Son Of The Shadow Monarch

Galing kay BlackReaper707

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After defeating the Monarch Of Destruction who had taken over the body of All For One, Izuku Yagi, now known... Higit pa

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Merry Christmas/Happy New Years
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
New Story Vote!!

Chapter 11

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Galing kay BlackReaper707

Izuku stood before the two women rubbing the bridge of his nose in annoyance while they looked at him nervously, not liking the silence. The others in the room looked between Izuku and the two women, wondering what would happen and how they could help.

Izuku: "So let me get this straight even after I told you not to take your eyes off her, you did precisely that, and when you looked back, she was gone without a trace."

Ruby: "Yes, Sir."

Izuku: "After that, you and your teams, who are still out there looking for her, couldn't find her anywhere in the school."

Nora: "Yes, Sir."

"you then decided to get the teachers involved, and they are now running around trying to find her as well. While they sent you two to find and inform me of what was going on. Do I understand this correctly?" Izuku said, letting go of his nose and glaring at the two, who shrank at the look

Ruby/Nora: "Yes, Sir!" Izuku sighed and rubbed his temples, already feeling the headache coming.

Izuku: "Now I know what that damn zombie-looking bastard felt like, but there is good news."

"how can there be good news when your daughter is missing!? And who are you talking about?" Velvet asked, looking shocked at what Izuku said along with the others in the room.

Izuku: "There's good news because I know Eri is safe. And I am talking about an old friend I made back home who was a teacher."

Coco: "How do you know that?"

Izuku: "Because there is not a massive angry bear rampaging through campus killing whatever put her in danger."

Yatsa: "I'm sorry, a what!?"

"I believe he is talking about Tank. He is very protective of Eri, To the point he only ever leaves her side now when Izuku orders him. Which he never does, especially after what happened back home." Igris said, speaking up for the first time.

Velvet: "What happened?"

"Long story. I will explain it at a later date. But before that, let's find Eri. It should be relatively easy since Tank is with her. I can look through his eyes to find out where she is." Izuku said, closing his eyes and focusing on Tank.

Nora: "Wait, you can look through your shadow's eyes?"

Izuku: "Yes, I just have to focus."

Ruby: "Have you ever seen anything you shouldn't have by accident doing that?"

Izuku thought back to when he had looked through his shadow's eyes and had seen Summer, Ruby, and Yang naked. His face darkened slightly, remembering that, and he shook his head to get the images out.

"Please let me focus so I can find Eri," Izuku said, avoiding the question, which didn't go unnoticed by the gathered group and the blush. They wondered what he had seen but dropped the subject for now.

Izuku brought his focus back on Tank, looking through his eyes. As what the shadow saw came into view, Izuku was left speechless at what he was seeing. He opened his eyes to see the expectant faces of Nora and Ruby and the curious ones of team CFVY.

"Well? What's going on?" Nora asked impatiently, not liking the confusion on Izuku's face.

Izuku: "Well, I know for sure she is safe."

Ruby: "Well, that's good, but what's with the look on your face?"

"That is because I don't know if I should be impressed or terrified," Izuku said, walking out the door and leaving the room deathly silent, with everyone in there wondering what could have terrified someone as strong as Izuku. Ruby and Nora thought they dodged a bullet and sighed in relief, only for it to stop when Izuku popped his head back in the door. "Also, as punishment for losing her, you and your teams will be doing sprints around the school until I say stop."

Ruby and Nora's faces fell hearing this while Izuku laughed as he walked down the hallway to where his daughter was. But not wanting to be left behind, the six quickly followed behind Izuku, Ruby, and Nora slower than the rest, already dreading their punishment.

Let us take a look back in time to before Eri wandered off.

(Eri's POV)

I was sitting with my big sisters, having just finished the breakfast my Papa had made me. I was sitting between my big sisters, Lily and Nora, enjoying the company of everyone as they talked to each other and me. While I was sitting there talking, I suddenly craved an apple.

Thinking I would be quick and that no one would notice if I quickly went to the kitchen and asked the friendly cooks if they had one. I quickly and quietly got up from my seat and made my way toward the kitchen. Once I reached the kitchen door, I pushed it open and was met with Auntie Betty and Uncle Port standing at the counter drinking from a pot of coffee.

They both looked at me when I opened the door to the kitchen and looked at me in confusion. Auntie Betty walked over to me and crouched down.

Betty: "What are you doing here alone, Little one?"

Eri: "I am not alone. I am with my big sisters, but I just wanted an apple and didn't want to disturb them, so I came by myself."

"I see. Well, let's get you an apple so you can return quickly, so they don't see you're gone and get worried." Auntie said, standing up and holding a hand out to me, which I gladly took and gave her a smile which she returned.

We walked over to where Uncle Port stood with a cup of coffee and a warm smile. I was surprised when Auntie Betty picked me up and sat me on the countertop next to the pot of coffee.

"Stay here while I grab you an apple," Auntie said. I barely had enough time to nod my head before she zoomed off.

"and there she goes quickly, as always," Uncle Port said from my left. I looked over at him and was greeted with the same warm smile. "How are you doing today, little one?"

"I am good, Uncle Port!" I said, giving him a smile. His smile widened, and he petted my hair which I enjoyed but not as much as when my Papa did.

Port: "That's good to hear, little one,"

" Here you are, Eri," Auntie Betty said, holding an apple for me to take, which I did happily and took a big bite of, enjoying it.

"Thank you, Auntie!" I said, giving her a smile that brightened her mood because she returned it with a pet to my hair.

Betty: "No problem, snowflake. If you ever need anything, you just ask. OK?"

Eri: "OK, auntie!"

Betty: "Good. Now you better return before the others notice you're gone and start to worry about you."

"OK, Auntie!" I said with a smile and hopped down from the counter with the apple in my hand. I looked back toward Auntie Betty and Uncle Port. "Bye, bye I can't wait to be in your classes again!"

Both: "Us as well, little one/snowflake. It's always fun when you join us for class."

I giggled and took off, returning to where my big sisters were. Once I arrived back to where I thought they were, I was concerned when I didn't see anyone there. I thought for a second that I had gone to the wrong table, so I looked around for them at other tables but could not find them anywhere in the cafeteria. I gripped the apple in my hand tighter and started to worry. But I had only one thought in my head at that moment.

Eri: "Papa is going to be so mad."

(End of POV)

When the group noticed that Eri was gone, they immediately started panicking and looked all over the cafeteria for her, but due to their panicked state, they never thought to look in the kitchen. When they could not find her in the cafeteria, they split up and searched all over the campus.

While they were searching for Eri, Eri was also searching for them. There were a couple of close calls where they almost ran into each other but had just missed the other by a hair. Eventually, they decided to meet to discuss what should be done while talking; Olivia, Glynda, Betty, and Port found the group talking.

They explained what had happened to the teachers, with all four immediately growing worried and wondering where the small girl could have disappeared. The teachers decided to join in the search but told Ruby and Nora that they would have to find Izuku and explain the situation to him, which they were not happy about but knew it had to be done.

Now we return to the present time with Izuku and the others walking out of the school. They were heading towards the forest at the edge of the campus.

Ruby: "Umm, Izu, where are we going?"

"We are going to the forest over there," Izuku said, pointing towards the forest on his left. "she is currently playing in there."

"WHAT!!!" Ruby and the others yelled

Velvet: "Doesn't she know how dangerous the forest is? It's infested with Grimm!"

Coco: "And why are you so calm about it!?"

Izuku: "Well, for one, as I said before, I know she is safe because Tank is with her, and the reason she is playing out there even though it's dangerous is probably because of me."

Foxy: "What do you mean?"

Izuku: "Well, she has faith that I will always come to protect her no matter what. So that has made her bolder with her actions than she otherwise would. Even though she is still quite shy when meeting new people."

Yatsa: "That is both adorable and quite concerning."

"Probably, but she is not wrong. I wou-" As Izuku was talking, he suddenly stopped causing Ruby to walk into his back.

Ruby: "AHH Izu, why did you stop?"

"SHH," Izuku shushed Ruby and looked around. They had just walked into the forest when Izuku stopped and started looking around. All six were tense, seeing how closely Izuku was watching his surroundings.

It stayed like that for several seconds before Izuku quickly picked up Ruby and moved back just as a bullet hit the ground where he had stood moments ago. The other five quickly got into a defensive stance.

"Well, I was wondering who would be the first to try and attack me," Izuku said, still holding onto Ruby while looking around.

"Umm, Izu, do you mind putting me down, please," Ruby asked. Izuku looked down and saw a bright red Ruby staring at her chest. Izuku looked down and saw that he had accidentally grabbed ahold of her breast in his hurry to dodge.

His face immediately went red in embarrassment, and he quickly but gently put Ruby down. Once her feet touched the ground, she stepped back, still embarrassed, and looked at her feet, only sparing a glance up at Izuku's face, which was still red, causing her to have a soft smile. While Nora looked at the two with jealousy, and the others looked on indifferently, knowing it was an accident.

"(Ahem) What do you mean to attack you first, Zuku?" Nora asked, clearing her throat to gain the two's attention.

"(Ahem) Well, Nora, what I mean is when I told the class that the first one to land a hit on me will get one request from me for a day," Izuku said, clearing his throat and looking at the orange-haired woman. "And it seems this will be the first group to take their chance."

Nora: "Oh, I forgot about that, but shouldn't you call it off since we are busy?"

"Not really, since it seemed to be a spur-of-the-moment thing they're doing." Izuku said, "But this will be perfect as an example."

Coco: "What do you mean?"

"Ms. Scarlatina," Izuku said, his voice sharp and clear in the silence, causing not just her but all six to stand at attention and look toward Izuku.

"I want you to watch closely what I am about to do because this is what I will teach you during our training. Do I make myself clear?" Izuku asked, looking at the rabbit Faunus who stood at attention.

Velvet: "YES, SIR!!"

"Good," Izuku said, then pulled out a wooden sword, and as soon as it was in his hand, he turned around, smiled at the group, and seemed to flicker and disappeared.

As they watched where Izuku just stood, they quickly saw people appearing where he was standing one by one until four people were sitting on the ground, either tied up or knocked out, with Izuku standing right behind them. The five looked at Izuku with stars in their eyes, shocked at what he just did.

Izuku: "Well, were you paying attention?"

Velvet: "Yes, sir! But what exactly was that you just disappeared, and then they appeared not long after?"

Ruby: "Was it that stealth thingy you used during orientation?"

"no, that was something different. What I just used was a technique that I made that uses the strength of a person's legs to propel them forward rapidly." Izuku said, putting the sword away and crouching to untie the group and wake the unconscious students. "Which causes them to flicker away and move at extreme speed. It is unsuitable for prolonged fights because of the high stamina drain, but it is devastating in short battles."

As Izuku stood up, he stepped back and looked down at the students who had just tried to ambush him. All four of them had their heads down in shame.

Izuku: "Why do you all look so downcast?"

Student 1: "Because we failed."

Izuku: "Let me ask you a question. Was this planned or an attack of opportunity?"

Student 1: "An attack of opportunity."

"So there was no planning beforehand, and you almost got me," Izuku asked while in his mind he was thinking. (Not really, but I can't break their spirits too much because it might have worked out if it was anyone else.)

"Aww, isn't that sweet of you, Izuku!" Nana said, distracting him.

"And here I thought you only cared about family or those you love!" Banjo said, crying fake tears while being patted on the back by Hikage.

Izuku: (Be quiet, all of you)

Student 1: "Umm, sir?"

Izuku: "Ah, sorry, I had something on my mind. Where were we again?"

Student 2: "We were saying that that was correct."

Izuku: "ah, thank you. Well then, there you have it. All I can say to you four is if you are going for a more stealthy approach when fighting, you need to research your target and discover their strengths and weaknesses. Also, I would suggest learning about camouflage. Once I knew you were there, I could quickly find your positions, this will work if you can one-shot an opponent, but if not, they will quickly move into close combat like I did or open fire right back."

All ten students stood there with mouths agape and the vestiges looking at Izuku in shock and awe.

"Izu, that was amazing!" Ruby and Nora said, rushing over to stand before Izuku and bouncing excitedly.

Student 3: "Mother fucker! I never even thought about learning more about camouflage."

Hearing the words mother fucker Izuku burst out laughing, remembering something from his old world. Everyone looked at Izuku, confused, until he eventually calmed down.

Izuku: "Sorry about laughing. Something you said reminded me of something funny from my past. If you will excuse me, I must be on my way."

Without saying another word Izuku walked around the group and continued to where Eri was. Leaving the group looking at each other confused until the ones who attacked him started talking and leaving, leaving the six others to run after Izuku.

"umm, Mr. Sung, what was with your laughter back there?" Yatsa asked when they caught up to Izuku, who still had a mischievous smile.

Izuku: "Hmm, well, about that, back where I am from, I was heavily bullied for being different from others. One of my main bullies always cussed every chance he got."

Velvet: "You were bullied, but you're so strong. Why did you let them?"

Izuku: "Back then, I wasn't like I am now. I was weak, but that isn't needed for this story now. As I was saying, this person like to cuss A LOT. One of his favorite things was to call me a mother fucker. Well, I took that personally."

He heard three gasps behind him, causing Izuku's smile to widen.

Coco: "You did not!"

"Oh yes, I did," Izuku said, smiling back at Coco.

"I don't get it. What did you do?" Ruby asked Izuku looked over to see Nora and Velvet looking confused.

"Oh my god, you three are too innocent for this world," Izuku said, looking back at the other three. "You want to explain, or should I?"

"I got this," Coco said, walking over to the three and pulling them into a hushed conversation, the three woman's faces growing increasingly red as they continued to walk.

Coco: "And that is it."

"Why would you do something like that, Izu!?" Ruby asked, her face red enough to light a night sky along with Nora and Velvet.

"In my defense, I didn't plan for that outcome. It just happened one day when I was in high school." Izuku said, petting Ruby and Nora's hair to calm them down.

"How does something like that just happen?" Velvet asked, her face still red and growing redder as Izuku reached over and gently petted her hair to calm her, which she enjoyed but saw Ruby pouting because he stopped petting her. While this happened, everyone looked at Izuku, waiting for an explanation, including all the vestiges.

Nana: "Well, who would have guessed Izuku had this side of him? Now I am curious."

"Agreed, come on, boy, give us the details!" Banjo yelled, earning a glare from Izuku, who stopped petting all three hair, seeing as they had calmed down.

Izuku: "Well, once I moved in with my father, we moved to a different city where I spent a few years going to school, and one day, while I was out and about, we accidentally ran into each other while I was out shopping for food."

Nora: "Where was Eri?"

Izuku: "This was before I adopted her."

"ah, I see," Nora said, her face falling slightly, remembering Eri's life before Izuku, only for Izuku to reach out and pet her head.

Izuku: "yea, so when I was getting food, we ran into each other. At first, she was shocked to see me since I looked nothing like before. She demanded to know what had happened to me, so I invited her to get a drink at a local shop and explained everything that had happened to me over the years."

Velvet: "What happened?"

Izuku: "A lot, but that is a story for another time. After I finished my story, I asked about her life, and she told me that she found her husband cheated on her with another woman."

Ruby: "That's horrible!!"

Izuku: "Agreed, I didn't expect it from him. He seemed like a good person, but I hate cheaters more than anything. So over the next few months, we would meet up and talk and enjoy each other's company, and one day she invited me over to where she was living. And one thing led to another, and we ended up in bed together."

Coco: "WHAT! You can't end the story like that. You must give some details!"

Izuku: "Nope, that is all you are getting from me on this matter. Besides, we are here."

Nora: "What?"

Izuku walked forward and moved some bushes out of the way to show a clearing with a giant black and purple bear lying on the ground while watching a white-haired little girl running around the clearing, laughing while being chased by several Grimm.

(Sorry it is shorter than usual this chapter was a pain in the ass to write because it got deleted three separate times i will try and make the next one longer to make up for this one)

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