My Only Sunshine

By FatesBetween

54.4K 2.9K 222

Aelia Madison wants nothing more than to escape the events of what happened when she was 11 years old, now at... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 9

1.8K 101 7
By FatesBetween

When I opened the door, thankfully Damien wasn't in the room, so I quickly tiptoed to my closet and picked out something I could wear.

What do I actually wear? This was a date, but I was also meeting everyone that knew Damien all in one day, do I go with shorts, a skirt or a dress? At times like this I wish I had a girl friend to help me out.

I picked up a short flowery pink skirt I didn't know I had and a midway tank top that I thought would good, then I went into my draws and found a bra and a clean pair of panties ad started putting them on.

"Damien?" I called out his name, quickly slipping my pants on.

I heard him in the kitchen then I saw him as he came around the corner, just as I put my bra on, I was standing there with just those on when he laid his eyes on me.

"What's wrong?" He asked as I hid behind the door, feeling shy when he's fully dressed, and I'm barely dressed.

"Oh, I just thought you left..." I mumbled. "I'm going to get ready, I'll be out in a second."

"I thought you wanted my help." He said, amusement in his tone, making me roll my eyes but blush.

"You're funny." I chuckled at him before closing the door, noticing the smirk on his face as he went back down the hall where my kitchen was.

Quickly I slid the skirt on and put my tank top on, then I let my blonde hair down, it was wavy and already looked fine so i decided that I would just leave it down then I could quickly apply a little blush and then find some shoes to wear.

Once I was done, and my shoes were on, I opened the door and went to see what Damien was doing, and when I walked into the room, I saw him looking through the books on my small shelf on the wall.

"I'm ready." I said, making him close the book, put it back and turn around to look at me, with a frown.

Dammit, did I get it wrong? "Is this no good, or should I go change into something else?" I didn't know if there was a dress code, and I was too preoccupied having him in my apartment to ask.

It's just so warm outside that I thought a skirt would be good, but now that I think about it, maybe it's a little too short? And my top has maybe too much skin exposed?

"No, it's just-" He sighed out, as he stared down at with a troubled expression. "You look so sexy that it's going to be hard keeping my hands off you."

My eyes went wide as my face flushed red, before I playfully whacked his arm, feeling myself throb between my legs, which was still sore, and sensitive.

"I'm serious." He said, sounding serious, which made me laugh harder.

He was so... damn, I wanted to kiss him. "Um so... shall we go?" I asked, unable to hold eye contact.

"Unless we just both stayed here instead?" He suggested, with a cheeky smile, making me laugh again as I shook my head.

His suggestion was tempting, so tempting that I almost considered it, even if we couldn't have sex right now... we could just stay in bed and-

"Let's go, before I seriously can't hold myself back." He huffed out, walking past me to the door.

"You're quite a horny old man." I said jokingly without thinking.

"You think I'm old?"

I shrugged playfully as I grabbed my keys and shoulder bag as he opened the front door for me, and once outside I see that he still had a frown on his face.

He was so handsome, nobody would think he looked old, sure he looked mature but there was a softness to him, it didn't feel like he was old when I was with him, it felt natural being with him, age didn't even concern me.

"You don't even look old." I said seriously as I locked the door. "But you are older, obviously."

"I'll probably be the youngest at your party." I joked lightly, as we walked down the steps to his truck.

He unlocked his truck and opened the door for me and helped me up again, making me feel hot rough hand touch my skin, the same spark from last time struck me again, and left just as fast as soon as he moved away from me.

I wonder if he felt that too? That weird feeling whenever he touched me.

"Does it bother you that I'm older?" He asked, getting into his truck and closing the door.

"Well, I don't have much experience with dating, but age has never bothered me." I thought about it as he began driving.

"I'm old enough to date whoever I want." I said, thinking back to the words Auster said.

'It's disgusting'

Should I tell Damien about it? I don't know if being seen with me in this light is attention he would want, especially if rumours are spread about us, it'd only be embarrassing for him.

"It's not for everyone, but my family understand so don't let it worry you too much, nobody there will judge us." He said reassuringly, smiling handsomely at me.

I nodded my head and kept my mouth shut about Auster for now, I was feeling pretty good and actually excited to know more about him, and I wasn't going to let Auster's words ruin my night.

The drive up to his parents' farmhouse wasn't long, roughly ten minutes in the car before he pulled into a dirt road towards the farmhouse I remember seeing when I used to dog walk, and it was still just as gorgeous as I remember.

Damien parked next to a bunch of other cars and trucks and once he turned the engine off, I could feel my palms start to sweat as I could see people at the back of the farmhouse, and then hear them as I could hear laughing.

Damien put his large tan hand over mine, making me look at him. "Tell me if this is too much too soon."

"No, it's just..." I breathed out nervous. "I'm just- I've never done this before."

"Me neither."

I watched him to see if he was telling the truth, and once his facial expression doesn't change, I couldn't help but laugh out, feeling a little better, but still absolutely scared out my mind.

"I would not do this with anyone but you, Aelia, I know this is a lot, but I'll be right there with you." He said, as I swallowed hard and nodded my head.

"You're safe with me, I promise, they're going to love you."

I don't know why or how, but his words had a calming effect on me as my heartbeat went back to normal and I was feeling a little more ready to brace his family and friends with him.

I was going to ask him what we were going to tell his parents what we were, but Damien got out the truck and then went around the front of the truck to open my door and help me down.

The smell of BBQ and flowers filled the air as Damien locked his truck, he turned to me and chuckled at my obvious worried expression as he took my hand in his and began walking.

This is crazy, absolutely crazy.

"Just a heads up, I told them I was bringing you." He smirked down at me. "My mom is a little much, but she's excited to meet you."

I nodded my head as I tried to process what he said, we were near the house now and Damien was leading us around the back to where I could see a large group of people standing, sitting and laughing with either a drink in their hand or food filled with food.

I was losing my mind nervous, but Damien made me feel protected, like nothing could touch me, until a few people noticed us, then suddenly all eyes were on us.

"Finally, you made it, you're so damn slow!" A guy my age said, grinning from ear to ear until he saw our hands connected, then his brows raised, and he looked at Damien.

Oh god, I was freaking out, I looked at Damien and he looked unbothered, I had to wonder if he was ever nervous, he always looked so cool and confident, unlike me.

"Ah Damien you're here." A man I recognized said, smiling as he saw us.

"Aelia, this is my dad, Elijah." Damien said as I smiled at the older man in front of me.

"Dad this is Aelia Madison."

Now that I see him again, I see that Damien looked a bit like his dad, he was also super tall, and they shared similar features.

"We've met!" He excitably said, as I shook his hand with my free hand. "Well, isn't this just a wonderful surprise, do you remember me?"

"Yes, and thank you again for the gift, I loved it so much." I said, making the older man happy as he shook my hand.

"That makes me so happy Aelia! It seems I'm the only one with a sweet tooth in this family." He sighed before smiling. "Maybe not for long though."

What did he mean by that?

"Damien." A woman's voice behind me surprised me. "There you two are!"

I recognized the woman too from the photo Damien showed me at the bar, this was his mom, and now that I saw her up close, Damien looked the most like his mom, she was lovely dark hair with grey streaks and dark eyes, just like Damien.

"This must be Aelia!" She asked, smiling from ear to ear as she looked at me.

"Aelia, this is my mom, Grace." Damien said, enjoying the clear overwhelmed look on my face as he gently squeeze's my hand in his.

"I'm so happy you're here Aelia!" She wrapped her arms around me bringing me in for a hug, making Damien let go of my hand as I hug her back, smiling from her excitement. "I'm glad you could make it."

"You're even prettier than Damien described you." She whispered in my ear, before pulling back, sending me a wink as my cheeks burst into flames.

Oh my god, he really did tell his parents about me, but what exactly has he been saying? I was too embarrassed to look at him as I smiled at his mom, Grace.

"Mom you're being such a creep." A younger boy yelled out as he came down the steps of the porch as I laughed nervously as others in the group laughed.

Damien put his arm around my waist and shot a warning look to the younger boy. "Aelia those are my brothers, the loudmouth there is Jackson, and that's Isaac." He said, as the younger boy Isaac smiled, a drumstick in his hand, and Jackson rolled his eyes and sat down on a seat.

I waved awkwardly at them and everyone who said hello to me as Damien walked us towards a table with some seats, and I don't know if it was because it was hot outside or the fact, I was the centre or attention, but I felt like I had whiplash.

Everyone started to come over to me and shake my hand, I thought it was strange but really nice as everyone was so friendly, complimenting me, at the end of it I felt a little more relaxed as Damien smiled proudly at me.

"Are you hungry?" He leaned forward and whispered into my ear.

I was, but not for food, but I couldn't say that out loud, he was making me feel warm and all knotted up inside every time he touched, reassuring me whenever someone spoke to me or when his eyes found mine.

I felt like he could read my thoughts as a smile formed on his lips, but that was impossible, so I nodded my head, making Damien chuckle out whilst getting out of his seat, as I got up with him and followed him.

"We'll be right back." He tells everyone outside, making me look at him confused.

Damien wasn't walking towards the food though, he was walking towards the house as he grabbed my hand in his, I couldn't look at anyone as someone- I think Isaac, whistled out as we went inside the house.

So... embarrassing we weren't even doing anything, but now I felt so shy.

Damien mumbled something under his breath before he dragged me though the house and up the stairs, I didn't have time to look around and admire how nice his parents' house was as he pulled me into a room, closed the door and pushed me up against the door.

"Seriously...what are you doing to me." He groaned out, as he leaned down and pressed his lips on my neck, his other hand on my hip, and that's when I felt it.

He was hard, and when I looked down, he I saw that he wasn't just hard, but fully ready to go as his member was incredibly noticeable, and huge as it pushed against his shorts.

"D-Damien, we can't, your parents-"

"Forget them, focus on me." He growled out lowly, like a wild animal as his hand went up my leg slowly, and under my skirt.

I couldn't think, I was losing all sense the more he touched me, his lips pressing against my neck and his fingers touching my sensitive area in a slow circular motion.

We couldn't do this... we really couldn't do this, but his fingers, and his hot breath on my skin were driving me wild, and I was slowly losing the battle.

"I won't put it in." He pulled back from my neck, his eyes filled with need as he pressed his forehead against mine.

"Tell me you feel the same Aelia, I need to know it's not just me losing their mind here."

My heart skipped a beat as I nodded my head, causing a satisfied groan out of Damien as he pressed his lips to mine and started kissing me desperately.

"Fuck." He groaned out deeply between kisses as his rough lips consumed me whole. "You're killing me."

I knew what we were doing was risky, but I was walking in the clouds whenever he touched me and hearing him say the exact same as to what I was thinking made me just stop worrying about everything and give up.

He wanted me just as much as I wanted him, and now it was obvious I wasn't the only one who was losing their minds.

"Spread your legs for me, I can't wait any longer, Aelia, I have to have you now." He said huskily, with serious eyes as he went down to his knees.

Oh god, this man is really going to ruin me until I can't walk anymore. 

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