Blood-Mage Hunters

By VioletFlowers134

217 70 1

When the darkness engulfs the Earth and the fire of vengeance burns in their hearts, that's when The Blood-Ma... More

Vampires, monsters and a few bombs
The Biter
Crescent Moon City
Vampire Village
The West
The Biter's Army
Birch Lake
The Fire Of Vengeance
Cyrus and Lucius
Embers of destruction
The beginning or the end?

Vampire Hunters

13 4 0
By VioletFlowers134

"The last time I stepped into a church was like 100 and something fucking years ago," Cyrus scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest like an annoyed little kid. "So why the fuck do I have to go there?" he asked, pouting and glaring at Lucius.

"To find God and make friends with the priests," Reia answered, sarcasm rolling off his tongue, not looking up from the papers he was reading.

"Make friends with those fuckers? When have I ever been known for being friendly? Especially with people I wanna blow up?" Cyrus rolled his eyes.

Lucius sighed, annoyed by his uncooperative friend. "He was sarcastic, Cyrus," Lucius said, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "And maybe if you didn't have a stick so far up your ass then you would actually be able to communicate with someone without turning it into a yelling contest," he added, matter-of-factly.

Cyrus gave him a dirty look, beginning to walk towards him with the intention of fighting. Again.

"I'm gonna pull that stick out of his ass and beat you both with it if you don't stop," Reia snapped, rubbing his temples in exasperation while he was trying to read the plan they -and by they I mean Reia and Lucius- came up with one more time.

Both of the vampires stopped, mumbling curses under their breaths as they gave each other nasty glares.

"Do both of you know what you have to do?" Reia asked, looking up at them with a stern look.

"I obviously do," Lucius rolled his eyes, then he side glanced at Cyrus. "I'm not so sure about this gorilla with no braincells though," he added, making Cyrus's eyes snap at him again, his fists clenching.

To break their one hundredth attempt at a fight, Reia coughed, grabbing their attention again. He silently looked at Cyrus, waiting for the vampire to say whether or not he knew what he had to do.

"I still don't get why I have to be the one to capture the vampire hunters in the church," he complained, plopping down on a chair. "Vampire hunters are already annoying enough, but vampire hunters horny for God? That's even worse. I'm probably gonna end up killing myself before I kill them," Cyrus groaned, his face being a combination of disgust, anger and desperation.

"Your gas bombs will work more efficiently in an enclosed space, so that's why you're the one going there," Lucius tried explaining, but Cyrus just gave him an annoyed look that said he did not understand a single thing.

Lucius sighed, stepping forward and bending down, crouching in front of Cyrus like he was a small (and a little more stupid than average) kid. "You can go boom boom in there and they won't be able to run," he reexplained and Cyrus's face instantly lit up, finally understanding what they meant.

He excitedly got up, grabbing his coat and bolting out the door of their hideout, rushing towards the church. "JESUS, HERE I COME!" he yelled, earning some confused looks on the streets.

"Jesus Christ," both Reia and Lucius mumbled at the same time, staring at the still running Cyrus with faces that said "disappointed, but not surprised".


Cyrus wasn't known for being good at stealth or sneaking somewhere without being noticed. However, with the promise of being able to use his oh so loved creations and blow things up still present in his mind, he tried his best to enter the church undetected. And he somehow succeeded. Mostly because the vampire hunters in there were yelling at each other, not even noticing when Cyrus walked right through the front door. He walked a few steps forward, but then he turned back around and locked the door behind him, throwing the key in his pocket, his last functional braincell doing its job for once.

"After we kill all the vampires here, we'll bring more humans and turn them into worshippers of our church," one of the old looking vampire hunters said.

"Instead of killing them all, we should show them the gospel of God and make them our loyal servants. Only then should we bring more humans here, which the vampires will serve," another one suggested, holding his hands up in prayer while his eyes were solemnly closed.

"No!" another one chimed in, obviously annoyed by the arguing amongst them -which seemed to have been going on for at least a few hours. "We should capture the vampires, bring the humans and only then kill all the vampires as a sacrifice for our God, showing the newcomers what our church stands for," he said.

Cyrus stared at them with a slightly confused and annoyed face. "The fuck?" he couldn't saying, silence following his words. Then, ever so slowly, all the vampire hunters turned their heads in his direction, staring at him with wide and angry eyes. "Oops," Cyrus grinned, realizing he kinda fucked up. "Oh well, I was bored of just standing here listening to you idiots talk," he said, rushing towards them and jumping on the chandelier hanging above the hunters right at the last second.

"He-He's a vampire! Kill him!" one of the older looking hunters yelled, looking up at the vampire happily hanging from the chandelier like a kid in a park.

The vampire hunters began trying to climb up to where Cyrus was, but, before they could succeed, the vampire took out three small, round objects from his pockets, throwing them down with a wide grin. The people bellow stared at the objects with confused faces, but before they had the chance to figure out what they were, they exploded with a loud bang, the church filling up with smoke -which was actually sleeping gas. They all rushed towards the door, but it was locked. Soon after, they began dropping to the ground one by one, the only noise in the church being Cyrus's laughter.


Lucius was the fastest in their group. But he was also the best one at sneaking around, sometimes seeming as if he became one with the shadows and darkness around him, perfectly blending in and being able to get pretty much anywhere without being detected.

That's why he was the one that snuck into the vampire hunter's club -the place where sadistic, thrill seeking hunter gathered every evening, drinking and enjoying watching vampires getting tortured or humiliated on a stage.

The club was dark, the only sources of light coming from some party lights that emitted colorful beams around the room, which was filled with dancing people. There was a big bar where some hunters were sitting, sipping from their glasses with big smiles while watching the big stage on which a vampire was currently being beaten by another hunter.

Lucius clenched his jaw, his hands turning into fists at his side as he watched what was going on.

After the vampire passed out, the hunter dragged him backstage, where he was obviously preparing another vampire to bring out in order to entertain the watchers. Without wasting another second, Lucius swiftly moved through the sweaty, dancing hunters, also going backstage, no one even noticing his presence.

As he had expected, there were a bunch of human sized cages in which a bunch of vampires were being kept, the hunter that was in charge of them unlocking one, forcefully pulling out a girl that didn't look older than 15 and shoving the unconscious vampire that he dragged off stage in it.

"Stop crying, you little bitch!" he yelled, slapping the girl across the face.

That was all he needed to see. Lucius didn't even want to think about what he would do to that poor girl on stage for the hunter's entertainment.

With uncanny speed, he rushed behind the hunter who was roughly holding the girl by the arm, stabbing him in the neck with a needle. Startled, the hunter pulled out the needle, looking behind him with furious eyes. "Who the fuck-" he started saying, but he collapses before he could finish his sentence. Lucius had coated his needle with a powerful anesthetic.

"Are you ok?" he asked the vampire girl, which was now staring at him with startled, fearful eyes. "Take his keys and let everybody out of their cages. I'll take care of the hunters outside," he gently explained, turning around and blending in the crowd of vampire hunters once again.

Then, one by one, the hunters began dropping to the ground, but it was too late when someone finally noticed.


Out of the three of them, only Reia's ability had manifested. That was because he was bitten earlier than Cyrus and Lucius were. Even though he was powerful, his ability quickly drained him. That's why he couldn't abuse his power, or he'd end up seriously injured.

However, his magic mana was fully charged. That was why he was assigned with taking care of the area with the most vampire hunters: the execution area.

That was where vampire hunters gathered just to watch vampires being killed out in the open by guillotines.

"Couldn't they at least come up with something more original? I didn't even know guillotines still existed," Reia mumbled under his breath, standing in the crowd and watching the vampires that were tied up and dragged towards the medieval device.

The first vampire in line was forcefully pushed forwards, the executioner positioning their head under the big, sharp blade above. The vampire cried, unable to break free from the rope tying their hands. One of the hunters probably reinforced the rope with magic energy.

The crowd began cheering, making Reia look around at them, absolutely repulsed.

"Please! Spare me! I did nothing wrong," the vampire under the blade begged, but the crowd only began cheering louder, the executioner pulling a lever. In the blink of an eye, the big blade dropped down, heading towards the vampire's neck.

Right before it made contact with the delicate skin, chopping the head of the vampire off, the blade suddenly stopped. No, it didn't just stop. It was being held up by something. By someone.

Reia had rushed from the crowd with his vampire speed and caught the blade with his bare hand. Blood began dripping from the deep wound in his palm, but, instead of falling to the ground, the blood formed small needle like weapons. Everyone in the crowd stared at him with dumbstruck expressions.

"S-Stop him!" the executioner yelled after he regained his composure, rushing towards Reia in an attempt to capture him.

"Hit the vampire hunters," he instructed his own blood, and it instantly obeyed, the needles flying in all directions, stabbing the hunters. Then, they all dropped to the ground.

Of course, his blood didn't have any special abilities like knocking out people, but Reia had drank some of the anesthetic Lucius brought. It didn't have any effect of vampires, but, by drinking it, it entered his blood flow. So, when the blood needles punctured the hunter's skin, the anesthetic inside it did its job, putting them all to sleep.

After they were all down, Reia helped the vampire get out of the guillotine, finally letting the blade fall down. The wound in his palm slowly but surely healed, the blood forming a seal over it. That was another thing Reia could use his ability for: healing his wounds.


In the centre of the village, Reia, Cyrus and Lucius met again, bringing a bunch of unconscious and tied up vampire hunters with them.

"I already called the clean up group offered by the government. They'll take all of them to jail," Lucius said, nodding towards the vampire hunters.

"Another job well done," Reia smiled, looking a little pale, but definitely not as bad as other times.

"I went boom boom in the church," Cyrus quietly whispered, a big, satisfied grin on his face.

To be continued...

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