➪Of sleepless nights and rare...

By lalaleimin

505 54 6

Shotaro loved the fairytale Sleeping Beautiful. He was a fanatic over anything related to the fairytale, espe... More



46 6 0
By lalaleimin

The werewolf, Sehun, looked down at the kid who was holding his pointer finger with their stubby hand. He grimaced. How did it end up like this? Last he recalled, he was supposed to be hunting food for his breakfast, not bringing a child to school.

The two were now overlooking the town over a hill. The town was crowdy, a typical scenario early in the morning. The townsfolk were filling the streets, carrying baskets full of items; kids dressed in their best attires were heading to school carrying books or carrying their backpacks; even the town animals were filling the streets as they were being pushed and pulled by the farmers.

Shotaro moved closer to his newfound friend, taking hold of their beige trousers. “I don't like it.”

“Well, you have to suck it up, kid.” Sehun gruffly retorted, continuing their walk with a long stride. “You're gonna go here five times a day in one week.”

Shotaro puffed his cheeks, pouting, “They're scary.”

“Yeah...” As much as Sehun wanted to make the kid like humans, he could not lie to himself that humans were scary. They could do more despicable things than supernatural and magical beings can do. “But, why are you scared? You're human yourself.”

Shotaro shook his head and whimpered, “Scary.”

Sehun raised a confused brow. He was sure the kid was human. He meant, there were no sharp or weirdly shaped tail attached to his lower back, the tips of his ears were round and smooth—he had two as well, he had two dark brown eyes, one head, and a small face. The only weird thing was how stubby he was, but that was because he was a child.

The kid couldn't be a hybrid, obviously. He also couldn't be a fairy or other magical being seeing as he didn't emit a scent that said so. It was either a sweet or sour fragrance that said a lot about what type of magic you possessed. The sweeter the scent, the more safe your magic was, the more good your magic was to the world. The more sour, the more dangerous the magic was. This was regarded as bearers of the dark spells.

Maybe it was the parents, Sehun concluded. He regrets thinking this early with an empty stomach.

They were now in front of the town. The large welcome sign looming over them with a dark shadow. Sehun glanced at the kid. Taro? Was he right? 

“Hey kid," He nudged the kid who was holding onto his long legs for dear life, “We're here. Might wanna, might wanna let go now.”

Shotaro shook his head no, “Don't wanna.”

Sehun sighed. Why was he bothering with this? He should have left this kid in the forest. Why didn't leave the kid in the forest? He came to a daunting realization. Right, his conscience.

“I'm going to bend down kid so you better move.” Sehun motioned to crouch down, prompting Shotaro to let go of his leg and stand in front of him, a sad pout on his chubby face. He sighed for the nth time, “Look here kid, you're gonna have a wonderful day, okay? The kids will like you. Don't worry about that. You're cute so the girls would probably fawn over you.”

He couldn't believe he was giving a random kid some peptalk before they go to school. Where was the parent in this?

Shotaro's eyes downcasted onto his tiny shoes. “They'll think I'm weird because I live outside.”

“Huh?” Sehun had no idea what the kid meant, but for the sake that this kid goes to school on time, so be it,  “Why would they think that's weird? That's cool kid! Living in a town can get very stuffy.” as from personal experience.

Shotaro looked up at him hopefully, “Really? They'll like Shotaro?”

So Shotaro huh, fitting, Sehun thought, “Yup! Say, why don't you tell me all about it after school?”

Shotaro's eyes widen in surprise, “Mister Sehun is going to wait for me?”

“Mister Sehun?” Well, not entirely wait, but maybe fetch the kid since it would be dangerous to go home alone.


“Huh? Oh, yes!” Sehun felt like a fool promising to a child. As his grandmother always said, never promise to a child when you can't keep it. Much more to the child of Maleficent. Okay, maybe he went too far with the maleficent thing. 

Sehun was about to take back his word when he realized how the child now beamed at the idea of him waiting. He sighed in resignation. Maybe just once. “Alright kid, let's make a deal. You go to school and I'll wait for you here and we'll go home together. You can tell me what happened on the way. Go it?”

Shotaro nodded his head profusely, “Got it!”

Sehun sighed in happiness. Finally, the kid would go to school. “Good. Now why don't we go to school?”


Humans were scary. That was what Shotaro deduced after spending a few minutes inside the chaos-filled house they called school. His newfound friend, Mister Sehun, had dropped him off at the entrance of the town, promising that he would bring him home and listen to him about his day. 

He wanted this day to already end.

Shotaro decided to sit at the front, beside the door so that he would be able to leave right away. Contrary to what his dada thought, he wasn't that happy to be attending school. He liked when he was beside his dada the entire day.

The only nice thing about going to school was meeting mister Sehun.


Shotaro snapped his head to the voice, flinching backward a face shoved close to his. The boy, he realized, had ivory-colored hair and two bunny ears that were raised in attentiveness. They had a wide smile.

“H-hello?” Shotaro was unsure if the boy talking to him. He was too weirded out by the display of animal body part on top of their head.

But, isn't mister Sehun like that also? He has pointy ears, sharp teeth, and a grey bushy tail. Is his tail soft? Maybe he should ask mister Sehun later if he can touch it.

“Hey!” the bunny-boy snapped their fingers in front of Shotaro, surprising the male who flinched. “I'm Soobin! You can call me Bin!”

Shotaro offered a smile to Soobin, “I'm Shotaro, but you can call me Taro.”

“You're cute!” Soobin cooed, pinching his cheeks and pulling on them. He squealed in delight, “Xiaojunie, look!”

A boy, taller than Soobin and had dark brown hair and a pair of perfectly shaped eyebrows came over. He stood behind Soobin and narrowed his eyes at Shotaro. “Yes?”

Soobin pulled Shotaro out of his seat with his cheeks and presented him to his best friend, “Shotaro!”

Xiaojun sighed, shaking his head, “And?”

“Our new friend!” Soobin announced, much to Shotaro and Xiaojun's surprise. 

“Soobin,” Xiaojun sounded disappointed and desperate, “You can't just pinch people's cheeks and call them your friend. You're--you're going to get yourself in trouble.” He looked over at Shotaro, “Sorry about him.”

“I--uh...it's okay! Yeah...” Shotaro was unsure what to say. He could tell Xiaojun cared deeply for Soobin. How nice. “Nakamoto Shotaro.”

“You're the new kid.” Xiaojun replied, “No wonder Soobin is all over you.”


Xiaojun offered shotaro a blinding smile, “Hello, Shotaro! Let's be friends!”


Quick story time hehe. Might as well make my author's notes entries of the things that happen to me. So anyway, we just had our research class and boy am I embarrassed. Research classes are online since my school only does one day of on-site classes. I had mine yesterday. Today, our prof said that he saw some of us in the canteen. Mind you my uni has a lot of canteens since it's a big one. He was talking about the main one. He said he saw some of us (my friend group) and he believe he was able to recognize me. I wear glasses and yeah.  I would be flattered on another day but yall, I was literally cursing, slapping my friend, and laughing my ass off at that time. I am super embarrassed cause 🥺 I'm not the type to act that way in front of professionals. Do yeah, kinda embarrassed on it. I even asked my friends if they saw him and some of them did🥲 I should really pay attention to my surroundings next time.

Anyway, how you like the update. Bye!

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