All Eyes On Me

By AriaLord

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Aria Lord is the precious only child of Empress Layla of Ninjago. The princess has everything, born with beau... More

Chapter 1: Empress Layla and Princess Aria
Chapter 2: Lloyd Garmadon and The Princess
Chapter 3: Whispers in the Halls
Chapter 4: The Royal Blacksmiths
Chapter 5: A Mysterious Illness
Chapter 6: The Beginning of it All
Chapter 7: The Daughter of the Overlord
Chapter 8: The Day Ninjago Stood Still
Chapter 9: The Last Voyage
Chapter 10: Return of the Overlord
Chapter 11: Rise of the Spinjitzu Master
Chapter 12: The Student of Garmadon
Chapter 13: Trial
Chapter 14: Return Home
Chapter 15: Only One Can Remain
Chapter 16: Versus
Chapter 17: Ninja Roll
Chapter 18: Spy for a Spy
Chapter 19: Spellbound
Chapter 20: The Forgotten Element
Chapter 21: The Day of the Dragon
Chapter 22: Return Home; The Young Prince
Chapter 23: Aria and the Ghost
Chapter 24: Grave Danger
Chapter 25: Curseworld
Chapter 26: Kai and the Princess
Chapter 27: Day of the Departed
Chapter 28: Aria and Svern
Chapter 29: The Hands of Time
Chapter 30: Zero
Chapter 31: The Agreement
Chapter 32: Lost in Time
Chapter 33: The Mask of Deception
Chapter 34: The Jade Princess
Chapter 35: The Oni and the Dragon
Chapter 36: Dead Man's Squall
Chapter 37: The Quiet One
Chapter 38: Game of Masks
Chapter 39: Dread on Arrival
Chapter 40: True Potential
Chapter 41: Big Trouble Little Ninjago
Chapter 42: Firstbourne
Chapter 43: Iron and Stone
Chapter 44: Radio Free Ninjago
Chapter 45: How to Build a Dragon
Chapter 46: The Gilded Path
Chapter 47: Two Lies, One Truth
Chapter 48: The Weakest Link
Chapter 49: Saving Faith
Chapter 50: Lessons for a Master
Chapter 51: Green Destiny
Chapter 52: The Coronation
Chapter 53: The Council's Proposal
Chapter 54: The Date
Chapter 55: Would You Like to Enter Prime Empire?
Chapter 56: The Side Quest
Chapter 57: Superstar Rockin' Jay
Chapter 58: Racer Seven
Chapter 59: Stop, Drop and Side Scroll
Chapter 60: The Temple of Madness
Chapter 61: Game Over
Chapter 62: Shintaro
Chapter 63: Into the Dark
Chapter 64: Behind the Ivory
Chapter 65: Strike Back
Chapter 66: The Lineage of Lily
Chapter 67: The Ball
Chapter 68: Seabound
Chapter 69: The Turn of the Tide
Chapter 70: Farewell the Sea
Chapter 71: The Shape of Nya
Chapter 72: Public Enemies 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5!
Chapter 73: A Painful Promise
Chapter 74: Kaname and Hanabusa, On the Hunt
Chapter 75: The Council of the Crystal King
Chapter 76: The Queen's Design
Chapter 77: Darkness Within
Chapter 79: Return to Primeval's Eye
Chapter 80: Crystastrophe
Chapter 81: Brave But Foolish
Chapter 82: Until I Found You
Chapter 83: Roots
Chapter 84: The Coming of the Emperor

Chapter 78: The Coming of the King

526 16 1
By AriaLord

Guys.. i finished the book, you aren't getting it all tonight.. but it's done. I'm not crying I swear.


"Aria dearest," Layla put her hands on Aria's shoulders "you're with your family. You're safe."

"I.." Aria stares at her mother

"You're just confused princess," The Overlord says to her

"Don't listen to them Aria!" Lloyd shouts from his chains "They're trying to corrupt you!"

"The only one corrupting her is you." The Overlord turns to him

"This isn't happening." Lloyd shakes his head "I don't believe it!"

The Overlord laughs "Your grandfather fought me and failed. Your father fought me and also failed. You tried twice, and failed just like your forbearers."

"You know what they say. Third time's the charm." Lloyd responds

"You still hope. Admirable, but foolish." The Overlord turns to the council "Watch as I crush that hope."

The Overlord uses his power to power up the council. A shuriken shoots outward and Mister F catches it. The other shuriken shoots outward and the Mechanic takes it. The other villains receive weapons of their own. Aspheera gets the Sword of Destruction, Vangelis gets the Scythe of Destruction, and Pythor gets the Nunchucks of Destrution.

"Finally, these work!" Pythor holds them up "Thank you, my Lord!"

"You gave them some cute purple outfits. Is that supposed to impress me?" Lloyd questions

"Perhaps this will." The Overlord turns and manipulates the central crystal, levitating the Crystal Temple.

The council bickers amongst themselves as Aria and Lloyd look at each other. Lloyd noticed her eyes were different colors, one pink and one green. Lloyd looks at Layla and the Overlord, Layla's eyes glowed pink while the Overlord's was more of a purple. Lloyd then looked around the temple, Layla's eyes and Aria's one eye was the same color as the crystals powering the temple.

"Witness my power, Son of Garmadon, and see that resistance is useless!" The Overlord puts both his hands on Aria's shoulders, making her jump "Join me. I offer you a chance. Stand by my daughter's side and do my bidding as she does. Refuse, and be destroyed. The choice is yours."

"Thing is, sometimes I like to order off the menu." Lloyd replies gripping his chains "So I'm going with choice number three."

"Choice number three?" the Overlord looked confused

"Escape and live to fight another day!" Lloyd swings on his chain, knocking back the Crystal King and Vangelis. 

The Scythe of Destruction hits the crystal, Lloyd's chains break and he stands up. The Crystal Island tips and everyone tries to gain their balance.

"Aria!" Lloyd grabs a pillar and holds his hand out to her

Aria looks at her parents before running over to Lloyd and he wraps his arm around her waist. 

 "Thanks for hosting the party, guys. But I think I'll be going now." Lloyd says before taking off

Mister F throws his Shuriken of Destruction at Lloyd, but misses.

"Lloyd I-"

"You don't need to explain anything right now!" Lloyd says "We need to get out of here!"

"The crystals corrupt people" Aria tells him "I-"

"I know, I see your eye." Lloyd stops for a second and looks at her "But I still see my Aria, as long as you keep fighting, so will I."

"What if I turn on you?" Aria asks as her eyes fill with tears "I don't wanna hurt you."

"I know." Lloyd smiles to her "That's why I'm not letting you go. Let's find a way out of here."

"Ok." Aria holds onto his hand

The two make their way through the temple to find an exit.

"Where the heck are we?" Lloyd questions "Why do mysterious temples have to be so mysterious?"

"I think they're supposed to be hard to escape." Aria says

Aspheera suddenly turns the corner "Where exactly do you think you're going? We're floating up into the sky! And last I checked, ninja can't fly!"

Lloyd lets go of Aria's hand before sending Aspheera flying with Spinjitzu.

"No, but snakes can!" Lloyd grabs Aria's hand again before running away


The two soon find themselves surrounded by the council.

"Somehow, it's fitting that this would come down to you and me." Pythor says

"And me." The Mechanic moves closer

"And me." Vangelis adds

"No! You chaps just ruined a really dramatic one-on-one moment!" Pythor says annoyed "Phooey."

"Okay, look. I know you all have new weapons and powers and everything seems great." Lloyd backs up with Aria "But trust me, the Overlord is bad news! For all of us! He will destroy everything!"

"Ha, except us! That's why we joined him, genius!" the Mechanic laughs

"And why did you think it was a good idea to run off with his daughter?" Aspheera questions

"Yeah, she's on our side." Pythor agrees "You aren't exactly the brightest ninja are you?"

"Aria's not on your side!" Lloyd argues

The council all throw their weapons at Lloyd. He picks up Aria before jumping in the air evading them, and the weapons collide and knock the villains back with a shockwave. Lloyd then turns to run.

In a hallway, Lloyd is attacked by a Vengestone Guard. The mouth of the temple opens and Lloyd nearly falls off, Aria quickly grabs his hand and pulls him up.

"Running won't do you any good." Pythor says as he and the council approaches

"Stay back!" Aria stands in front of Lloyd, protecting him

"Step out of the way Princess." Aspheera slithers closer "Unless you want to join him."

"I'd rather die with him," Aria says "then live as the Overlord's daughter."

"Aria," Lloyd says from behind her "can you still turn into a dragon?"

"I don't know." Aria replies

"Then, let's hope we live to fight another day." Lloyd wraps his arm around her waist

"From this height, you'd never survive!" Pythor shouts

"I'd gladly die with her," Lloyd says smiling down to Aria "after all, she's just as crazy as me."

"Tell my father something for me." Aria looks at the council

"What?" the Mechanic looks confused

"Suck it." Aria slicks her tongue out at them

Lloyd falls back from the temple with Aria in his arms.

"yeet!" Aria shouts

Lloyd holds Aria on-top of him as they fall into water miles below them. He quickly pushes Aria up onto the river bank, she grabs ahold of the edge and pulls Lloyd up. Lloyd laughs as the two lay on the bank, catching their breath.

"What?" Aria questions

"Yeet?" Lloyd laughs "you haven't said that in years."

"Well.." Aria laughs as well "I'm crazy aren't I?"

Lloyd reaches over and moves her wet hair out of her face "Yep, you're my Aria."

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