Her Silent Pain

By heyitismeshey

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Ariella Garcia is an 18-year-old girl who dreams of leaving her current situation behind and starting a new l... More

A/N & Cast
Chapter 1: Snowflakes
Chapter 2: A pleasant surprise
Chapter 4: Distraction
Chapter 5: Called off
Chapter 6: An old acquaintance
Chapter 7: Shattered Glass
Chapter 8: The Library
Chapter 9: Go-karts
Chapter 10: New Maffia
Chapter 11: Pizza
Chapter 12: Lookalike
Chapter 13: The Red Dress
Chapter 14: Bowling
Chapter 15: Pictures
Chapter 16: The box
Chapter 17: Stalker
Chapter 18: His black hair
Chapter 19: Mall
Chapter 20: Date
Chapter 21: Dishes
Chapter 22: Tickets
Chapter 23: Zoo
Chapter 24: The money
Chapter 25: The jump
Chapter 26: Smoking
Chapter 27: The snacks
Chapter 28: His parents
Chapter 29: Trust
Chapter 30: The Confession
Chapter 31: Baby Turtle
Chapter 32: His wallet
Chapter 33: His dad
Chapter 34: My Garden
Chapter 35: The Pool
Chapter 36: The fight
Chapter 37: I'm sorry
Chapter 38: Hospital & Family
Chapter 39: Beauty and the Beast
Chapter 40: The Beach
Chapter 41: The Preparations
Chapter 42: The ball
Chapter 43: A cold
Chapter 44: The Gate
Chapter 45: Tied Up
Chapter 46: Reunion
Chapter 47: The Phone Call
Chapter 48: Saved
Chapter 49: Death
Chapter 50: Visits
Chapter 51: Suprise
Chapter 52: Breakdowns
Chapter 53: Perfect
Chapter 54: The Notebook

Chapter 3: Cupcakes

750 20 6
By heyitismeshey

There are friends, and there is family and there are friends who become family

                                      - Unknown

As I made my way to the cashier, I noticed her forced smile as she said, "That would be $34.95, miss." I handed over the cash and gathered all my purchases.

Earlier, my dad had given me forty dollars and instructed me to buy some food. He wanted me to bring back the receipt and the change. I had managed to save a few dollars and bought ingredients for cupcakes. Along with that, I got some biscuits and a drink for later. I used the remaining money to purchase ointment for my bruises and painkillers to ease the pain.

Now, with only three dollars left, I collected the bags filled with food for my dad. The biscuit and juice are likely the only thing I will be eating for days, so I wanted to save them as best as I could.

It was already 10 am, and by this time, my dad had already left for work. You might wonder why I didn't just escape. Well, he's a cop, and he has eyes all over town. I once tried to escape, but one of his friends spotted me walking with a sports bag and immediately called him. My father reached me before I could get away, and upon my return, the abuse only intensified. I remember thinking that day would be my last.

"Excuse me, miss?" someone interrupted my thoughts. I looked beside me and saw an old man sitting on the ground. His unkempt hair and dirty clothes hinted at a difficult life. He held a cup with a few coins inside.

"Yes?" I responded, placing my bags on the ground. "Do you have a dollar to spare?"

I reached into my wallet and gave him the remaining three dollars. "That's all I have left, sir," I said, and he eagerly accepted the money. "Thank you, and may God bless you, miss," he said gratefully. I waved him goodbye and picked up my bags.

Indeed, my dad had already left when I arrived home. I stored the food in the kitchen cabinet and the rest in the fridge. I hid the small pack of cookies and the juice box in my room, knowing they would be my sole comfort for the days to come.

I gathered all the cupcake ingredients and began baking. After an hour, my alarm went off, signaling that the cupcakes were done. I decorated them and packed them neatly in a plastic container.

I meticulously cleaned the entire kitchen, erasing any trace of my baking endeavor. I wasn't allowed to use electricity for my own enjoyment, so it was crucial to leave no evidence behind. Once satisfied, I opened a window to let the sweet aroma disappear.

It was already 11:30 am, and Nic had mentioned he would pick me up around 12-ish. He offered to bring me the first day, but I declined. However, he insisted.

I got myself ready, putting on my coat and grabbing my purse, making sure not to forget the box of cupcakes from the kitchen counter.

The snow had melted, and I sat on the porch, patiently waiting for Nic. Ten minutes later, his fancy car pulled up in front of my house.

I gathered my belongings and walked over to the car, where Nic remained seated.

We arrived at the mansion and I stepped out.

 I tilted my head, expecting him to also get out, but instead, he rolled down the window and poked his head through.

"Ariella, I'm sorry, but I have some business to attend to. I'll be back in a few hours," he explained.

"Oh, okay then," I muttered, unsure of what to say. He handed me a spare key before driving off.

Now, I stood before the grand black front door of the mansion, holding the key in my hand. Nic had informed me that Alexandro would be at home. 

I wasn't surprised since it was his house, but I couldn't help feeling a tad nervous about being alone with him. Nic had assured me that Alexandro would be in his study the entire time, but still...

Come on, Ariella, you can do it.

With a deep breath, I inserted the key into the lock, opened the door, and locked it behind me. I made my way to the kitchen, setting the cupcakes on the counter and hanging my coat and purse on a nearby chair.

Gathering all the necessary supplies, I started cleaning, beginning with the bedrooms on the second floor. Most of the rooms were already clean, so I finished the task within an hour.

Moving on to the second floor, where the rooms appeared to be used more frequently, I replaced the wrinkled bedsheets with fresh ones. There were traces of dust on the floors, so I diligently swept and mopped every room.

I climbed the stairs to the third floor, ready to tackle the remaining rooms. As expected, they showed more signs of activity, with rumpled bedsheets and scattered items on the floor.

I set about replacing the bedsheets and meticulously swept each room. During the process, I stumbled upon a short red dress, carelessly tossed aside. It must belong to someone else, perhaps someone Alexandro knows. I set it aside, planning to wash it later.

After completing the sweeping and mopping of all the rooms, I gathered the used bedsheets to be washed. I loaded them into the washing machine and set it in motion. The red dress would require special care, so I decided to wash it separately.

An hour later, everything was washed, and I hung the bedsheets to dry, except for the red dress, which I placed in the drying cabinet.

Once the dress was dry, I carefully folded it and left it on the kitchen counter.

I estimated that I had been working for about four hours, and it was time to wait for Nic to arrive so I could hand him the cupcakes and then head home.

Suddenly, the door swung open, and I nearly shrieked in fear. Alexandro entered the room, dressed in black pants and a button-up shirt. His sleeves were rolled up, revealing his tattooed forearms. Did he ever wear anything else?

His expensive cologne filled the room as he glanced around, his intense gaze eventually landing on me. I snapped out of my daze and handed him the red dress. He observed it briefly before looking at me. "What's this?" he inquired with a furrowed brow.

"It's a dress," I replied, my voice slightly trembling. He rolled his eyes in exasperation. "I know it's a dress, but what am I supposed to do with it?"

"Maybe it belongs to your sister? I'm sure she would want it back," I suggested, attempting to push the dress into his hands.

"I don't have a sister," he stated, his brows furrowing deeper. "Then maybe it's your girlfriend's dress?" I ventured cautiously. I knew he wasn't married, as he didn't wear a wedding ring, nor were there any family pictures in the house. Nic would have mentioned it if he had a wife.

"I don't have a fucking girlfriend," he retorted, his voice tinged with anger. Why was he so mad?

"I'm sorry, I just assumed since I found it lying on the ground in one of the rooms," I whispered, feeling intimidated by his outburst.

"That's the problem. Nobody asked you to fucking assume. You were brought here to clean, nothing else," he snapped.

My eyes welled up with tears, but I quickly held them back. I had already apologized, but his anger only escalated. My father was the same way, believing that apologizing was a sign of weakness and only led to more beatings.

"I'm sorry," I whispered once more, not knowing what else to say.

"Stop doing that," he replied, annoyed, dragging his hand over his face. "What?" I asked, confused by his statement.

Before he could respond, voices echoed from the corridor. One was unmistakably Nic's, but the other belonged to a woman. I recognized her voice but couldn't quite place it.

"Nicolo shut the fuck up," the female voice demanded. "Make me," Nic teased in response.

 "Your parents already made that mistake," the woman retorted.

They entered the room, and I immediately recognized the woman standing beside Nic.

Her blond hair cascaded down her neck in loose waves, and her delicate features exuded femininity. With high cheekbones, a petite nose, and full lips adorned with a hint of red lipstick, she was truly captivating. Her clear blue eyes sparkled with a lively inner light, drawing you in. She possessed a slender figure with curves that accentuated her every move, radiating grace.

She seemed to recognize me as well, as a smile instantly spread across her lips. "Ariella?" she questioned, seeking confirmation. I nodded, and her smile grew wider.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, genuinely curious. "Nic got me a job here," I replied, glancing at Nic. Hazel's eyes widened. "You mean..." she trailed off, looking at Nic.

"No, she's just the cleaner," Alexandro interjected. "Oh, okay," Hazel replied, the concern on her face replaced with a smile.

"But how do you two know each other?" Alexandro inquired. "We met a few days ago, didn't we?" Hazel responded, and I nodded in agreement.

"So, what were you two doing?" she asked, glancing between Alexandro and me. "Nothing, I was simply returning a dress I found in one of the rooms," I explained.

"Which dress?" Nic finally interjected, his curiosity piqued. I held out the red dress to him, and he took it, inspecting it closely. "It might belong to one of Alexandro's hook-ups," he suggested.

Hazel and Nic burst into laughter, while Alexandro simply glared at them. I didn't fully comprehend the joke, so I changed the topic.

"Nic, I got something for you," I said, redirecting their attention. I walked back to the kitchen counter, grabbed the box of cupcakes, and returned to them.

I handed the box to Nic, saying, "For you. It's a thank you for getting me the job."

He passed the box to Hazel, who eagerly accepted it. Nic then stretched out his arms, expecting a hug. I tilted my head, unsure of his sudden affectionate gesture, but he rolled his eyes and wrapped me in a warm, comforting embrace.

Our moment was interrupted by the sound of someone munching on something. Nic released me, and we turned to find Hazel indulging in one of the cupcakes. Nic glared at her, but she continued eating.

"Sorry, but these are so fucking good," she exclaimed, taking another bite. "Give. It. Back!" Nic yelled playfully, chasing after Hazel, who had placed the box on a nearby table but clung to her cupcake for dear life.

I couldn't help but laugh at their playful banter. While Nic continued to swear, Hazel persisted in running away in her high heels. I looked at Alexandro, who stood there, eyes fixed on me.

Taking a cupcake for myself, I tried to hand one to Alexandro. Keyword: tried. He didn't budge, hands still tucked in his pockets. Undeterred, I grabbed one of his arms, expecting resistance, but to my surprise, he complied, allowing me to place the cupcake in his hand.

 I flashed him a cheeky smile, and he rolled his eyes before walking away.

Why do I think he is going to throw away the cupcake when he is out of my sight?

Shrugging it off, I watched as Hazel and Nic savored their cupcakes. Hazel attempted to grab another one, but Nic playfully slapped her hand away. She pleaded persistently until Nic finally gave up and gave her another cupcake.

With my coat and bag in hand, I realized it was time to leave.

"Nic, I'm heading out," I announced. Both Nic and Hazel looked up, surprised. "Already?" Hazel protested. Nic checked his watch and nodded.

"I'll drop you off," he offered, placing his cupcake back in the box before standing up. Hazel followed suit and approached me, surprising me with a warm hug.

"Hope we'll see each other soon," she whispered. I nodded in response, returning her smile. Nic stood there, his expression one of shock. "What?" Hazel and I asked simultaneously. "You never give hugs," he exclaimed, still taken aback. Hazel shrugged and returned to her cupcake.

Nic drove me home, giving me enough time to prepare dinner for my dad.

At that moment, I felt content. Nic had declared us friends, and it seemed Hazel saw me the same way, as she never hugged just anyone. Their playful interaction made me genuinely happy.

If this is what having friends feels like, I gladly welcomed it into my life.


This chapter was boring. It does get better gradually!

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