The Summer is ours// JJ Mayba...

By fantasybubbles03

18.3K 324 1.1K

// this story will not follow the original plot of outer banks, simply the characters and the setting. Been t... More

1. Meet the Pogues
2. Truth or dare?
4: You're not going to jump right?
5: Friends?
6: Um JJ? your hand is on my ass
7: Road trip
8: How...How'd you do that?
9: What the fuck?!
10: That's my fucking sister man
11: Will you be my girlfriend?
12: What is she doing here?
13: how could you...
14: I love you
15: Maybe you are the whore everyone thinks you are
16: I just wanted it all to stop
17: Amber Alert
18: Jo you gotta jump
19: Operation Liberation
20: The summer is ours

3: I hate you JJ Maybank, I hate you

1K 16 40
By fantasybubbles03

I woke up the next morning with the sun being a little too bright for my liking. 

"Jo, you awake?" i heard faintly

"no" i grumbled pulling the sheets back over my head as the door opened

"too much to drink?" Pope chuckled softly as he walked into the room

"yea you could say that"

"well good thing im your knight in shining armour" he smiled setting a tray down on the bed "fresh apple juice, toast and painkillers"

"Pope.....i love you" i laughed while swallowing the tablets and downing the juice "you are officially my favourite" 

"and i wasn't before" he fake gasped clutching his chest "Jo, your words, you hath wounded me" he said now dramatically falling to the floor

"oh dear sir i did not mean it, whatever can i do?" i responded playing along, putting my hand to my forehead

"nothing can save me now" he said going limp pretending to die

"my dear knight, you shan't leave me, oh god, what have i done"

"what the fuck have i just witnessed" JJ spoke from the doorway

"ugh JJ you ruined it" Pope said now getting up off the floor

"what sort of role play shit- actually... ya know what? I don't even wanna know" he said putting his hands in a surrender and walking away

"he doth not understand our supreme knowledge as he lack-iths braincells" 

"I heard that Pope" JJ yelled back causing us to both laugh

"alright princess, time to get up" Pope said offering me a hand

"noooo, i don't wanna" i whined back

"we got shit to do come on" 


"i'll let you drive"

"really?" i said now suddenly very awake

"nope" Pope smiled back "but now that you're awake, lets go"

"i hate you"

"no you don't, cause i'm your favourite. HEAR THAT JOHN B, I'M JO'S FAVOURITE"

"Like fuck you are" he yelled back


A few hours later, myself, my brother, JJ and Pope were all out on the HMS Pogue. Kie had to work and Sarah was still at home. We had been out fishing for a few hours before we began sailing back. As we were passing the Camerons house i asked JJ to pull the boat into their dock.

"JJ, pull in here. I need to help Sarah clean up after last night"

"I'm sure she will be fine" he said continuing to move

"JJ, seriously, Ward gets back later and he would kill me if i didn't help"

"You're not on the clock"

"JJ i'm not asking" 

"and i'm not stopping, she will call us if she needs help" he said going straight past the dock

"you know what JJ, fuck you" I said Standing up on the edge of the boat and diving into the water

"Are you fucking insane?! Is she fucking insane" I heard Pope shouting as i rose to the surface

"bye boys, i'll be home by ten" i said swimming to shore. JJ shot me a glare but sailed off anyway muttering something like "your sister has lost it" to John B.

I climbed up onto the dock and started walking up towards the house. Rafe was sat outside by the pool with a swollen eye, busted lip and his nose looked bruised.

"here to release your dog on me again?" he said looking up at me

"oh my god Rafe, i'm so sorry, i didn't know he would react that way and i didn't expect him to even find out and-"

"Jo, its fine. It's not your fault that damn pogue just put a bounty on his head"

"Rafe no, you can't-"

"I can't what Jo?" he snapped standing up "i can't get back a little bit of my dignity"

"Rafe... please, just be the bigger person for once-"

"be the bigger person, ha. Just be the bigger person. No Jo, he came onto our turf and did this"

"He was just being protective"

"and since when is he protective of you Jo, huh? Since when does he care"

"i don't know...."

"you don't know, right right ok" he sighed sitting back down 



"she's insane John B, like actually lost her damn mind" I said pulling away from the Camerons dock

"what can I say, she does what she wants when she wants to" he laughed back "Yo chill JJ, she'll be fine"

"I can't lie.... flawless execution"

"Really Pope, Really?" I sighed continuing to sail past all the mansions of figure eight.

"hm thats weird" John B said from beside me

"What? Whats weird" I asked

"Sarah just text me that she is down at the wreck with Kie" he responded "i'll just text Jo and let her know" 

As he sent the text a phone lit up from beside me. 

"she forgot her phone" i said lifting it into the air

"of course she did" he laughed "i'm sure she will work it out, she would naturally go there anyway"

"Jesus christ she has a lot of notifications" I said looking down at her phone and scrolling past the unopened messages

"don't read them bro, thats a complete invasion of her privacy" Pope spoke up

"i wasn't reading them, it just so happened to catch my eye" I said. But that wasn't the only thing that caught my eye. An unopened text from a contact called 'RC'. Rafe. We pulled up beside Heywards boat and John B tied if off before the two of them jumped out. 

"Jay.... you comin bro?" John B asked

"yea...i' up in a sec"

"ok?" he responded walking away with Pope

I lifted Jo's phone and looked at the notification, swiping open her phone and of course it was password protected. ummmm 1234. nope. 2580. Nope. Shit when is her birthday, wait its the same as John B's. 2003. Nope. 2 more attempts. Ok ummmmm, P4L? but in number too short. WAIT.... HMS Pogue.....HMSP.....4677. Wait...i actually got that right? did I come up with that. Anyway. 

I flicked through her phone and found the text chain

Bold= Rafe

Italics= Jo

Order up

Shit no you actually managed to get more?

Always do, you free?

I'm out with the boys right now but i can drop off on the way back

what. And get me caught again?

Please, i promise i won't

Fine, be there in no less than an hour

aye aye captain be there soon

See you then, don't get caught.

She sent these texts 45 minutes ago. I knew her wanting to help Sarah was bullshit. She is going to see Rafe. I jumped out of the boat and caught up with Pope and John B. 

"Here boys, i'll be back later" I said running past them "i'm gonna kill him" i muttered under my breath

"woah, slow down there muchacho, where are you going and who are you killing" John B said stopping me in my tracks. 

"oh dad, he uh....just got sacked from his job" I said back. Saved it, totally saved it

"didn't he get sacked last week?"

"Yes Pope, yes he did, he got a new job and got sacked again. What can I say, man is a lost cause" Saved it, once again.

"you know you are a terrible liar" John B said.....ok.... maybe didn't save it "so where are you going?"

"I...uh, i can't say"

"you cant say"

"No, that i cannot"

"JJ seriously, whats going on man, what happened to no secrets from the pogues" 

"John B i would tell you if i could but i promised-" 

"you're not leaving until you tell me, come on man, you're like my brother, i know everything about you" he said crossing his arms over his chest. I threw my head back in defeat and sighed.

"ok, but you're not gonna like what i have to say"


Jo's POV:

Sarah and Kie had come back to the house about thirty minutes ago and i was sitting in Sarahs room braiding her hair.

"so what, you just stayed with my brother?" Sarah asked me

"he just kept me company until you guys got back thats all and we just-" I was cut off by the sound of a motorbike rev. Kie walked over to the window to check it out

"what the hell is JJ doing here?" she asked

"Probably forgot something from last night" Sarah shrugged

The sound of footsteps were heard coming up the hall until Sarahs door flung open

"sure come on in" she said frustrated

"Jo, get your things, we are leaving" he spoke completely ignoring Sarah and Kie

"what why? Is everything ok?" I asked concerned

"Jo, just get your things, i'm not going to ask again" 

"JayJ, whats going on" Kie asked

"Nothing is going on Kie ok? Jo lets go" he snapped

"No. Not until you explain why you just barged in here out of no where and demanded I leave"

"Jo, i'm giving you to the count of three"

"The count of three? Really? Am I your fucking child?"

"One" he started"two" as he continued i just stared him down "three" and with that he grabbed my arm and started trailing me out of the house

"JJ what the fuck" Sarah shouted after us

"JJ let go" I yelled trying to push him off as he pulled me downstairs and out of the house. Without a word he threw a helmet at me and jumped on his bike "get on" he said turning on the engine

"JJ what is going on"

"Jo, do i need to drag you onto this bike too? Fucking get on" He snapped.  "I won't ask again"

The sooner i get on, the sooner i get an explanation. I hopped on the back of his bike and he sped off. The entire ride back to my house was in silence. When we pulled up JJ got off the bike and walked towards the house.

"Care to tell me what the fuck that was about back there" I yelled "JJ, don't fucking ignore me and don't walk away from me" I continued to shout after him and into the house

"Jo." John B said to me from the sofa

"Can you get your fucking psycho friend in check, he just dragged me from Sarah's house, for what reason- i don't fucking know but he-"

"I know Jo, I told him to do it" he cut me off

"and does anyone care to actually fill me in on what is happening because-"

"are you using" he stated so abruptly it caught me off guard.

"using? What? No, where would you even get that idea" I asked and watched as his eyes looked towards JJ who now wouldn't even look in my direction

"You told him" i said so quietly as i felt my heart begin to shatter "you fucking told him!" I yelled before throwing a punch and hitting him in the chest "I fucking trusted you and you fucking told him" I said still continuously hitting his chest as my legs began to give out beneath me and i let the tears flow freely "I trusted you" I said quietly now crying to myself while laying in a heap on the floor.

"So it's true then?" my brother asked now standing above me. I didn't answer him. "for how long?". His question was met with silence. "How long Jo?" he said now growing angrier. 

"why don't you ask JJ, since he seems to have no problem telling you everything" I said slowly picking myself up off the floor and walking towards the door

"Jo wait-" JJ spoke as he reached out and grabbed my wrist

"Don't touch me, don't you dare fucking touch me" i screamed slapping his hand away "You promised me" i screamed running out the door

"Jo wait!" he screamed after me

"Just let her go man, give her some time to cool off" John B said but JJ didn't listen he continued to run after me.

"Jo, stop, come on, lets just talk about this" he shouted causing me to stop in my tracks. 

"talk about what JJ? How you broke our promise?" i turned screaming at him

"i'm not the one who broke the promise" he yelled back

"excuse me?"

"our deal was that you stopped using. You didn't. So I had to tell him Jo, I had to" he said now lowering the volume of his voice 

"What are you talking about? Its been a day JJ, when would i have had time. I was out with you guys on the marsh practically all day" i snapped. And with that he took a phone out of his pocked and threw it at my feet.

"aye aye captain, be there soon? sound familiar?" he asked

"you went through my phone?" I yelled 

"I had to ok? You jumped off the boat and Sarah wasn't even home. I put two and two together ok? Look i was just worried about you and-" I cut him off by slapping him across the face...hard. 

"No. You don't get to play the I care about you card. Never once in my life have you cared about me. Never have you taken your head out of your ass long enough to see that the world doesn't revolve around you. Never, in my sixteen years of existence have you ever given me the time of day, why now? And now, you've ruined my life and for what?!" I screamed at him 

"Jo-" He mumbled still clutching his cheek

"no, you don't get to speak anymore. In fact, you don't even get to look at me anymore. As far as i'm aware, any sort of relationship we ever had is gone. You are nothing to me anymore. I hate you JJ Maybank, I hate you" and with that i turned and I ran. Where I was running to, I didn't know, but anywhere is better than here.



"I hate you JJ Maybank, I hate you" she snapped before turning and running away 

"Jo! WAIT!" i screamed after her but it was no use "FUCK!" I yelled kicking the nearest object to me. 

"She gone?" 

"Yes, John B. She's gone" i sighed taking my hat off and throwing it at a nearby tree.

"Jay, its fine. She's just mad she got caught. She'll be back soon enough when she has calmed down"

"No, you don't get it. She trusted me, for once in her goddamned life she trusted me" I snapped kicking over an empty beer can

"JJ you did the right thing man" he said coming over and placing his hand on my shoulder "she was going to get herself killed"

"well why doesn't it feel like it. It doesnt feel like it did the right thing, it feels like i ruined everything"

"she will come around trust me" he said looking at my face "damn, she really got you good" he laughed at my now red cheek

"nothing i haven't felt before. Yanno i would have fought back but ya know....can't hit a girl" i defended

"you and i both know, she would take you in a fight any day" he laughed 

We both walked back into the house and John B went back to his room to think things over. He is worried for her, hell. I'm worried for her. She won't go to Sarah's or Kie's cause she knows that is the first place we will look. So the real question is, where will she go. I lay awake tossing and turning all night. I feel like this is all my fault but i did what i needed to do. She needs help and i couldn't just sit back and watch her ruin herself. No matter how hard i tried to fall asleep, one question kept crossing my mind. 

Did i do the right thing?

(2520 words)

AN// oooooooh drama. Where will Jo go? Hope y'all enjoyed. See you in the next chapter

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