Glaze Lillies - Zhongchi - Ma...

By ZEROdevils

7.8K 134 79

*ON LONG HIATUS* ,, Genshin Impact mafia/modern AU Zhongli x Childe fanfic ,, Zhongli, a large leading mafi... More

Please read: Content Warnings
Accidental Haitus


780 12 14
By ZEROdevils

It was cold, too cold. Childe struggled to open his eyes. The sun spilled through the blinds just right, blinding him.
It took a couple of minutes for Childe to gather himself and his surroundings. His head still hurt badly. He remembered last night. Panicking a little he looked around, the first thing he noticed was that he was almost nude.

He was also drenched in sweat, his skin glossy and slightly pink from the reaction to the drugs.
He laid his head back, going to move but quickly realizing he was bound to the bed. He grunted, he was way too tired to try and fight out. But of course he wasn't going to give up.

"Assholes-.." Childe complained to himself, pulling at the ropes. He already lost some skin under the bounds. He assumed he was moving while he was sleeping. Now he was paying the price.

Breathing out heavily, Childe decided to save his strength. He was going to be sick though. He slightly opened his mouth to call for help but the door was opened just then. He looked, it was Hu Tao.
Grumbling, Childe flopped down, closing his eyes in frustration.

She scoffed walking in, shutting the door behind her.
She set a tray of food on the nightstand next to Childe. Who watched closely.
She then turned and walked out, not saying a word.

The ginger sighed, staring at the ceiling. It had to be around ten minutes before the door opened again.
He didn't bother to look this time.
But soon a familiar face leaned over him. It was Zhongli. Just the person he was hoping of seeing.

The older man was dressed nicely, sparse gold accessories here and there.
He has makeup on too, looking pretty different from when he last saw him.

"Good morning Childe, how did you rest?" His question was condescending and frankly a bit evil.
Childe only stared, reluctant to give the man what he wanted.
Zhongli only smiled.
"That's good to hear, from now on you shall only address me as Morax, got it? Great, now let's get you cleaned up."

He stood straight and took his gloves off.
He walked over to the nightstand, opening the drawer. Inside was a small pouch. He opened it and pulled out a syringe. Which was already full of a mystery liquid, it was clear.

Zhongli smiled, he sat on the edge of the bed, he grabbed Childe's thigh roughly, putting his weight on him, positioning the needle.
Childe didn't know what was in that, so he obviously moved around, aggressively. Yelling for Zhongli to 'stop' and 'fuck off'.
Zhongli barely budged though, quickly piercing Childe's skin. He injected the fluid. Making the younger man cringe.

Zhongli got off of him, throwing the syringe into the small garbage bin next to the nightstand.
He put the medicine away and locked the drawer.

Zhongli softly massaged the area he injected Childe.
It was a little awkward and the ginger just laid there.
The room was a little warmer as the sun continued to beat down.

"You did so good, now when your medicine kicks in you get to eat and shower."
Zhongli explained before standing up. He didn't intend on being ruthless just yet.
Leaving the room, Childe was alone once again.
He was starting to feel weary, and before he could stop himself he fell asleep again.
Fuck all this drugging.

Zhongli shut the door behind him. Humming contently. He was pleased so far. He took his gloves from his pocket and put them back on.
While he was doing that, Xiao had arrived.

They caught up over breakfast that Hu Tao took the liberty of making. Even though she wasn't much of a cook and it was kind of bad.
Xiao took a bite and immediately regretted it. As much as he secretly appreciated Hu Tao cooking for him. He didn't like it. So he set his chopsticks down and opted to talk instead of eat.

"How did he take the medicine last night? I didn't get to see much but I heard from Hu Tao that he was sweating excessively this morning."

Zhongli nodded "yes, I feel she may have put too much in his drink, I'm surprised he hasn't thrown up yet. Maybe he just doesn't have anything to disgorge.. but he will be out for a bit longer, I just gave him more. I don't want to risk anything. You know what happened the last time we went soft on one of The Tsaritsa's men.."

Hu Tao silently ate, feeling a bit bad for having Childe pop three and a half pills. To be fair he didn't even drink it all.
But she still was supposed to only use two.
Shaking her head she got rid of the guilt and just listened in.

"You're right.. are you sure he's worth this though? I mean, the last time you wasted your energy on one of-"

"Enough Xiao, I know what I'm doing, I don't need you patronizing me for a very old mistake."
Zhongli stood, carrying his plate to the sink, setting it on the side.
"Do the dishes, Xiao."

The younger man nodded "Sir."

Zhongli made his way back up to his room, walking inside where he sat at his desk.
He grabbed a vanilla folder and pulled out the contents. It was documents on Childe. He had a good friend do some deep research on him. There wasn't much about his childhood but quite a bit about his present.
He was one of the closest to The Tsaritsa, but when it came to that inner circle, he was the furthest away.
Unfortunate but it would work.

He hummed reading through all of the information. He knew all of Childe's names, how he turned 24 three months ago, his countless crimes and acts.
The Liyue Qixing has had an unfortunate experience with Childe and some of his comrades.

Zhongli put all the documents away and put the folder back. He got up from his seat, checking the time, Childe should be up by now.

He walked into the room Childe was resting in. Seeing he was in fact awake, but very cloudy. This made Zhongli happy.
He walked next to Childe and softly patted his face, right side on his cheek.
He barely responded, the ginger could hardly keep his eyes open.
Perhaps Zhongli did give him too much.. but it was too late now, he'll just have to naturally get rid of it.

The older man pulled a knife from his belt, cutting away the ties to save time.
Childe tried to move but he couldn't, it was like his limbs were hundreds of pounds. He could barely move his fingers, a tingly sensation at the end of all of them and his toes.
His head hurt too. He was getting fed up with these migraines.

Zhongli slowly slid his arms under Childe's back, lifting him. He figured he was too sedated to eat so he'd help him recover a little faster.
Moving him, Zhongli sat on the bed, sort of holding Childe in his lap. He messed with the ginger hair and freckly skin, which was flushed red. Probably from the sensation Childe was receiving from the drug.
He was having a really hard time breathing and he was getting frustrated with all the touching. But he couldn't even move his tongue.

It was six or seven minutes before his face wasn't numb anymore, his head felt like it was submerged in water for hours but at least he could talk now.
He went to bicker but a groan is all that escaped his lips. His mouth was dry as hell. Fuck.

Zhongli smiled, lifting Childe more, holding him almost like a baby. "Good, it seems you can eat now.. just keep quiet and I won't starve you."
Childe was beyond upset. And he couldn't express it so he felt like he was going to explode.

Zhongli turned and grabbed the water bottle from the nightstand, opening it and holding it to Childe's lips.
He graciously drank it. If he ate and drank, there was a chance he could get the drug out his system faster.

Zhongli tended to do this to a lot of captives. Treating them almost lovingly at first, drugging, beating, then feeding, bathing and holding. Truly sinister.

Soon he started to spoon the food into Childe's mouth. It was cold and tasteless. Childe didn't know what he was expecting but it wasn't this. He was pissed, the least he could get was food with flavor.
He groaned in pain as Zhongli moved him around, going to continue feeding him, only to receive a "noo..." and a slight wave of the hand from Childe. He could barely lift his hands, but he managed somehow.

The food was starting to taste bad, and his stomach was aching now. Almost as if he's eaten too much. It could just be a side effect of whatever he was on.

Zhongli smiled "if you say so, let's get you cleaned up now.." he set the spoon down and adjusted to pick Childe up bridal style. Carrying him to the only other door, which lead to a bathroom.
This bathroom was also very minimal. Just what you needed. There was no cleaner or things to wash yourself with, just soap and one towel.
A toilet and toilet paper too of course.
Zhongli set Childe into the bathtub, it was freezing cold, so when it touched Childe's hot skin it made him jolt, letting out a noise of pain.

Zhongli simply ignored it, taking off his blazer and gloves, setting them on the counter. He turned his attention back to the ginger, kneeling by the bath and reaching down. Quickly removing his underwear.
"Hey !" Childe yelled weakly, going to grab his undergarments but failing to remember he can't move his arms.
He was embarrassed like this, Zhongli, a man he hardly knows can just see all of him. He slowly but determinedly moved his hands to cover himself, giving a nasty look to the older man.

Zhongli just hummed "you're going to have to get used to this, don't act like a child." He teased, moving to turn the water on, it came out cold but heated fast. He then plugged the drain. Leaning back and up onto his feet.
"I will return shortly." He announced before leaving.

Childe just stared at the door as it closed. He felt like shit, god he didn't want to put up with this any longer, but he couldn't fucking move.
He leaned his head back, it resting on the wall. He tried to think so hard. All he could come up with was obey to a T and get let go early or have Zhongli lower his guard.

But he's a mafia boss, how was he going to do this.
As every possibility ran through his head, Childe didn't hear Zhongli renter over his thoughts and the water.

He looked at Childe for a moment then set his clean boxers on the counter. He wasn't getting clothes yet.

It was a minute before the ginger realized he was being stared at. His face slightly flushed and he got angry, but tried to ignore the menacing grin his captor wore.
This wasn't going to be easy.

After filling the tub with water and letting it drain, Zhongli started to fill it up again, but this time he got on his knees and rolled up his sleeves. He got the soap and started to gently wash Childe's body. He was as soft as possible, but still made sure to get every spot. Childe hated the feeling, it felt so intimate and he wanted it to end. He slowly started to gain more strength over his muscles but not enough to combat Zhongli.
He felt the large warm hands, covered in soap run across his sensitive skin. He swears he can feel everything right now and it's painful. Almost like having the flu.

Zhongli washed from his neck to his toes. Getting personal but never too touchy.
Childe only stared into space, wanting this to go by faster.
After that was done Zhongli started washing his hair. He somehow made this even more intimate.
It was extremely uncomfortable.

Zhongli rinsed the soap off of Childe, scooping water with a cup and pouring it over him.
He turned off the water and drained the tub, it was a little awkward but he got the towel around Childe and lifted him. Taking him back to the bed.
The sheets looked clean and washed. Man was he happy. After all that sweat it wasn't smelling the best.
Zhongli laid Childe down, patting him dry.
He dried his hair and took the towel away. Leaving Childe nude in the cold.

He just grabbed onto the sheets, cursing everything around him.
Zhongli fetched the clean pair of boxers, returning to childe. He lifted one leg at a time and slowly pulled the garments onto him. He wasn't completely bare anymore thank god.
Zhongli positioned Childe to lay flat and straight on the bed. He didn't plan on tying him up anymore, just drugging him once more and leaving him to be awake numb all night. He was going to start interrogation tomorrow.

The older man went to the nightstand drawer, grabbing the syringe bag, getting one out.
Childe started to complain, repeatedly saying 'please no, no please' desperately. He was tired of feeling sick.
Zhongli only tsked, grabbing the same thigh as last time, having a way easier time administering the medication this time around.

It was sore there now, and if zhongli kept putting needles there Childe was going to cut his leg off. He could feel cramps forming. This was hell.

Zhongli put the items away, softly rubbing his thigh "think long and hard about what you're going to tell me tomorrow, okay?" He only received a glare, which made him smile. He got up and left the room.

Childe didn't fall asleep as fast as last time but it was still pretty quick. Before he fully fell out he felt someone tie his feet down but leave his arms.
What a joke.
It made Childe want to sit up and tear the rope off his ankles, show them what he really is.
But he doubts anyone could fight against whatever was being put in his body. It was too luring, and too painful.



Things are getting heated, I hope you're enjoying it so far.
If you see and spelling mistakes or anything feel free to point them out in the comments, I'm very sleepy all the time so Im bound to miss a few things <33
I'll try to upload 1 or 2 more this week. It's my birthday Thursday so I'm gonna be busy !

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