An Earl in Night Raven Colleg...

By GlamrockMoon117

5K 142 4

(Black Butler x Twisted Wonderland) After avoiding being expelled, Ciel is now a student in Night Raven Colle... More

Book 1: The Crimson Tyrant
The Crimson Tyrant: Part 3
The Crimson Tyrant: Part 4
The Crimson Tyrant: Part 5
The Crimson Tyrant: Part 6
The Crimson Tyrant: Part 7
The Crimson Tyrant: Part 8
The Crimson Tyrant: Part 9
The Crimson Tyrant: Part 10
The Crimson Tyrant: Part 11
The Crimson Tyrant: Part 12
The Crimson Tyrant: Part 13
The Crimson Tyrant: Part 14
The Crimson Tyrant: Part 15
The Crimson Tyrant: Part 16
The Crimson Tyrant: Part 17
The Crimson Tyrant: Part 18
The Crimson Tyrant: Part 19
The Crimson Tyrant: Part 20
The Crimson Tyrant: Part 21
The Crimson Tyrant: Part 22
The Crimson Tyrant: Part 23
The Crimson Tyrant: Part 24
The Crimson Tyrant: Part 25
The Crimson Tyrant: Part 26
The Crimson Tyrant: Part 27
The Crimson Tyrant: Finale

The Crimson Tyrant: Part 2

298 6 0
By GlamrockMoon117

*Ciel's POV*

We were all in the lounge as I was holding a spare blanket and pillow in my arms after I quickly went to get them. I told Ace to wait until I got back to explain what had happened as Grim stayed with him. Once I got back I checked to make sure that there were no dust on the sofa and chair as we sat down. Grim was on my shoulder as he was tired of floating for very long due to waking up early. Grim was looking at the collar with fear and annoyance as I never thought I would see that collar this quickly.

"I'd recognize that collar anywhere. It's the same one that psycho stuck on me at orientation!" Grim stated

"Yeah, and if I remember it seems the collar is able to prevent someone from using magic." I said as I was looking at the collar.

"What'd you do to get shackled with that?" Grim asked Ace

"I ate a tart." Ace said with an angered look

"You... ate a tart?" I asked in disbelief

'How does eating a tart get you in so much trouble that you got collared?!' I questioned in my head

"Yeah, that's it! That's all I did! I was a little hungry, see, so I went down to the dorm kitchen and found some tarts in the fridge. Three whole tarts! Big ones, too!" Ace explained

*Third POV*

"Man I'm still tired from our little adventure. I missed dinner, too, and now I'm starving! Got anything for me, fridge? ... Whoa, score! Tarts! Those look amazing! And plenty to go around, too! No one would notice if I snagged one teeeeensy little slice, right? Right. Of course not." Ace said with a smile as he takes one of the tarts and eats it.

"*munch* Mmph... SO good! I'm in pastry paradise right now!" Ace said with wide eyes

"Of course they're good. Trey made them. His tarts are always exceptional." Riddle said behind Ace.

"Yeah, but I mean... These are CRAZY good! LIke, he could sell these at- wait, Housewarden?!" Ace cried out in surprise as he turns to face Riddle.

"That you would think to touch something of MINE... Well, I'm impressed with your audacity, at least. But the Queen of Heart's rule 89 is quite clear. 'Never eat a tart without the Queen's permission.' The theft of tarts is a serious crime!" Riddle said as he raised his pen

"Off With Your Head!" Riddle said as he sent a spell at Ace

"Bwaaaaah!" Ace cried out as a collar appears around his neck.

*Ciel's POV*

Me and Grim were sitting there in silent as we didn't know what to say to what we were just told right now. I was trying to process the story in my head to make sure it makes sense as Grim just gave Ace a deadpanned look. Ace continued to talk while not noticing that me and Grim were giving him a deadpanned look. Though I try to not be rude so my face shifted to confusion with an awkward smile to avoid giving a negative stance.

"And... here I am." Ace said with his arms crossed

"....." Grim was silent, still with a deadpanned look

"....." I couldn't bring myself to say anything

"So... The point is you're both terrible?" Grim said with his paws on his hips

"You don't think that it's insane for my magic to get sealed away for eating ONE slice of tart?! For a mage, that's like having your arms and legs bound and shackled! And there were three whole tarts! THREE! It's not like he could eat 'em all himself! C'mon, you KNOW this is messed up!" Ace explained as he was getting even more annoyed, looking for us to agree with him.

Seeing that Ace was getting antsy, I quickly spoke in favor on how messed up it was as I did agree that it was. Since I don't want Ace to cause a mess in my dorms at the moment, especially at this time of hour. I do not want to have more mess to clean up or get in trouble with Crowley again.

"It does seems a tad extreme." I said with an awkward smile

'After all, collaring someone for breaking a rule doesn't seem ethical? If it were me I would've given them a punishment like cleaning or something! But collaring? I could never see myself doing that to another person.'

"Riiight?!" Ace said, grateful that one of us agrees

"Yeah, but... I mean, if there were three of 'em, they were probably for a party. Maybe it was someone's birthday or somethin'? Lookit that! I'm, like, a master detective too!" Grim suggested with a smile

"You sure are." I said with a amused smile as I scratched his chin, which makes him happy

"A birthday party, huh...?" Ace questioned

"That would explain it." I said as Ace groans

"Man... I thought you'd be more sympathetic! I'm a victim of the housewarden's tyranny here!" Ace stated

"Stealing food is a serious offense." I stated with my arms crossed

"Aw, you gotta be kiddin' me!" Ace groans

I felt bad at the sight of seeing Ace upset as I began to think of something, after awhile of thinking, I came up with an idea. I was not sure if it will work, but it was better than doing nothing.

"If you apologize, I'm sure he'll forgive you." I suggested to him

"You don't go messin' with another man's meal... Hey, wait a minute! I just realized I never got those cans of tuna the headmage promised me!" Grim said as he had a realization.

'Grim, you're not helping...' I thought with a sweatdrop

"Maybe it slipped his mind? Let's remind him the next time we see him." I said to Grim

"All right, all right. Fine. I get that I should apologize. But you're coming with me, Ciel. This was your idea, after all." Ace said as I nod

"Fair enough." I said as I yawn

"Anyway, you got a place for me to crash tonight?" Ace asked us

"You were serious about that?" Grim said as I give a 'are you serious' look at Grim

'Do you expect him to go back to his dorm after what happened?' I thought

"Outside of the bedroom me and Ciel use, this entire dump is buried under a foot of dust. So if you wanna crash, you better start cleanin'!" Grim explained

"Dude, no way! I hate cleaning!" Ace stated with a 'hell no' look

"No wonder you tried to run from cleaning the windows earlier." I said as Ace looks away

"Just let me stay with you, Ciel. I'm real slim. I won't take up much space." Ace said with a smile

"Allow me to introduce you to the lounge sofa." I said as I motion to the sofa

'It's not to be rude, but I'm not sure if I'm comfortable with another person in my room besides Grim just yet.' I thought to myself

"Tch. You're about as flexible as a brick. Well, fine. The sofa it is. Night!" Ace said as he takes the blanket and pillow from me

"Night, Ace!" I said

I went back to my room before getting into my bed as Grim curled back up into a ball again as sleepiness takes hold. I after awhile with no strange dreams appearing in my sleep, I was woken up by a loud bang. I opened my eyes as I saw light come from the boarded up windows peek through. Then, I heard more loud banging on the entrance door as I felt Grim waking up with a groan.

"Hmm...? Is is morning?" I said as I slowly got up from the bed

I began get dress in my school uniform and making sure I was presentable before putting my eye patch on my right eye. 

"Duuude... Who is pounding on the door at this hour?!" Ace questioned while still being sleepy

"Bleah! Every hit kicks up a dust storm! I'm coming, I'm coming!" Ace said as he got up from the sofa as I began to leave the room with Grim

I watched as Ace make his way towards the door as I follow after him after I close my room's door. Once Ace got to the door, he opens it to see it was Deuce on the other side with a disappointed look. Ace backs up from the door as Deuce came inside of the dorms with the door closing behind him. I walk up to stand next to Ace as I looked at Deuce, who was looking at Ace and began to talk to him at the moment.

"I figured I'd find you here." Deuce said with his arms crossed

"Ugh. Deuce..." Ace groans

"Morning, Deuce!" I said as Deuce looks at me with a smile before looking back at Ace.

"So, you ate the housewarden's tart. You really are an idiot, Ace." Deuce said with a sigh

"Oh, shut up! Like you're one to talk! Anyway, uh... Is he still mad" Ace asked

"Not at all. Maybe a touch irritated, if anything. A few of our dormmates overslept this morning... But only three of 'em got your treatment." Deuce answered

"You call that 'not at all' mad?! Sounds like he's still of the rampage, to me." Ace said in shock

The three of us left Ramshackle dorm to go and head to our first class or get something to eat from the cafeteria. As we were walking through the main street as Grim was walking through the crowd while I was trying to make sure Grim doesn't do something stupid. And just as I feared, he was boasting and didn't use any manners. Deuce and Ace followed as they both wants to help me since my amnesia will cause me problems.

"Move it! Outta the way! Night Raven College student comin' through!" Grim said as we were making our way passed the students.

"Grim, remember your manners!" I said as I was keeping an eye on him.

"Oh? Did my collar catch your eye? It is way better than the one you're stuck with! You know, the one that makes it so you can't use magic? But hey, the school could always use another janitor! Bwahahaha!" Grim smirks while laughing

"I think he's suffered enough, Grim." I stated with unamused look at Grim.

"Grrrrr! Trust me Grim, when I get my magic back, your hide is first up on the chopping block!" Ace growls at Grim

"Didn't the headmage JUST tell you yesterday, no more incidents?" Deuce asked as I nod in agreement.

"Deuce has a point, you don[t want to get in trouble with the headmage again." I stated

"Regardless, you're not going to be able to participate in class if you can't use magic. So why not just apologize to the housewarden? It's a small price to pay for having the collar removed." Deuce explained

"Aaaaargh! I hate this so! SO! Much!" Ace groans angerly

"Hmm. Ya know, we do still have some time to kill before class starts. And I am kinda curious about the other dorms." Grim suggested

"Yeah, I'm curious too." I said as I don't know about the other dorms

"Guess I'll go along and scope out the place while you make with the groveling." Grim as he went on ahead.

"Grim, wait!" I said as I chased after him

"Since when did this become a field trip?!" Ace shouts

Deuce and Ace ran after us as we followed Grim just in case he does something stupid and keep him out of trouble. And that will probably happen because as Grim doesn't know where the dorms were and what the rules are for each dorms.

'I hope things goes well...'

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