Chapter 8

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I checked in my luggage and got my passport approved. I walked over to the coffee shop as I still had an hour left until my flight left.

“French Vanilla Cappuccino please.” I paid for my drink and walked over to a table.  I looked around as I saw families reuniting, hugging, and laughing. Children running to their fathers who had just returned from a business trip. Grandparents giving gifts to their grandkids. I couldn’t help but smile as I saw the joy on their faces. They all cleared out and I watched a few planes come in and take off. An announcement came over the intercom. 

“Flight 215 from GRR to Amsterdam leaves in half an hour from terminal B.” I took my phone out of my pocket and stared at it. I’m not sure what I was waiting for though. I told her not to call or text. 

“Let it go Ryan.” I told myself. I had been telling myself that a lot lately. All I wanted to do was steal Carrie Hart away, and take her back with me. I knew that was impossible though. Her life is here in the United States. I could never be so selfish and take her away from that. Regardless of how much I wanted too. I sighed. I picked up my phone and texted her anyway. ‘My sweet Carrie, I know I promised no more texts, however, I just wanted to let you know my plane leaves in half an hour. I’m on Flight 215. I am texting you now, because I know you won’t make it here on time. I just wanted you to know, I made it safely. If you’d like, I’ll text ya when I’m home. I love you.’ I deleted the ‘I love you’ as I could never tell her that over text. I hit send. I’m so stupid. I got no reply from her, probably for the best though. I don’t think I’d be able to leave her behind if she responded and arrived before I could leave. For the longest time I didn’t believe you could fall in love so quickly, but after meeting Carrie and spending so much time with her. I could feel that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. Not saying that it’s possible, but I wanted too. I finished my coffee, got up and walked toward my gate. I threw my cup in the trash and got checked by security. I walked onto the plane and found my seat. Which was next to an elderly man in a tweed jacket, red shirt, and brown pants. A cane next to his leg, and his black tennis shoes. He looked out the window with a sorrowful look on his face. I bet he had amazing stories to tell. Filled with laughter, sadness, anger, and mischief. I put my carry on bag above me and sat down. The elderly man looked over at me and then stared back out the window. I wanted to make conversation with him but he didn’t know me from Adam so I resisted. That was until I saw a few more tears drip down his cheeks and saw him take a black velvet box out of his tweed jacket pocket, and open it to reveal a diamond ring. He closed the box and put it back in his coat pocket. 

“Hello there.” I tried to smile. 

“Hello young man. Quite the accent you have there.” He tried to smile back. 

“Yes sir. I’m on my way home. Cork, Ireland. How about yourself?” I asked sitting in my seat and getting adjusted. 

“Same.” He looked out the window again. 

“Where’s home for you?” I asked again, not trying to pry, just make conversation.

“Dublin.” came a simple reply. “Though it’s not quite home anymore.” he whispered. 

“Ah Dublin. Beautiful city.” 

“Yes, beautiful.” he rubbed his left leg. “I was going to make her come back with me.” 

“Who’s that?” I asked looking at him. 

“Oh where’s my manners?” He extended his hand. “Charles Bailey.”  I shook his hand. 

“Ryan O’Connor.” I replied. 

“So Ryan, you got a gal?” He asked. 

“I like to think so.” I said looking down. 

Tales of a Traveller: The Emerald IsleWhere stories live. Discover now