Tales of a Traveller: The Eme...

By MelissaDawn92

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Tales of a Traveller: The Emerald Isle
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 5

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By MelissaDawn92

“Would you like to come out with me tomorrow night? I’m going to go sight seeing.” the question had come soon after dinner. I looked at Ellie who had a look on her face. A look of, the band aid, remember the band aid. 

“I’ll think about it.” I answered. C’mon Carrie, stay strong. You can’t get any closer with Ryan. It’s not going to work. Let it go. We cleared the dishes and he told us stories of when he was little in Ireland. 

“This one time, I got separated from my parents when we went to tour a castle. I spent a whole night there.” I looked at him questioningly. 

“You spent an entire night in an abandoned castle?” 

“Yes, the place was huge.” 

“You never heard them calling for you?” I asked skeptically. 

“Who said they were searching.” He sipped his coffee. 

“Oh come on.” I said still not believing it. 

“Fine. Can I borrow your computer?” He asked smiling. Couldn’t refuse the smile. I handed him my laptop. He was searching for about 10 minutes. 

“Ah, here it is.” He turned the lap top around. It was on a news page from Ireland. The year was 1996. The front headline was the first thing I saw. ‘Young boy spends night in Trim Castle.’ 

“Oh my gosh!” I gasped and read the story. 

“That would be why I never heard them. Until they finally searched the second half the next day.” He grinned. 

“I can’t believe that. Were you scared?” Ellie asked. 

“Of course I was scared, I was 6. I wasn’t sure if I’d ever be found.” He grinned. 

“Well, that certainly sounds like an adventure.” I said. 

“It was something alright.” I looked at the clock and it was midnight. 

“I should go.” He said standing up. “Thanks for the pleasant evening again. 

“It was our pleasure.” I said walking him to the elevator.

“So, site seeing tomorrow. In or out?” He asked whispering.

“I don’t know.” I said doubtingly. 

“Please.” He asked looking straight into my soul it felt like. Stay strong Carrie, the band aid!

“Why not.” I gave in.  

“I’ll pick you up at 7:30.” He smiled and got into the elevator. I smiled back and waved at him. The doors closed and I walked back to my apartment. I locked the door behind me and went to my room. 

“You really like him huh?” Ellie said standing in my door way with a cup of tea. 

“Understatement of the year.” I fell down onto my bed. “I don’t know what to do Ellie. He’s going back to Ireland who know’s when. I can’t allow myself to fall for him.” 

“It is way to late for that.” She sat down in my brown wicker chair. I rolled over so I was facing her. 

“I know!” I hit my head on the bed.

“At least tonight was it right?” She asked trying to sooth me. “Rip it off like a Band-aid? Get it over with?” 

“Um. About that.” I smiled guiltily. 

“What did you do?” Ellie smiled and hit me on the shoulder.

“Ow, I agreed to go out with him tomorrow night.” I hid my face. 

“Carrie! What were you thinking?” She asked giggling. “I shouldn’t giggle, but I can’t help it. I’m happy and sad for you at the same time.” 

“I wasn’t thinking. An Irishman asked me out, I couldn’t think. He gets me with that stupid smile, and green sparkling eyes!” I face planted into my bed.

“Well, I guess you’re going out tomorrow night.” She sighed and went over to my closet.

“What’re you doing?” I asked her getting up. 

“Finding you something to wear.” We eventually settled on some skinny jeans and a cute red sweater, with black converse shoes. 

“It’s 3:00 in the morning. We should get some sleep.” I said in exhaustion. 

“Yeah, I guess so. See you tomorrow Carrie. Sleep tight.” She said leaving my room.

“Sleep tight.” I muttered. I got into my pj’s, turned off the lights and got into bed. 

“God, what am I gonna do?” With that I drifted to sleep. The following day was going by quickly. Not too many hassle’s at work, and I got to leave early. I called Ryan to let him know I was off work early. 

“Great, I’ll pick you up around 6:30 then?” 

“Sounds wonderful. See you then.” I went home, and went to my room to get changed into the outfit we had previously picked out. I did my hair, and put on a little make up, and put in some earrings. 

“He’s here Carrie.” My stomach went into butterfly mode. 

“Coming.” I did final touch ups and went downstairs. He was standing there in a blue long sleeve shirt, dark denim jeans and black shoes. His hair was as usual, amazing. His eyes still gorgeous green. 

“Ready to go Carrie?” Even the mention of my name made my stomach go into knots. 

“Yeah.” As we headed out the door I turned to Ellie. She made praying hands and mouthed the words. ‘I’m Praying for you’ I closed the door and we were on our way. 

“It’s 6:45, the night is young. What do you want to do?” He looked over at me.

“I thought you were gonna site see.” I nudged him. 

“I’ve got the only site I want to see here.” He paused a moment. 

“Too much again?” We laughed and eventually made our way to the museum. It was all things I’d seen a million times, but watching him see everything for the first time was fun enough for me. We spent the whole night together. We had dinner downtown at 8, ice cream at 10, and somehow we wound our way to the middle where a dance was going on, for seniors no less.

“I thought they went to bed at 7:00.” I joked. 

“We’re still pretty spry.” One elderly woman commented as her and her dance partner came by. 

“I guess so.” I said under my breath. 

“Do you want to dance?” He asked holding out his hand, and flashing that smile of his. 

“Of course.” I took his hand, and we waltzed, did a jig, square danced, and all other sorts of dances. It was was around 1 in the morning when the final slow dance came on. they turned off the big over head lights and just left the twinkle lights on above our head. Ryan held me closer and tightened his grip a little. I took it, and held his hand a little tighter. We started our dance. 

“I leave tomorrow.” He said. I wasn’t sure how to react even though I knew it was coming. 

“Really?” I asked trying not to let how I really felt out. 

“Yes, my time in this city is done. It’s been wonderful.” 

“I’ve enjoyed meeting you.” 

“I’ve enjoyed meeting you as well.” Out of no where I opened my mouth, and words just came out. 

“I have a problem.” Carrie, stop. I warned myself. 

“What’s the matter?” He had to ask, but I did not heed my previous warning.

“I think, I think I’ve.” I couldn’t speak. A tear went down my cheek. He took a step back and looked at me. He cupped his hands on my face, and wiped the tear away. 

“I know. Me too.” 

“You don’t know what I was going to say.” I said trying to regain my composure. 

“Ai, that I do. I know precisely what you were gonna say Carrie Hart.” My heart fluttered. 

“Tis why I said me too.” He hugged me, and we danced. We finally made it back to my apartment. 

“This week has been a blast.” 

“Ryan.” I tried but he hushed me. 

“Let me finish.” I hushed. How could I not? “This week has been amazing. I’ve gotten to know you, and you have welcomed me into your home. Getting to know you has been wonderful Carrie.” I couldn’t say anything. All I knew is I never wanted him to go away. I didn’t want tonight to end. I was happy right where I was. I had never fallen so hard for someone. Not even James, who I hate came up in my thoughts in my time with Ryan. 

“I won’t call you, or text you. Don’t call or text me.” 

“I won’t. Rip off the Band-aid.” I said trying not to cry. 

“Carrie?” He took my face in his hands. 

“slán, a ghrá.” He said very seriously. Then kissed my forehead and walked to the elevator. 

“Aren’t you going to kiss me?” I asked. He smiled. 

“When we meet again, on distant shores. We’ll feel nothing but bliss, and Only on the Emerald Isle will I give to you a kiss.” I didn’t care if it was cheesy, or not. I knew he was serious, and that’s all that mattered to me. The elevator closed and so did my eyes with tears streaming down my cheeks. I went back to my apartment. Laid down in my bed, and for the first time in 2 years. I cried myself to sleep.

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