By diamondswhite

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❝bitch! you just fuckin' shot me in my toe! are you fucking crazy?❞ ❝i prefer wicked witch.❞ started: 2... More



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By diamondswhite

"i fucked up y'all, i can't believe i killed my baby." b-mickie looked at his empty shot glass, miserable as the memory of him murdering kato replayed in his head constantly. kim looked at her glass, before taking a swig of it. "was she really your baby, you only knew her for like six months..." kim trailed off, receiving a glare from b-mickie.

"you're just jealous."

kim let out a sarcastic scoff. "no the bitch was working for the man that killed my cousin and that tried to kill me. oh yeah, and he snitched on my parents and got both of them locked up." she told him casually making b-mickie rethink her decision of speaking up. "she would've broke your heart sooner or later. sometimes it's better to just rip the band-aid off and deal with the pain." meech seemed almost emotionless when he lent his friend the advice, kim turning her head to him in question.

"that's coming from a motherfucker who don't love nobody but his goddamn self." b-mickie believed that meech loved no one in this world, he always thought about himself first in his eye, he could never keep a woman and be loyal to them, so how would you love them? "kato was the first girl i loved that loved me back harder and i burned that off for yall." b-mickie was drunk and sad, wanting to blame someone. kim poured herself another drink when she realized she wasn't drunk enough to chat it up with b-mickie.

"kato was a two-timing bitch that was workin' with the nigga that almost caused us everything, she knew it was deadly." kim knew that kato couldn't have thought they were going to kill lamar and let her walk away as if she didn't help him the whole time and told no one about it unless she was caught. with meech and kim's thoughts out, it didn't help b-mickie. "fuck y'all both." meech and kim looked at each other trying to contain their laughter knowing that b-mickie was drunk and now was starting to be a crybaby.

"we love you too man."

creaks could be heard, and when the trio turned their heads there stood lucille flenory, with the sole emotion of disappointment as she looked at the children in front of her. her eyes studied the bottles on the table, the glasses in their hands and even the smell in the air. they had snuck into her house to drink underneath her nose. when kim saw lucille the bottom of her cup was up in the air, desperately trying to hide the fact that she was drinking. b-mickie stood up, sluggishly making his way to lucille holding his arms out for a hug. "mama, how you doing?" he was distracting her.

in that moment kim and meech stood to their feet, kim collecting their glasses and meech following after and snatching the bottles away. kim dashed to the kitchen trying to get rid of the evidence but lucille was on her tail, after waving b-mickie away to the couch. "sorry for being her. his girlfriend just broke up with him." meech was holding his mother in the dining room at the table. "that's why you turned my house into a den of iniquity?" lucille couldn't believe meech was bold enough to longue in her home.

"i was just passing through." meech told his mother, turning to enter the kitchen. kim was now at the sink cleaning the glasses they previously drank from. lucille finally noticed kim's pink sweater was stained ruby red. kim looked down to herself once she realized lucille was staring, almost forgetting her clothes were now stained with lamar's and darius' blood, she turned herself to the sink without a word. "i notice your guards aren't in front of the house anymore." lucille knew that both meech and kim did something they would regret one day.

"y'all don't have nothing else to worry about." meech looked his mother directly in her eye, hoping to relief her from the stress of being watched and possibly plotted on by lamar. meech was proud of himself, making sure his family was safe. "what have you done, demetrius?" lucille closed the space between her and meech, coming almost chest to chest.

"protected our family," lucille and meech didn't break eye contact. lucille looked at her son puzzled, wondering where she went wrong, wondering how she could bring him back, "mama, this ain't your fault." meech knew his mother was tearing herself up inside trying to wrap her head around what he possibly did.

"that don't make me feel no better." lucille finally looked away from her son, turning her attention to kim. "and you're okay with this? did you help him?" lucille missed the times that kim used to push meech towards positive things such as school, she hated that she became his accomplice. kim looked over to meech swallowing, she was feeling her liquor and didn't know what to say.

"don't look at him, look at me." lucille instructed the girl when she noticed she was waiting for meech to fight her battle. kim huffed and scratched her head, fully turning her body towards lucille revealing really how much of a mess her shirt was. there was a darker red that seemed dry on the pink sweater, partnering with a lighter red that seemed damp. "it was something i wanted." kim wanted lucille to know that her son wasn't just causing havoc for no reason.

lucille was taken aback by kim's word. she watched kim grow into the woman she was now, she was always a star student and obeyed her parents. lucille thought that her sons were tainting the wick but she was indeed following in the footsteps of her parents. "revenge isn't the only option you need to pray for the people that are touched, not purge them from the earth. that's not our responsibility." lucille was begging kim to see her point, desperately trying to save her. but it looked ridiculous, the blood was already on kim's hand as she stood in the flenory house covered in blood.

now i wasn't heavy on religion and neither was my parents.

when kim peered over to meech, begging with her eyes for him to correct his mother's word before she could. she was drunk and her impulse control wasn't all the way there. but when meech did nothing, kim looked back at lucille with a sad smile. "my baby cousin was slaughtered and you're going to tell me to pray for that man that did it?" kim covered her mouth when she let out a stifled laugh. meech's eyes widening when he realized that kim was slowly losing it. "forgiveness is our biggest enemy but you can overcome it, kimberly baby you've been through a lot lately. your parents were arrested, your cousin was killed and you were shot! how do you sleep at night?" lucille was wondering how kim was able to endure so much.

kim finally let out a small laugh, she was losing it. she stepped forward joining meech and his mother as she looked her in the eye. "like a fuckin' baby, miss flenory." she whispered, a gasp coming from lucille. meech lightly pushed kim away, towards the door of the kitchen. "sorry mama, she drunk too. she was close to mick's girl." meech apologized for kim's behavior as she stumbled out the kitchen.

"the fuck i was!"

.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.

with lamar out, business could be conducted now. when terry came to kim asking for her to speak to big l again, she originally said no but was begged by both flenory boys to accompany them. the trio was dressed to the best, both of the boys wearing suits. while kim wore a red dress that hugged her with a high slit, her mink coat around her for warmth and to cover her bullet wound, her chains decorating her neck and the bridge of her nose holding her sunglasses. when they walked into the warehouse no one was there yet but the place was filled with wooden crates. when meech looked inside the crates he couldn't help but to touch, picking up an old artifact.

"demetrius, how old are you? put that shit down!"

"yo, me-meech, c'mon. stop being like a little kid in a candy store. put that shit down."

meech turned to kim and his brother smiling, still holding the artifact looking at it. "nigga, i can't help it, all right? i'm geek. fuck." meech turned to the crate to put the artifact back where it belonged, "you don't even know what happened last night." meech didn't have a chance to tell his brother that their worries were over.

"last night?"

big l and her goons finally made their entrance, big l eyeing meech as he held on to her art. "that piece is from japan's shigaraki kilns during the nineteenth century meiji period. and it costs $250,000. so unless you plan on buying it, i suggest you take your hand off my merchandise and get the hell out of my gallery." big l despised meech and she wasn't going to try to keep it a secret, however kim didn't like the way she was talking to him. "at the end of the day, it's stolen and it wasn't originally yours. it wasn't created by you, you just abided by the price tag to obtain it." kim corrected big l, knowing the woman was wise she had to tread carefully.

big l couldn't believe who stood in front of her, she saw both of her parents in one person. big l knew kimberly had the potential to be crazier than her parents, and that was someone she wanted on her team instead of against. big l chuckled, shaking her head as she looked to the ground and then kimberly, her laughter coming to an abrupt stop. "you know you got yo' momma's mouth." big l remembered the way she used to talk and carry herself, seeing a mirror reflection of her.

"bitch what did you say about my momma?" kim stepped towards big l, immediately getting guns pointed at her by the goons that stood by her side. she paused, sending a glare at the men and big l. terry stepped forward putting his hands in the air, pushing kim behind him because he knew big l wouldn't shoot. when terry did so, big l gestured for the goons to lower their weapons. when big l saw how terry put himself in front of kim and chuckled. "lower your weapons gentlemen, that is wick loyalty after all." big l ordered her men to stand down, a second later they drop their guns.

"how do you know my parents?" kim was interested now, it wasn't a surprise that big l knew of them, everyone did. however, that didn't always mean they were an ally. big l knew that it would interest the girl when she mentioned her parents and a smile came to her face when she realized her plan was working. "me and your father used to be pretty tight." big l bragged to kim about, and something about her smile made kim wonder. she narrowed her eyes as she studied the woman, as if they were having a stand-off.

"so you used to be one of his hoes, that's cool." kim knew her father was a womanizer that her mother managed to finally lock down. big l let out a small laugh as all the men's attention fell between the women. "if that's what you want to call tight, then sure." big l cleared her throat turning her attention to meech.

"i don't do business with you, meech."

"not directly, but my hands have been on every fuckin' dollar in that bag. and my boys are set up at shop with the wick inc, something you seem clearly interested in. so i think i'm connected enough to tell you that our business is expanding. but we need more product. ten keys should suffice. and we'd love to continue expanding our business together." meech proposed even throwing his signature smile along with the deal but big l wasn't impressed. she let out a light giggle, nodding her head before she pulled her gun, her goons following after. terry and kim spring into action to step forward and intervene, causing the goons to redirect their aim at them both.

"get the fuck outta here before i splatter your motherfuckin' ass and make a new art out of your blood." she threatened him, to which meech just put his hands up in surrender, looking her up and down and then to kim. "cool. i get the picture." meech knew there was a chance that this could go south, he turned on his heels and showed himself out, kim following behind him.

"wick, you stay. our business isn't done." big l still needed something from kimberly. meech and kim paused in their tracks looking at each other. "i'll be outside and tee will be in here if you need anything, ai'ght?" meech whispered to her in that moment, to which kim just nodded her head before turning around as meech continued to exit.

kim made her way back over to the small group that was formed, joining the side of terry. when big l felt like she had kim's attention she cleared her throat before speaking. "when i was coming up to get out detroit, it was hard. and if you think slinging a few bags is gonna get you out, you're sadly mistaken. but with his deal i can put you on a pedestal where you can access anything you need." big l proposed for kim, but it all started too good. terry and kim turned to each other, sharing the same facial expression of confusion and then back to big l.

"when i was coming up your mother wasn't too keen of me, just like you are now," big l started and kim was already tuned out rolling her eyes and letting out a small sigh, but she wanted to hear what she had to offer. "but your father believe in me, the only person to believe in me. and he allowed me to make magic, just like how you could now and instantly see more cash than you can handle." big l explained, she needed to land this deal with kim and would do it at any cause. however, kimberly wick was no fool and could see through the smokescreen, big l needed her more than she needed big l.

"yeah... i don't feel like hearing a story about my pops side piece, please spare me. terry said you wanted to talk business and that's what i came here for." kim knew that big l had been asking for the meeting for weeks before, but kim was so caught with lamar she didn't have a chance to think, let alone make a drug deal. terry looked at kim, warning her to keep the disrespect at the minimum, he wasn't sure what big l was capable of yet but he knew that kim couldn't keep bad-mouthing her. "we all came here for the same reason kimberly, just be patient." big l snapped her fingers sending her goons into movement.

they turned their backs swiftly, walking over the car behind them and popping open the trunk. terry and kim looked at each other wondering if they were about to be shot at, things just didn't seem right. kim clutched her gun that was inside of her mink coat ready for anything. big l stood in the same place in front of the duo with her hands behind her back. "don't be alarmed." she told them both as the men returned with a duffle bag each. the goons unzipped the bag to reveal bands of cash. "i want to use the shop to wash, if you agree there's more of this." big l was showing the cash to appeal and it tempted kim.

she stood there, not saying anything as she looked down to the cash while everyone was waiting for her decision. kimberly couldn't help but to think in that moment, she would instantly be richer in that second but would her shop be her's? "no." was all she said, big l just started to chuckle. "i was really hoping you wouldn't say that... but if you wanna have it that way. it can be that way." big l snapped her fingers in the goons zipped the bags up, taking them away. terry looked at his friend frustrated that she didn't take the deal.

"is that a threat?"

"i'll be seeing you, kimberly. you can get the fuck out now. no offense, but i don't like to be told no, not something i really deal with well." big l told her in a warm tone as if she wasn't threatening her in that second. "and i don't do well with passive aggressive women that want to use my family's shop. but i'm here, enjoy your day." kim wasn't going to back down from the woman, she might've had the advantage in that second but kim knew she could play the long game.

an, don't forget to vote and comment maybe y'all get a double update or sum today.

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