His Cherry Blossom (Loki Love...

بواسطة Silver-Tigress

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Blossom Fairfield Crawford is a member of S. H. I. E. L. D, with the power to control cherry blossom petals a... المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
New Book!

Chapter 13

157 3 1
بواسطة Silver-Tigress

Blossom's P. O. V:

After we'd put shackles on Loki and lock him up in the tower, we meet with Fury in the helicarrier after getting some agents to watch Loki to watch the news reports.

Our identities had apparently been uncovered during the battle of New York, and Fury had called us in to show us.

The dark haired man on the screen says, as clips of us fighting without our masks or cloaks on flash across the screen, "Despite the devastation what has been confirmed as an extraterrestrial attack, the extraordinary heroics of the group known as "The Avengers," alongside their ally and S. H. I. E. L. D. agent, The Cherry Blossom Princess, otherwise known as Konohanasakuya-hime by her Japanese fans, has been to many a cause, not only for comfort, but salvation."

"It's great to know there's someone out there, watching over us," A teen guy says, his friend nodding in agreement. I take a swig of my cola. The first screens show people celebrating, Lightning candles and at interviews.

A girl shouts, "I LOVE YOU, THOR!!"

Sitting in between Tony and Cap, I heave a sigh as I say, "Great. Now that cat's outta the bag. Well, at least no one's discovered my identity yet."

The man then adds, "In other news, the identity of The Cherry Blossom Princess—otherwise known as Konohanasakuya-hime by her Japanese fans—has been revealed to be the 27 year old and only daughter of former super villain and S. H. I. E. L. D. agent, Jake Stacy, The Thread Weaver, championship senior horse competitor, who'd won many events with her palomino gelding, Soverign, in dressage. As mentioned previously, Blossom isn't a member of The Avengers, but rather, she works alongside them as one of the best and strongest members of S. H. I. E. L. D.."

My jaw hits the floor as images of me doing dressage as a fourteen and 24 year old with my palomino gelding appear on screen, another of me standing beside Soverign with a blue rosette ribbon pinned to his bridle, and one of me striking a Chitauri with a cherry blossom in the recent battle.

I'd had lots of horses growing up but Soverign is my favourite among them.

Horses are and always will be my life and my passion. Even saving the world will come second to that.

(Just imagine a blue rosette pinned to the side, and the girl as Blossom wearing a black helmet.)

A young man around my age from the third screen says, "Blossom? Yeah, yeah, she's totally hot and beautiful!"

"WE LOVE YOU, BLOSSOM!!" His red haired friend screams like a crazed fanboy, and I feel like sinking into the couch and never reemerging.

I groan as I grip my cola can between my knees and bury my face in my hands, shaking my head. "Why could you just let Loki kill me when you had the chance?! This is embarrassing!"

"There, there, Flower Girl! It'll be okay. You can now join the club of "Our Identities Are Revealed!"" Tony says as he pats my head.

I scowl and whack his hand away, making Tony chuckle.

"Our daughter? Yes, we worry about our daughter whenever she goes on these dangerous missions, but we know that Blossom is strong enough to defend herself." I blink my eyes and turn my head upon hearing my dad's voice, and see him standing with mum, Zoe and Willa outside my parent's house, a few journalists and news reporters with them.

My dad is wearing a long sleeved red polo shirt with jeans and enclosed shoes, a watch on his wrist.

"Our daughter is one of the most responsible people we know, and that she'll use her gifts to defend those who can't," Mum adds, pride in her voice. She wears a short sleeved blue shirt with a denim jacket over it and black leather pants with combat boots, her crimson hair loose over her left shoulder.

I have to smile a little at that, feeling my heart swell.

I should go visit them when this is over.

My friends give soft smiles at that, even Fury.

Fury says as he smiles at mum, "I'd tried to convince Jake and Helen to return to S. H. I. E. L. D., and this wouldn't be the first time. But, they refused every time."

Cap blinks as he asks in puzzlement, "What do you mean? Blossom's parents were members?"

Clint says, "They were. I remember them well. Helen and her husband Jake and I would often go on assassination assignments together, and they were one of the most respected and well known members—after Jake has gained our trust of course. Helen was also nicknamed "The Queen of Light." And Jake was nicknamed "The Thread Weaver.""

"Why did they leave?" Bruce asks me.

"We could've used their help against Loki," Tony says.

I smile as I reply vaguely, "They left because there are some things that are more important than fame or power."

Nat, Thor, Cap, Bruce and Clint smile at that, while Tony just frowns in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, mum met dad when she was sent to kill him this one time, but spared his life when they fought and she defeated him with her Air Manipulation power. They've been in love ever since. They both soon left S. H. I. E. L. D. to raise me peacefully," I tell them. My smile fades a bit. "But my mum was killed trying to protect me from a woman who can manipulate sashes two years after I'd gained my powers." Sympathy glints in everyone's eyes, even Fury's.

Nat says, smiling, "I'm sorry about your mother, Blossom. That's actually kind of romantic."

"I know."

"Blossom is definitely the best superhero out there!!" Willa practically screams, making me chuckle.

"She's the greatest!" Zoe adds, waving her fists cutely.

I sink further back into my seat, groaning in embarrassment.

"Well, someone seems popular," Nat says.

"You'll be even more popular since you're a championship rider," Fury reminds me.

A little boy with dark hair was describing a fight between Cap and some Chitauri. Another screen shows a woman opening a restaurant with Cap's wing symbol on it, and a man getting a beard and moustache like Tony's, while another shows a guy getting a tattoo shaped like Cap's shield.

There were a few negative responses, including one from an old man, wearing black shades and holding a cane, who was sitting with another old man at a beach and muttering, "Superheroes? In New York? Give me a break!"

It then jumps to Senator Bonator, a balding man says to some journalists, "These so-called superheroes have to be held responsible for the destruction done to the city. This was their fight! Where are they now?"

"I just love that he's blaming us for everything that went wrong!" I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"Tons of questions about The Avengers and The Cherry Blossom Princess are being asked themselves, such as their sudden appearance and equally sudden disappearance."

I take another swig of coke.

"What? That this is somehow all their fault?" The blonde haired, blue eyed woman from the cafe asks. "Captain America saved my life! Wherever he is, and wherever any of them are, I would just... I would wanna say "Thank you.""

I say as I nudge the Rogers with a cheeky grin, "She's cute!" He just chuckles sheepishly.

It shows more being giving mixed views on there being superheroes out in the world. Some were happy, some not. I have way more fans, both female and male, than I'd anticipated.

A lot of people blame us, too. But Tony had said he was getting New York cleaned up already and has to repair parts of Stark Tower. There wasn't much more he could do. Tony had also said each of us was getting a room of our own—even me, despite the fact I'm not an officially apart of The Avengers. Tony had insisted, stating that I'm still apart of the team, official member or no.

Somehow, that makes me happy.

I heave a sigh before I take another swig of coke.

"Okay. Let's ignore the screen for now and go get lunch," I say, sitting up straighter and slamming my can on the table. Everyone agrees, and we go get our wounds healed before we get lunch.

We all got injured during our fight in New York. As I was talking with Thor, I see he's covered in a few gashes and bruises, but there's a deep wound in his left side where Loki had stabbed him with his blade.

"You're taking Loki back to Asgard tomorrow," I say.

"I am. There, he will face punishment," Thor says.

"I feel worried, even though he did try to kill us. He may be a criminal, but I hope Odin won't be too severe on him," I say.

"You are very kind, Blossom," Says Thor, smiling.

Cap offered to give me a ride home as we both live in Queens. I was surprised at how good of a driver he is without his helmet, but I felt safe with Cap. When we reach my house, I thank him and immediately go see Soverign.

I spend time with my horse until the sun sets and I order pizza for dinner.

All the while, though, I haven't been able to stop thinking about Loki.


Early the next morning, I get dressed in a sleeveless white layered top with black tights and combat boots. I have a brown leather jacket thrown over my shoulders and I put on a pair of pink heart sunglasses before I grab a quick breakfast and let Soverign out with some hay, then jump in my pink Range Rover before I drive off to the rendezvous point.

The Avengers we're meeting up to see Loki and Thor off to Asgard.

I reach the rendezvous point just as Tony drives in in his fancy sports car and Nat, Clint and Bruce get of Clint's four wheel drive.

I drive in on my Lamborghini, shades on my face. Stopping and turning off the car, I get out of the driver's seat and push my sunglasses into my hair to hold back my bangs so I didn't have them on. I go and wait with Tony and the others.

Cap drives in on his motorbike, getting off to lean against it with his arms folded over his chest.

Loki is with Thor, in shackles that prevent him from using his powers, and there's a metal gag on his mouth, preventing him from speaking, as the blonde leads Loki to the meeting point.

There were a few agents there as well, and one of them carries a silver brief case.

Using some tongs, Bruce takes out the Tesseract and very carefully places it in the silver brief case. It was being sent to Asgard along with Thor and Loki for better protection. It was all Thor's idea, really. None of us argued with him.

Thor squeezes the old man's shoulder assuringly, and Loki flicks his gaze up, meting my own as I stand between Tony and Cap. I can't help but feel a little worried, wondering what Odin, his and Thor's father, is going to do to him back in his home world.

I notice Nat leaning over to whisper something to Clint that makes him smile. Clint's wearing shades and a red shirt over a black leather jacket.

Thor holds out the device to teleport them home and Loki takes the other end of it.

The blonde male meets my gaze, smiling slightly. I may not be Asgardian, but Thor is my best friend. So I bow in respect to him, a genuine smile on my lips. Thor nods his head once in acknowledgment before I straighten and he twists the handle on the device. It lights up blue and he and Loki vanish in a flash of blue light.

I sigh sadly, as I don't know when I'll ever get to see Thor again. Last time it took one year. How long will it take this time?

Clint gets into Nat's car and I'm faxed with Cap as Tony hangs back. "I guess this is goodbye," I say.

"What do you mean? You work for S. H. I. E. L. D. don't you? I have a feeling we'll be seeing more of each other," Cap replies, making me chuckle slightly.

"Then, I suppose I we'll definitely see each other again, Captain," I say flippantly, making him chuckle this time.

Cap smiles back at me at that.

"Hey, Flower Girl." I turn to see Tony behind me. "It was nice fighting with you. I guess I'll see you around?"

I nod before I hug Tony, unable to help myself. He chuckles as Tony hugs me back.

I soon pull back and glance back at Bruce to see him smiling at me. "Goodbye, Bruce. I'll see you sometime, huh?"

Bruce nods as he waves to me. "See ya, Blossom."

After Tony shakes Cap's hand, he gets in and they drive off to Bruce's place before Tony returns to Stark Tower.

I sigh before I return to my car and start the ignition. Flicking my sunglasses back down, I reverse out and drive back to my dad's house, Taylor Swift's I Knew You Were Trouble blasting from my radio. I plan to call my friends to go riding together so we could catch up.

But I think I'll visit my parents first. It's been awhile.

I just couldn't wait to get home and be with my mum and dad for a few days.

And now, we're all going on a much needed vacation.

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