Chapter 4: Octavio is a Grandad

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Mitsuki was hyperventilating.

Mitsuki: Mom?! Dad?! Auntie Addie?! Auntie Wynter?! Uncle Alex?!

Mitsuki looked down and saw a bunch of fur

Mitsuki: Aunt Marie?! Aunt Callie?! Somebody! HELP

Mitsuki broke down into tears. Pinapple ran up to her and hugged her to comfort her, Mitsuki was lost.

Cuttlefish: Hello young lady!

Mitsuki looked up and saw an old man. Mitsuki wiped her tears and she got up, the old man was shaking and everything.

Cuttlefish:You look familiar...

Mitsuki: Um, how?..

Cuttlefish:You're Marionette and Adrian's daughter! You're my great granddaughter! Mitsuki, right?

Mitsuki nodded

Cuttlefish: Well you might have heard but the Great Zapfish has gone missing. Twice in fact and those Octojerks have been behind it twice in a row! You all gotta help me get the Zapfish back!

Mitsuki: But my mama didn't want me to become an Agent

Cuttlefish: Mmm..yes, your mother was very cautious of you becoming an agent

Mitsuki: I can do it! I know it!

Cuttlefish: That's the spirit!

Mitsuki took a deep breath and headed to the first kettle

Back in Splatsville

Marionette is still worried for her daughter

Addie, Alex and Wynter came inside the house

Adrian: Did you find her?!

Alex shook his head no

Wynter: We searched all over Splatsville...

Marionette hugged adrian Crying

Marionette: But if she's not in Splatsville.. then where is she?!

Adrian did some thinking, The Train Station did open but Mitsuki doesn't have the money for it. She'll usually have her phone charger on her so her phone never dies, and under any circumstances, Mitsuki never EVER enters Grizzco. The only place that any inkling can leave is...The Manhole

Adrian hit a realization.

Adrian: I know where she is...I KNOW WHERE SHE IS!

Everyone shot up.

Marionette: Where is she?! WHERES MY BABY!

Adrian: She..entered the manhole

Addie: HOLY SQUID! Marionette and Adrian Get your gear! Wynter and Alex stay here until Mitsuki gets back!

Adrian: Got it c'mon love

Addie: See you soon Wynter

Wynter and Addie kissed goodbye

Addie: Don't do anything foolish!

Wynter: We won't!

The door closed

Wynter: Wanna do something foolish?

Alex: As always!

Back in the Crater, Mitsuki was passing levels like it's Overtime in Rainmaker.

Cuttlefish: Holy Squid, you passed them levels faster than Your Father ever did!

Mitsuki: I'm thrilled!

Mitsuki cleared the last bit of the fuzz, Then Mitsuki heard music

Cuttlefish:Incoming! Something's headed this way and Fast!

???: GYAH HA HA! I finally found you, Cuttlefish! My Octarian Army has disappeared

Octavio: And I know you're behind it!

Cuttlefish: Why that's Octavio!

Mitsuki: Who?

Octavio: Hold on!

Octavio came closer to Mitsuki

Octavio: Emerald Green eyes, peach skin...MARIONETTE?! Did..DID THAT SON OF A SQUID TURN YOU INTO AN INKLING

Mitsuki: I am an Inkling but um..My mom is an Octoling names Marionette and my dad is an inkling named Adrian, so if um, if you are my mom's father does that mean...


Cuttlefish: Well that was a crazy plot twist

Octavio: I'm still gonna mess you up!

Mitsuki: Holy Squid..

Daughter of Octavio, A New Generationحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن