Blood-Mage Hunters

By VioletFlowers134

213 70 1

When the darkness engulfs the Earth and the fire of vengeance burns in their hearts, that's when The Blood-Ma... More

Vampires, monsters and a few bombs
The Biter
Vampire Village
Vampire Hunters
The West
The Biter's Army
Birch Lake
The Fire Of Vengeance
Cyrus and Lucius
Embers of destruction
The beginning or the end?

Crescent Moon City

8 4 0
By VioletFlowers134

The fields of green and yellow, decorated with a few figures that were actually people taking care of their cultures, slowly faded into tall buildings, the streets roaming with busy people, the country side changing into a city skyline.

Reia, Lucius and Cyrus were all sitting inside a train, watching these changes from the big, slightly dust covered window. Usually, they would have walked to their next location, using their impressive vampire speed, but both Lucius and Cyrus insisted that it was better to take the train so Reia could rest for a little more, even though the latter kept insisting that he was completely fine now, having fully recovered from the excessive use of his ability, but the overly pale shade of his skin was enough to convince the other two otherwise, not leaving any room for debate.

It took them just over a day to reach the city they had been requested to visit in order to stop a dangerous werewolf: Crescent Moon City. It was a highly industrialized region of the Cruxesta Kingdom, filled with agencies and factories, as well as quite a few tourist attractions. If they weren't here on a mission, the three of them would have loved to just spend a few days there and enjoy everything this city had to offer.

Crescent Moon City had always been a pretty quiet and unproblematic place, most of its inhabitants being werewolves- as the name of the city suggested. However, there were also quite a lot of humans and other species living there in harmony. They've lived in peace for hundreds of years. That's why it was so weird that a werewolf randomly started killing vampires living in the city.

"Damn, this city is dope as fuck," Cyrus said as he stared in awe at the busy streets and fancy clothing shops, looking a lot like a mischievous and excited little kid taken to visit a new place for the first time.

"Just don't blow anything up, you idiot," Lucius sighed, snatching one of the handmade bombs Cyrus loved to make, hidden in his jacket's pocket. Cyrus glared at Lucius, trying to take the small bomb back, resulting in a cartoonish chase between the two.

Suddenly, Reia stopped walking, staring at a poster on one of the big glass shop windows. Noticing his sudden stop of movement, Cyrus and Lucius also stopped fighting, looking at where Reia's gaze had stopped.

"Werewolf attacks continue! Yet another victim has been found near the woods in the east side. Have werewolves turned against vampires?" the poster read, the words written in bold, red letters, looking an awful lot like those clickbait titles that you see on the internet all the time, but the three of them knew that at least part of it was true. The "werewolf killing vampires" part, not the "werewolves turning against vampires" one. And, thankfully, now they knew where to start looking for the culprit.

"Any of you up for a walk in the woods?" Reia jokingly asked, turning towards the other two with a smirk on his face. Without saying anything else, the three of them started heading towards the zone where the last corpse had been found, and, not after long, they reached a more secluded area near the edge of the city, mainly composed of trees, only a few lone houses and shops being seen.

One area in particular caught Reia's eye. Near one of the wooden houses, there were police tapes. As they got closer, they also noticed a figure crouching down near that house, sobbing while holding their knees up to their chest. However, as they walked even closer to the house, they realized that the figure -which was a girl- was slightly transparent, the wooden walls of the house being seen right through her. She was a ghost.

Reluctantly, Reia crouched down near the girl, Lucius and Cyrus standing close by on guard, in case the ghost turned out to be an evil spirit of some sorts. "Hello," Reia softly said, making the girl lift up her tear covered face to look at him, seemingly only then noticing the presence of the three vampires that had approached her.

Realizing that he was speaking to her, the girl scurried away, a fearful and confused expression falling on her face. After a moment of silence, in which Reia continued to look at her with a friendly smile, waiting for her to calm down, the girl finally spoke. "Y-You can see me?" she asked, turning her attention from one vampire to the other. Cyrus scoffed in annoyance and Lucius slapped the back of his head.

"Yes," Reia calmly explained. "Usually only other ghosts would be able to see you. Werewolves, humans or vampires cannot see ghosts. However, we're a tad bit stronger than your average vampire, so we're able to see and communicate with you," he said, the girl slowly beginning to calm down and sit a bit closer to the group. "Are you the spirit of the vampire that was killed here a few days ago?" Reia asked, even though he knew it was unlikely, since only 1% of vampires returned as ghosts once they died.

The girl quickly shook her head from one side to the other. "No," she said.

"Then why the fuck are you here crying?" Cyrus asked from behind Reia, earning another slap from Lucius. "Why the fuck do you keep hitting me, you stupid bitch? I'll literally fucking set you on fire if you don't stop," Cyrus snapped at Lucius, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt. The latter simply looked up at him with unbothered eyes before lifting his fist up with uncanny speed, clocking him in the jaw and making him stumble backwards, barely keeping his balance.

Reia rolled his eyes, rubbing the bridge of his nose in an annoyed manner. "Just ignore those two idiots," he said to the girl with apologetic eyes. However, just as those words left his lips, Cyrus and Lucius began having a full on fight, throwing punches while rolling in the grass. "For fucks sake," Reia mumbled under his breath, poking one of his fingers with his sharp teeth, blood beginning to drop from the small wound. The blood formed a much thinner and smaller rope than last time, quickly wrapping around the other two, pulling them away from each other.

Ignoring their yells and grunts of protest, Reia turned back to the girl, smiling -even though his eye twitched as he tried to ignore Cyrus and Lucius. "Anyways, as Cyrus rudely asked earlier, why are you here if you're not the ghost of the vampire that was killed?" he asked.

The girl looked up at him, tears beginning to pool in her glossy, blue eyes once again, a pained sob shaking her petite body. "Because I've seen who has committed all of these crimes," she said, not being able to stop the tears from falling down her transparent cheeks. "I witnessed them all. The one killing the vampires is my mate. She started killing them after I was murdered."

To be continued...

Hi! First of all, I apologize that this update came out a bit later than I had intended. I've been pretty busy these days, but I finally managed to write one more chapter! :)

Seems like our three vampires have a more complicated mission than they had anticipated, huh? Oh well, you'll see how they deal with it in the next chapter ;)

If you liked this chapter, don't forget to vote it! :P

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