "What's he, a demon?"

"Luther gets around, but he is human. Not one of the good ones. He's a sadist, a murderer who'll do anything and everything to add to his collection."

"All right, seriously, what does he have of yours?"

"It's important to me. That's all you need to know."

"Sorry," Sam said. "That's not good enough."

"Put it another way... take the deal, or I give the spell to Asmodeus. I made a copy of your half, obviously. Did I neglect to mention that he's looking for your boy, too? But here's the thing... I don't trust him. Of course, I don't trust you either, but I trust him less, so you get dibs. For now."

Sam and Dean walked upstairs to discuss in private.

"All right, well, I've seen this movie a thousand times," Dean said. "Some asshat too fancy to get his hands dirty plans a job, swears it'll all go smooth, and it does... until bang! And everything goes screaming off the rails, and it's our asses."

"Dean..." Sam began.

"You know he's gonna screw us over the first chance he gets. I'm just glad your kid isn't here."

"Not if we screw him over first. Listen, we want that spell, right? I mean, we need that spell. We definitely don't want Asmodeus getting his hands on it. So, let's do this, have him hand over the other half of the spell..."

"And then?"

"And then, like you said we kill him."


"Peace made?" Barthamus questioned.

"Yeah, you could say that."

"All right, look, if we're doing this, finding the vault's gonna take time," Sam told him. "We need a distraction, something to keep Shrike busy."

"I'm all ears," Barthamus said. "See, boys, it's kismet, us working together. Shrike'll never see us coming."


"They're coming," a demon warned. "Asmodeus isn't your enemy."

"He wants to use me as bait," Luther said.

"Barthamus is coming, Luther. All Asmodeus asks is when he shows his traitor face, you give us a call."

"I could. Or, uh Exorcizamus Te, omnis immundus spiritus."

"You're making a mistake!"

"Adiuramus Te, cessa decipere humanas creaturas, eisque aeternae perditionis venenum propinare!" He yelled, "Tell your boss I don't take orders. I give 'em. If he or Barthamus... if anyone comes near me, I'm ready."

The demon smoked out.


Sam drove Baby to the gate of Luther Shrike's property. He pushed the buzzer and the phone rang. "It's, uh, John Dortmunder. We... we e-mailed about my," he patted a case that sat on the seat next to him, "family heirloom."

In the back, under a blanket Dean and Smash were concealed from view.

"Hey, Winona," Dean said. "The '90s called. They'd like their shoes back."

"Shh," Smash shushed.

The gate opened and Sam drove Baby onto the property. He stopped a short time later, looked around and said, "Clear."

Dean and Smash got out of the car.

"Dean?" Sam called.

"Yeah?" Dean said.

"Don't get dead."

"You, too." He said to Smash, "Let's go."

Sam drove up to the house, approached the door and rang the buzzer. The door opened. There was no-one there. Sam entered and saw a devil's trap on the floor.

"I'm in here," Luther said.

Sam entered the room.


Dean and Smash walked together, the way lit by flashlight. They found a shed and went inside.


While Dean was doing a spell, Smash opened a can of drink, took a mouthful and burped loudly.

"Ahh," Smash said.

"You're weird," Dean told her. "That Nerve Damage? Ha! I used to live on that crap when I was a kid. It's, like, 10 times the legal limit of caffeine, right? Didn't know they made that anymore."

"eBay." She reached into her bag and grabbed another can, handing it to Dean. He took a drink.

"Wow... So, safecracking."

"So, hunting."

"You know, I probably don't have to tell you this, but working for demons is not a smart idea."

"You're working for demons."

"Yeah, well, I don't really have a choice."


"You get in some kind of trouble or somethin'?"

"How long does a demon summoning spell take?"

Dean finished the spell and lit it up. Grab appeared and said, "Cool."

"All right, so where's this vault room?" Dean asked.

"Don't know."


"It's hidden under a cloaking spell."


"Don't worry, Chief. I got this. Or should I say... you got this."


"Your blood, it's like a dowsing rod. The vault wants it. You have it. Like attracts like, comprende?"

"Wait, so you're saying that I'm some sort of a vault compass?"

Grab looked at Smash. "Oh. You said he was just a pretty face."

"Shh," Smash shushed.

"Okay, what now?" Dean wondered. "Don't be getting any ideas. My wife wouldn't approve."

"This," Grab said. "Sanguis infernus, anima nunc. Viam manifesta. Sanguis inferne, viam ostende."

Dean grunted. "Ah!" He lost control of his arm as it became the compass and started throwing him around until he was pointing in the right direction. "Dude! What! Awesome."

"I guess we gotta go that way."


Luther poured two drinks and handed one to Sam as he said, "Homemade gin. It'll blow your whistle."

"Homemade?" Sam repeated.

"I don't get out much."

"Mm. Um," he drank, then cleared his throat, "I gotta say, you have a very impressive collection."

"Ever seen a "fang of the Basilisk"?"

Sam picked up the object and had a look at it. "Actually, that's not, um... So, whoever sold you this to you had it wrong. Uh, basilisk fangs are hollow. This is actually a Gorgon tooth. It's still really cool, though. You know, I would love to see more of your collection."

"Let's stick to business. What you got?"

"Of course. Um, okay. So, what I brought today is very special. It's very rare. It's one-of-a-kind."

Sam opened the box to reveal Ruby's knife. "A knife that can kill demons."


Dean, Smash and Grab were still wandering around the grounds, following the compass in Dean's arm.

"I hate this," Dean complained. "I hate this! I hate you!"

"No one cares," Grab said.

"How much longer?"

"Takes as long as it takes."

"Okay, well, if something happens to my brother while we're out here dealing with this crap..."

"Hey, a little respect? It took years to perfect that spell. If your brother's too stupid to do his part, then that's on him."

"What'd you say?" He grunted as the compass in his arm pulled him off balance. "Son of a bitch."

They continued walking until they found a cellar door.

"Oh, no lock," Dean said. "Well, that's never a good sign."

Smash opened the doors. "Vault's gotta be down there."

"Oh, I'm not going down there," Grab told them. "I've already done my bit. This is on you, hand puppet."

"I will kill you," Dean retorted.

"I bet you say that to all the girls."

"Shut up."

Dean and Smash walked down the stairs into a small room, sparsely furnished.

"All right. This is the vault room. Where's the safe?" Dean asked.

"Behind that door," Smash replied.

"And I'm supposed to use my blood how?"

"I think you're supposed to put your paw in there."

Smash indicated to a statue of a hog's mouth in the center of the door. There was room for a hand to reach inside the mouth.

"What, are you kidding me?"


"So, what's your price?" Luther asked.

"Uh, you know, what we agreed to in the e-mail is... is fine," Sam said.

"Of course." He reached into a drawer and pulled out some cash. "But, uh we both know you're not really here for this."

"Sorry? I... I don't understand."

Luther grabbed the demon knife and approached Sam. "Bart sent you."


"You're here to rob me, right?"

"No, no, no. You got it wrong."

"I don't think so, demon."

Luther lunged at Sam, who manages to disarm him, but Luther got a punch in and pushed Sam across the room. He fell. Luther went across to his shotgun rack and began to load.

Luther continued. "You're the distraction, right? Got your friends out there, stripping me blind as we speak."

Luther fired. Sam dove out of the way. While Luther was re-loading, Sam saw the demon knife on the ground, grabbed it and rushed in to stab Luther. The knife went in, but nothing happened. Sam was stunned.

"Bart didn't tell you? As long as I'm on the property, I can't die."

Luther hit Sam with Gorgon tooth rock. He fell to the fall, unconscious.


Dean was trying to muster up the courage to put his hand into the hog's mouth. He turned to look at Smash. "I mean, there could be anything in there. Anything, right? There could be spiders. There could be the spiny blade thing... Snakes. Spiders. You don't even know, do you? Correct." He looked again and took a deep breath. "I... how about this? What if I cut myself, put it on, like, a little piece of paper? We'll just wad it up and throw it in the mouth, okay? Okay." He whispered, "Yeah. Going in. Do it."

He exhaled sharply, waiting for something to happen. "Oh. Eh."

Suddenly, the contraption whirred and clanked into action. Dean gasped as the machine clasped his hand.

"Gah! Aah! Ah!"

The machine held Dean's hand in place while a needle pricked his finger. Dean let out a high-pitched scream as his spot of blood set the spell in motion.

"Huh! It got me! It..." His hand was released and he looked at the tip of his finger where there was a tiny speck of blood.

Smash rolled her eyes as the door opened. "You gonna live?"


Smash stepped into the room and there was a click and a wooshing sound. Dean grabbed Smash and pulled her back just as a dart flashed by and hit the wall.

"What the hell was that?" Smash wondered.

"The curveball," Dean replied.

Grab called from outside the room, "Yo! How's it goin'?"

"Did Bart mention anything to you about this?"

"No," Smash answered.


Grab called again, "Really? Not gonna answer? Just ignore ol' Grab. Typical."

Suddenly, Luther was beside Grab. He stabbed him with the angel blade.

"There was supposed to be a safe, not some Dollar Store Indiana Jones crap!"

"Dean," Smash said.

"What?" He turned to see Luther in the room with them. "Son of a bitch."

Smash ran at Luther, kicked him and dashed outside. She saw Grab lying dead on the ground and ran.

"Awesome. My brother, where is he?" Dean questioned.

"Alive, far as I left him," Luther replied. "Thought he was a demon. Guess Bart's got humans doing his dirty work now."

"Mm." He cocked his gun. "Well, looks like gun beats knife, so how about you hand over the safe, and then we'll all be home in time to watch Game of Thrones.

"I'm more of a book guy."

Dean fires at Luther, but he kept walking towards Dean.

"Dean!" Sam called. "He's immortal!"

Luther looked around at the sound of Sam's voice, giving Dean the opportunity to punch him.

"Well, good thing he's got a glass jaw," Dean said.


Luther had woken up. He was tied to a pole.

"All right, jackass, this is how it's gonna go," Dean told Luther. "You can tell us how to get past your little booby trap in here, and then you're safe, all right?"

Luther chuckled. "Sorry, son. That riddle in there? You'll never crack it. And if you try, you'll find yourself on the business end of a thousand tiny darts, each tipped with silver and filled with arsenic, holy water, and holy oil. Gentlemen, I wish you good fortune!" He laughed.

Dean put tape across Luther's mouth. "And I wish you'd shut up."


Smash ran towards the gate, but sees Bart waiting for her.

"Where are you running off to?" Barthamus asked.

"Everything went sideways," Smash answered. "Grab is dead. The Winchesters, too, probably."


"And what? Job cancelled. Game over."

"Alice, just because I like you doesn't mean I'm willing to renegotiate the terms of your deal."

"So? I'll do another job. Whatever. I'll make it up to you. Just tell me what you want me to do."



"All right, so what are we looking at here?" Dean asked. "Some sort of an ancient hoodoo disco floor?"

"No, I... I think it's like a... like a giant keypad," Sam replied. "Like we have to walk over the tiles in a very specific order... an order which only Shrike knows."

"Yeah, well, Shrike's not talking, so I guess we wing it."

"Wing it?" He scoffed. "Dean, these... these aren't like the lasers in Entrapment. There are infinite possible combinations," he sighed, "and pressure-released darts."

"Did you just say "Entrapment"?"

"I don't know. I mean, I don't... I don't watch a whole lot of those kinds of movies."

"Yeah, but you saw Entrapment?"

"Catherine Zeta-Jones."

Dean looked at Sam, as he had a look on his face like he was thinking of something. Sam looked at Luther, and then looked into the room.

"I think I just... Yeah," Sam said. "I just got an idea, but it's a little crazy."

"I'm good with crazy," Dean stated.

A short time later, Luther was trussed up, sitting on a wheeled trolley. He was struggling and grunting.

"I told you, you'd help," Dean said. He turned to Sam. "Ready?"

"On three. One, two... " Sam counted.

Sam and Dean pushed the trolley with all their might, so it rolled into the room and across the booby-trapped floor. Darts whooshed across the room, hitting Luther all over his body.

"That was awesome!" Dean exclaimed.

A short time later, Sam walked into the room and looked at the locked safe. Dean joined him.

"All right, Shrike's all tied back up," Dean informed. "Man, is he pissed."

Sam chuckled. "Yeah, wouldn't you be?"

"How we lookin'? Can you open it?"

Sam scoffed. "Dean, I bet no one's seen a safe like that in over a hundred years."

"I have," Smash said.

"Oh," Dean commented. "Look who decided to show. Why'd you cottontail?"

"You think I wanna be here? Like I have a choice?"

"You made a deal," Sam realized.

"Wow! You think?"

"You sold your soul."

"And if I could take it back, I would. But sorry, Charlie. I can't. So here I am. And as long as I keep working for him, Bart never collects. So, you gonna let me do my thing or what?"

"Look, it doesn't have to be that way."

"You know, we could help you," Dean told her.

"No, you can't," Smash replied. "I gotta take care of me."

Smash went up to the safe, using a stethoscope to listen to the clicking of the dial.

"How long does this usually..."

"Shh!" Smash exhaled deeply, then opened the safe. "Ta-da! Let's go?!"


Sam and Dean grabbed the box from the safe and headed back out into the other room, where Luther had now disappeared.

"Oh, great," Sam said.

"Who cares?" Dean replied. "Let's blow this pop stand."


They loaded the box into Baby and drove off. Suddenly the road was blocked by another vehicle, with Luther in the driver's seat.

"Does this guy ever stop?" Dean wondered as he revved the engine and rapidly reversed Baby. He looked at Sam. "You wanna handle this?!"

"On it!" Sam said as he cocked his gun.

Dean spun Baby, so Sam had a clean shot. He shot the tires out on Luther's car. Both cars screeched to a stop – and the boys were out of the car, guns trained onto Luther. Sam opened Luther's door.

"Get out of the truck!" Sam ordered. "Don't try anything funny. Get out!"

"It make you feel good, whoring yourselves out to pure evil?" Luther said. "Because that's what he is. What he did to me, my little boy..."

"What are you talking about?"

"My son. He was sick, dying. So I found Bart and I traded my life for his. My boy got better, but then a few years later, he died anyway. He drowned. You know what Bart told me then? He said, "Accidents happen," that he "couldn't be held responsible.""

"So, what did you do?"

"When the hounds came and dragged me to Hell, I negotiated a new deal."



"What kind of leverage?" Dean asked.

"Look in the trunk." Sam got the box out of the car and unlocked it. There were human bones in there. "Bart's bones. You burn them, he dies. That's my leverage. You're on the wrong side of this, boys. You gotta ask yourselves if you can live with that."

Suddenly, Luther was decapitated. It was Barthamus.

"Luther," Barthamus said. "You never should've left the house. Trust me, he had it coming."

"You let his son die," Dean said.

"Well, he didn't read the fine print, and I am a businessman. Speaking of which, Alice. Little something for a job well done. Don't be shy. Come on. Yeah. And for you boys... The spell. You earned it."


"No," Sam replied.

Barthamus looked at him. "Let me see if I understand. You two do-gooding idiots are willing to welch on our deal, throw away the only chance you have at finding your boy, because I killed a 200-year-old blackmailing piece of garbage? Is that it?"

"Yeah, that, and we just don't like you," Dean told him.

"Huh. Time to re-open negotiations, shall we?" He grabbed Smash, holding her by the neck. "Give me my bones, and the girl lives. Or try to burn them, and the moment before I die, I'll snap her neck like kindling. It's amazing what I can do in a half-second's time."

Smash cried softly. "Please."

"Okay," Dean agreed.

"Slide it out, please," Barthamus said and Sam and Dean pushed the box towards Barthamus. He said to Smash, "My dear. You're all right." He pointed towards the box. "Would you mind?" He held up the parchment for Sam and Dean to see. "You could've had this. It was almost all yours. But no, you just couldn't make it easy, could you?"

Smash's voice broke. "I'm sorry."

"It's all right," Dean reassured. "You gotta take care of you."

"Right?" Barthamus agreed. "Sweet, really."

"Take care of you." He glanced down at the box, then at Smash. She saw that Dean had put a lighter on top of the bones.

"Alice, chop chop!" He indicated she should get his bones.

"Yeah," Smash said as she grabbed the lighter and set Barthamus' bones alight. Barthamus screamed as he burst into flames. He was still holding the parchment.

"The spell! The spell!" Dean cried.

Sam ran to try and grab the burning parchment. He tried blowing on the flames, but that only fanned them and the parchment was destroyed.


"Thanks for the ride," Smash said.

"You gonna be okay?" Sam asked.

"Yeah. I'm gonna be good. Hey, I just wanted to say I'm sorry. What you did for me you didn't have to do that. Thank you, seriously.
See ya around."

"Hey, Alice," Dean called. "Stay weird."

"Yeah." She poked her tongue out and smiled as the bus door closed. Dean laughed and Sam smiled. The bus departed.


Dean opened a couple of beers, looking up with a smile as Seylah walked in.

"You okay?" Dean inquired.

"Yeah, not really," Sam admitted. "Not exactly the best day, you know?"

"Well, it's not the worst. We did save somebody. That felt good."

"Yeah. Yeah, it did. But..." he sighed, "back to square one with Jack."

"We'll figure something else out. And if that doesn't work, then we'll move on to next, and then whatever's after that. We just keep working, 'cause it's what we do."

"It feels really good to hear you talk like that again."

"I'll drink to that."

Sam and Dean clinked their beer bottles, Seylah smiled, and took a drink.

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952 63 16
A new threat emerges for the Winchesters, unbeknownst to them, and it's no supernatural creature. And, as if things couldn't get worse, a Nephilim co...