Azur Lane reacts to Movies, V...

By Ninsor

581K 6.1K 15.8K

The Kansens (shipgirls) from all factions/nations are transported into a theater, where they will watch poss... More

Characters invited
Where are we?
Midway 2019 (Part 1)
Midway 2019 (Part 2)
Midway 2019 (Part 3)
Midway 2019 (Part 4)
Midway 2019 (Final part)
Future plans and next reaction (Please read)
More characters in the future? (Please read)
The next generation of warships (Part 1)
The next generation of warships (Part 2)
The next generation of warships (Final part)
Epilogue surprise/Future reaction plans (Please read)
The ship that would not die
Battle of Tsushima
OUR granny Avrora
Young granny Mikasa
Contain the Bismarck
The Falklands Oversimplified
Devotion (Part 1)
Devotion (Part 2)
Devotion (Part 3)
Devotion (Part 4)/Small Update
Devotion (Final Part)/Future Plans?
Epilogue reflections/Future plans (PLEASE READ)
Cold War Oversimplified (Part 1)
Cold War Oversimplified (Part 2 - First half)
Cold War Oversimplified (Part 2 - Second Half)
How to Atago (#BigSisterEnergy)
WW1 Oversimplified
WW2 Oversimplified - Part 1
WW2 Oversimplified - Part 2
Genshin Impact
Greyhound Battles
Tank Fish: Dead Ahead
Bismarck Sabaton (I have announcement)
Success or Failure? Germany's Navy in WW2
Battleship Final Battle
The New Order
The Great War of Archimedes (Part 1)
The Great War of Archimedes (Part 2)
The Great War of Archimedes (Part 3)
The Great War of Archimedes (Part 4)
The Great War of Archimedes (Final Part)/Future Plans
Epilogue of thoughts/Future plans (PLEASE READ)
Tank Fish: Decaying Winter (Part 1)
Tank Fish: Decaying Winter (Part 2)
Tank Fish: American Blitz
The Chaos Legion of Tank Fish
The Fallen of WW2
Command and Conquer: Red Alert
Kantai Collection (Part 1)
Kantai Collection (Part 2)/Message
Kantai Collection (Final Part)
How to Hood/The Kaga Experience
Napoleonic Wars - Oversimplified (Part 1 - First Half)
Napoleonic Wars - Oversimplified (Part 1 - Second Half)
Napoleonic Wars - Oversimplified (Part 2 - First Half)
Napoleonic Wars - Oversimplified (Part 2 - Second Half)
The World of Kaiserreich
Kamen Rider and some trolling
"I am a Pole" The Legend of Piorun
Extra History: Admiral Yi (Parts 1-2)
Extra History: Admiral Yi (Parts 3-4)
Extra History: Admiral Yi (Part 5)
Future/Modern Warships (Part 1)
Future/Modern Warships (Part 2)
Future/Modern Warships (Part 3)
Future/Modern Warships (Final Part)
Therapy Time with Texas (Special)
How Nuclear Power Works
High Free Spirit/Voting
All Quiet on the Western Front (Part 1)
All Quiet on the Western Front (Part 2)
All Quiet on the Western Front (Part 3)
All Quiet on the Western Front (Part 4)
All Quiet on the Western Front (Final)
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (Part 1)
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (Part 2)
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (Part 3)
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (Part 4)
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (Final)
Epilogue (Update)
Tank Fish: Da Hood
Halo (Part 1 / Update)
Halo (Part 2)
Halo (Final)
The Story of Desmond Doss (Simple History)
OC Gangsta (Part 1)
OC Gangsta (Part 2)
Arpeggio of Blue Steel
Lunch, Drama, Gaming (Special)
Genshin Impact (My Money is Gone)
Red Baron & Ghost Division (Sabaton)
SCP-3000: Anantashesha
The Pig War - Oversimplified (First Half)
The Pig War - Oversimplified (Second Half)
WEEB POWER | MUSASHI / How to Tirpitz
Tank Fish: Rise of Nations (Parts 1 and 2)
Tank Fish: Rise of Nations (Part 3 and Finale)
Tank Fish: Trenches
What sunk the Moskva (First Half)
What sunk the Moskva (Second Half)
Alter-Versions and QnA (Special)
HMS Formidable Launched Herself
Naval Legends: USS Texas / Voting
The Angry Birds Movie (Part 1)
The Angry Birds Movie (Part 2)
The Angry Birds Movie (Part 3)
The Angry Birds Movie (Part 4)
The Angry Birds Movie (Final)
Transformers 2007 (Part 1)
Transformers 2007 (Part 2)
Transformers 2007 (Part 3)
Transformers 2007 (Part 4)
Transformers 2007 (Final - First Half)
Transformers 2007 (Final - Second Half)
Epilogue: Review, short Beach Episode, etc.
Tank Fish: Space Wars (First Half)
Tank Fish: Space Wars (Second Half)
Life Update and my own Middle-Earth
February the 14th of 2024
Glory 1989 (Part 1)
Azur Lane Cheers
Update w/ Nevada
Tank Fish: Roblox REQUIEM (GONE WRONG)

Command and Conquer: Tiberium

3K 33 108
By Ninsor

Reactions before/after Epilogue: Requests list

(I will be doing alternate history for some of these. Since my version is the crimson axis war didn't happen, some of these videos will be related to that war like in the anime/game.)

- Battle of Jutland, Taranto, Guadalcanal, Tarawa, Samar (Task Force Taffy 3)

- HMS Dreadnought

- Britain's Triumph: The Surrender of the German High Seas Fleet

- Naval Legends: USS Texas

- Tank Fish (Hail our Lord and Savior. Videos will be Trench Warfare, Beach Episode, Napoleonic Wars The Fall of Fort Tillbury, Rise of Nations series, Da Hood, Anime Fighting Simulator or Apeirophobia, SharkBite)

- Command and Conquer: Tiberium lore (Current reaction)

- How to Hood, WEEB POWER | MUSASHI, The Weaboo Fantasy 2, PORK KNUCKLES | H-CLASS BB, BONGO BONGO KONGO, WORLD OF TORPEDOOS #3 and #4, How to Scharnhorst, How to Tirpitz (Revi-Sequel), How to Warspite, How to Dunkerque (How to Hood is after Kantai reaction)

- Kantai Collection including KanHori (Next reaction)

- The Fighting Lady

- Naval Legends: Georgios Averof

- Hacksaw ridge scenes or Hacksaw Ridge Yarnhub

- The Pig War, Napoleonic Wars

- All Quiet on the Western Front (maybe to be accepted)

- How Nuclear power works (aircraft carriers, Chernobyl disaster, nuclear bombs, and advantages and disadvantages)

- Star Wars Navy battles (Most specifically Scarif, Endor, Scipio, Corusant, etc.)

- What if USA joined Axis instead of the Allies, Kaiserreich (All of these are alternative history)

- Battle of Myeongyang, Admiral Yi

- Bismarck, Akagi, Tirpiz, and Prinz Eugen documentaries by animarchy history

- Naval Legends: Yamato, Yamato (2005) scenes

- "I am a Pole" The Legend of Piorun, What sunk the Moskva

- Halo Battle of Earth, Human-Covenant War, The Flood

- Isoroku Yamamoto the Commander-in-Chief of the Combined Fleet, Storm Over the Pacific, Tora Tora Tora

- Top Gun/Top Gun Maverick

- SCP 3000, Steven HE

- World of Warships AMV - High Free Spirit

- nerf BISMARCK pls (both parts)

- Attack on Pearl Harbor (Crimson Axis history)

- What your favorite warships says about you Pt 1-3, What your favorite Azur Lane Waifu says about you by OC Gangsta

- Transformers, Venator Class Star Destroyer, Pacific Rim 1st movie (These are maybe to be accepted)

- USS William D. Porter

- USS Kearsarge, USS Arleigh Burke, USS Zumwalt, USS Midway, USS Montana, USS Forestall, JS Yamato Aegis, Typhoon submarine - Dmitriy Donskoy, I-400 Sentoku class (future warships)

- Modern Warships size comparison

- Naval Legends: Iowa and/or Naval Legends: Missouri

- Sinking of Blucher (Drobak Sound)

- Space Battleship Yamato 2202 with ship breakdown(maybe to be accepted)

- Monsterverse (maybe to be accepted)

- Drachinifel videos (Tillman, etc.)

- Operation Crossroads

- World of Warthunder


- Pokemon (maybe to be accepted)

- TF2 meet them all (maybe to be accepted)

- Max0r Genshin Impact review and An Incorrect Summary of Ace Combat (0 and 7)

- Battle of Midway by Montemayor (maybe), Battle of Coral Sea by Montemayor

- Kamen Rider (maybe)

- Resident Evil (maybe)

- The Italian Navy Massacre at the Battle of Cape Matapan (Dark Seas)

- The Sinking of Repulse and Prince of Wales by Historigraph (OC Gangsta blaming Repulse for the sinking of his waifu Wales intensifies)

- Arpeggio of Blue Steel

- BikMCTH (maybe to be accepted)

- Battle of Kure (Japanese Pearl Harbor) and/or Indian Ocean Raid 1942 (Britain Pearl Harbor)

- All Quiet on the Western Front (maybe)

- Channel Dash; Scharnhorst and Gneisenau Run the British Blockade

- Mr. Spherical Countryballs (maybe)

- Spartan761 Aircraft Carrier Stuff series and Operation Crossroads

- Hoi4: The New Order Lore (a continuation of some sort)

- Binkov's Battlegrounds USS Iowa vs IJN Yamato

- 2003 Invasion of Iraq by The Armchair Historian (maybe to be accepted)

New characters (you can request):

I plan to add USS Texas at the Battle of Jutland reaction, HMS Agincourt (Dreadnought) is a maybe. I will add RNS Peterloo at one point

Based on the voting for either AL Amagi BC or KC Amagi CV, the winner is... its a tie. Why? Two people said Amagi Battlecruiser from Azur Lane, Two people said Amagi Carrier from Kantai Collection, Two people said both. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be. So what's my decision? Both, both is good. The Amagi's will be added during the Kantai Collection reaction

Chapter starts:

"So, how was the first viewing of the command and conquer universe?" Enishi asks

"It was a little... cool yet weird and it was confusing a bit" Z23 says

"I understand but well.. the last command and conquer world you're going to react to is the Tiberium universe. It's more than just 'really something'."

"The one with the alien crystals?" Z46 asks

"Yes that one. The two videos I will present will be about the Global Defense Initiative, the GDI in short and the Brotherhood of Nod. Anymore questions?"

"Can you tell us about.. um, those copies of ourselves?" Unicorn says

"Oh the temporary replacements? Well eversince I showed you Tank Fish American Blitz, I've sent them to your worlds while everyone was sleeping. The time in this theater and the time in your world are not really in sync since I can manipulate it so I managed to slip the copies through, the sudden 'return' made everyone surprised I'll give you that. They all asked questions and everything, some were even suspicious of why you all disappeared since some of them saw you get teleporting through the portals and then the sudden 'return' but all were happy for the most part"

The shipgirls sigh in relief

"Of course..." Yorktown says

"What was your excuse?" Taihou asks

"It's a long story, but don't worry about it. I got everything under control"

"Sorry you have do all of that.." Denver says

"Don't be sorry. Current events are surprisingly going smoothly, and for the copies, the kansens won't figure them out. The only way they figure them out is... I don't know. I guess somehow friendly-firing their own allies. Anyways, for leaders while you were gone." Enishi states as the screen then shows the list of temporary leaders while the kansens were gone

"Eagle Union had the North Carolina sisters, Royal Navy had Queen Elizabeth-class; Valiant, Sakura Empire had Tosa, Iron Blood had Ulrich Von Hutten, Dragon Empery had Harbin, Northern Parliament had Sovetskaya Belorussiya, Sardegna Empire had Marco Polo, and... Iris Libre (Iris Othordoxy) is another story. They basically had Gascogne, however Iris Libre almost had an internal civil war in terms of politics. Now Georgios, since you're the leader of your respective world, Elli took over" Enishi states

All of the nations were happy with the decided leaders. There were some concerns with certain kansens like Ulrich Von Hutten and Gascogne but at least their temporary copies were now putting things in order in their respective worlds

"Now girls, I'm going to leave you for a while if you want to discuss certain things with yourselves"

The shipgirls then begin to talk amongst themselves

"I really wish the speaker explained about what happened to the nations before talking about... all that Tiberium stuff"

"I agree, wonder how the outcomes went. Imagine the current leader of Eagle Union was just a spy for the Sakura Empire the entire time" Essex says while laughing

"Oh please Essex, that's ridiculous" Enterprise says

"Yeah sister, like how the word 'short' is longer than the word 'long'." Hornet says

Silence fills the room

"Anyways... I have an idea.. it might stupid but it could benefit us" Akagi says

"What would that idea be senpai?" Shoukaku asks

Akagi takes a deep breath

"What if... we try to experiment and reverse-engineer siren technology?" Akagi asks

Everybody was alarmed at this

"Do explain..." Bismarck says

"It's foolish yes.. but maybe... just maybe we can test the siren's technology, experiment its uses and its limits. Maybe if we use it a little, maybe we can gain benefits from it" Akagi says

"And if it doesn't dear sister? If it's power is too strong or to dangerous to control?" Kaga asks concerned

"Then... I'll take all responsibility" Akagi says with a firm tone

Everybody was surprised as they whisper amongst themselves

"I am... conflicted as of the moment" Queen Elizabeth says as most of the kansens agreed with her

"Yes, let us talk about this later dear comrades. For now we watch" Avrora says as everyone nods

The kansens then proceed to go into their seats. The video starts after a while.

An AI voice is heard


The video starts with a lot of programming and advanced stuff to the kansens confusion

The Global Defense Initiative (GDI) Logo then shows and clips are shown

"The course of human history was forever altered in 1995 by two seemingly innocuous and unrelated events. The first was the impact of a small meteor near the river Tyber in Sardegna Empire. The second was the formation of a limited peacekeeping force to operate under the mandate of the United Nations. What few could have predicted, was that by the latter decades of the 21st century, an alien substance present within the Tyber meteor would have spread unchecked across the globe, threatening environmental catastrophe and the extinction of humanity" The speaker states as we see the alien-like earth

The kansens frown

"Fewer still could have realized that this crisis would precipitate, transforming the United Nations Global Defense Initiative from a minor military formation, to mankind's first world government" The speaker says

"Quite the development" Zara says

"And of course its represented by an eagle.." Warspite says as some of the Eagle Union kansens smile

"Founded by the member nations of the G7 with the support of the Northern Parliament, India, Terra Australis (Australia), and Brazil. The Global Defense Initiative was intended to encourage mutual cooperation and ease rivalries left over from the Cold War" The speaker states as we see the GDI and NOD territories

"Major holdouts included Dragon Empery, and portions of the Balkans and Middle East, which had instead fallen under the influence of a quasi-terrorist organization and supranational entity known as the Brotherhood of Nod. Reducing the international influence of Nod and in particular, countering its destabilizing efforts in the 3rd world, would be the major focus of the nascent GDI" The speaker states as we see the Nod logo

"At least the Brotherhood didn't take over too much... not yet at least.." Illustrious says

"The earliest GDI personnel therefore constituted special forces drawn from previously classified units, notably "Special Operations Group Echo" and "Black Ops 9". As the impact crater of the Tyber Meteor was investigated, the extraordinary properties of an alien substance it carried that would come to be known as Tiberium were slowly understood" The speaker says as we see Tiberium grow out of the ground and depleting the soil of its nutrients

"So in a way... it's like a plant" Agincourt says

"Its uncontrollable spread across every region on Earth and the immense mineral wealth it generated was of great concern to the United Nations" The speaker says

"And it seems its like a disease as well.." Vestal says

"On their order, the GDI moved to secure every Tiberium reserve to prevent its proliferation by Nod or other terrorist organizations. The global competition for Tiberium between the GDI and Nod quickly escalated into the First Tiberium War" The speaker says

"Great, now there are other terrorist organizations" Jean Bart says

"I wonder what Tiberium could really do, since it has high mineral wealth" Edinburgh says

"In campaigns across Africa, and Southeast Europe, the two sides engaged each other directly, and the GDI's capabilities and responsibilities were regularly broadened to meet the demands of the escalating conflict. After three years of fighting and numerous public relations disasters engineered by Nod, the Global Defense Initiative ultimately achieved victory, seemingly killing Nod's mysterious leader, a man known only as Kane, during the Battle of Sarajevo" The speaker states

"I feel as if he will somehow return..." Ning Hai says

"I agree... there's no way he's killed that easily.." Lutzow says

"With the brotherhood fractured and GDI agents controlling many of its splinter organizations, the attention of the United Nations turned again towards Tiberium, which had spread uncontrollably during the war. Earth's natural biosphere was slowly being transformed by the substance, with entire regions now unrecognizable following contamination by even trace amounts of Tiberium." The speaker states as we see the spread

The Americas continent was mostly enveloped by Tiberium, the same goes for Europe. More than half of Tiberium enveloped Africa and Asia. Australia is close to being a completely Tiberium region.

The kansens frown

"It really spread that fast.." Sheffield says

"Things surely can't get worse" Kirov says

"Preoccupied with this looming ecological disaster, the Global Defense Initiative was completely unprepared when resurgent Nod forces, reunited following reappearance of Kane, launched a vast offensive against GDI positions worldwide" The speaker states as we see Kane

"I knew it! I knew it!" Ning Hai yells

"I shouldn't have said that. I should not have said that" Kirov says causing some of the girls to chuckle a little

"How did the brotherhood even get that big in the first place?" Rodney asks

"Just... don't ask. These 'Command and Conquer' universes don't make sense whatsoever" Bismarck replies

"The Second Tiberium War would be a repeat of the first, with Nod again defeated and Kane seemingly killed, but at the cost of further Tiberium contamination and the continued deterioration of Earth's environment. Worse still, was information obtained during the war, which seemed to indicate that Tiberium had been directed to Earth deliberately, by some outside, extraterrestrial power" The speaker says

"Please don't be aliens" Dunkerque says as everyone nods

"By the mid-21st century, Earth had been divided into three distinct zones indicating their level of Tiberium contamination and ecological damage. Ranked in severity from Blue, Yellow, and Red, these zones redefined worldwide economic, industrial, military, and political power" The speaker states

The kansens breathed a sigh of relief for now

"Traditional nation states buckled and collapsed under the immense societal pressure exerted by the spread of Tiberium, forcing the Global Defense Initiative to assume more and more authority, becoming a defacto worldwide superstate by 2047" The speaker says

"Jeez... that's like more than 100 years from now.." Mikasa says

"The Third Tiberium War began the same year, sparked by a nuclear attack on the space station Philadelphia, which served as the GDI's capital and headquarters of its military command structure" The speaker says as the space station attacked

The kansens blinked in surprise and shock at the space station and the nuclear attack

"I do hope space is not corrupted by capitalism" Tallinn says as everyone sighs

"I don't think those kinds of ideologies exist in a time like that anymore" Roma says

"Forced by slashed budgets to reduce its conventional military forces in the preceding years, the GDI was initially overwhelmed and reliant on its orbiting Ion Cannons to hold back Nod's advance. During one Ion Cannon Strike on rebuilt Nod facilities in Sarajevo, the GDI inadvertently ignited a vast store of liquid Tiberium, clandestinely stored beneath the city by Kane" The speaker states as we see said Ion Cannon strike

The Ion Cannon Strike causes an eruption. It's kind of like the death star laser strikes in Rouge One where the explosion goes into space and a portion of the planet is destroyed

The kansens jaw dropped and were in horror of the Ion Cannon

"What the hell... that thing is worse than the Atom bomb.." Graf Zeppelin says

"We just witnessed the firepower of a fully armed and operational battle station.. and the destruction that comes with it..." August Von Parseval says

"I-I'm scared" Unicorn says as Illustrious hugs her

The rest of the kansens were either in horror or were comforted by their sisters/guardians

"The resultant explosion decimated large swathes of Eastern Europe and attracted the attention of the alien Scrin, believed to have originally seeded with Tiberium half a century earlier" The speaker says

"Of course the aliens would come..." Ping Hai says

"While possessing highly advanced technology, the Scrin were seemingly unprepared for such fierce resistance on Earth" The speaker says as we see said aliens

"It's kind of like the sirens and our war with them all over again.." Queen Elizabeth says as everyone sadly nods

"Despite tremendous losses and the continued machinations of Kane, both the extraterrestrial invaders and the Brotherhood of Nod were defeated, driven offworld and underground respectively" The speaker states

The kansens were again surprised

"I wonder if the Brotherhood allied themselves with the Scrin" Saint Louis says

"It's possible, the effects after the war must be horrendous.." Yorktown says

"Despite its victories in the Tiberium Wars, the campaigns against Nod and the Scrin had exhausted the GDI's ability to reverse the worst effects of Tiberium. The conflicts had only served to further provoke the spread of the extraterrestrial substance, and hasten its effects on both Earth and mankind" The speaker states

The kansens still had some hope

"In 2062 the extinction of humanity was estimated to occur in no more than a decade, as even the Blue Zones, the last centers of civilization were gradually overtaken by Tiberium. Driven to desperation, the leaders of the Global Defense Initiative agreed to the unthinkable, an alliance with Kane and the Brotherhood of Nod to construct a worldwide Tiberium Control Network" The speaker says as we see Kane and the leaders of the GDI

"You've got to be kidding.."Cleveland says

"Once completed, it was believed this network would not only stop the further spread of Tiberium, but safely refine the deposits already on Earth into a source of limitless energy" The speaker says

The kansens were surprised

"Divisions within both the GDI and Nod would threaten to disrupt the project before its completion and cast both sides into a civil war, but despite these efforts, the Network was completed and activated in 2077" The speaker says as we see the network

"Kane and his followers vanished, while all across the Earth, Tiberium deposits receded, Blue Zones were restored and the Global Defense Initiative left as the sole planetary superpower on Earth" The speaker states

"That... went better than I expected.." Ticonderoga says

"I wonder what the blue zones look like" Phoenix says

"The GDI's unlikely evolution across its history means the organization has existed in a variety of different forms. When it was first established on October 12, 1995, it was limited to a single combined-arms battlegroup operating under the authority of the United Nations and led by a single Brigadier General. By the end of the First Tiberium War, it had become something more akin to a unified worldwide military, completely absorbing the former national armed forces it was initially intended only to support" The speaker says

"Quite the evolution I must say" Ark Royal says

"The continued degradation of Earth's environment and the collapse of the international system forced the United Nations to repeatedly expand the GDI's mandate, until it had achieved the political, economic, scientific, and military unification of Earth's nations. In this form, the GDI had transitioned from a multinational task force, to an emergency military government" The speaker states

"Military institutions were emerged with UN divisions to form a provisional executive branch, headed first by the United Nations Security Council, and later by a Council of Directors once the last remnants of the UN were dissolved. While outwardly dedicated to protecting the civil liberties and political freedom of its citizens, the GDI was forced by the Tiberium crisis to operate without an established legislative branch or standardized judicial system" The speaker states

"Indeed, so they managed to achieve a very significant unification of Earth's nations but apparently can't make a legislative branch and a judicial system?" Z46 asks kind of confused

"It is a military government... the Tiberium crisis somehow affected that as well" Takao says

"Instead, the organization relied upon a unique form of martial law, with local military commanders granted the authority to make both military and political decisions. Highly militarized, the Global Defense Initiative embraces a doctrine focused on technological sophistication, overwhelming force projection, and a combined-arms approach" The speaker says as we see a Command and Conquer version of an AT-AT

"Through the use of heavy tanks and mechanized walkers, GDI forces can break through enemy formations while supported in the air by the legendary Orca series of VTOL aircraft" The speaker says

"They can still make all of that? I would've thought that Earth's resources would've run out by now" Hiryu says

"The pinnacle of GDI military technology is the Ion Cannon, a spaced based weapon of mass destruction capable of destroying targets with pinpoint accuracy. As Scrin technology has been reverse-engineered, the Global Defense Initiative has increasingly deployed stratospheric aircraft, the first step in what will likely become an orbital navy" The speaker says as we see the aircraft

"Now I'm really considering the idea of trying to reverse-engineer siren technology" Hornet says

"Are you serious sister?" Enterprise asks in surprise

"What? We never know until we try you know" Hornet says

"Let's talk about this later or sometime you two..." Yorktown says a little concerned

"Through the triumphs of its military forces, has come the opportunity to finally restore the liberty and freedom that the GDI fought so hard to defend. The energy provided by the Tiberium Control Network and the disappearance of Kane has the potential to propel mankind into a new golden age, one that takes it beyond the confines of Earth and into a awaiting galaxy" The speaker states

"Freedom is the right of all sentient beings.." Yorktown says

"Well deserved reward after fighting for so long" Atago says

"Yes, humanity's populations in that world must be exhausted.. I wonder if they ever contained the Tiberium" Arizona says

"But the GDI has learned at great cost never to fall into complacency. Kane may have vanished, but he has done so many times before only to reappear once again. The Scrin's plans for Earth may have been defeated, but who can promise they are not still out there, waiting for another chance to strike" The speaker says

The kansens are once again reminded of the sirens

"There remains the possibility that Earth was but a single target amongst countless billions, and that when the Global Defense Initiative takes its first tentative steps into the wider galaxy, it will find nothing but decimated worlds, seeded with Tiberium by the Scrin or others, awaiting those with the will and power to command and conquer" The speaker says

The video ends

"Sometimes I wonder if we were really the first to be invaded by the sirens or not..." Kaga says

"Indeed, if we are the first then I'm not sure if I am supposed feel honored or not" Jean Bart says

"If I remember correctly, the last video will talk about the Brotherhood of Nod?" Z23 asks as most of the kansens nod

The last video immediately starts

The video starts with a lot of programming and advanced stuff again

The Nod logo is then shown, the Brotherhood of Nod pyramid is shown

"Peace through power" A new speaker says

"For centuries this had been the guiding mantra of the Brotherhood of Nod; a global organization that possesses the characteristics of a secret society, religious cult, terrorist organization, and quasi nation state" The speaker says as the pyramid opens up and reveals a huge rocket/missile

"Immensely complex in its operation and equally cryptic in its goals, the only two facets of the Brotherhood that had remained relatively consistent over time was its reverence towards the elusive and charismatic figure of 'Kane' and its obsession with the extra-terrestrial substance known as Tiberium" The speaker states

"The Brotherhood of Nod outwardly professed a philosophy of peace, unity, and eternal brotherhood yet its own internal workings were marked by a series of power struggles and rivalries" The speaker says

"Religious cult? Imagine worshiping alien crystals..." Saint Louis says

"They sound like very nice people" Zuikaku says sarcastically

"While Kane served as Nod's highest authority, an Inner Circle of his most trusted commanders was often relied upon to conduct specific operations. These commanders were give extensive freedom of execution, which in turn allowed for a high degree of flexibility. This decentralized nature allowed for the formation of smaller elite units within Nod, such as the Black Hand and the Marked of Kane, each specializing in various forms of warfare or covert operations" The speaker states as we see more clips

"These groups were often at odds with one another and Nod was occasionally splintered as competing commanders fought for control of the Brotherhood, or simply the favor of Kane" The speaker says

"Would be surprising if Kane is an alien of some sort, if he is then it would make kind of sense on how he disappeared and kept on coming back" Admiral Hipper says

"Compared to their main rival; the UN backed Global Defense Initiative, the Brotherhood of Nod was in many ways technologically superior. How Nod achieved such breakthroughs in fields such as directed energy, artificial intelligence, cybernetics, and advanced stealth mechanisms has never been fully explained but is believed to have been a result of their access to and study of allegedly alien technology and their near monopoly on Tiberium" The speaker says

The kansens were really beginning to consider the use of siren technology, but of course there was still massive concern regarding its use

"I feel old. I don't even know the what the fields are." Shoukaku says

"Don't we all" Soryu says

"Nod's advanced research institutes were also not bound to the traditional limits of morality, and Nod scientists routinely engaged in dangerous acts of human experimentation" The speaker states as we see a person about to be experimented on

The kansens frown

"Despite Nod's technological edge, the Brotherhood's military doctrine favored the use of fast, lightly armored vehicles better suited to guerilla tactics than a prolonged war of attrition. There was also a large degree of disparity in the training and equipment given to Nod soldiers, with Brotherhood militias little more than armed thugs spurred into action by fanatically devout 'Confessors'." The speaker states

"Now I can see why they lost, they were under-armed and they need better equipment.." Shangri-La says

"When forced into direct conflict however, Nod was more than capable of deploying its more advanced elements, including stealth tanks, mechanized walkers and aircraft. Brotherhood propaganda was just as effective as their military, often engineering scandals and controversies as a means of countering GDI influence through information warfare" The speaker says as we see the military equipment, then a clip shows of two people slapping each other then kissing almost right away after

Some of the kansens blush out of awkwardness

"Oh my~" Prinz Eugen says

"By appealing to the millions of people living in areas contaminated by Tiberium and providing relief supplies and other forms of support, Nod was able to rally millions of people to their cause. Combined with an extensive misinformation campaign, the true nature of Nod was carefully managed and hidden" The speaker says

"Clever manipulation.." Ayanami says

"Sources within Nod claim the organization had existed since antiquity, while this is almost certainly exaggerated, ancient burial sites with Nod symbolism had been uncovered, leading some credence to these claims" The speaker says

"So this organization is apparently ancient and they've managed to keep themselves hidden for centuries, probably even thousands of years?" Scharnhorst asks stunned

"They've done a REALLY good job with that if its true.. even if its highly unlikely" Admiral Hipper says

"However old the organization is, some of its first suspected activities date back to the Second World War, although it would not be until the arrival of Tiberium that Nod began acting on a global scale" The speaker states

"They have been waiting for the Tiberium's arrival for possible centuries, I have to admit that they're really patient" Prince of Wales says

"An extra-terrestrial crystalline substance, Tiberium first arrived on Earth during a meteor impact near the Tiber river. Tiberium quickly spread across the Earth, especially in the warmer climates of the world, leeching metals and other minerals from the native soil and concentrating them into exceptionally valuable Tiberium crystals" The speaker says

"It really is like a disease nya" Akashi says

"With many of the poorer, third world nations of the equatorial region suddenly abundant with Tiberium, the Brotherhood of Nod began working to control these markets by appealing to and manipulating local unrest, anti-western sentiments and various religious philosophies. During this initial expansion, Nod simultaneously exploited all three of the major Abrahamic faiths, gaining millions of followers across the world" The speaker says

"They are really using opportunities to their advantage.." Hood says

"It's not really surprising that they've managed to gain that much influence" Littorio says

"By 1995, the Brotherhood controlled nearly half of the world's Tiberium supply either directly or through numerous shadow corporations. Whereas many of the world's governments considered Tiberium to be valuable, yet potentially dangerous, Nod and in particular its leader Kane, saw Tiberium as almost sacred and necessary for the next stage of human evolution" The speaker says

"They're even considering it to be sacred..." Richelieu says

"In terms of human evolution, I don't agree with but in terms of possible technology advancement then I do kinda agree with it" Columbia says

"Nod's rise to power across the world quickly brought it into conflict with the Global Defense Initiative, the formal military branch of the United Nations. A series of devastating conflicts were fought across the globe with the GDI successfully preventing the Brotherhood on more than one occasion from deploying Tiberium based superweapons that might have significantly altered the Earth's already deteriorating ecosystem" The speaker says as we see an ecosystem which is basically a huge missile that can be divided into smaller missiles

The kansens again frown

"Several times throughout the enduring conflict between GDI and Nod, it was believed that the organization had been successfully fractured beyond repair and Kane himself believed killed. In every instance, Kane would mysteriously reappear, most notably during the execution of General Hassan, a puppet leader the GDI had installed within the upper levels of the Brotherhood in the hopes of keeping Nod relatively harmless" The speaker says as we see the execution

"This attempt failed, sparking the Second Tiberium War in which the ancient and extraterrestrial Tacitus was acquired by Nod, allowing the Brotherhood to greatly improve their understanding of Tiberium" The speaker states

"Of course those lowly animals made things worse..." Deutschland says

"Using knowledge gained through the Tacitus, Kane successfully tricked the GDI into destroying Temple Prime, Nod's primary command center in Sarajevo" The speaker says

"Isn't that a loss?" Agir asks

"If you remember from the last video.. things did not end well in Sarajevo..." FDG says to which the kansens sadly nodded

"Unknown to the GDI, Temple Prime sat atop a massive reserve of liquid Tiberium and the resulting explosion killed millions of people across Europe and acted as an interstellar signal to the alien 'Scrin'; a powerful and technologically advanced race suspected to have been behind the original seeding of Earth with Tiberium decades earlier. Kane had hoped to lure the Scrin to Earth to gain access to one of their immense monolithic towers known as Thresholds" The speaker states

"While the GDI successfully repelled the Scrin invasion of Earth, the Brotherhood was able to capture the last remaining Threshold, securing the Scrin's vast knowledge of Tiberium for the Brotherhood. By 2062 the rampant spread of Tiberium across the world had reached critical levels with deteriorating environmental conditions making the extinction of humanity seemingly imminent" The speaker says

"In an 11th hour alliance, Kane agreed to share what he had learned from the Tacitus in exchange for the resources to build a Tiberium Control Network, the last hope of saving the planet" The speaker states

"He proposed that idea? What happened to having no morals?" Enterprise said

"Well if life gives you lemons, make a lemonade" Essex says, Enterprise looks at her

"I don't remember asking you a damn thing" Enterprise says as Yorktown sighs

"Even as civilization faced Armageddon, internal power struggles in both Nod and the GDI threatened to spiral the two factions back into a global war. Unknown to all but Kane however, the true purpose of the Tiberium Control Network was twofold. Not only would it stop the spread of Tiberium, but it could also be linked into the Scrin's last remaining Threshold tower to form a portal, which Kane and his most devout followers would use to 'Ascend'." The speaker says as we see the Threshold and the portal

The kansens were silent

"As Nod and the GDI fought for control of the Network, the portal was activated, and Kane, his followers and the Brotherhood disappeared from the Earth. Whoever, or whatever Kane was and more importantly, where he is now, might forever remain a mystery" The speaker says

The video ends

"Another happy ending" Hornet says to which most of the kansens laugh

The screen lights up again

"Take a break girls, and be prepared before the next reaction"

Chapter is done, have a Azur Wars meme:

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