Daughter of Octavio, A New Ge...

By am3thyystt

183 1 3

He was a Squid, She was an Octo, AND SHE WAS JUST 15! Mitsuki was just an ordinary squid girl when she found... More

Chapter 3: A New Friend and A New Location
Chapter 4: Octavio is a Grandad
Chapter 5: Welcome to Alterna
Chapter 6: Get to Know Alterna
Chapter 7: Why can't I be an Agent?
Chapter 8: Grizzco Deaths is The Eel Deal
Chapter 9: Baked or Frye?

Chapter 2: Mitsuki, Daughter of Adrian and Mari

27 1 0
By am3thyystt

Adrian's POV

It was September 9th and my wife's water broke, I kinda got her pregnant a few months ago. And we were about to do turf war with Addie and Wynter, but then..

Marionette: Um, Adrian, I think it's time!

Adrian: Holy, Carp!

Addie: I have the Hospital on speed dial.

Wynter: Holy Carp, I'm gonna be an auntie!!!!

Alex: Look the ambulance is coming,

The jellyfish put Mari in the Ambulance and now she's headed to the hospital.

Adrian: Addie, Call Callie, Marie and Captain Cuttlefish

Addie: Should we call Octavio?

Adrian: We haven't seen Octavio in Years. I'm not sure where he is...

Marie: Agents! And Twins, no time for small talk we gotta go

Callie: Can I be the baby's Godmother?!

Adrian: Sure but we gotta go.

Everyone supejumped to the hospital

Adrian: How is she?!

Nurse: She's doing well, the procedure has begun already

Callie: Thank Cod...

An hour later, Everyone was pacing back and forth, and then, The nurses came out

Nurse: Will the Husband of Marionette come to the room?

Adrian walked over to the room and he saw a baby squid in Marionette's Arms

Marionette: 9 months of carrying her, and an 1 hour of labor, but..it was worth it...

Adrian: Look at her, she's perfect

Marionette: What should we name her?

Adrian: How about Mitsuki?.

Marionette: I love it

A few months later, Mitsuki is now 1 years old and a big event is happening in the Squidbeak Splatoon

Cuttlefish: I can no longer be Captain Anymore

Everyone: WHAT?! WHY?!

Cuttlefish: It is time for me to turn down my position and hand it to someone else.

Cuttlefish: Agent 3, will you serve the Squidbeak Splatoon, with Honor and Splat any enemy you come across and protect your fellow agents and your loved ones

Adrian: ...Yes Sir.

Cuttlefish: Than the power  vested in me, I declare Agent 3 as the Newest Captain of the Squidbeak Splatoon! Congratulations!

Callie: Horray!!!!

Marie: Nice Job Captain

Addie: Congrats Adrian!

Marionette: I'm so happy for you love.

Mitsuki: Captain!

Adrian: Thanks darling

Cuttlefish: Now, How about you all go celebrate! No alcohol Adrian! You have a child

Mitsuki laughed and Adrian picked her up and held her

Adrian: Of course I won't!

Years and Years have passed and Since Mitsuki is now 15, they had to move to Splatsville so she can have more room to grow.

Mitsuki was walking home with her friends Chenille and Rose

Rose: I'm gonna head for a Grizzco Shift, wanna come?

Chenille: Sure! I'm low on cash anyways!

Rose: What about you Mitsuki?

Mitsuki looked at the Place with a stink eye, she was unsure about the place, she heard rumors about Squids not coming back, so she refused to enter the place. Even if she was low on cash she preferred getting money from Turf Wars.

Mitsuki: N-No thanks, besides this place is a little sketchy...

Chenille: Suit yourself, c'mon Rose.

Mitsuki walked home but she was blocked by the rich girls of her neighborhood, Maya and Mia

Mitsuki: Yes girls?

Maya: We we're just wondering what does your parents do for a living? Since you live in such a poor house.

Mitsuki: For your information it's the same house as yours.

Maya: Yeah but ours costs more than your pathetic house!

Mia: Yeah, Our Dad is a Lawyer and Our Mom is a Fashion Designer, she's the CEO of Toni Kensa!

Mitsuki: Yeah, well, my Mom is the CEO of Annaki!

Mia: So what?! Annaki is the worst brand in all of Inkopolis history, what about your dad? What does he do?

Mitsuki sighed, she never knew, all she knew is that he makes a lot of money

Mitsuki: Whatever.

Mitsuki walked off and headed home

Marionette: Hey Mitsuki!

Marionette greeted  her daughter with a Kiss

Mitsuki: Hey Mama, where's Dad?

Marionette: Oh, um, he's working Overtime, here try these boots on, they're called the Red Hammerheads!

Mitsuki: They're pretty cool Mama.

Marionette: Since you're my child, I'll give them to you for free, it's gonna sell in Stores for 2,500!

Mitsuki: Mama, What's Dad's Job?

Marionette stopped dead in her tracks

Marionette: Well it's classified...

Mitsuki: Please tell me!

Marionette: Well

Adrian: I'm back

Mitsuki: Daddy!

Adrian: Hey Suki.

Marionette:Hey Love!

Adrian: Hi Pretty.

Marionette and Adrian shared a kiss and Mitsuki decided to ask her question

Mitsuki: Dad, what's your job?

Adrian: ...Well, you see, sit down Mitsuki

Mitsuki, Marionette and Adrian sat down  on the couch

Adrian: I am a secret Agent

Adrian took out his Captain hat

Adrian: The reason I couldn't tell you is because if anyone knew then Octarian Spies can locate us and take you away from me

Marionette: I got taken away once by my Father, who is the leader of the Octarians

Mitsuki: Really?

Marionette: Yes, and when I was your Age, Octarians never had any rights until some Octarians became celebrities and designers, and a few years passed and now we have the same rights as inklings.

Mitsuki: Wow.. So this is why you didn't tell me?

Adrian: Yes, we didn't want you to be traumatized

Mitsuki: Are you kidding?! My father is a secret Agent!

Marionette: Well more like the Captain.

Mitsuki: Oh, Sick!

Adrian: Now, you can't tell anyone, not even your friends at school

Mitsuki: Okay!

Marionette: Now, who's cooking dinner?

Adrian: You are

Marionette: I cooked last week

Marionette and Adrian looked at Mitsuki

Mitsuki: No, Squidding way, I burn my toast!

Adrian: Fine, I'll cook, how about Kimchi?

Marionette: Sure there should be some inside the Fridge.

Mitsuki: And I have homework to do..

Marionette: Take your time, your Father is really bad at opening the Kimchi

Adrian: Whatever.

Mitsuki played "Wave Goodbye" until she heard stones hitting her window, she got annoyed and she saw her cousin, Wynter and Addie's son, Aiden.

Aiden: Suki Suki!!! Hey!

Mitsuki sighed

Aiden: How you doin???

Mitsuki: Better than ever, I just found out that my dad is the captain of a bunch of agents

Aiden: So is one of my moms! Well she is an Agent, The fourth one!

Mitsuki: And now my dad is wrestling with Kimchi

Aiden: Oh man luckyyy, my mama is making pho for dinner, Again

Mitsuki laughed

Aiden: Since our parents are Agents does that mean that we can be Agents too?

Mitsuki: Yeah, probably but I dunno

Aiden: Well, I gotta go, got a Grizzco shift After Dinner

Mitsuki: See ya lame-o

Aiden; See ya Punkass!

Marionette: Dinner!! Kimchi's Ready!

Mitsuki walked out and sat with her parents

Mitsuki: Mama, Dad, I want to become an Agent.

Marionette choked on a radish and Adrian nearly spat out his Kimchi.

Adrian: You what?!

Marionette: Guppy, are you sure?

Mitsuki: Yeah I am! I'm 15 and I can do it! Im S+!

Adrian: Mitsuki, darling you're too young

Marionette: And you don't know the dangers of being an Agent, your auntie Addie is an agent, she nearly twisted her limbs

Adrian: And your godmothers Callie and Marie, they once got burned by and Octosniper

Mitsuki: So what?! I can handle it!

Marionette: Baby, the answer is no.

Mitsuki: What?! Dad.

Adrian: I agree with your mother, you're only 15, and I'm not gonna have your childhood get ripped away. It's too dangerous.

Mitsuki: But dad!

Marionette: ミツキ!私に同じことを繰り返させないでください (Mitsuki! Please don't make me repeat the same thing)

Adrian: I'm sorry but the answer is No and that's final!

Mitsuki took her Kimchi and stormed off to her room.

Marionette sighed. And then started crying to herself

Adrian: Mi amor, que pasa?

Marionette: Yelling at Suki...made me remind myself on how Me and my dad argued with each other, it makes me feel like a bad parent!

Adrian: No, No,no, mi amor, You're not a bad parent, Mitsuki is getting older and understandably she wants her own freedom, and we don't want her in danger. Mitsuki is getting older you have to remember that, you're not a bad parent, okay?

Marionette nodded.

Marionette: Y'know, I wish My father can meet his Granddaughter...

Adrian: Maybe he will but right now let's get some sleep. Mitsuki is on her summer break so maybe we can allow her to go out with her friends, okay?

Marionette smiled and nodded and her and Adrian shared a kiss

Mitsuki heard the conversation, she never knew what her mom went through, her not having any rights as her age, not able to go out and now, she's arguing with her about becoming an Agent, if this is how Her parents feel, than she won't hurt them, she will not become an Agent just for the sake of her safety.

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