Dai Li's Personal Spy

By Bapestarss

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An OC x Zuko (ATLA) fanfic. Laina Xu (A name she uses to conceal her true identity) is a spy working for the... More

Chapter 1: Reassigned
Chapter 2: Talk.
Chapter 3: Serpent
Chapter 4: Harsh Sentiment
Chapter 5: "What else can I do?"
Chapter 6: "Fight me, Prince Zuko"
Chapter 7: Book one: Water
Chapter 8: The Avatar
Chapter 9: Cold Water
Chapter 10: "I don't think we have to hate each other, Zuko."
Chapter 11: "He's turned you soft, hasn't he?
Chapter 12: "You know what to choose"
Chapter 13: "There's no one left I love"
Chapter 14: "Are you...OK?"
Chapter 15: "I'm never happy."
Chapter 16: It was always there.
Chapter 18: The Necklace
Chapter 19: "You don't think about me in any way, do you?"
Chapter 20: Music Night
Chapter 21: Defeated, once again
Chapter 22: "Miss me?"
Chapter 23: Obligation
Chapter 24: Choice.
ºBook Two: Earthº
Chapter 26: The Cave of Badgermoles.
Chapter 27: Uneasy feelings in the stomach
Chapter 28: "Who's there?"
Chapter 29: New Earth Bender
Chapter 30: "Especially you."
Chapter 31: Bitter Bending
Chapter 32: Sand & Pillars
New cover art
Chapter 33: Missing Home.
Chapter 34: The Feeling of Hope.
Chapter 35: I wasn't alone this time.
Chapter 36: "We'll see."
Chapter 37: Did you miss me too?
Chapter 38: Another Lie
Chapter 39: Normal, just some girls in Ba Sing Se
Chapter 40: Fireworks
Chapter 41: Some People are Scared of Fire
Chapter 42: "Please, just stay."
Chapter 43: His Dai Li ID card
Chapter 45: "Now you have one more apple."
Chapter 46: "Goodbye, Jet."
Chapter 46: "We'll be back together soon."
Chapter 47: He chose the right side
Chapter 48: "I am ashamed of being Fire Nation."
º§Book Three: Fire§º

Chapter 17: "I don't think I've heard you laugh that much."

90 6 0
By Bapestarss

We lowered ourselves into the water, the boat sloshing in the broken-up sea slightly. The gaseous fog surrounded us, smelling like a thousand engines were burning at once. We followed behind the ship silently for a little while, slightly veering towards the North East in order to smoothly escape from the smoke cover.

Once we were out into the fresh open air and away from the large ship that wasn't conspicuously following our vessel, we could start speaking. Not that Zuko was much of a conversation starter. I guess I wasn't usually either, but I had gotten so comfortable those past few months with Zuko and Iroh.

The thought took me back to the looming reports I hadn't been writing. It was like I was back at the Fire Nation academy for girls again and was avoiding handing in my 'World Domination by Fire Lord Sozin report'. I swatted the nerve-racking feeling in my stomach, ignoring it once again. I hadn't seen or heard of any agents since Zuko told me about them all those months ago, and I hoped not to see any other surprise visitors.

I distracted myself by beginning to speak. "What was life like for you in the palace?" The simple question made him stiffen up like a metal beam. He glanced back at me, scarred face concealing that golden gaze. He sat for a moment, struggling to find the words.

"It was... nice when my mother was around. But it was... restrictive after she left." He didn't say much, and I felt like a bit of an idiot touching on a sensitive subject. He kept rowing, face changing slightly.

"What about you? What was your life like?" He asked me the same question, and I could see how Zuko struggled to answer it.

I pondered it for a moment. "Well, my biological and adoptive parents didn't love me all that much, so I focused on my training and studies a lot. But I always watched this one boy from afar. He was so above me, though, almost royalty. You could say I had a little crush on him." I drew out the last few parts, trying to get Zuko to catch the hint.

He furrowed his brows for a moment. "Who was this boy? Would I have known him?" He asked questioningly like I had offended him. A laugh bubbled in my stomach and tore its way up, and escaped from my throat. I covered my mouth, little giggles still escaping.

"What? What is it, Laina?" The use of my name sent a little butterfly in my stomach, but I stopped laughing and looked at him with a smile. He glared at me.

"It was you, Zuko. I think every girl in the Fire Nation had a crush on you," I sighed out. He stopped rowing for a moment, and his face turned red. I laughed even more, clutching my sides. I raised my head to see him looking like a bratty child. Like we were 13.

He glared at me, waiting for me to finish my laughter. "You should have seen your face, you were bright red!" I laughed.

"You just said that to get a reaction." He huffed out. I smiled brightly.

"Maybe, maybe not." I vaguely replied, looking up at the sky.

He stopped for a moment, looking like a thought had crossed his mind. The water sent echoes through the bottom of the boat, like dripping drops in a cave.

"I don't think I've heard you laugh that much." He stated plainly without warning. His uncle said the same thing to me. My laughing stopped at the words, smile faltering. I cursed myself in my head. Zuko had just reminded me of exactly what I shouldn't have been doing; Letting my guard down. I looked down at my feet, worn boots looking dull in the sun. He peered down at me.

"Did I do something wrong?" He asked at the fall of my smile. I shook my head, looking up at him.

"No, no, it's not you. I just- I don't know... working on these ships, I feel I don't get to be myself, but around you, I feel the opposite." I admitted, words falling out of my mouth. He looked at me and then looked away. We sat in silence for the rest of the trip, letting silence carry our words across.


We approached the moon-shaped island, the earth pulsating with Magma. It was a dream for me. Hot earth, my two elements bonding together in one bubbling mess. Too bad I couldn't use any of it. I pouted at the sight, all my senses turned on at the feeling of disrupted earth and heat. I reminded myself not to blow my cover and calmly and quietly hopped off the boat, avoiding making contact with the hot rock.

We snuck quietly past the defence and up the bridge, opening the red double doors with ease. I peered out into the wide hall, looking for any sign of a fire sage. How I hated fire sages. They thought they could firebend the earthbending out of me, but it just left me sweaty with first-degree burns.

I nodded at Zuko, skimming along the walls quietly. I rounded a corner too quickly, and a sage was walking down the hall. I gasped like an idiot in shock, and the sage began to turn around. My eyes widened as I felt an arm sharply grab my arm and pull me back around the corner, bringing me to a chest. I attempted to squeak out a shout of shock, but a hand clamped over my mouth. I recognised it was Zuko, but I think I had a right to be a little shocked.

We stood there, breathing heavily, for what was only a few seconds, but it felt like minutes. He slightly inched his head around the corner, letting go of me after. He charged on and I shook my head, keeping in pace behind him.

We walked through the maze of halls with no sign of the avatar until we heard voices up a staircase. The stairs led to Avatar Rokus's temple. We tip-toed up the steps, crouching down to get a good look. The avatar and his group were hiding behind pillars, having tricked the fire sages into opening the temple doors. They had a plan, but we were about to stop it.

We waited for the right moment, and my most recent dream loomed at the back of my mind. I felt almost guilty like I was betraying this figure in my dreams. I inhaled deeply, trying to assure myself that I was just making the Avatar's persona up in my head. It was a figment of my imagination.

The fire sage pinned his colleagues down, the water tribe siblings aiding him.

"Now, Aang!" The sage shouted out, struggling with the other sage in his grip. Zuko ran up and grabbed Aang, silencing him by placing a palm over his mouth.

Guess he does that to everyone.

I jumped up silently, not far behind Zuko, to ensure his safety. Silent ensued as Aang writhed in Zukos grip. We hid behind the pillar, Katars voice ringing out, "Aang! Now's your chance!" Zuko stepped out from behind the column, holding the struggling Aang.

I stood in a defensive stance, scanning the siblings. "The Avatar's coming with me!" Zuko claimed. The fire sages used the essence of surprise and gained the upper hand on the siblings and defect. "Quick! Close the doors," Zuko shouted out as the Fire Sages ran for the doors.

I watched it all unfold as I noticed out of the corner of my eye, Aang beginning to turn out of Zukos grip. Before I could catch a hold of him, he blasted both of us away, sending Zuko down the stairs with a scream and me smack into a column. I practically bounced off it, landing straight into the cold, red, stone floor. My chest compressed, and I heaved, the wind being knocked out of me. I coughed and clutched my stomach gasping for air.

I looked up to see Aang running through the doors at the last second, slipping through and sealing them shut, a blinding white light following the close. Zuko and the other sages, besides the one "traitor", attempted to re-open the doors with firebending, but it proved un-useful because those doors weren't opening.

The defect sage turned to me as I got up, leaning on the pillar, catching my breath. He stared at me inquisitively before his eyes widened. I quirked my brow at the man.

"You, you're that girl... the dual-"

"Shhh!" I whispered harshly, bringing a finger to my lips. I stared at him, his face ringing slightly familiar. I believe there was a young man when I was very young who was in training to be a sage. I remember him observing all their efforts to make me just a firebender. He knew. But something in me told me that he wasn't going to spill.

He nodded his head slowly with a look of understanding. I huffed out an exhale of relief. Zuko walked over to us and outstretched a hand to me. I took it and got up, clutching my side. It was still a little bruised from all those months ago. He turned towards the sage.

"Why did you help the Avatar?" Zuko asked firmly.

The sage looked up at him with defiance "Because it was once the sages' duty. It is still our duty."

I smiled ever so slightly, respecting those words. A familiar voice came from behind us, up the stairs.

"What a moving and heartfelt performance. I'm certain the Fire Lord will understand when you explain why you betrayed him," Said Zhao sinisterly. I turned around to see him accompanied by 6 other Firenation guards. It was an automatic response at that point, I scowled.

He just smirked at me as usual, what a fun little routine we had created. Zuko tensed up just as I did. Zhao inched closer to us.

"And Prince Zuko. It was a noble effort, but your little smokescreen didn't work. Three traitors in one day, the Fire Lord will be pleased." He remarked smugly. Four guards grabbed us, seizing our arms. I writhed in their grip.

"I am not a traitor, Zhao!" I cried out at the injustice. Well, technically I was, but how he would know that I hadn't a clue. He tipped his head chillingly at me.

"Not yet, but soon enough, I will find out what you have done, Miss Laina." He replied ominously. A chill went down my spine, placing me even further on edge.

"You're too late, Zhao! The Avatar's inside and the doors are sealed," said Zuko. Zhao shook his head, "No matter. Sooner or later, he has to come out." The Watertribe siblings exchanged worried glances. I also felt that worry.

Soon enough, Zhao had all his guards shoving all of us against the large column, bounding us by chains. I, awkwardly enough, was shoved in between Katara and Sokka. Zhao stalked us like we were prey, eyeing me up and down.

"I was doing some background research and came across your file Miss Xu." He said with an air of vagueness. I glared at him, the siblings shifting uncomfortably in the chains.

"Xu is quite a unique name, don't you think?" He echoed. I struggled against the chains uselessly. "Unique name for a unique girl, I guess", I retorted sarcastically.

"Yes, I suppose so. But I came across an interesting piece of information. You attended the Royal Academy for Fire Nation girls, a prestigious school for someone of your class." He said, pacing in front of me.

"Scholarship," I replied in defence.

"I was under the impression the institution didn't hand them out", He threw back at me.

"Guess I was the exception." I forced out through my teeth. He laughed, turning around and walking back to his guards. I exhaled a sigh of relief.

I tried to struggle again, but it was indeed a struggle. I notice the Watertribe girl staring at me. I faced her, staring into her bright blue eyes. Her whole face was full of hope. "How could you help him capture Aang?" She spat out with hatred, a bit of a surprise from her facial expression.

I was stumped by the question. "What would you know, water tribe peasant?" Zuko shouted out from the column next to us. I sent him a look, and he glared at us.

Katara persisted. "I know you have good, Aang says he feels it." Katara said, softly spoken. I looked away, ashamed.

"How about you come back when I can feel the good too." Sokka sarcastically remarked. I looked at the Watertribe boy, he was taller than me and adorned in his nation's blue. He glared at me, rightfully so too, but it still stung a little. I had never encountered someone from the Watertribe before I met them, but I then understood no matter who you were, you were despised because you were Firenation.

"Whatever the Avatar has been saying is not true," I replied indifferently. She wouldn't take that.

"I can tell there is something in you." She was a very hopeful girl, that's for sure. But there was no righting my wrongs. The awkward and way too personal of a conversation was thankfully interrupted by the opening of the temple's doors.

It was not Aang who stepped out, but a tall figure with a long white beard shimmering blue did. It was Avatar Roku. We practically collectively gasped at the sight as Avatar Roku began to strike down Zhao and his soldiers. Our chains singed hot for a moment before they melted off completely. I gave Katara one last glance before running off to find Zuko. I limped slightly, my side being damaged from when I was thrown.

Zuko put my arm around his shoulder as the temple began to burst into flames and magma poured in, causing the whole building to rumble with ferocity. We rushed down the steps and out the doors, having remembered which paths we took. Zhao and the sages were not far behind us as we raced down the rock, heat seeping into our shoes. Zuko helped me down into the boat, and he pushed us off the rock, sweeping his legs over and hopping into the wooden hollowed-out vehicle. Zhao's figure loomed on Crescent Moon Island, unmoving. We rowed out of the shore, the temple on its last legs.

I breathed out as we got further away, watching the temple sink into the ground in a fiery mess.  

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