Chapter 6

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I got a text from him. Even though he specifically said he wouldn’t. It read. ‘My sweet Carrie, I know I promised no more texts, however, I just wanted to let you know my plane leaves in half an hour. I’m on Flight 215. I am texting you now, because I know you won’t make here on time. I just wanted you to know, I made it safely. If you’d like, I’ll text ya when I’m home.’ I debated for about 15 minutes before grabbing my keys and running out the door. I got to the airport and to the proper gate just to watch his plane start going down the runway. I went up to the glass and watched as his plane took off. Tears went down my face. An elderly woman beside me put her hand on my shoulder. 

“The hardest thing is watching them go.” I looked at her confused. 

“Pardon?” I asked politely. 

“Your love. It’s hard watching them go. You want nothing more than to be going with them, or to just be in their arms one last time before they go. I can tell you love him. You do love him, don’t you?” She didn’t really ask me, more than tell me that I did. I uttered something I didn’t think I would. With one hand lightly over my mouth, and the other around my stomach as I spoke. 

“I do.” Tears went down my face. 

“Don’t worry Dear, you’ll meet again. We did.” A tear went down her wrinkled face.

“Who did?” I asked her gently. 

“Charles. My Charles. He found me again. I couldn’t go with him.” 

“Why not?” I asked. 

“I’m married. I’ve been married for 60 years.” 

“Wow. Congratulations.” It was nice to hear a relationship lasted.

“Yes. Robert is the most amazing man I could have ever asked for.” 

“Who’s Charles? If you don’t mind me asking.” 

“Oh not at all. Charles and I were neighbors. We fell in love the summer before he went to be in the war. We were separated when he left. Then he had to stay over there due to injury. He was never able to come back due to some circumstances. I never stopped loving him. He finally just found his way back to me.” More tears went down her face.

“But you’re married to Robert.” I said putting the pieces together. 

“Yes, I am happily married to Robert. Don’t worry dear. He will find you again. Or, perhaps you will find him.” A small smile went across her face as she walked away. I watched as his plane went out of site, tears streaming down my face. I went home and got out my huge duffle bag and my suitcase on wheels. I opened it and went over to my closet. Pulling a few things out and looking at them. Debating on if I really wanted to bring them. I’d look them over and then, as silly as it sounds. I’d picture myself standing by a cliff and if I liked the way that looked in my mind, I’d put it in my suitcase. 

“Ah, you’ve started packing.” Ellie said leaning in my doorway. 

“I leave in two days.” I said smiling. Thinking about how fast this month had flown by. Especially my days with Ryan. I stopped myself. I can’t think about him. He’s back in the Emerald Isle, there’s nothing I can do. Except be happy, my dream is finally coming true. I’ve dreamt of seeing Ireland since I was a freshman in high school. If I had gone to college, I’d be in my junior year. 

“Well, make sure that a rain coat is on the list.” She sipped her cup of tea. 

“I know. Don’t worry, I’ve got rain boots on that list too.” I smiled. “You worry too much Ellie.” I joked. 

Tales of a Traveller: The Emerald IsleWhere stories live. Discover now