Werewolf's Star

By JoyFemme

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An angel falls from the sky and lands in the woods, not knowing why she's been discarded away. One alpha male... More

Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII (Part 1 of 2)
Chapter VIII (Part 2 of 2)
Chapter IX
Chapter X (Part 1 of 2)
Chapter X (Part 2 of 2)
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV

Chapter I

8.2K 53 11
By JoyFemme

Chapter 1

     Alaric ran through the woods, the wind brushing through his fir, dodging shrubs and tree trunks. He loved the thrill of running; especially in the night time. It both excited him and freed him. He didn't have to worry about humans seeing him; he blends into the night. The motions brought back memories of running with his father and reckoning the area with him. Now he was the alpha and held all the responsibility that his father once did before his passing. Although he admits that he misses his father and wishes he gave Alaric more guidance in being an alpha, but he must learn on his own and be strong for his pack. He needs to show them that he was worthy of leading them.

     Alaric stopped running as soon as he reached the top of the hill. He looked over the hundred acre of private property. His property. His land that was covered in trees and a fresh lake in the west. 

     Alaric’s ears perked up, listening for his pack. The others are probably almost done with their patrol. Alaric looked at the sky. Brother, I hope you're happy with me. A dull ache blossomed through his chest, feeling the sharp stab in his heart. The memory of his brother drowned him in sorrow. He tucked the memory behind his head and tried to focus on his patrol. He shook his body of the numbing feeling. No matter how hard he tries to forget his brother, his face still lingers around Alaric's mind. He howls at the moon, calling the rest of the pack back to the house. Patrol was over. 

     The others responded to his call with their own howl of agreement. He took a deep breath through his muzzle and was ready to turn back home when he spotted a shooting star in the sky. Or he thought it was a shooting star. He kept his gaze on it and saw that the light was getting larger. Alaric soon saw the star heading towards him, coming with great speed. He sniffed the air, checking if other animals were getting worried about the disturbance. He felt no threat, in fact, there was an ere silence that made his wolf perk up in attention. This doesn't seem good.

     Alaric kept his eyes on the star to see where it will land. The fur on his back stood in attention, as his wolf was also concentrating. The star left a hazy film of light; it illuminated the woods as it inched closer and closer. The star made it’s descent and lands about two acres away from where he stood. With sharp ears, he heard the thud. He continued to listen, checking if it’s an unknown creature or just simply a meteor. There was no sound. Sniffing the air, a faint aroma of jasmine filled his senses. There were no jasmines in the woods. At least not any that he has stumbled upon. He dipped his head low, getting ready to sprint in the direction of the light.

     Don't go there alone. Call the others to go with you. His wolf growled at him, the command echoing in his head. Alaric contemplates. He turned his gaze towards the stars direction. The star was losing it's shine and leaving a dull glow against the trees surrounding it. What if it runs away? He needed to capture whatever it is ASAP. It was probably just a meteor; he would rather check to be certain than to have to wait for the others. He heard his wolf growl in disapproval in his mind. Alaric pushed the wolf mentally back in it's place. This could be his chance to prove that he was worthy to be an alpha, despite what happened in the past. He sprinted off to the glowing star.


"Elaina, you are mine now. You've finally landed into my world and at my disposal." Elaina saw red eyes staring at her. The voice was deep and poisonous. She was surrounded by darkness, feeling her powers being drawn out of her. 

"No!" Elaina screamed and buried her face in her hands. The red eyed creature chuckles darkly at her. "You are mine." He repeats.


     Elaina tore her eyes open. She couldn't seem to catch her breath. There was silence and darkness surrounded her. Where was she? She sat up and immediately her head throbbed sharply. Grabbing her head, she groaned in discomfort. Looking around her, she noticed she was on Earth. She grabs the soil and tries to concentrate on her breathing. Why am I here? Her mind came up blank of any previous memories. She looked up at the sky, eyes filled with tears, spilling over her cheeks. She looked down in defeat. She immediately noticed that she wasn't glowing. She put her hands in front of her face, but there was still no glow. Have they taken my powers? Realization came into her mind. She was a fallen angel. The thought caused her heart to skip a beat and her breathing to accelerate ferociously. She couldn't be a fallen angel. What did she do to deserve such a punishment. Please! I want to go home! She sobbed into her hands. She couldn't stop crying as the tears flooded out of her as her heart twisted painfully. Why did HE abandon me? She kept weeping as thoughts continued pounding into her head. 

     A twig cracked behind her. She jumped at the noise and quickly looked in the direction of the sound. The movement made her head and ears pound uncomfortably. She groaned at the pain. What was that? She looked around her frantically, trying to ignore the growing pain in her head. She needed to get to a brighter area. She was not used to darkness surrounding her. She tried to get up, but her legs were like jelly that she immediately fell down on her knees again. She gasped in frustration and tried again. She heard another twig break, she froze and looked around. She spotted two black eyes shining at her. Her heart froze with fear. Was this animal going to eat me? Elaina felt her scream bubble up in her throat and ready to leave her body when the black eyes disappeared. Her scream dispersed into a gasp. The animal could still be around. She reminded herself and quickly tried to gather all her strength to move.


     “What are you doing here?” A deep voice questioned her, startling her.

     She turned to find a human staring at her; a man. The forest was too dark to see anything but his figure. She felt relieved to find a human near her. She felt somewhat safer. Especially with the encounter of the unknown blacked-eyed animal. She looked up and saw that his figure was tall and wide. She couldn't help but sense an aura that was powerful and intimidating. 

     Elaina thought about his question. The same question she wanted to know. How should she answer him? If she told him she wasn’t from Earth, he would think she was crazy.

      “I got lost.” She squeaked out. She probably already looked crazy with her messy hair and tear-stained face. She tried to wipe her face clean, but felt that most of it dried up.

“I know you are not from here. I just saw a white thing fall from the sky and landed right where you are kneeling. Now I’m going to ask again. What are you doing here?”

     He sounded so irritated and fed up. She cringed against his response. She can’t hide anything because he saw everything. How much though. She wondered if she had her wings when she descended down here. She looked at her back; no wings. She sighed in sadness. She had nothing, no powers, no wings, and no glow. Nothing. The thought made her eyes tear up again, causing her head to throb dully in response.  

“I want to know that answer myself. I don’t know what I’m doing here.” She whispered, tears started to spill over again. She just wanted to go back home. She wanted to go back to HIM and the other angels. 

“Well it would be best if you leave my property.” He growled. The figure crossed his arms.

     But.. I don’t know where to go.Her mind going in all different directions. The first thing that was on her mind is going to where there was more light. Maybe she could ask this man if she could stay at his dwelling just for the night. Although, she doubted he would say yes plus he was a complete stranger, but she didn’t care; she wanted to try anyway. She wiped her face again and looked at the figure.  

“Can... Can I please stay at your house for the night?” Elaina pleaded while getting back up on her feet. She felt so weak and she started to see her vision blurring. Her feet felt like they were going to give up on her again, but she tried to stiffen them. 

“No!” He yelled. She also heard a growl, like an animal. She doesn’t remember humans making such animalistic growls. But who was she to judge. From the looks of it, she is human now, not an angel. She hoped she could return back to being an angel. She wasn't fond of the life humans live. She brushed off the thought and rejection.

“Please?” She pleaded again, “Just for...” Before she could complete her sentence, she saw black creeping into her vision.


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