Beneath Her Darkness: The Alp...

By Deepika_102100

58.4K 2.7K 106

Ten years after he took over as the Alpha of the Mystic Pack, Alpha Jeon Jungkook has yet to find his mate, b... More

Chapter 1 - The Beast
Chapter -2 Half she- wolf ,Half she - demon
Chapter -3 Wolves or Demons?
chapter-4 Underworld
Chapter - 5
Chapter-6 Mr. A*shole
Chapter-7 Touch it.
chapter-8 Don't Stop ( M )
Chapter-9 A Perfect Omega (M)
Chapter-10 Fallen Angel
Chapter-11 I'm taking her home
Chapter -13 The beta couple
Chapter-14 Tractor
Chapter -15 Life Size doll
Chapter-16 The Girlfriend
Chapter-17 A Breath of Fresh Air
Chapter-18 Half Breed
Chapter-19 Where's My Punishment?
Chapter-20 - An Heir (M)
Chapter-21 Oasis in the Sahara Desert (M)
Chapter-22 confused state
Chapter-23 - Omega Quarter
Chapter- 25
Chapter-26 - I'm A Shifter
Chapter-28 Two Days or More
Chapter-29 Missing Him
Chapter-30 - Nathaniel & Carlston
Chapter-31 (M) Little Demon
Chapter-32 Sugar Daddy
Chapter-33 Darling Taehyung
Chapter-34 Mr. Creepy Guy
Chapter-35 Lucien
Chapter-36 Team Taehyung
Chapter-37 Grand Alpha Aurelius
Chapter-38 I Don't Think I Can
Chapter -39 Lucky Taehyung
Chapter -40 She's Mine
Chapter-41- The Beast and I
Chapter-42(M) My Special Angel
Chapter-43 In All Your Forms
Chapter -44 You Caught My Eye
Chapter-45 A Shot At Life With Her
Chapter-46 - Wolf or Not?
Chapter-47 Team Jungkook
Chapter-48 The Mercenary and The Witch
Chapter-49 Patrea
Chapter-50 DO you fancy her?

Chapter-27 Mr. Perfect

870 53 0
By Deepika_102100



“Are you even a fucking shifter?”
My heart felt like it would jump out of my
Chest at Alpha JK’s question while he
Surged forward as if he would attack me.
He grabbed my hands and pinned them
Above my head. His face was deadly, and his eyes were dilating, indicating Beast’s
Desire to emerge as well. Was he mad too? I seriously had no idea what I had done
Did they find out I have demon blood?
Shit! I shouldn’t have let him cut my
I tried to explain and reason it out, but it felt like the Alpha was not listening at all. His
Lips were attacking my neck, kissing and nibbling on my soft spot. And despite the
Danger I felt from my identity being
Revealed, I couldn’t help the moan that escaped my lips the moment his fangs grazed
Against the skin of my neck.
“I want you, Taehyung…” His voice came out
Needy and it made me melt in an instant.
He had no idea how much I wanted him. I bit my bottom lip, arching my hips up and letting my front rub against his
Erection. I was a sensual she-demon, but
I was not easily attracted. I would rather pleasure myself, but this Alpha – he could set
My desire on fire in an instant with just his small talk.
I was still reeling in the feeling of his lips. And teeth on my skin and his shaft pressed
Against mine when I felt a tinge of pain in my neck.
My eyes widened as reality set in. It was nothing, just like an ant bite, but I knew what
Was happening. Was he planning to mark me? Had he gone mad? He would kill my wolf
And I would become a pure
“Alpha!” I grunted, wriggling my hands from his clutch, but he was too strong.
His fangs were piercing my skin slowly like he wanted to savor the moment. But
He had no fucking right to claim me without my approval!
Anger surged through my whole body as I moved my ass backward and positioned my
Leg, bending it and swinging it upward so that my knee hit his groin.
“What the fuck?!” He growled loudly, his eyes dilated as he threw me a deadly glare,
With his hands clutching his groin.
I did try not to hit him hard, but I was sure it was still painful. My hands flew to my neck,
Trying to stop the blood from oozing out, as I tried to calm myself. If I return his anger, he
Might throw me out, and I might end up on the street soon.
But wasn’t it what I wanted? To be on my
The door swung open, and it revealed
Beta Yoongi and Gamma Namjoon with
Shocked expressions on their faces. Their gazes shifted back and forth between me
And Alpha JK.
“What’s going…” The Beta was not able to finish his words as I dashed off and
Exited the office.
“Taehyung!” Gamma Namjoon yelled my name, but I didn’t stop running.
I was aiming to go to his bedroom, but I changed my mind. He might be furious
With me so I went for the front door
I kept running, and all the while, my
Heart was thudding loudly. I didn’t even
Know where I was heading.
It would be amazing to be claimed by the
Alpha, but we both knew it was done out
Of the haze he was in. And if he
Succeeded, what would happen to me? My wolf would die and I would remain
Wolfless for the rest of my days, and it might mean I would become a full-pledge demon,
Something I’ve been trying to stay away from.
“Aahhhh!” A scream escaped my lips as I felt my body flung forward. Strong arms caged
Me into a hug before our bodies hit the ground with a loud thud, and we ended up rolling
Over the dusty forest
Thankfully, I didn’t feel any pain when we hit the ground. He might have taken the whole
Impact. But I needed to get away from him until he could clear his
I wriggled my body and scrambled to move away from the Alpha’s hold. And when he
Let me go, I pushed my body up to run again, but he got hold of my ankle and pulled me
Back, making me fall face- down on the ground.
“Aaah!” I screamed as the pain hit my whole face. It was nothing I couldn’t
Manage, but it was still painful.
“Fuck!” I heard him growl before his hands gripped my arms and lifted me up, letting me
Sit on the ground. He was moving my body like I was just a rag doll and weighed
“Shit! Let me see!” His hand cupped my jaw as he scanned my face. And before I could
Even react, I saw his tongue sticking out as my eyes widened.
My hand flew to his face and I pushed him backward before I inched back from
Where I was seated.
“Did you just fucking shove my face? I’m just going to fucking heal your scratches! “He
Looked really annoyed now.
Scratches! Did he want to heal my
I knew an Alpha’s saliva could heal
Wounds and infections, but I didn’t need anything for just scratches!
“I will heal! No need to do that…” As much as I wanted his tongue all over my body, with
The revelation that the wolf’s ways were not taking effect on my body, I was scared his
Saliva wouldn’t heal me
And the last thing I wanted was for the Alpha to end up digging further into my
“Are you fucking disgusted with me?”
“Disgusted?” I hissed at him. This Alpha had totally lost it. “I sucked and rode your dick
And rubbed my pussy all over your face, and now you’re asking if I’m disgusted with
My chest heaved as I closed my eyes.
Relax, Taehyung. I forgot again that I shouldn’t be shouting at the Alpha.
“I’m sorry, Alpha. But I got terrified that you would mark me. You can’t do that.” I
Saw pain cross his eyes, but it was just for a flitting second before it turned cold.
“I just wanted to taste your blood.”
He might be telling the truth, but I just wanted to be safe. I was sure he knew what his
Mark could do to my wolf.
“I just thought you would mark me. They kept reminding us at the shifter school that we
Should never go through the marking ritual without a wolf. Or our wolf
Would never surface at all.”
“You think I didn’t know that?”
“I don’t know how your mind works, Alpha. But I wanted to have my wolf.”
“So you can find your mate? You want to find him.” His last statement was not a
I closed my eyes and pulled my knees against my chest. I wanted my wolf so I could
Find my mate because I believed he was my only gateway to saving my soul,
Like what the Goddess told me.
But since meeting Alpha JK, I didn’t know if I still wanted to find my mate as I did
Before. All I knew was, I wanted the Alpha and I wanted to eliminate my demon blood,
And I couldn’t do it if I became wolfless.
“Yes.” I was a coward. Instead of telling him the truth, I took the easiest way out.
I opened my eyes just in time to see his. Shoulders slumped before he rose to his feet.
“Go back to the packhouse. I can assure you I will never mark you.” His voice was cold,
And I felt empty again as I watched
Him walk away.
Just one day and this man had brought so many questions and confusion to my mind.
He was making me stray from my goal, and I knew it all along, yet I was just letting him.
I pressed and hugged my knees tighter against my chest as I rested my chin on it, rocking my body slightly while trying to
Understand myself and the Alpha. I was sure it was pain that I saw in his eyes – was he
Disappointed I wanted to look for my mate? Wasn’t he waiting for his mate too?
Pain hit my chest at the thought of the Alpha finding her. I didn’t want to see that day.
Was it the same thing he felt? Maybe the Alpha liked me as much as I liked him. But
Was it possible? He would never see me past my Omega rank.
“Taehyung, get up and go back to the
Packhouse. I don’t have all the time in the world to look after you.”
I rolled my eyes and pushed my body up, stomping as I walked double steps to catch up
With the Alpha.
“I don’t need a bodyguard. I can take care
Of myself.”
“Can you?” He stopped walking and faced
Me, making me halt my steps. “You always run away at the first sign of danger instead
Of facing it head-on.”
My eyes widened as my nose flared. I was never a coward and did he forget I was an
Omega? I was supposed to cower in front of him. But I knew I was just making an
Excuse because he was right, I was too scared to face him whenever he ended up
Being furious with me.
“Well, I’m sorry I disappointed you, Mr. Perfect, I’m-Not-Scared-Of-Anything, but you
Should see your face whenever
You’re furious! It was too much to scare an Omega who had no one to run to for help!
And I honestly don’t know what you
Want from me! You hate me when I state
My opinion and if I am being too aggressive, and now I am being ridiculed for running
Away like a coward! Make up your mind if you want a submissive or a
Dominant female, and just tell me so I can be one!” I snapped at him, my ears burning,
And I knew I might get a
Backlash soon, but it was too late to take
It all back now. So instead, I walked away from him and headed for the packhouse – hoping he would
Still let me stay after I disrespected him but preparing myself for the worst, knowing I
Might be thrown out at any
Moment now.

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