Silent Heart (Lisrene Adaptat...


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I am not a talkative type of person, I am always serious, I am mysterious and that is the best way. They don'... Еще

Year AZ
Orangely Rude
50:50 Smile
Wolves I
Wolves II
Torn Between
Hope Vs. Decisions
The Start...
Sky Battle Ground 1.0
Sky Battle Ground 2.0
Sky Battle Ground 2.1
Sky Battle Ground 2.2
Sky Battle Ground 2.3
Sky Battle Ground 2.4
Sky Battle Ground 2.5
Courage to Speak
Sky Battle Ground 3.0
I Can't
White Lights
Nightmare or Dream
Blue Eyed Cat
Within the Walls
Devilish Princess
Honest Feelings
For Now
The Villain
I am a Manoban
Live Free

Project Gold

413 29 2

It was the start of five days to impress the party of the twisted commander, Edward Yang. Pressured but confident the Koreans are. Confident in themselves that they can impress him and be able to change his mind, no more war, no more violence, no more lives shed and lost, it is just time for every bloodshed to cease.

Currently, for day one, Commander Yang is inside the office of Commander Bae discussing their itinerary for the next following days. While the twisted commander is accompanied by his two senior elite soldiers, Bambam and Ji-eun.

Commander Yang: Is this what you installed for me today? A tour in the grounds? Will that impress me, Commander Bae? This school is not even close to our spawning ground. He said with a sarcastic tone

Commander Bae: It's just a part for today Commander Yang, the grounds of our school will be our first stop and after that, we shall proceed via air for your tour in Seoul.

Commander Yang: Very well, impress me then. He smiled

Commander Bae: We will, don't worry about that. Hmmm...

Commander Bae had observed that one of his elite soldiers or so-called "bodyguard" is not with him in the vicinity. As curious as he is, he had to ask.

Commander Bae: It seems you're missing one man here. Where is she?

Commander Yang: Who? He gave a playful smile

Commander Bae: Playing games again... your daughter Edward

The smirk on Commander Yang's face faded.

Commander Yang: Of course, you knew, hahaha. He suddenly laughs. I believe for 10 years she was hidden from me by Commander Argos Manoban, where is that f*cker?... Oh, I stand corrected, just Argos Manoban now, not a commander. Hahaha

Commander Bae: How twisted your brain is, what have you done to her?

Commander Yang: By the sound of your voice, it seems my Lisa had gotten close to you, am I correct? Let me get one thing straight Commander Bae! Lalisa is my property! Never this country nor never Argos' daughter!!!

With anger in his voice, he stomps his fist on Commander Bae's desk crumpling the piece of paper in his hand. All three inside the room were in shock, realized of what he has done, and how he suddenly lost his temper, quickly, Commander Yang took a deep breath letting his anger subside, and straighten out the piece of paper that he suddenly crumpled.

Commander Yang: Pardon my sudden burst of temper. Hahaha. To answer your question earlier, MY Lalisa is just outside the building securing the premises.

Commander Bae: How are you to live with yourself knowing you destroyed your very own children? He looked at Bambam and back to him

Commander Yang: Destroyed? You have gotten it all wrong Commander Bae, I gave them a new life. Stronger, faster, smarter, efficient, calculated, and most of all, merciless. A life without a flaw. Perfect if you must say. Obeying my every command as what a child should do.

Commander Bae: A child? Or a puppet?... did you ever think that this is what they wante-----

He was cut off by Ji-eun.

Ji-eun: Pardon my words, Commander Bae, I believe this meeting is for the itinerary of Commander Yang's visit, not a discussion of how he should raise his children.

Commander Yang: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Ji-eun is right. Very right indeed. Shall we discuss my schedule for today Commander Bae? He smiled

Commander Bae: Very well...

As much as Commander Bae would like to argue, Ji-eun indeed had a point, it was not a meeting for how to raise a child the right way but rather a much better picture first. He had to set aside first his emotion for the child and focus on the monster in front of him.


Lisa was outside the building standing near the door, checking and observing the premises, looking closely at the students passing by her for any odd behavior just a precaution for the safety of her commander.

The students passing by her were still looking at her intently with mixed emotions in their eyes, disbelief, anger, and doubt. Lisa could also hear their whispers when they passed by her.

"She's alive!"

"Why is she on their side?!"

"Is she a traitor?"

"She's a spy!"

"What did they do to her?"

All those words she heard and all those words she did not dwell on it. The hell she would care about the whispers she heard. Why would she be called a traitor for one, she has never been in this country before. Definitely, all the whispers she heard were false statements, but one whisper was true, she is on the side of her country and not the solid ground she was standing on.

With busy thoughts, Lisa got a little startled seeing a girl with piercing blue eyes in front of her, with a very much beautiful smile painted on her smile.


"Subject Irene Bae" Lisa said to herself.

Still not moving in her position, she gave Irene a very plain look, which obviously states that she doesn't want to be bothered because what was ordered to her is to guard the premises, and having an annoying blue-eyed cat is not acceptable.

Irene: Pssssttt!!! Lisa!... hmmm... snobber... She went beside Lisa

Irene noticed that Lisa is looking far away.

Irene: What are you looking at? She tip-toed to see what Lisa was looking at. Hmmm... I cannot see anything... only a tree. Hehe. She giggled

"Annoying cat" Lisa whispered to herself

Irene: Odd? Yesterday you were talkative! Why you are silent now? Where is the sarcastic Lalisa yesterday?

Lisa: ........................

Still not talking to Irene, she still had her obligation to secure the premises and Irene beside her annoying her is not helping her at all.

Irene straightens her back and copy Lisa's posture. She was mocking her and trying to get her attention, which she was able to because Lisa's eyes were locked on her, and with that, a huge smile plastered on Irene's face.

Irene: Aha! I finally got your attention. Hihihi

Lisa immediately brought back her eyes to where it was focused in the first place and obviously not on Irene, it was that she was too annoying by her side, and especially she just reacted the way she stands firm in her position which she really protested, she doesn't look that way when she's standing.

Irene: You're unfair... I already made you look... hmp! Hey Lisa... have you eaten lunch already?... She asks shyly

Lisa: ....................................

"Yesterday you are talkative and a wise *ss... but now you are so serious? Hai... I miss that... stiff like a soldier... but I will still annoy you so you will talk to me... wait I thought of something... hihi... " Irene said to herself

Irene: Gosh... maybe you have bad breath that's why you do not want to talk?!

Lisa: What?! NO!

And her order to stay on guard was broken with the clever question of Irene.

Irene had a very victorious smile on her face.

Irene: Is that so and why you do not want to talk? Yesterday you are so talkative. Do you have a period now? Hehe.

Lisa: I have my orders... and NO! You know you are so annoying you crybaby. Can you leave now?

Irene: Oh, and why I would leave? Is this yours? She smiled. If you want, you leave... hehe.

Lisa: Why would I leave? I have my order to guard this area.

Irene: Then you have no right to ask me to leave because, for one, this is not yours. Hello, we are in Korea. Hahaha

Lisa: You are annoying... She said trying her best not to burst out her temper.

An argument was lost by Lalisa Yang with her subject, Irene Bae.

Irene: I might be annoying but let me just tell you this, I am also very much smart, Lalisa. She smiled sweetly

Lisa sigh in defeat, knowing that the only way for this blue-eyed cat to leave her is to give her what she wants.

Lisa: What do you want? She coldly said

Irene: Hmmmm... have you eaten lunch yet?

Lisa: No.

With that, a conversation started to flow between the two unlikely sides. Irene was still standing beside Lisa but had already leaned her back against the wall because she cannot do how Lisa stand like a statue.

Irene: Do you have any plans to eat? anytime soon?

Lisa: Yes.

Irene: When is that? Wait, you only answer me in one line... can you add some?...

Lisa: Later, eh why not? At least I was answering your questions.

Irene: Is that so? Wow, nice having a conversation with you. She said sarcastically

Lisa: Who said I wanted a conversation with you? Lisa ask back Irene

Irene: My gosh... all right... answer this... and for the day I won't bother you anymore... sounds good?

Lisa thought of what Irene said, if it is a way for her to leave her alone and let her do her supposed task then the answer would be a yes.

Lisa: All right.

Irene: Will you eat this later?... I mean for your lunch later?... She made her way in front of Lisa and shyly took out a fruit that she concealed from the back of her hands and presented it to Lisa

Lisa was shocked by Irene's sudden action and saw an orange fruit that Irene was holding in front of her. She saw how her subject's eyes sparkle like the ocean and how hopeful her smile was. But uncaring she is and just wanted Irene to leave her alone she answered with a cold tone of her voice.

Lisa: No. I have answered your question, will you leave me alone?

Irene's smile faded, and she hesitantly place her hand down still holding on to the fruit she offered to Lisa. She already had her answer and true to her words, she won't bother Lisa for the day. She slowly turn her back to Lisa with her head down as if she lost a lottery and Irene started to walk without any words to say.

Lisa on the other hand was already smiling in her head, as she saw her subject about to walk away from her to leave her to her post.

"Good thing she already left" She said to herself

Lisa was about to regain her focus when suddenly, she saw Irene turn her body around to face her.

Irene: Hey!

Lisa: What the----

Irene suddenly toss the orange to Lisa and by instinct, Lisa just caught it with her hand. Confused as f*ck of what just happened and why the hell Irene just threw a piece of fruit towards her and why the hell did she even catch it in the first place. Waves of questions already flooded her mind. As she take a look at the orange in her hand and shifted her eyes to Irene. How she saw again Irene was smiling victoriously and she even winked at her before running off.

Lisa: I—I got outsmarted?... She asks herself

Lisa shook her head and smile in disbelief, she couldn't just believe she has outsmarted her, not just once but twice already. She saw Irene as a challenge, intrigued with her personality, and most of all intrigued with the fact that she look familiar to her.

This a question she tried to shut off since yesterday but she couldn't for the past years, her dreams was just parts of a girl, like a puzzle she couldn't solve. In her dreams, she saw her eyes for the first week of her recovery, the two months after it was the sound of her laugh, and after a year, she dreamt of her smile and how those two years kept on repeating every time she sleeps. Last night was different, like the puzzle in her dream suddenly re-align itself. It somewhat looks like her, from her eyes, smiles, and to her laughter, it was somewhat her and the question is, who is she to her?

"Who are you, Irene?" She said to herself with her eyebrows creased

Staring at the orange on her hand, suddenly, her head started to ache a little and a flash of the image appeared in her mind.

What she saw, was herself, she felt a piece of round object hit the back of her head, it was like she hesitated to turn around but she did and saw a girl, whose image was unclear, it was like a blur, the girl she saw was picking up the orange from the ground and was wiping off the dirt when the orange landed on the ground and the girl who picked it up smiled at her, similar to the smile of the girl in her dream. She heard the girl speak.

"Finally you turn around, here this is for you..."

Lisa: What the f*ck...

Lisa said in disbelief, it was a memory that suddenly flash to her, was it real? It felt real, she battled herself yet again who was that girl, and why does she look similar to Irene? She gripped the orange from her hand, frustrated with the questions that she has no answers to at all.

Engrossed in her attention with a sudden flash of a memory she couldn't remember, she didn't even realize that Ji-eun was already beside her.

Ji-eun: Bonjour! She happily greeted Lisa

Lisa was shocked when Ji-eun kissed her cheek and get the orange in her hand.

Lisa: Ji-eun, why are you here?

Ji-eun: Lunch time. She smiled while tossing the fruit up and down into the air

Lisa: How about commander and Bambam?

Ji-eun: With Commander Bae, having lunch, don't worry he is safe with Bambam by his side, and Bambam asks me to relieve you in your post, it seems the coast is clear. Hehe. Hmmmm... who gave you this, Lisa? Is it some girl? Tsk! You know how jealous am I! if I find out who gave this to you I will cut her fingers off. Hehe

Lisa: It doesn't matter.

Lisa quickly grabs the fruit from Ji-eun's hand.

Lisa: It is my lunch, don't play with it.

Ji-eun: You never like oranges...

Lisa: Maybe I do now.

Lisa started to peel the orange and started to eat it, and Ji-eun was just staring blankly at Lisa, she shifted her eyes to the piece of fruit she was eating and how she wanted to smash it to the ground.

Ji-eun: I'm serious, you know cutting off the fingers of... whoever gave you that piece of orange sh*t... She angrily said

Lisa just gave her a smirk.

Lisa: You can't, she's my subject. You know the rules, I'm the only one who can touch her.

Ji-eun: F*ck! I told Bambam it was a bad idea, I should have her as a subject, I could torture her and have what we wanted right away.

Lisa: You know very well d*mn know it wouldn't work at all.


E.Y Army HQ

Commander Yang: A week of cessation of war, then we will take this advantage to plan our massive blow. They have deceived us all these years, a country that hides their riches, from minerals to the most expensive desire each nation would want. GOLD. Our country had agreed to my plan and a week from now we shall step onto their soil, France personally asked me to represent them as those cowards ask for a peace treaty.

Bambam: Really? A peace treaty?

Ji-eun: Such a false hope. Hahaha.

Commander Yang: Peace will never be achieved, I vow that only power and strength shall rule over. I will not sign the treaty but rather have something else in mind for a game. Hahaha

Bambam: What is it, Commander?

Commander Yang: A distraction.

Ji-eun: Sir?

Commander Yang: In time, you will know. Bambam, we will be needing your sister in this mission.

Ji-eun: Sir! She's still recovering! She protested

Commander Yang: Two years is enough for her to recover. Prepare her for a mission to retrieve our map. Let her warm up a bit.

Bambam: Are you sure, sir?... I mean... she's still recovering... you had to rewrite her memory... and mentally...

Commander Yang: She's ready. She will not fail me this time. If she does then, the device I planted in her mind will surely snap her back to me once more.

Bambam: Very well. What does she have to do then, sir?

Ji-eun: Bambam! She's not 100%... why not trust her? We can very well execute your mission!

Commander Yang: Yes, you can execute my orders to perfection but you two are far from perfection. Remember both of you are half bonded with the venomptyalin virus that is why your heart stopped for an hour and regains back its beat and that is why only one of your eyes changes its shade. A struggle for perfection. But Lalisa was different, she was the only one who successfully bonded with the virus, what beauty of her eyes both changing their shade, how she can heal faster given just a span of days, her speed, her strength, her ability to think in the most violent way is such a beauty. Perfection she is, Project Lalisa.

Both Ji-eun and Bambam didn't have the words to say, agreeing that Lisa was different, she was far superior, and she was pushing too far to the edge. Drain with all human feelings perhaps and right now no memories of her own. Loyalty to their commander will always prevail, that is how they were trained and that is how they survive. They became twisted together with the twisted commander himself.

Ji-eun wanted to protest, she knew Lisa is not at her best, and still needs time to recover since another dosage of the virus penetrated her veins, she was still recovering, and although she is physically ready a big doubt in her mind if she is mentally ready.

She remembers how she met Lisa when she hasn't experimented before, the truth is Ji-eun was the first to experiment. Like what Commander Yang said she only half bonded with the virus, she was scared, but Lisa came to her aid and protected her, telling her that everything will be all right. She still remembers Lisa as a kind-hearted and charming kid, but due to that she just half bonded with the virus, Ji-eun could still feel different types of emotions and one for sure she felt for Lisa is love.

But unfortunately, faith was not kind to Lisa, her emotions were stripped down, and had to live a life of such nothingness only the life to obey orders and the thirst to kill.

Commander Yang: Lalisa will take the mission to befriend Commander Bae's daughter.

An image of Irene appeared on the black screen.

Commander Yang: Bae Joo-hyun, also known as Irene, Strategics student in her 5th year. Daughter of Commander Miguel Bae.

Ji-eun: What does Lisa have to do with her, sir?

Commander Yang: Take her trust, befriend her, make her fall for her, or even f*ck her if she must!!! The important matter is, that Irene will trust her enough, and is she does, it would be easy for us to bend Commander Bae, he would always do anything for her daughter even hand off the location where the golds are hidden. It is only he and Argos Manoban know about the golds' location. Hitting two birds with one stone.

Bambam: So... Irene is bait.

Commander Yang: Exactly. I had the privilege to see my daughter's memory for the past ten years, and for one Irene fell for our project Lalisa. I do not know how she got compromised before but I assure you that she won't this time. Hahaha

End of flashback

Ji-eun was still looking at Lisa who had already finished eating her orange and hesitated to say what saw the commander said to her. But she must, it's a command from their very own twisted commander. She had to oblige.

Ji-eun: Uhm... Lisa...

Lisa: Yeah?

Ji-eun: Lo-locate your subject. Project Gold has initiated...

Lisa gave Ji-eun a smirk.

Lisa: Roger that!

Lisa quickly fixes her necktie and was about to step forward when Ji-eun suddenly grabbed her hand which made her cease in her tracks, Lisa looked at her with confusion written on her face.

Ji-eun: Be careful...

Lisa: I do not need to be careful, she's the one who needs to be careful. She smirks. See you later Ji-eun!

And Lisa just started to walk away and tried to find her subject.


Irene was already at the garage together with her friends, since then the garage in Division I has become their hang-out place, and since that event, all three divisions had become friends.

Nayeon: Oh, how was it? Did you see her?

Chaeyoung: How is she?! I did not see her yesterday! Tsk!

Jisoo: I am happy that she is dead... I really thought...

Seulgi: We all thought she died... but she didn't... but... she's not on our side anymore... that is what I did not understand...

Joy: The only answer to that is, they did something to Lisa... what do you think?...

Irene: She's right... I mean... I met her yesterday, right?... she wasn't able to recognize me at all... or any of us... and she's different...

Wendy: Different? Like how Irene?

Irene: She's not the old, silent Lisa, the stiff-like soldier... but she is more of a talkative, and wise*ss...

Jisoo: Pffffttttt!!! Wise*ss??? I have got to see this! HAHAHAHA.

Chaeyoung and Yeri: Me too!!!

Yeri: A wise*ss Lisa, that's a first. Hahahaha

Irene gave Yeri, Chaeyoung, and Jisoo her famous dagger eyes look, the three immediately zipped their mouths.

Jeongyeon: You guys... hahaha.

Irene: Earlier I had a chance to talk to her again, it is another side of Lisa, she became a stiff-like soldier... I am confused...

Seulgi: Gosh! Maybe it is true that she has bipolar disorder. Hahahahaha

Irene: Seul!!! I am not joking around!!! She irritated said

Seulgi: All right, my bad... hmmm... maybe she was on duty... that is why... you got to have your full attention when guarding a post.

Joy: Seul is right, Irene... maybe you annoy her while she is on duty?

Irene: Huh? No! She lied

Nayeon: I know that tone of your voice besh, you did. Hahahaha

Irene: Okay fine! I did! I am just concerned about the person if she did not eat yet... that's all... my intention is pure. Hehe.

While they are busy talking to each other, there someone who entered the garage that gets everybody's attention. Rosé just arrive at the garage and she was not alone.

Rosé: Uhm, Irene unnie someone is looking for you......

Irene: Huh? Who?

???: HEY!!!

Irene: What are you doing here?...

Irene suddenly stood up in shock, her companions were also shocked while others face palm on what they saw.

???: Is it bad to go here and invite you out for lunch? He smiled

Irene: Uhm, I already ate... so I can't Bo-gum...

Bo-gum: Is that so? I thought you would say that so I bought dessert! Hehe. She took out a freshly baked cake from the paper bag she was holding

Nayeon: Wow cake!!! Perfect! We haven't eaten dessert! Hahaha

Bo-gum: Uhm... that... is for... Iren----

Irene: It's okay, I am not in the mood for dessert anyway Bo-gum... and maybe they really like the cake you brought... hehe.

She let Bo-gum inside the garage and slightly push him to her friends who were hungrily waiting for Bo-gum to open the cake he brought. Irene was about to close the garage door when suddenly someone pull her outside, which none of her friends noticed because their concentration was on the cake.

Irene: Sh*t! What is your prob---

Irene did not finish what she was saying because she saw who pulled her and the butterflies in her stomach go crazy and her heartbeat is like running away from wolves.

Irene: Li-lisa...

Lisa: Hi! She smiled

"Oh, sh*t!!! She smiled at me... my underwear did not fall, right?... Gosh! She smiled at me!!!" She crazily said to herself.

Irene: Wha—what---

Irene couldn't utter the right words to Lisa, she was caught off guard and was very much giddy.

Lisa: What? Earlier you are good at words, now... you don't? Hehe. She giggled

Irene right now is blushing to a very tomato-like red, Lisa was just too much not to mention she was still holding her hand and the way she smiles which she rarely did before is just too much for her to handle, how could it she possibly become this charming?!

Lisa: Hmmm... I heard you had your lunch already?...

Irene: Where did you he-hear that?...

Lisa: Earlier... is it true?

Irene: It is... uhm... because...

Lisa: Let's go, join me... I only ate that orange you gave me... I'm still hungry though. She smiled

"OH, MY FREAK*NG GOSH!!! SHE ATE IT!!!" Irene happily said to herself

Irene: Ehem... She cleared her throat. Did you eat it?

Lisa: Well, yeah... that's what I just said... and in case you did not hear, I am still hungry, so, come and join me.

Lisa was about to pull Irene when suddenly they heard a voice similar to Bo-gum's.

Bo-gum: Irene are you there outside--- YOU!!! He shouted

Because of Bo-gum's shout, all of Irene's friends went out of the garage and saw Lisa. Jaw dropped seeing Lisa again. Clearly, there were some changes. How Chaeyoung, Jisoo, and Yeri wanted to hug her but they tried to control themselves instead they hug each other.

Chaeyoung: She's really alive...

Jisoo: Why she is still hot... thank God she's alive.

Yeri: I bet she still has her abs... thank God she's really alive...

The three cried which got Lisa's attention, especially seeing all their faces, Seulgi, Joy, Jeongyeon, Chaeyoung, Jisoo, and Yeri were already familiar to her, because of the mission before the cessation of war.

Bo-gum: Let Irene go! She grabs Irene's hand

Lisa: Op! I can't she will come with me, we will eat.

Bo-gum: What?! Excuse me snake, Irene already ate, she's already full so find someone to eat with you.

And just right on cue, they all heard a loud growling sound, and all of them look at Irene since it came from that side.

Irene: Sh*t... this is embarrassing... She whispered

Nayeon: Wow besh... are you that hungry...

Lisa had a playful smirk in her face.

Lisa: She's full, huh? Let's go, Irene...

Lisa immediately pulls Irene away from Division I's pathway. Bo-gum once again immediately stops Lisa and Irene.

Bo-gum: Irene will come with me, we will eat outside. She said with authority

Lisa: The hell I care, she said yes to me first!

Nayeon: Woah... it is really a different Lisa... She whispered to Jeongyeon

With even the whisper of Nayeon, all have to agree that what they were seeing right now is indeed a different Lalisa, a much stronger and outspoke, full of confidence Lisa.

Bo-gum: She's coming with me!

Seulgi: Hep!!! Instead of fighting... why not we all eat outside. Is that okay?

Lisa: Negative.

Lisa pulled Irene's hand again and started to walk and once again Bo-gum tried to stop Irene and Lisa, because of irritation, Lisa did a move that made their eyes wide open. Lisa swiftly pulled out her gun and aim it at Bo-gum's head, which made him nervous and caught off guard.

Lisa: Another word from your f*cking mouth and I will blow your brain into bits!

Irene: Lisa! Irene immediately stop Lisa and put the gun down

Lisa: What?! She's getting on my nerves! I'm already in such great control to kill her right now, which by the way I really want to, badly want to... Her eyes started to change their shade

Irene saw it and quickly get Lisa's attention.

Irene: Lalisa!!! She yelled

Lisa was shocked and immediately change back the shade of her eyes to warm brown eyes, which also made Irene smile. She still has this effect on Lisa.

Irene: I agree with Seulgi's suggestion, let's eat outside. I think that's fair enough, right? She smiled at them

Lisa can't do anything, she sighed in defeat.

Lisa: Fine...


Hello guys! Surprise!!! This is the fastest update that I made. Thank you for supporting this Lisrene adaptation!

I do not know when I will update again since I will be busy with my studies and also finding a way to make money.

By the way, I know that Bo-gum and Lisa are close, I just can not think of any man who was shipped to Irene.

I hope you like this chapter. See you soon! 😊

Stay safe!

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