The Man At The Bar •Pedro Pa...


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What happens when y/n meets a beautiful man named Pedro Pascal during a night of heartbreak. Stay tuned. More

aUtHoRs nOtE


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I jump up from my wake up for work alarm on my phone blasting in my ear, making me groan and whine in my pillow.

"Ughhhhh shut uppp!!!" I say frustrated but really tired. I grab my phone off my nightstand and I stop my alarm. Throwing it beside me as I'm still laying down in bed. I groan rubbing my eyes and I sit up then stand up and start stretching.

"Mmmmm" I let out as I'm stretching my arms.

Finally when I'm done stretching my out body, I walk into my bathroom to get ready for the day. I start the shower and I remove all my clothes hopping right into the shower.

The warm/hot water hits my tired and drained body from yesterday, and it feels like heaven. I let the water hit my face to wake me up some more.

• • •

After a few minutes off letting my body soaking under the water, I started to bath and wash myself humming to a song I love to hum in the shower every morning.

After a few more minutes, I turn off the shower and I gets out wrapping a big towel around me. I walk up to the sink and grab my toothbrush. I put some toothpaste on my brush and start to brush my teeth. After I was finished brushing my teeth I started to do my skin routine.

• • •

I walk out the bathroom and go back into my room. I walk straight into my walk in closet to look for some clothes for work.

I grab my all black women suit that i love and I walk out my closet and lay it on the bed. As soon as I was about to put on my feminine products, my boyfriend. calls. Which makes me instantly smile.

His name is Damon, he's 40 years old. He's so handsome and smart, he has a very kind heart and so very loyal. And he loves me which is the best part. And he's a CEO of his law firm.

I love him so deeply and hes literally the man that I want to spend my whole life with. I answer the phone with a cheerful "helloo".

I can feel him smiling over the phone when I said it, then he responds, "Heyy, how's my love doing?"

"I'm great, I'm just missing you that all... really glad you called because you've been so busy." I say a little sad because I missed him. "Awww baby, I know and I'm sorry, I promise I'll see you soon. It's just this case is taking longer than I thought. But once I finally see you I'm gonna spoil the hell out of you."

I giggle and smile, "okay baby, I believe every word. I can't wait to see you."

He chuckles, "same baby, same. But I'm gonna call you when I'm on break, I have to get back on this case."

I whine, "awww, okay I love you baby." I sigh knowing I'm gonna miss his voice after this.

"Love you too." He says then he hangs up.

I put my phone down on the nightstand so I can start putting on my feminine hygiene.

• • •

I have my suit and heels on, I was almost finished. The only thing I had to do now was do my hair. I decided to let my curls hang today. I grab my spray bottle and moisturizer off my hair product self and started to spray the water in my hair then putting in the moisturizer. I picked up my bush and started to brush through my hair kinda detangling my and making them more coily and curly.

And I was finally finished. I put all my hair stuff back on the shelf. Then I walk to my bed grabbing my phone and work bag. Then I walk downstairs grab my keys off the keys holder and started to walk to the door.

I open the door and walk out the house then I close it behind me and I lock the door. Then I start to head to my car.

• • •

I smile greeting all my coworkers walking to my office. I open my office door and i walk in the closes it behind me sitting my work bag on the floor and sitting my phone on my work desk.

I sit at my desk, trying to see what I have to do for today, looking through all my files and I realized that I finished all my work and all my file.

Once i look through all my finished work, my boss knocks and opens my office door and he walks in.

"Ms. l/n, you have no work to do today, you go home. You have an off day." He says with a chuckle.

"Day off- wait really?" I say actually surprise that I actually had a day off because of my finished work.

"Yes you have a day off, I mean you finished all of the most important work, so go get yourself this break you need it."

"But I have a one week vacation with my boyfriend soon this week, he's gonna be off in a few days." I say making a reasoning to him.

"Well take those few days off you deserve it you're so hardworking, and you need those extra three day." He says ignoring everything I just said.

"Okay thank you so much, Mr. Lee". I say grabbing
my work bag and phone. I get out of my seat and walks out my office, heading out the building.

And I had the best idea, I can go visit my boyfriend Damon.

• • •

I finally pull up at his firm and I get out my car walking to the building excited to see him after a few weeks.

I walk into the building and I walk up to the front desk lady and I tell her that I'm here for Damon. I sigh the visiting papers then I go to the elevator.

I get in the elevator and press the number of his floor. Once I make it on his floor, I walk out the elevator and I start making my way to Damon office.

I smile when I see his office, I walk to his door and I open it. But instead of my smile growing more it immediately fades away.

A tear falls from my eye. Seeing my boyfriend Damon fucking his assistant on the desk.

"WHAT THE FUCK!!!" I yell pissed and heart broken.

They jump up in panic because they were caught. The assistant pull up her underwear and pulls down her dress, and Damon pulls up his pants fixing them.

"Shit, shit y/n it's not what it looks like." He says walking up to me trying to grab me.

But instead of backing up and moving away. I punched him right in the nose breaking then I punch the bitch in her face knocking her out.


"Wait, y/n WAIT!" Damon yell. But i ignore him.

• • •

I'm driving crying, hurting so much, that he lied to me and broke my heart. I look up seeing a bar that I'm pulling up to and I decided to go to get my mind off it, so park in the bar parking lot and I get out the car walking into the bar wiping eyes so I wouldn't look crazy.

I walk up to the bar and I sit on a stool. The bartender walks to my direction.

"You new?" The bartender ask pouring vodka into a shot glass and sliding it to the customer who asked for it. She looked like she's been working at this bar for a while.

I clear my throat so it wouldn't sound like a was crying or anything then I responded, "umm yeah."

She smiles, "it's nice to meet you, I'm Tess and I'll be your bartender this afternoon. What would you like?" She says putting ice in my glass. It's like she knew what I was about to ask for.

"My names y/n and I would like a whiskey".

Before I could even blink the glass was already in front of me. She looks at me reading me and reading what had happened to me today.

"I don't mean to invade you privacy or any but are you okay, and what happened". She's asks me a little concerned because of my red puffy eyes.

I was trying not to cry but I didn't. "Um" my voice cracks and Tess put her hand on top of my hand trying to comfort me.

• • •

We talk for a hour but after that she had to get back to work, I got her number and she told me I could call her anytime.

I chug my shot and a random but beautiful man sits right next to me and he's smells amazing. Tess looks up at sees him and smiles.

She must have known him for a while, "pedroooo Heyy, the usual." She says smiling pouring his drink into the glass and passes it to him.

He smiles, "it's good to see you Tess." He says laughing. Tess looks at me and looks at Pedro. "Hey Pedro this is y/n". He's turns in my direction and looks at me and smiles.

"Hey y/n, I'm Pedro Pascal . Well ig you already know that." He's chuckles, I could hear his Chilean accent come out when he said his name.

I zone out looking at all his perfect features, his smile and dimples. The way he keeps eye contact with me and his laugh.

Tess snaps her finger in my face to get me out my trance seeing this beautiful man. "Oh sorry, I'm just going through a lot today. I'm y/n l/n." He looks me up and down biting his lip. "That's a beautiful name for a beautiful woman."

I smiles and laugh, "why Ty Mr. Pascal, you're not so bad yourself." He scoffs fixing his hair licking his lips fixing his leather jacket then manspreads with his back on the counter.

"Mami I know I'm not bad, I'm hot. The ladies can't takes their hands and eyes off this". He says acting funny cocky.

Tess playfully rolls her eyes, "you're such a charmer pascal."

I laugh at both of them and I drink some of Pedro martini. He gasps fake offended with his hand over his chest.

Not gonna lie, i didn't know what was going on with me but this man made me want him and want to know more about him.

"Oops sorry, the drink is really good." I say trying not to laugh but keeping my character.

He's looks away from fake mad, and I went with it. I grabbed his hand and held it. I felt a spark but I ignore it. "I'm sorryyyy, please forgive me." I begged him.

"Nope, never." He says kinda breaking character. I gets up and stand in front of him, he's still has his back against the bar counter manspreading then I put both of my hand behind him on the counter inches away from his face.

"Would you forgive me if you dance with me, please." I say picking his head up by his chin with my index finger so we can keep eye contact.

He smiles, "fineeee come on mami, we'll be back tess." He says then winks at Tess. I grab his hand and pulls him the guide him to the dance floor.

I put my finger in his belt loop pulling him close to me. Staring each other in the eyes not taking our eyes off each other. I turn around pressing my body on him grinding on him, he holding my waist throwing his head back.

"You smell so good mami." He says whispering in my ear then tease kissing my neck."

I started to want him more and more. I couldn't take it no more then I faced him and kisses him. He hesitated at but he deepened the kiss. He pulled me closer holding my ass squeezing.

I moan in his mouth and he groans breaking the kiss. "I need you, you want to do this love." He says licking his lips.

I didn't think at all I just grabbed his hand and we walked out the bar.

• • •

A/n: I feel like this chapter is dumb idk, y'all may think the same thing or maybe not. But I hope you guys enjoyed this first chapter of the book. If there's any typos in the chapter go back to the author's note. Kk love you guys❤️

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