The Past|JeffBarcode

By Bank_Teresa

22.6K 1K 390

Something happened to Jeff in the past that forbids him to love again, but a young man comes along years late... More

Your Gaze Through The Window
The Lighter Of The Past
Between The Delirium
Measure Your Words
I Made My Decision
I Will Accept You
Amidst Kisses And Moans I...
The Boy From The Past
Hard Choice Part 1 🔞
Hard Choice Part 2🔞
I Swear If You....
No, Don't Look
The Tenth Message
Sunny Day... I Love You


1.1K 53 25
By Bank_Teresa

Preview of the previous chapter

Barcode: Keep it with you ... Let's make another promise... When you find another right person, give him or her this thread ... I hope you find the right person for you one day and give yourself a chance by eliminating your past forever... I love you P'Jeff... Goodbye.


As soon as Barcode leaves the terrace, Jeff walks to the short wall, puts a hand on the short wall and squeezes tightly, he wanted to go after Barcode but he couldn't, thinking that it's too late to retreat and go after him, thinking that this separation is the best thing for both of them, Barcode is important to him, because of this Jeff didn't want to make Barcode suffer even more, because at this moment Jeff doesn't know what he wants, wanting to shed tears but he holds them back.

Jeff thinking : the worst part is you are innocent in all of this, i'm in the dark and you were giving me everything i would need to get out... i didn't see i was losing you... i didn't realize i was hurting you , I'm sorry... I put you through hell, you tried to love me when I hate myself, I know it's too late for apologies, for all the mistakes I hadn't seen, it's my fault.... now i'm alone again.... usually i'm the one to get burned... i hope you're ok, someone will love you the way i couldn't.

Barcode leaves the terrace, opens the terrace door, closes it and puts his back to the door, puts a hand over his mouth to hold back his tears, he didn't want to leave Jeff he didn't want to do what he did but it's what's best for his soul, as much as it hurts, Barcode saw that he needed it he needs some time to see if it helps to stay by the side of this man who is trapped by the past.

Barcode: Sorry... I'm sorry... Sorry.

Barcode takes out the hand of his mouth and walks away.

Jeff still looking at the buildings, looked down the building, in the silence, with pain in his eyes and in his soul he saw Barcode leave the building turn and look up towards him, seeing the sad eyes looking also with pain at him.

Talay approaches from the side, looks at Barcode, sad for both of them.

Talay: Are you okay with this?

Jeff watching Barcode turn his back and walk away as soon as Talay asks him this question.

Jeff: Learn something Talay... Difficult is not fighting for what you want, but giving up what you love most...

Talay: Do you really want to give up on him, knowing you love him?! Don't you think you're being too cruel to yourself?

Jeff: This is what's best for both of us... At the moment I'm not ready yet... I need to know what I feel, to know if I really love him... Put my thoughts and feelings in the right direction... Right now my thoughts are in a mess, and I can't make Barcode suffer anymore for an idiot like me... He doesn't deserve this... we both don't deserve any of this.

Jeff turns and starts walking towards the door, Talay turns and looks at him as he walks.

Talay: I hope you organize well and that it's not too late.

Jeff doesn't say anything, Jeff goes to his house, enters the bedroom and looks on the bed, he remembers something that happened a few months ago.


Barcode: Calm down, I'm here... I'll take care of you...( Jeff just woke up from a nightmare again, Barcode had gone to visit Jeff's house but ended up sleeping at his house because of the heavy rain, with lightning strikes, Barcode grabbing Jeff from the side and hugging him, stroking his hair from behind with one hand ) ... I know you're scared .... but you'll never be alone from now on ... I'll be with you until dawn, I'll be by your side watching over your dreams, my love I'm right here... I'll hold you until you feel better...

I will hold you until you feel better

I will hold you until you feel better

Jeff stops remembering.

Let a tear fall, phrase repeating in the mind several times.

In the dark of his bedroom, Jeff has just realized that Barcode is too important to him.

Jeff: I should have known that in the dark I'm too dumb to see you...

Barcode still didn't go to his house, he went to the sea, looking in the dark at what the sea was at the moment, hugging himself and remembering.


Smiles sounds

Barcode and Jeff are walking in the middle of the fair, Barcode smiling he saw a couple holding hands in front of him, Barcode stopped smiling a little, wanting to do the same but at the moment he thought he shouldn't, Jeff saw what happened, slowly jeff grabs in Barcode's hand and interlaces both hands, Barcode looks sideways saw jeff looking forward without looking at him, surprised at what Jeff just did stopped being surprised, smiled happily when he felt both hands intertwined and doing the same as the couple in front of the two.

Barcode and Jeff after having the conversation in front of the fireworks, after Barcode gives him a kiss on the cheek, Jeff starts walking, Barcode follows behind smiling, suddenly Barcode stops and widens his eyes.

Two soft lips touching each other.

Jeff just surprise kisses Barcode by turning quickly and grabbing the side of his face grabbing his jaw with just one hand, kisses gently, rolls his lips just once and lets go, looks into Barcode's surprised eyes.

Jeff: That's for the surprise kiss on the cheek.

Jeff turns his back giving a smirk as soon as he turns around, Barcode remains silent and very surprised with Jeff.

The two go to the beach with Talay as soon as they leave the fair, is night, but the sea and wet sand can be seen clearly, Talay was behind the two talking on the phone with Jesse, Barcode is smiling and playing with putting footprints in the sand, Jeff with both hands in his pocket looking at him smiling a little without showing that he is smiling because of Barcode's happiness looking like a child.

Barcode grabs both of Jeff's hands suddenly and pulls him talking at the same time.

Barcode: Come play with me too P'jeff... It's fun...

Jeff: Wait, you're going to drop me by pulling me like this... I don't feel like it.

Two days pass

Falling rain

Jeff and Barcode have a coat over their heads, the rainwater is falling on Barcode's shoulder, Jeff saw it, grabbed Barcode's shoulder turned him around and hugged him, putting the coat over Barcode, hiding Barcode's face on his chest and get wet in the middle of this process.

The two are awkwardly embracing in the middle of the rain.

Barcode didn't notice that Jeff was getting wet while he didn't, he just smiled and was happy to smell the rain and Jeff's smell mingling together, with both hands gripping Jeff's chest tightly, with an unforgettable feeling.

Another day passes.

Jeff: Why are you smiling? Lately you don't stop smiling!.

Barcode and Jeff again in front of the sea, but this time with the sun going down.

Barcode looking into the sunset, kind of happy looking, smiling a little.

Barcode: coloring empty space, kissing in a crowded place, standing in the summer rain intertwined in strange ways, footprints along the sand, a new but familiar taste... As if I'm feeling it all over again in this very moment. .. ( Barcode looks sideways at Jeff, happy to be beside the man he loves) .... The universe brought us together, I trust everything that brought me this far to you ... I will not lose. .. (Note: Barcode refers to Gameplay... Barcode kisses Jeff in surprise on the lips, looks into Jeff's eyes).... If love is what I feel, then it's not wrong to want the world to someone, this feeling is not a feeling you or I can run away from... because we love who we love, so let what we have now happen...

: Why are you crying?!

Jeff: I'm expecting someone very important to me who is sick, and you?... Why is such a cute boy like you doing here in this hospital?!

: I'm sick too... I came to heal my wound... Don't stay like that, the person you're waiting for will be fine.... Look! I have something that will do you good... My mommy gave it to me... She told me that whenever I'm sad just hold on tight and think of her... she said hold on tight, close your eyes that she'll always be there my side... The boy takes it out of his pants pocket and puts it in front of Jeff... This thread is my lucky thread... Here, it's for you... The person you're waiting for will always be there and by your side... you just have to think hard about the name of your special person..

Jeff: This is a very nice lucky thread... But this thread is yours... You should keep it, not me...

Barcode: No... You can keep it... Let's promise something... If one day I meet you and I see that the person you care about is fine... Then I'll ask for my lucky thread back , It's ok?...

Jeff: Okay! I promise... Thanks for your lucky necklace... What's your name?!


Barcode:Mom...! I'm going now...

: P'Pond!...

Pond: Hmm!.

Barcode: Who?! Who is this man looking at us through the window?!

Pond: This is the owner of this studio, the person who will produce your music... He's Jeff Satur... Shall we go in?! It's very windy here!!... Let's go nong...

Barcode: Jeff Satur! His name is Jeff Satur....!

Barcode: nice to meet you I'm...

Stopping remembering.

Barcode looking into the void, with a nostalgic look, feeling alone a little happy for remembering unforgettable memories, but letting tears of sadness fall.

Barcode: the heart beats fast... How to be brave? How can I love you with you stuck in the past? I die every day waiting for you, for your love... I loved you for so many years and I will love you for more years... Time stands still, the beauty of having met you nine years ago... All this time I believed I would find you... Time brought your heart to me, you to me... But now the time of the past has taken you from me.

This day ended, and with it a week passed.

Jeff started going to Barcode University to see him.

Jeff leaning against the car a little far from the university and the entrance to the university, sees a body of the young man leaving the university with a not very happy look and trying to smile at his friend William. Barcode turns his face to the side when he feels the presence of someone he loves, Jeff quickly turns his back so as not to be noticed by Barcode, Barcode sees a man from the back with a black hat and a black coat in the distance, sadly realizes that it is not Jeff, Barcode looks ahead and remembers the first day Jeff visited the university he is at.


Barcode: P'Jeff and P'Talay?! What are you two doing here?!... (Barcode looks at Jeff).... P'Jeff are you better already?!

Talay: We came to pinck you up...

Barcode: pinck me up ?! For what?!

Jeff: We have to pick up where we left off... Let's go to the studio... Do you still have classes?

Barcode giving a slight smile.

Barcode: hmm! I don't have... But... You know you didn't have to come here right?! I have a phone and I might as well go to the studio alone...

Barcode stops remembering and smiles, Jeff and Talay were embarrassed that day. William sees Barcode's smile confused by him smiling so suddenly.

William: why are you smiling?!

Barcode with a hand covering his lips, still smiling a little.

Barcode: Nothing! I'm remembering something funny... Come on I have to finish what I was doing.

William: Do you really want to do this? Think well Barcode...

Sad Barcode walking leaving William behind him.

Barcode: I need to disappear, being here won't make me forget about him.

Barcode walking with William Jeff turns and looks at him again, realizing what he is doing and feeling like a stalker.

Jeff: What am I doing here?!...

Jeff leaves the front of the university, and goes to the studio, when he arrives he finds Talay and Pond, he sees the concern in Pond's eyes.

Jeff: What's going on here?!

Talay worried.

Talay: N'Barcode canceled the contract.. he doesn't want to have anything to do with the studio anymore and with the song or the MV... he said we can give the copyright of the song to anyone we can find...

Jeff didn't say anything after hearing this from Talay, Pond wanting to know Barcode's motives for doing this.

Pond: But what happened to him having this decision?! Y'all know why?!

Jeff still doesn't say anything instead, Jeff turns his back and walks out of the studio room, Talay can't explain in Pond because Pond doesn't know of Jeff's relationship with Barcode.

Two hours pass Jeff is sitting on the terrace floor next to the short wall, with his elbows resting on his knees, touching his forehead with the hand on the same arm, thinking and remembering the young man who used to be his boyfriend


The two across the road.

Barcode: So does that mean we're dating now?!...

Jeff: Draw your own conclusions boy.

Barcode: Oh! Hey! What do you mean by that p'... I don't understand... P'...

Jeff crosses the road in front of the restaurant, stops, Barcode bumps his forehead on Jeff's back, Jeff turns around worried touches the forehead where Barcode touched when feeling pain.

Jeff: watch out! Are you ok?!..

Barcode is happy for Jeff's concern, even though it's the day that Gameplay died, Jeff is able to worry about him.

Barcode: I'm fine! Thank you for worrying about me... Even though it's the day that.... I'm sorry I shouldn't talk about...

Barcode is a little sad when he remembers that this day is not for him to be happy. Jeff sighs when he sees Barcode trying not to mention Gameplay and getting sad, Jeff takes his hand away.

Jeff: You're my boyfriend now, of course I'll worry about you... Don't think too much... I'm hungry..

Jeff turns his back and walks to the door of the restaurant, Barcode lifts his head and looks at Jeff walking to the door of the restaurant, Barcode smiles happy to hear that from Jeff, Jeff turns and looks at the smile and the bright look of the young man who is a little far from him, this smile was the brightest on a rainy and not very happy day for Jeff.

Stopping remembering.

Jeff remembering this smile and this moment, realized and completely cleared his doubts, but the fear remains, the fear of losing Barcode's love little by little is now making Jeff fall into another dark hole.

Jeff: Why did it take me so long to forget my doubts? I don't know why I'm scared... I've been through this before, every feeling every word... You're the only one I want...

At the same moment that Jeff realizes how much he loves Barcode, Barcode is sitting in a green garden next to a small lake inside the city of bangkok, with his legs drawn up, with his arms crossed over his knee and his face hidden between his arms, thinking about the love and how much he suffered but was happy beside the man he loves.

Barcode: I feel the world collapsing.... But after all I've been through, love is still with me... It's been breaking me, breaking me deep down.... I'm tired of all the wasted nights.. I think of all the months you cried because of him, because of you two...

While Barcode cries curled up, the two think at the same time, Jeff on the terrace sitting next to the short wall and remembering Barcode's smile and Barcode sitting next to the lake remembering the happy and sad moments he had with Jeff.

Jeff: Tell me how you do it, I can hardly breathe?... With a smile you have, you have the best of me.. and all I want is to give you my all...

Barcode: tell me how you do it, how you bring me back, you bring me back to life and then, make my heartbeat stop? I can't control it..

Jeffbarcode: I don't know why... But whenever I look and remember your eyes I see a reason to live, and yes, I love you.

This day of sad and lifeless thoughts of the two ended, with this day two days passed.

Jeff went to Barcode's university again but this time not to observe him from afar but to tell Barcode that he loves him and wants to get back together with him. Jeff is waiting and looking for Barcode as soon as he sees the university students leave the university entrance, Jeff is not seeing Barcode and it has been twenty minutes, this is the time that Barcode left the university.

William: What are you doing here?!... (Jeff turns when he hears someone's voice, he notes that it is Barcode's friend that he always saw beside Barcode, William know about Jeff, Barcode already shown to him over the phone).... .. If you're looking for P'Barcode, he isn't here...

Jeff not knowing what William is talking about.

Jeff: Isn't here?! He didn't come today?!

William sighs, the man in front of him is the man who is making his best friend suffer.

William: He changed universities and changed countries... He went to live in Korea.

Jeff widened his eyes, not accepting that what William said was true, that Barcode preferred to drop what they have with each other forever.

Jeff: What did you say?! It's not possible... N'Barcode wouldn't do that...

William tired of looking at Jeff, bored.

William: Yes, it's possible... And I think, no, I'm in favor of what he did... Being here only made him suffer, everything hurts him, everything reminds him of you... He did well, so he will forget a love that was never his.

William got out of front of Jeff and walked away. Jeff was left with nothing to do, no reaction at the moment, now that he is sure of his feelings for Barcode, Barcode disappears from his eyes.

Jeff left university and went to Barcode's house, Jeff meets Creamy Barcode's older sister, and she said the same as William to Jeff, Barcode left and left him and the memories with him.

Jeff left Barcode's house and went to the studio, Jeff stayed on the terrace that day until the next day in the same position without leaving the position, standing with his arms crossed looking at the horizon, as if he wasn't there, as if the life was passing him by and he was not realizing it.

Jeff thinking: I set fire to the only thing that showed me the way out of the dark... Don't say it's over, I don't want to believe it... Because now I've opened my eyes and found a way to breathe... I had to lose everything to understand how much I love you.

Talay is behind Jeff, worried about him, not knowing what's going on, Talay doesn't know that Barcode has gone far away.

Talay: Jeff?!

Jeff without stopping looking at the sunset, Jeff spent almost two days on the terrace.

Jeff: I'm going to confess that I gave up on him because of so much crazy love ....Even dying for not being able to say it, I suffocated my pain ... I love him from the first day I saw him ... Gameplay!... You for sure already noticed nine years ago ... I no longer loved him before what happened to him ... he felt it, he knew that I no longer loved him ... I felt guilty I felt like the worst person what could it be... I blamed myself for him having that accident, I blamed myself for him dying knowing that I no longer loved him... I didn't want to accept that I fell in love with N'Barcode that first day I saw him... I felt that day he pulled me out, of the hole I put myself in a long time ago... I saw the same look from that boy nine years ago, I didn't notice at first that he was the boy from the past.... I can't believe I met him chance of destiny... Something brought him and put him in my path to show me that I'm nothing without him... Barcode from the beginning was my hope, it's my light, and now... Because of me, again... I'm losing the one true love.

Talay didn't say anything, he remained silent, he knew that Jeff no longer loved Gameplay since a long time before the accident, Jeff spent all these years blaming himself for his death, and blaming himself for having stopped loving Gameplay and not having been honest with Gameplay about his feelings.

Jeff thinking about Barcode and letting a tear fall: the moment you thought I didn't love you was exactly the moment I loved you for both of us.. sorry for being what I am.

A month passed.

Jeff is sitting in the hall where he heard that the boy from the past is Barcode, elbows on his knees, thinking about how much he misses and how insincere he was with himself and Barcode. Barcode is in Korea, sitting on a bench in the middle of a beautiful garden in Korea, leaning down and covering his face with both hands thinking about Jeff again and missing him.

The two thinking together.

Jeff: I remember when I first met you, I didn't want to fall in love, I felt my hands tremble, because you looked so beautiful...

Barcode: I remember when you kissed me in your bedroom while you were feverish... I knew you were the one, my hands were shaking when you touched me with your rough hands...

Jeff : With you, I fall, it's like I'm leaving all my past in silhouettes on the wall, with you, I'm a mess... You're my favorite part of me, with you by my side i had nothing to fear, now we're apart forever.

Barcode: Without you, I feel broken, like I'm half of a whole, without you, I have no hand to hold, without you, I feel torn, without you, I'm just a sad song..

Jeff: Are you going to call me to let me know you're okay? 'Cause I worry about you all night... I can't sleep... I won't sleep until you're safe inside...

It's been four months

Jeff in the studio alone, going through life not forgetting Barcode, even sadder than he was before without Barcode appearing in his life.

Jeff thinking: Trying not to need you is wearing me down, I can't see the bright side from up here, I just keep trying to forget about you... I try not to love you anymore, but every day that passes just makes me love you more yet....

More than a month passed

Jeff with Talay in the studio, Talay not stopping talking as usual and Jeff just sitting in the chair looking at the computer as if he was working but his thoughts are far away, Talay's voice fades out to Jeff as if he's just listening a muffled voice.

Jeff thinking: I try to be happy but sometimes it's hard, life seems to happen before my eyes... Because I feel like I'm not here, because my head is somewhere else... You found me in a hole, that I opened up to myself when I'm nervous... I don't feel like I'm myself, I can't help being selfish... when are you coming back?

Another month passed.

Jeff on the terrace remembering Barcode again and again and again, as if he were replaying the days and memories.


Barcode: Don't worry about what I am, but what I'm capable of! I am capable of loving you a lot.... True feelings are not planned... They happen... I love you p'jeff.

Jeff looking at Barcode's smile saying this, while the two are on the terrace with the wind blowing in both of them and flying with their hair, Jeff sighs and closes his eyes upon hearing that.

Jeff: I know that.

Stopping remembering.

Jeff clasps both hands over the short wall, looking up at the buildings and cars on the road.

Jeff: You're everything I never knew I needed, and the heart sometimes isn't clear because it's beating... this time we're spending apart is like knives in my chest... it hurts... it hurts like hell.

Two months passed.

Jeff is next to the window of his bedroom, in the dark, he stops looking at the window and looks behind him, suddenly he sees as if the night had turned to day and he sees Barcode in his bed waking up after a night of love, the sun tap on the tender skin of the young man lying on the bed.

Suddenly the day he sees darkens and he realizes he is in the same bedroom and the bed is empty, Jeff tilts his head down and looks out the window again, missing the little young man.

Jeff: I miss you so much, I live for you... I will never give up hope of finding you, kissing your mouth, feeling your touch... your lips on mine, your breath, looking into your eyes, hugging thank you for being part of my life... I live dreaming of your smile, of your eyes, of our reunion, but if that never happens, I'll keep dreaming of you... Because I prefer the illusion of dreams than the reality of living with your longing...

Following day.

Jeff is at a fair with Talay, Jesse and Apo, the three are talking smiling happily while Jeff is looking at a couple who are holding hands, Jeff remembering that he was also like this hand in hand with a small body, at a fair like this with a smile full of life and love.

Jeff thinking: so many moments that are strange today, your smell, your laughter and your joy... Things pass and so is love... So many couples are making love today, and tonight I'm without you, without yours love.... so many promises that are erased today, and I know why... Because love is dying... I wanted to stop time with your eyes seeing me, with that smile you always gave me... I needed more time to tell you how much I love you, but time cannot be borrowed.

How you shattered this heart, which only beat at the sound of your voice...

Three months passed.

Jeff is in the cemetery, looking at Gameplay headstone, not crying just with a vacant look.

Jeff: Sorry Gameplay... I'm sorry for not being honest with you... For not telling you that I didn't love you anymore... I fell in love with someone else... I didn't want to break the bond that united us, but ... I love him ... And now, once again I've lost someone important to me.... everything that gets closer to me goes away... I know you are not happy to see me like this .. You have always been an understanding and loving young man.

Jeff places a white rose next to the tombstone, turns around, when he suddenly sees the image of Gameplay but next to Barcode with both of them smiling, looks sideways and sees Gameplay next to him smiling, Gameplay lightly and slowly puts a hand and covers Jeff's eyes, Jeff sees the image of Barcode smiling happily at him as soon as his eyes were covered, Gameplay takes his hand away and looks forward, surprised Jeff looks in the direction that Gameplay looked and sees Barcode smiling at him and putting one hand forward, standing a little away from him.

Jeff looks sideways and doesn't see Gameplay anymore, he looks forward see Barcode, goes to him smiling but stops smiling when he sees Barcode image disappear.

Jeff remembering.

Jeff: Why do you insist on wanting to suffer by my side?! Why do you want to save me in this dark hole I chose to stay? The two of us are so different....

Barcode: Because I think I saved myself by wanting to save you.

Jeff: So be it, I'll let you guide my way cause I'm not thinking straight.... I will accept you and accept your help.... But don't expect too much from me.... can you come to my rescue?

Jeff stops remembering, letting tears fall, suffering so much for Barcode, he never thought he would suffer this much for someone, Gameplay do not pass of the immense pain he is feeling right now.

Jeff crying: Barcode... Our love is hurt... there are so many things that only we know what brought me here... our moments, our fights, our crazy oath... Your goodbye that day made me die inside, Barcode... You filled my whole life with pain again... You took my life, and all my wants... You don't know how important you was... The desolation came again and with more strength because of you.

With this day, joining the previous ones, a year, one week and three days passed.

Jeff and Barcode were separated during this whole time.

Talay is in the hallway of the studio.

Trim trim

His phone rings.

Talay looks at the phone and doesn't know who the caller is, it's an unknown number.

Talay answers.

Tala: Hello!..who is this?!

: It's me P'Talay.. Barcode.

Talay super surprised, happy to hear Barcode's voice.

Talay: N'Barcode! N'Barcode is that you?! Is it really you?!...

Barcode smiles on hearing the usual Talay.

Barcode: yes it's me!... How is P'?!..

Talay: I'm fine... You tell me, what have you been doing with your life?! How have you been?! It's been a year... I miss you.

Barcode: I'm back... I'm here in Bangkok...

Talay talking loud.

Talay: Really?! Are you here?!... You came back... But why?! ... (Sad Talay thought of Jeff).. Did you come back for him?

Barcode hearing the last question got sad, several years may pass, love remains intact, but Barcode does not answer the last question.

Barcode: I came back to finish classes here... And because my mother is not in good health, she needs me...

Talay noting that Barcode doesn't want to talk about Jeff.

Talay: And when can I see you?! I want to see you... I miss you so much, it's been a long time..

Barcode: Let's see each other... I'm still a little busy... But I'll be free tomorrow...

Talay: Tomorrow?! Okay.. so I'll send you the location where we're going to meet, okay with you?!

Barcode: Sure... I'll wait...

Talay hangs up the phone and goes into the studio room, doesn't say anything to Jeff about Barcode.

Barcode in his bedroom as soon as Talay hangs up the phone he goes to the window looks out the window and thinks about Jeff for the thousandth time.

Barcode: your memory is ecstasy...I miss you more than anything in this life...From all my airs and graces, to the little things I do, it's all useless without you...

This day passed the other arrived.

Trim Trim.

Message sound.

Barcode sees the message and it's from Talay, saying where they're meeting.

Barcode goes in this place that Talay indicated.

When he arrived, he was surprised, the place is a luxurious hotel.

He entered the hotel, the receptionist received him, Barcode went to a hotel restaurant, but when he arrived at the restaurant he did not find Talay instead he saw someone very familiar, surprised.

Barcode: P'Vincent?! What is P' doing here?!..

Vincent sitting on a sofa in the restaurant with a glass of wine in his hand, he gets up from the sofa.

Vincent: I heard you're back and you're coming to this hotel, so I'm here... I miss you, it's been a long time.

Barcode still surprised and suspicious, surprised not to see anyone in such a fancy restaurant and not to see Talay, only to see Vincent alone.

Barcode: Where's P'Talay?! I arranged with him, but I don't see him!... Why does this restaurant have no one p'?!.

Vincent: Because I booked it for the two of us.


I hope you enjoyed today's chapter😊

Sorry for always taking two weeks to post, the chapters I write are long, and I write in two languages ​​so it takes time to finish and rectify each chapter, and because in addition to being a writer, I have my personal life that requires my effort day after day, because I'm a nurse, sometimes I barely have time to even pick up the phone, I write Fanfic over the phone when I'm at nursing work, but in fact I've always written over the phone I don't have a computer and I don't like computers😅

Next chapter, no date set😚

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