Red Eyes Love Thick Thighs ~...

By Miz_Angel18

166K 4.7K 1.6K

Even with skin as smooth and brown like chocolate Melody is not seen as appetizing by those who drink blood... More

Character Info
Character names
4 ~ Newborn Battle
18 ~ 💨
19 ~ 🌲
20 ~ 🔥
21 ~ 🌊
25 ~ Battle pt1
26 ~ Battle pt2
27 ~ 🍋
28 ~🍋
29 ~ 🍋
30 ~ 🍋
40 ~ Battle Again
41 ~
Not a chapter
42 ~
43 ~
45 ~
46 ~


2.3K 91 29
By Miz_Angel18

Melody's PoV ~

I woke up and I got scared as I was in a beautiful room that wasn't mine, that was until I remember the events of the last two days and smiled. I sat up and looked to see all my children together, though I was confused as to why they were on the floor well Leah and Seth were on the floor and Bree, Jane and Alec were laying on them.

(The kids moved the sofa and footstool/ottoman back and are on the floor)

The smile subconsciously took over my face and I moved to get up, this caused the vampires to lift their heads which caused a knock on effect of waking up the wolves. As I was looking at them I realized I was hungry but before that, I looked at my children mainly Alec and Jane and there was sadness in their eyes "okay who's gonna tell me" my vampiric children looked down if they won't tell me then I will find out myself.

As I go to get up I'm stopped by Jane and Alec "okay if you won't let me then tell me" I then heard a shrill voice come from outside of my room, what in the lord's good name. I gently move my children and begin walking "mother please don't" I put my hand up to stop her and go and open the door, and I see 2 women "how may I help you" I say with my best customer service voice and smile but this annoys them. "We are the queens of the Volturi" I had to school my face why did I not know about them "okay but that doesn't tell me what I can do for you" I knew I was mad when I felt the weather change.

Sulplicia ^^

Athenodora ^^

They push past me and come into the room, okay I will kill them. Then I heard a shout and a groan of pain I ran out of the room completely forgetting how weak I was, just being pushed by my adrenaline. I see my brother on the floor and I was filled with rage, Demetri walks over with Felix following him they see my face and take a step back. I look at them and point at the women "explain to me what and who the fuck they are" they looked between each other I was getting annoyed "someone better explain why my brother is on the floor and who the fuck these women are" then the 3 men that can explain this walk over.

Caius and Aro try to touch me but I wasn't having any of it, Seth and Leah stepped in front of me and I healed Charlie. The queen guard all bowed at me as they could see that I wasn't happy and I had to really control my temper, as to not burn everyone around me.

Jane's PoV ~

I have only seen mother this angry once and that was when she was annoyed at the blood singer due to being disrespected, I can't even begin to imagine how she felt I thought that she knew about the ex-queens. I wouldn't Athenodora and Sulplicia my queens they were basically tyrants that led with greed and disgrace, they hated the fact that there were women around the master as if those women weren't in the personal guards. They also weren't the master's true or chosen mates, and they knew that they weren't always going to be in the position there are in now there was also the thing that both master Caius and master Aro haven't spoken to both women in centuries.

My concern was my uncle and mother the reason being my uncle is a human and my mother is weak, though I knew this wouldn't stop my mother she is as protective as a vampire if not more so and no one will or can stop her. "When did you plan on telling me" there was a silence, no one dared to speak "let me ask again, when. did. you. plan. on .telling me" her voice was so cold and there was a pressure that ran through all of us, causing everyone except for the masters and my siblings to bow. I went over to my mother's brother to check on him and once I saw that he was fine I was able to calm down just a bit.

Though I grew more concerned as I stared at my mother and saw hurt and betrayal, I watched as my mother walked back into her room and then opened the windows. Before I could even open my mouth, mother had let her wings out and took off then went in the direction of the river that the masters told her about, I instantly ran after her but by the time I got to the river mother was nowhere to be seen. I feel my powers escape me and if it wasn't for the masters being the masters I would've let my powers loose on them, but I control myself. Just about.

Jasper's PoV ~

I looked between the kings and Melody at first I was confused but that was until I saw the 2 women there were lots of hate towards them mainly from the elite guard and if I was to be specific Jane and Alec, I felt Melody's anger but I knew that I wouldn't be able to calm her down she has easily thrown off my attempts in the past so I even try. I look at Caius and Aro who had the most guilt as we watched our mate leave and then fly out of her window.

Marcus was shaking in rage, he looked at the women and then at his soul brothers "fix this brothers, and you two. You both knew that you were to stand in until we found our mate if you chase her out I will personally see to it that no one ever knew you even existed am I clear" I then felt loads of anger and this anger was familiar to me, just like I had thought it was Leah's emotions. Felix got up and went over to her and she calmed down a little but was still angry.

I then looked at Aro and Caius, I sent them the emotions of those around us and intensified those emotions. They both kneeled at the emotions not used to them, I then made them feel what our mate did before she flew off "you brought her here and didn't think to tell her about them, our mate feels betrayed by you and you stand here" I then left with Marcus who was still enraged so I sent some waves of calmness in the hope they would work it did and we went to find our mate.

Seth and Leah stayed with Charlie and when I looked at my brother-in-law he waved me off "just find my sister before she changes the weather" I nodded at that and then turned to find her.

Melody's PoV ~

I didn't know what I wanted to do I felt betrayed I should've known better nothing good ever happens to me. After I took off I remember them telling me about the River and I went under the water and changed into one of my water forms, wanting to be left alone to gather my thoughts but it's hard when I know that I have a mate that can sense my emotions and supernatural children that are very protective.

I let myself relax but I just felt more and more betrayed, I even felt humiliated in front of the Volturi coven. It was like I was out of place and everything I was told was a lie and that I don't matter, the sadness was short lived as I was soon filled with absolute rage this was meant to be a retreat for me yet I feel more stressed.

My body started to heat up and then I heard shouting from above the water, I was angry but I left myself rise up to see and hear exactly who was shouting. I stood on top of the water and looked and saw Jane, Marcus and Jasper all staring at me but I was still in no mood to speak to anyone so so I spun and began to walk away, Jasper hit me with waves of different emotions.

This caused me to stop and look at him, I let out a deep sigh as one thing I learned about my empath of a mate was that he is very persistent. "Darlin please talk to me, to us" I looked over my shoulder and saw that he was sad but I felt no sympathy especially when I looked at Marcus "did you know" he wasn't looking me in the eyes. All this did was piss me off I raced over to him, Jasper and Jane none of them moved.

"Was everything a lie" I was hurt and let me emotions go I was done with everything, I looked over at Jane who was glaring at Marcus and I walked over to her "my child I still have love for you and your siblings but i need to go" I kissed her cheek and then I dived back into the water before using it to shoot my self into the sky and changing into my air form. I need to build my powers back up.

When I got to the sky something possessed me to keep flying up so I did, I became tired still weak and not used to flying so high but I wanted to know so I carried on almost letting out a scream to push myself the last bit. I break through the clouds and look around to see what looked to be castle floating on the clouds.

I flew towards the castle feeling like I was meant to be inside, as I was getting closer I felt myself regaining some of my energy back. I finally got to the castle and landed in front of a massive doorway.

(I'm way to lazy to describe all the details. Important information on the circle is the symbols for each element)

The writing wasn't in English but I found that I could understand it as if it was I used my wings to help me read the words that were at the top "only those with true of hearts can read the scripts of old, but an elemental with all parts can also be bold" what do they mean by all parts, like all the elements. I stepped back and saw the elements symbols on the door, now I know what you're all thinking Melody you read the door so walk in.

I'll be honest I still wanted to be bold like the door said, that and a nagging in my head told me I should used my powers too. It will show me other things as well, though I couldn't think of how to transform so that I had all my elements out. But I couldn't think of anything so I looked at the symbols again flying up and placing my hands in the middle, not thinking just feeling and it felt right I closed my eyes began humming.

Everything felt like it was back to normal I felt more powerful than before, when I open my eyes the door was golden and glowing, the feeling it gave me was warmth. I float down and smile as the door opened well disappears and walk inside, as I do I hear heels on the floor now my air form I'm usually bare foot so i look down and see that my dress has changed. It was beautiful it reminded of the stars almost a galaxy.

After looking over my form I fold my wings in and begin walking and just admiring my surroundings, when that nagging feeling comes back. I walk but only feel like I'm getting myself lost which is really annoying me, I don't stop walking and just try to figure out what is happening. I reach was seems to be a throne room but what surprises me is that there are people here, they are all rushing around when one looks in my direction.

It was a young boy probably around Seth's age, quite pale with freckles that seemed to be all over his face I smile and wave at him. He dropped what was in his hand and this caused everyone else to look at me and now, I was shocked then they all spoke in unison "welcome back my queen" I need to really get used to that. I was shocked but once that wore off I saw they were all still bowing "please rise all of you" they did but with great hesitation.

"Now can someone please explain where you all came from I thought me and Harmoni were the last elementals" they looked at each other, the boys Seth's age steps forward and bows again "my name is Daiki my queen and we heard the scream of the elementals for some of us, like me this unlocked our elemental powers and told us where we needed to go" I nodded at his explanation. Two women then approached me and walked me over to the throne "please sit" the older one said kindly I nodded and sat down.

Once I did I gasped as a bunch of images went through my mind I saw different locations and they same pull I felt to come to this castle I felt to got to those locations one was under the sea, one was in a volcanic cave and the other was in a forest. I blinked to look and see everyone looking at me worried I waved them off saying I was okay and though the weren't sure they left it at that.

We talked for more and then I finally explained what I saw causing the elder male to step forward and tell me that I need to go to those locations and only then will all elemental fully come out of hiding. I was confused why we were in hiding in the first place it didn't make sense to me, I looked to the elder and asked him to explain he sighed "we were dangerous is the easiest way to say it without a king or queen we loose control of our emotions more then we cause harm tornadoes, tsunami, earthquakes and volcanoes erupting so we went into hiding making ourselves weak"

How was I meant to help I wanted to ask when I snapped to the window and saw it was dark outside I didn't even realize I had been here that long, I then felt like one of my children were calling me so I left "I have to go I will comeback tomorrow" I say as I flew out of the windows and nose dived into the clouds, as I got closer to the ground I heard each of my children calling for me almost like they had been crying.

With the speed I was going I know I was going to crash but I could heal so I didn't care, I fold my wings in and roll making my children look at me. There was silence and they then ran over to me "I'm here it's okay I'm here" I say soothingly Leah is sobbing and Jane is silent like she shut down. I put my hand on her face and she looked up and me "my darling my Jane" she looks at me then I she her pupils widened and actually look at me.

"I'm sorry my children are you alright" I say looking at them all they nod and we walk back to the castle I then remember that I was pissed off. It was then that I knew what I had to do so I asked Jane to take me to the throne room and she nodded, we walked and we eventually got to the throne room. Well me and my vampiric children went to the throne room my shifter children went to Charlie, entering the throne room I saw Aro and Caius were there sitting in their thrones looking anxious and Marcus was off to the side not talking to them.

I couldn't even take in that this throne room was the very one i kept seeing in my dreams for so many years, we all walked in and all vampires looked at me, I stopped in the middle of the room looking at the two head on "explain" I didn't realize just how cold I said that. Aro began talking but was stopped when the doors slammed open, in walked the two women they looked smug until they saw me. Okay strike one, the darker haired one stands in front of me "so you went and got a fake pair of wings that won't help you" I raised my eyebrow at her but then I completely ignored her.

That seemed to work and she became angry but then she pushes Jane out of the way to get closer to me, I walk pass the woman walking over to Jane, trying to control my growing temper "are you alright" Jane nods "I'm fine mother" I looked to the woman "who are you" she scoffs and steps forward "Sulpicia I'm Aro's wife and queen of the Volturi" I look at Aro. Okay so I'm gonna kill her because who is she talking too.

I wrap her in my vines and release my powers and pressure it brings "let me make this clear Sulpicia, I don't care who you are and since I was never told about you, it means you're easy to forget" all this time the blond never spoke "you was the wife but I am the true mate meaning I out rank you by a mile. Also I am the queen of the elementals if you want to bring status into it" I was calm on the outside but I was internally killing her.

Sulpicia began to growl thinking it would scare me "you are 3 millennia's to you and I won't give up my title for some uneducated slave", "SULPICIA, stop it" now it was the blond that spoke up and stood in front of me "we knew that they would find their mates we knew this, so why are you acting like this" I watch their interaction then I hear what sounds to be thunder, I knew I was the cause when Marcus and Jasper hugged me snd I calmed down "look while it still hurts I'm sorry my name is Athenodora and I was married to Caius" I nod at her.

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