Chapter 7: Why can't I be an Agent?

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Mitsuki cleared the first Zone.

Marie: Well done Mitsuki!

Callie: That was great! You cleared all of these stages faster than your father and your auntie did!

Marionette kept her head down. Mitsuki was still curious about why she didn't want her to become an agent.

Mitsuki: Auntie Addie?

Addie: Yeah Suki?

Mitsuki: Why doesn't my mom want me to become an agent?

Addie stayed silent, she had a flashback when Mitsuki was at least 2 ½ years old

Addie: Watch this little skipper become a great agent, probably one of the best agents the Squidbeak splatoon had!

Marionette: Becoming an Agent?...Absolutely not...

Addie: I mean not now I mean, when she's older

Marionette: She'll become an Agent when she's 20.

Addie: Mari, I became an Agent when I was 14..And besides not most young inklings know how to hold a Splattersot, Mitsuki picked up my Splattershot and with excellent form, and, she's only 2!

Marionette: Addie, I don't want her childhood to get ripped away, I want to protect her, I grew up surrounded by crazy Octoweapons, all that targeted for the Agents and if Mitsuki becomes an Agent she'll get severely hurt

Addie: ..I understand, I mean when I fought the octoshower I badly twisted a limb and I have a little chip in my ear when a Twintacle Octo Bit me

Marionette: Exactly! ...I want to give Mitsuki, the best childhood, the childhood, I want to give her the childhood that I never had...because I love her so, so much...

Addie: I understand, Ever since Aiden was born Wynter has been concerned about him becoming an Agent.

Marionette: I'm glad you understand Addie...

Flashback Ended

Addie: ..Um..I can't really tell you, it's complicated..

Mitsuki: Okay..Well see ya

Mitsuki was about to head over to Zone 2 but then,


Callie: Woah! Who are you supposed to be?!

Everyone rushed to the scene

???: We aren't supposed to be Anything. But I'll tell you who we are.

Frye: Say it with Sizzle, I'm Frye!

??: You think you're cool? Sharks call me Coldblooded, Call me, Shiver.

????: Ay! Ay!(Make money get fish quick, Big Man in Da House!)

Frye: The Splatlands is our Turf!

Shiver: Only, WE may Loot here

Big Man: Ay! (Yeah!)

Frye: We Are DEEP CUT!

Callie: I..I love them

Mitsuki: Shiver is so pretty.....

Pineapple had a face of disgust

Marionette: Heheh! Snap out of it Suki!

Mitsuki: Right! Hehe..Sorry..

Marie: Wait, Deep Cut? From the Anarchy Splatcast thing?

Frye: Yeah, It's called a Day Job! You should look into it

Adrian: Damn, rude much

Frye: Banditing is our real passion! Nothing can stop us!

Shiver: Hate to Inturrupt Frye, but have you looked around, we've hit the jackpot! Who knew this was under here?

Shiver: All this treasure, ours for the taking!

Big Man: Ay! (Good Eye Shiver)

Frye: So...Are you gonna try and stop us? Because you totally can't! We're taking it all for ourselves Hahahahah!

Mitsuki: They've must've rehearsed this or something

Marionette: Heh, Agreed.

Frye: Aww, they don't seem scared, honestly what do you have to do to scare people these days?

Big Man: Ay!( I was Pretty Scared.)

Shiver: Not Like anyone asked but I am so, over this conversation, I'd wish you good luck but I don't want to.

Frye and Shiver: Catch ya Later!

And Deep Cut disappeared before their very eyes.

Marionette: We'll that was interesting..

Adrian: Agreed, Onto Zone 2

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