Ethereal (English & Narrative...

By _elawrts

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As a carrier, Gulf Keenan Mendoza's live a very normal and peaceful life with his siblings but it quickly fli... More

Author's Note
Chapter 01 - Met
Chapter 02 - Family Name
Chapter 03 - Alcantara
Chapter 04 - Mendoza
Chapter 06 - Kyzer Alex
Chapter 07 - Better
Chapter 08 - In Darkness There's Light
Chapter 09 - Kyla Alexis

Chapter 05 - Reason

144 8 0
By _elawrts

Warning: Typographical and Grammatical Errors ahead...

Living with the Alcantara's was everything that Keenan wouldn't actually think of when he was offered to do so.

Honestly, was he mislead? Because the 'ruthless-scary-murderers-tyrant' title that Alcantara have is not true at all.


But whenever everyone are together, whether sitting at the dining area, or at the living room, those titles are non-existent. They are just a normal family, bunch of crackheads that Luis and Sally have as sons, but nonetheless it was a pretty lively and normal home.

"Ken! Just tell us once and for all, who's your favorite?" Steffano asked, "Except for Mom, Dad, and Syl of course" Stanley added when Keenan opened his mouth to answer, making their parents laugh and Keenan to shook his head in amusement as he caress his four month old bump.

It's been two months since he graduated and it has also been two months since he started living with Sylvester and his family.

He always go back home for at least a week per month so he could have time with his siblings, with no one, even Sylvester in sight, but he knew better. He knows that there are people, bodyguards that are with them everywhere they go.

"Kuya Sebastian, duh?" Keenan answered and immediately chaos insues, "See? I told you! I'm going to be the godfather of that baby!" Sebastian brags.

"That's unfair!" Stanley and Steffano groaned, "I like Kuya Stan more than Kuya Stef though" Keenan cheekily said as he smiled, "Ha! Take that fucker!" Stanley bragged and Steffano just looked as if he's done with everything at that point.

"Wait" Steffano said as the youngest of the family is walking towards Keenan with a tray of food that will hopefully satisfy Keenan's cravings for the month, "How about Syl?" Steffano asked and since Sylvester doesn't know what was happening, he just raised one of his eyebrows in question but says nothing and just dote on Keenan.

"I like Em the most" Keenan smiled, and looked at Sylvester who just winked at him.

"I think I'm gonna be sick!"

"Why did you ask that stupid!"

"Please I'm *gagging sound*"

Keenan and Sylvester looked at one another before shrugging and standing up, the older helping the younger, they're going to Sylvester's room so they both can rest and Keenan to actually finish his snacks.

"I can't wait to see the day were you guys fell head over heels for youe significant others too" Keenan said as he went by them, "I'll make sure to film them babe, don't you worry" Sylvester added.

And the three brothers in question looked disgusted at the two.

"I'm not saying this just because I want more grandchildren but I definitely want more. Luis, darling, Seb is already 26, Stan is 23, while Stef is 21, but somehow our youngest, Syl who's 18 is the first one to give us our first grandbaby" Sally smiled as she teasingly look at her sons.

"I know right, I want some from our three older sons too" Luis teased the three too who just groaned, "This is your fault Syl!" Stanley shouted, "Yeah, yeah, love you too bro!" Sylvester shouts back.

Keenan just shook his head as he giggle at the family antics, who would've ever thought that they act like this in a regular basis?

Not him.

"What?" Sylvester asked him with a smile on his face, "Nothing, it's just, you guys are cute. To all the things that I've heard about the Alcantara's this definitely isn't one of those" Keenan answered and the older just roll his eyes in amusement as he guide Keenan up the stairs.

"We'll know the gender next week, are you excited?" Keenan asked, "I am. I want a girl" Sylvester said and the younger blinked comically, "That's unexpected, I thought you'll hope for a boy" he said, "Well I do want one but not now. You see my brothers, your brothers, and me, we'll have gray hairs in our 20s if we have a boy now. I would like a little girl, so we'll have peace and quiet" Sylvester points out making Keenan full out laugh.

"What if we'll have a boy?" Keenan asked, "Then better luck next time I guess, and I would love them either way so it doesn't really matter that much too" the older said and that made Keenan raise one of his brows with a smile still plastered in his face, "And how soon is this next time mister?" he asked.

"Whenever you want? We could have the second baby after I graduated, or after you graduated because after giving birth I know that you would want to continue your studies, or after we get married, so yeah whenever you want"

Keenan stopped in his tracks, his hand is hovering over the doorknob of Sylvester's room when the older's words sunk in.

"Are you proposing right now Mr. Alcantara?" he asked and Sylvester momentarily stopped when he realized his words too, "No! Not yet! Be my boyfriend first!" Sylvester rambled.

"Then are you asking me right now? To be your boyfriend?" at that point Keenan is teasing Sylvester, who's blushing.

"Nope! I'll ask you soon but not now, I'm a romantic Ji, you already know this" Sylvester answered and Keenan smiled, "Sure, but right now I want those sandwiches" he said as he finally opened the door and went inside.

"Want to watch a movie as we eat?" Sylvester asked as Keenan sat down their bed, leaned back onto the headboard, "Not really I was hoping to talk to you about something about taking our relationship further" Keenan answered, saying it under his breath, already exhausted about the thought alone.

"Yeah? What is it? You know that I'm always all ears when it concerns you" Sylvester said as he sat down beside the younger, wrapping his arm around his shoulder so Keenan rest his head on the former's shoulder as he eat.

"I'm just scared. I may tease you about this but it's scary for me. You already met my parents and I'm pretty sure you have an idea on what happened but I just want to let you know why I was so hesitant this whole time" he started.

Sylvester noticed.

He did. For the past two months that Keenan have been living with them, Keenan is still wary of the situation despite being pregnant with their baby. It's as if he's walking on thin ice whenever the word 'relationship' was said between them two.

Meeting Keenan's parents were everything but nice. It was full of arguments that Sylvester wished he didn't witness and just patiently waited until Keenan told him what happened itself. But it already happened, and now all he could do is listen to Keenan's perspective about the whole thing.

"I was seven when everything changed. I don't remember much when I was a kid but somehow, that memory stuck on ever since. Ask Kuya Kay and he will tell you how much rocky our parents' marriage by then, but they tried, they really tried to be with another, to be together, for us, their children. But somehow trying wan't enough anymore"


The twins were playing at the front lawn, while their older brothers were both sitting down, just looking after the two. Making sure that both of them are not hurt or arguing.

Keenan and Keenea have very different personalities. They are like the polar opposites.

Keenea is this outgoing, extroverted, and definitely sunshine-and-rainbows type of girl. While Keenan, as much as possible he would prefer to be alone. Just read, he kept to himself. And if its not his siblings he won't even interact with anyone.

And because of that, Keenea sometimes, push her brother too much. Instantly, that would put Keenan into a foul mood.

"Excuse me?" someone said, and immediately the twins stopped playing, while Kayden took it upon himself to walk up to the stranger and ask her questions.

"Yes, how can we help you?" he asked, "I just want to ask if I'm at the right place? I'm looking for Adam? Adam Valdez?" the woman asked and that made Kayden looked at Kaleb with the same expression as the other.


"Dad! Someone's looking for you!" Kayden called out, and the woman's face drained of color. "You're his son?" she asked.

"The four of us are his children" Kaleb pitched in, and the woman have her eyes widen, and mouth gaping like fish out of the water.

"Who is it?" their carrier father asked before stepping out of the house with his husband behind him.

"Oh uhm I'm Elisa, do you remember me?" the woman named Elisa asked, eyes darting at each nd every person in front of her with uncertainty, unsure if she's still supposed to say what she went there for.

"I guess, from Lailani right?" Adam answered and at that point Kayden have a hunch on what was happening and he doesn't one second of it to come true. Lailani was one of the famous hostess club in the city after all.

"Yeah...yes, I just...I came here to uhm, tell you about your uhm, your son" Elisa stuttered at that whole statement as everyone had their eyes widen.

"Kayden, Kaleb, and Keenan are my sons" Adam looked at her with such confusion, like he didn't know what she was talking about, but it sure looked like he does.

Kayden scoffed and held Keenea and Keenan's shoulders, even tapped Kaleb's back. "Come on, they can handle this, because they're old enough to know what's happening" he hissed before gyiding his younger siblings inside the house.

The whole week after that whole scenario was never the same.

The four were a lot more distant from their father, their carrier father. Adam told them why did the woman came, and it was because their brother have a family day at school and asking if it's possible for his father to join.

Which is Adam Valdez, their carrier father.

Their parents were not perfect, and Kayden knows that. He knew that two years before the twins were born, they were in the brink of divorce, well who is he kidding, every argument that his parents have always end up in the discussion of divorce since he was born, he was a wedlock baby after all.

Maybe that's one of the reasons why he did not question the woman knew his carrier father as Valdez and not as Mendoza.

But no matter how hard Adam tries, the four would just ignore him or brush him off.

At that point they were not angry about the said 'half sibling' but what they were disappointed about was the fact that Adam was acting like nothing changed, that nothing happened.

"Come on Kayden, it was a long time ago, nine years. You understand right?" Adam said as Kayden was sweeping at the front lawn one saturday morning.

"That's what I don't understand Dad, it was nine years ago, did you know anything about the kid? Did you know that we have a brother?" Kayden asked and his father's silence answered his question.

"Oh hi, uhh is Victor home? Victor Mendoza? You're his ex-husband right? And his son Kayden. Vic is always telling me about you two" a stranger, obviously a carrier, asked after stepping inside the gate.

"Excuse me but who are you?" Adam asked, "Oh! I'm Jake, I'm..." he trailed off when Kaleb, Keenan, and Keenea went out of the house to see who came.

"Wow, okay, so now you're telling me that my father, Victor Mendoza have a kid with you?" Kayden asked, finding the whole situation ridiculous.

"Yeah...uhh, he's 12 turning 13 and uhm he's graduating from elementary level so uhh he would like his father to go up the stage with him" Jake slowly said, not used to having a lot of people looking so done and disappointed.

"You see Mr. Jake, my dad Victor, and my other dad Adam are still not divorced after 15 years of trying to do so, and these are my younger siblings, so if you'll excuse the four of us, and we'll call our Dad to join you here shortly" Kayden offered the fakest sweet smile he could ever muster and walked inside the house.

"Dad, a man named Jake is out there looking for you, he said our brother is graduating primary school so if you could, please go out there" Kayden said with a lot of venom in his voice.

He's done with everything they just found out.


"And a lot of screaming and arguing happened after all of that before our parents finally decided to split up and left us to our grandparents. Then Kuya Kayden got his full custody over us when he was 18 and when our grandparents died, the house was listed under Kuya's name at the will and that's where we stayed this whole time" Keenan finished the story in a whisper.

"Oh baby" Sylvester muttered as he hold Keenan close.

"I'm angry about the cheating part. Yes they were in the brink of falling out and finalising the divorce but they didn't, and stayed together these whole time even if they did cheat. My Dad, Vic, even admitted that he's sleeping with Mr. Jake anytime he and my other Dad, Adam would argue. It's just one whole shit show" Keenan held Sylvester's hand, playing with his fingers.

"That's why I'm still not sure whenever you're talking about marriage right now, I'm sorry Em" he added, voice so small as if he's ashamed.

"Don't say sorry Ji, I understand better now. It hurts yes, but after listening to you, I could wait for as long as you would let me" Sylvester said before kissing the top of the younger's head.

"Thank you" Keenan smiled at him, "Love you bubba" Sylvester said, and Keenan shook his head smiling, "The baby loves you too" he teased and Sylvester chuckled before peppering Keenan's face with kisses before they settled and ate the sandwiches in peace, talking about any random thing that they could talk about.

And Keenan felt as if the weight in his shoulders lifted, while Sylvester feels safe.

Safe to tell Keenan his story about his past relationship too, maybe not that day. But soon.

To be continued...


I'm sorry for being inactive for the whole month, I was just so busy and my laptop broke on me so I've been having a very stressful and shitty month so far.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter though! See you this weekend again!

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